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Group 3 Research Assignment:

Empirical it is a way of gaining new knowledge by means of direct and indirect

observation or experience.

Now, it is normal for the researchers into being skeptic about things involved in
their studies. (skeptic doubt as to the truth of something.)
Were not just merely basing our answers to the facts that weve been reading.
Because as for these facts are also a merely product of research.

Yes, almost everything written in our books already have scientific basis, but who
knows that a long-term truth would change soon over perhaps as time passes.
For example, the tongue has specific taste zones, which we have been believing
until now since when we were like Grade 3, but the tongue actually doesnt have a
specific receptor areas for bitter, sour, salty, and sweet flavors, In fact, there is a
fifth taste called umami for savory/ or meat flavors. And in addition to, all zones
of the tongue can sense all the flavors.

I know youll say that this is like what Ive just read in articles, and that really
wont make difference. But if you want to confirm this fact, the research was
carried out by scientists at Columbia University reported by BBC News Website, a
Health News Org.

Going back to Empiricism, we tend to use Empirical evidences, which can be

proven quantitatively or qualitatively. Now, the questions for your research
proposals can be answered with the evidences or datas collected.

Thats where the characteristics of a researcher comes in. I believe that justifying
the points which you want to clear was not just by assessing all the tabulated facts
you already knew, but it is also within your natural and personal perception on a
topic. Just like the catchphrase To see is to believe.
Logical Promptly, what first came into our minds when we heard this term is of
course the logic behind every simple and trivial researches. I guess this is where
deductive and inductive reasoning takes over.

In order for us to arrive at a logical answer, we should also have a valid and logical
reasoning enough to support the structure of our researches.

We cant just say that because an information is generally known as a fact, we

would not consider its other factors. Hence, we have to try minimizing those
substantial and preliminary informations from general to specific which is
deductive, and vice versa from an already concise data to considering its relative
factors that is also involved which would be inductive.

Say for instance, there are theories that already secludes your selected topic, it will
be easier for you to carry out a hypothesis, but it doesnt end like that.

You have to firstly conduct an observation if your background study is still

relevant to your hypothesis, then that will lead to the last phrase which is

To sum it all up, Theory, Hypothesis, Observation, and Confirmation are the
essentials for a logical research.
Analytical Starting off from the root word of analytical which is to analyze
a Research work involves critical thinking and skill in figuring out the validity and
the relevance of the statistics to the study.

Anonymous said, A person has to be able to effectively pull out small details to
form greater assumptions about the material.

Meaning we have to strip down or deconstruct all of those big piles of

informations into bits that might result to the affiliation of greater and susceptible
assumptions, which can provide a clearer and smooth research write-up
especially it should be presented with clarity.

Cyclical For cyclical it is within in the sense that the answers we get from
research often leads to more questions, which is eventually like a cycle process, in
a way that he study never ends until its very roots and foundation has been entirely

I know somewhat that there is Discussion section in a research write-up, where

youll cite what are still needed to be improved and focused, by deepening the datas
that was first laid out on the previous research.

Thats why cyclical for us, is considered as one of the nature and characteristic of
a research.
Critical As for critical, we should always take into consideration that in
conducting a research study, everything needs to be taken as a serious matter.

Intensified arguments and little misconceptions in your study might result into an
instant failure, so being careful and doing it lightheartedly will increase the
effectivity of your own critics and judgements.

Clutching everything with precision is a basic element on how youll end up with a
good write-up.

Replicability In terms of replicability, being economical must be the

initial intention of the study so it can be reproduced and replicated

Researchers often deal with the replication crisis subsequent to the

investigation. Since the reproducibility factor of experiments is an
essential part of the scientific method.

The inability to replicate the studies of some researchers might

potentially grave consequences for many fields of science in which
significant theories are grounded on unreproducible experimental work.

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