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Int. J. Miner. Process.

84 (2007) 310 320

Modern SEM-based mineral liberation analysis

Rolf Fandrich , Ying Gu, Debra Burrows, Kurt Moeller
JKTech Pty Ltd, Isles Rd, Indooroopilly QLD 4068, Australia
Received 31 March 2006; received in revised form 24 July 2006; accepted 31 July 2006
Available online 5 October 2006


Modern digital mine planning, plant design and mineral processing operations demand detailed characterisation of the ore and
plant feed. Textural parameters, such as mineral liberation size and mineral association, combine with modal mineralogy data to
strongly influence mineral processing conditions and recovery. Traditionally, the measurement of these ore characteristics
employed the tools of an optical microscope and/or a semi-automated SEM. These methods are time consuming, costly and
frequently produce semi-quantitative results from data sets that are too small to be statistically valid. Thus, the results cannot be
used reliably and effectively in digital mine planning and design.
In the last 10 years, modern SEM-based quantitative mineralogy tools have advanced rapidly with increasing computer power,
improved SEM hardware and the development of sophisticated image analysis methods. Texture resolutions can now be submicron
and SEM measurement times have reduced to less than an hour for simple analyses, where previously they required many hours.
Through image analysis, particle sections are recognised and separated, and the mineral grains within are delineated for discrete X-
ray analysis to determine mineralogy. The modern tools not only increase the speed and accuracy of liberation analysis, but also
enhance measurement automation. Automated standard collection assists with the setup of new ore types for routine analysis and
automated elemental quantification of target minerals enables the tracking of variations in the composition of the minerals of
The key to success for any modern SEM-based mineral liberation analysis system is the close integration of BSE image and
EDS X-ray analyses. Integration of the SEM-based quantitative mineral liberation analysis with optical microscope, dual beam
systems and X-ray tomography will further enrich the analysis results and the derived user experience.
2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Scanning electron microscope; Mineral liberation analysis; Image analysis

1. Introduction fundamental parameters used for process plant design and

optimization. In recognition of this, several measurement
The significance and value of mineral liberation ana- systems based on the application of scanning electron
lysis to the subject of applied mineralogy and metallur- microscope (SEM) technology to polished particles
gical processing has been well documented (Jones, 1987; sections have been developed (Hall, 1977; Pignolet-
Petruk, 2000; King, 1993). Mineral liberation data are Brendom and Reid, 1988; Jones, 1987; King, 1993;
Lastra et al., 1998; Petruk, 2000; Gu, 2003). The latest
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 61 7 3365 5922. advancement of such systems and the quality of the
E-mail address: (R. Fandrich). mineralogical data being produced by them have
0301-7516/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Fandrich et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 310320 311

ray measurements in a process to be known as particle


2. Mineral liberation analyser

The JKMRC Mineral Liberation Analyser (MLA)

was first presented as a new development in the field of
SEM-based automated mineral measurement tools in
1997 (Gu and Napier-Munn, 1997). At the time it
represented a unique method of combining BSE image
analysis and X-ray mineral identification to provide
automated quantitative mineral liberation characterisa-
tion. The advanced analysis techniques implemented by
the MLA today are presented, as are the many methods
of combining them to provide targeted and optimised,
Fig. 1. Witwatersrand linear intercept measurement system.
automated mineralogical information.

extended their relevance upstream into the field of ore 2.1. BSE image analysis
characterisation for geological mapping purposes (Wil-
liams and Richardson, 2004). Imaging and image analysis are fundamental to
One of the earlier attempts to automate the gathering mineral liberation analysis. A low noise, high-resolution
of mineral liberation data from polished sections was image is a prerequisite for mineral identification and
undertaken by Peter King at Witwatersrand University quantification. The very stable BSE signals from a
(King, 1977). This system measured linear intercept modern SEM can generate quality high-resolution (0.1
lengths of the pyrite phase in a Witwatersrand quartzite 0.2 m) images of particle sections. These images allow
using an optical microscope. A mini computer con- the MLA, through its advanced image analysis techni-
trolled both a constant velocity motorized stage and a ques, to accurately discriminate the mineral phases
photometer circuit to register when the bright pyrite within a particle. The principal image analysis functions
phase moved under the lens (Fig. 1). used by the MLA are known as particle de-agglomer-
As is still the case today, the desired automation was ation and phase segmentation.
motivated by the need to find alternatives to the labour-
intensive manual viewing of sufficient particles to 2.1.1. Particle de-agglomeration
obtain a statistically significant set of data. The principle A liberation analysis using the MLA involves the
of applying thresholding to a signal generated by the setting of particles into a mould (typically 30 mm
reflectance of a mineral (here of photons) to achieve diameter) with epoxy resin to form a hardened block.
phase discrimination was also being applied to achieve Typical particle sizes range from 10 m to 1 mm and are
likewise with electrons in SEM-based systems such as
CESEMI (Troutmann et al., 1974).
The Mineral and Metallurgical Image Analysis
(MMIA) software developed at the University of Utah
(King and Schneider, 1993) applied thresholds to the
grey scale histograms from BSE images of polished
particle sections for phase discrimination (see Fig. 2).
MMIA allowed the automated batch processing of large
sets of high contrast and high-resolution images to
produce statistically reliable sets of both linear and areal
liberation data.
One of the first automated systems to intensively use
X-ray spectra was QEM SEM (quantitative evaluation
of materials by scanning electron microscopy) (Miller
et al., 1982). Digital images of particle sections where
built up in a pixel by pixel fashion by thousands of X- Fig. 2. MMIA software.
312 R. Fandrich et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 310320

preferably of a defined narrow size fraction. The block is

then ground down to expose a representative cross-
section of particles which is subsequently polished and
then coated with carbon before being presented to the
SEM. Despite precautions to prevent it, inevitably some
particles in the prepared sample block will touch each
other. If not recognised by the system and treated
appropriately the agglomeration of particles can lead to
biased liberation results. The MLA system has an
automated de-agglomeration function that detects
agglomerates and separates them according to a set of
predetermined parameters. Fig. 3 shows this process.
The de-agglomeration function can be used both
during the on-line measurement or performed off-line. Fig. 4. Grey level distribution of a typical leadzinc ores. The x-axis is
Particle shape parameters determine if particles are the BSE grey level and the y-axis is the frequency.
agglomerated. The de-agglomeration procedure has
three methods or criteria at its disposal to find the
best separation option: 1) shadow or boundary identi- weighting applied to each of the separating criteria
fication, 2) linear feature recognition and 3) an erosion/ through a set of parameters. The adjustment of
dilation procedure. The operator can control the parameters may be needed to account for the influence

Fig. 3. MLA de-agglomeration process: (a) Original BSE image. (b) After background removal, several particles are agglomerated. (c) One of the
agglomerates is highlighted. (d) After de-agglomeration, the agglomerate is broken apart and one particle is highlighted.
R. Fandrich et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 310320 313

artefacts can be cracks, shading, tiny voids or the

dark perimeter or halo that appears around many
The phase segmentation results for an enlarged BSE
image of a composite particle are shown in Fig. 5. Six
regions of homogeneous grey levels or mineral grains
have been identified. The segmented image is created
with each mineral grain in a particle being assigned a
Fig. 5. BSE and segmented particle image. unique colour.
In an ideal system and set of measurement conditions
each mineral within a sample will have a defined BSE
on separation by varying particle characteristics such as grey value. Should this grey level coincide with that of
shape and size. another mineral, in the same particle, due to the same or
very similar average atomic numbers, as is the case for
2.1.2. Phase segmentation pentlandite and chalcopyrite (AAN = 23.5), the MLA
Once individual particles have been identified, the resorts to another rendering method to be explained
next step of the liberation analysis identifies all distinct later.
mineral phases (or grains) and defines their boundaries As particle-based segmentation uses the grey scale
accurately. This process is called phase segmentation histograms of each individual particle, the influence of
and is performed on each individual particle. The MLA any grey level effects due to changes in measurement
phase segmentation function outlines the regions of conditions, such as beam drift, are eliminated.
homogeneous grey levels within a particle BSE image.
The average BSE grey value of every defined region 2.2. Mineral identification with X-ray analysis
corresponds with a mineral of unique average atomic
number (AAN). The AAN determines the number of The MLA uses three X-ray analysis techniques to
backscatter electrons emitted by the mineral and hence identify mineral species: point X-ray, area X-ray and X-
is directly proportional to the grey level registered in the ray mapping.
BSE image. An example of a grey scale histogram with
its peaks corresponding to the minerals in a leadzinc 2.2.1. Point X-ray analysis
ore is shown in Fig. 4. In a typical sample measurement the MLA performs
Phase segmentation also involves the recognition one X-ray analysis (typically N 2000 counts) for each
and elimination of features of a BSE particle image grey level region identified within a segmented particle.
that do not represent an independent phase. These The spectrum is collected at the centre of a phase to

Fig. 6. MLA area X-ray analysis of a composite particle.

314 R. Fandrich et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 310320

avoid contamination from bordering phases and hence more phases are present through the resulting mixed
acquire the cleanest spectrum possible. This spectrum spectra. X-ray mapping can then be employed to
is linked to its corresponding particle and grain in the identify the mineral phases and to resolve the phase
segmented image to generate what is known as an X-ray boundaries.
image. The stored spectra are then compared with a
predefined list or library of standard mineral spectra to 2.2.3. X-ray mapping
complete the identification procedure and produce a X-ray mapping imposes a grid over an entire particle
classified image. In the classified image in Fig. 6 four of image, or specific grains thereof, and collects X-ray data
the five delineated phases were identified as chalcopy- at each grid point to determine the mineral identity. Fig. 7
rite and the other as bornite. The classified image, and illustrates the procedure with the example of pentlandite
specifically the pixel phase data contained within, is the and chalcopyrite. Mineral identification using mapping
basis for all further quantitative analysis. In addition to requires significantly more time (greater than one order
particle location data, the pixel data and related mineral of magnitude) than point and area X-ray analysis as
characteristics are stored in a database for subsequent many more spectra are collected to generate a compre-
presentation using the MLA software: DataView. hensive mineral map.
The three fundamental X-ray analysis methods of
2.2.2. Area X-ray analysis point and area X-ray analysis and X-ray mapping are the
During area X-ray analysis the spectra are collected building blocks of all MLA measurement modes
by rastering the beam over the phase area. The perimeter involving X-ray identification.
of the phase is not scanned to avoid contamination by
adjoining phases. Area X-ray analysis can be imple- 2.2.4. Mineral standards library
mented where there is the possibility of two or more Mineral identification through X-ray analysis
associated minerals having the same AAN (i.e. requires a library of mineral standards. This library is
associated pentlandite and chalcopyrite grains). Poor usually constructed before an automated run and
BSE grey level contrast can result in two phases not involves the collection of a high quality X-ray spectra
being segmented and hence no delineation of phase spectrum for each mineral in the sample. The building of
boundaries (see Fig. 7, top left). With point X-ray a standards library directly from the sample ensures that
analysis, depending on which mineral happens to be at measurement conditions are reflected in the standards,
the point of X-ray collection, the resulting combined such as beam energy (i.e. keV), and it also provides for
phase will be identified as either pentlandite or an elemental deportment that better reflects the
chalcopyrite. Area X-ray analysis detects that two or chemistry of the sample.

Fig. 7. Illustration of X-ray mapping for a particle containing pentlandite and chalcopyrite.
R. Fandrich et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 310320 315

The spectra identification process involves an error- 2.3.2. Extended BSE liberation analysis (XBSE)
based search for the measured spectrum in the standards XBSE implements area X-ray analysis to efficiently
library to find the most probable fit. Statistics on the and effectively analyse ore samples containing phases
spectral pattern matching can be examined to assess the with sufficient BSE contrast to ensure effective
confidence of classification for specific minerals. segmentation. The high resolution of BSE imaging for
grain boundary definition and the speed of single X-ray
2.3. MLA measurement modes mineral identification make this method ideal for a great
majority of mineralogical samples.
The many measurement modes offered by the MLA An extension of this mode is XBSE with automated
implement the fundamental BSE image, and the various standards collection (XBSE_STD). If a spectrum from a
X-ray analyses to produce a suite of measurements particular phase cannot be identified using the existing
designed to accommodate many different mineralogical library of standards, a standard for the unknown phase
information requirements. The measurement types and will be collected in the usual manner and added to the
their applications are described. library for later classification.

2.3.1. Standard BSE liberation analysis (BSE) 2.3.3. Ford analysis or grain-based X-ray mapping
This is the most basic liberation analysis method in (GXMAP)
which a series of BSE images are collected on-line and GXMAP employs X-ray mapping to the phases that
then processed off-line to produce liberation data. cannot be segmented by BSE grey levels alone and the
Mineral discrimination is based solely on BSE grey employs the faster area X-ray analysis for phases that are
level contrast and the liberation data is generated readily segmented. The operator selects the grains for
exclusively through image analysis. BSE is employed mapping through a BSE trigger or a specific X-ray
for applications where good grey level contrast exists standard trigger. Fig. 8 illustrates the advantages of the
and a correlation between grey level peak and mineral selective mapping of GXMAP over traditional X-ray
species is established. This is the case for certain lead/ mapping for the example of a particle containing
zinc and copper ores and some slags. BSE is also useful pentlandite, chalcopyrite and quartz. A BSE trigger set
for textures or features that are finer than the resolution at a grey level below that of pentlandite and chalcopyrite
of X-ray analyses (i.e. 25 m). ensures that all grains of interest are mapped, saving

Fig. 8. Illustration of a GXMAP analysis.

316 R. Fandrich et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 310320

valuable measurement time. Alternatively the X-ray phase of interest and its external mineral associations.
standards for pentlandite and chalcopyrite can be This is appropriate for rock mass applications, such as
implemented to trigger the mapping. A series of mixed drill cores, where liberation data is not relevant.
spectra, interpolated at 10% intervals between the SPLMAP maps the internal associations of the phase
nominated pure pair of spectra, is generated and of interest once found or can be described as a GXMAP
compared with the mixed spectra measured by the applied to a SPL.
area X-ray analysis to force the trigger.
GXMAP is a flexible mapping technique an advance- 2.3.5. X-ray modal analysis (XMOD)
ment on the older MLA mapping methods of particle X-ray XMOD is the classical point counting method in
mapping (PXMAP) and selected particle X-ray mapping which mineral identification is determined by one X-ray
(SXMAP) (Gu, 2003). It has been successfully applied to analysis at each counting point. This mode uses BSE
certain types of sphalerite and chalcopyrite as well as imaging to discriminate particle matter from back-
textually complex ores, such as nickel ores containing ground and then collects one X-ray spectrum from each
pentlandite as fine flames in pyrrhotite. This mode is grid point across the particle. The X-ray spectra are
named after its co-developer Dr. Fred Ford (INCO). saved for off-line classification. This method only
produces modal mineralogy information, i.e. percen-
2.3.4. Sparse phase liberation analysis (SPL) tages of the mineral components of the sample.
This measurement mode searches BSE images for XMOD can also be implemented to produce a line
particles containing phases of interest using a BSE grey scan measurement mode that produces traditional linear
scale range and then performs an XBSE analysis on them. intercept data. X-ray spectra are taken at a step size of
The off-line processing is identical to the XBSE method one pixel in the x direction and a given y displacement
and generates the same mineral liberation and association determines the line spacing.
data. It does not provide bulk mineralogy information, as
only selected particles in the sample are analysed. The 2.3.6. Rare phase search (RPS)
selectivity of the SPL measurement is designed to effi- The RPS mode searches the BSE images for phases
ciently measure tailings and low grade feed ores, such as of interest using a trigger and collects a corresponding
platinum group mineral (PGM) ores where the mineral characteristic X-ray spectrum. For each grain found, the
associations of the phase of interest is of importance. system saves the image of the particle containing the
Two specialised versions of SPL analysis are also grain, the stage location and its X-ray spectrum. The
available. SPL-Lite (SPL-LT) only measures the sparse operator can subsequently move to the SEM stage

Fig. 9. Gold found by the RPS mode.

R. Fandrich et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 310320 317

location where the grain was located and manually This mode is named after its co-developer Dewetia Latti
investigate it and its surroundings further. RPS is (Rio Tinto).
designed to efficiently locate very fine (sub-micron)
components in large particle populations, such as gold in 2.3.8. Schouwstra analysis (SPL-dual zoom)
tailings and deliver data such as grain size and Here, a standard SPL analysis is performed and when
associated minerals (see Fig. 9). The ability to classify a phase of interest is detected in an image, the image
off-line allows the operator to automatically eliminate capture is repeated at a higher resolution. The SPL
other bright phases, such as galena, from the phases of analysis is then performed for the higher resolution
interest. particle images. This measurement mode combines the
advantages of a rapid search for the phase of interest at
2.3.7. Latti analysis (SXBSE) low resolution (typically 1024 800) and that of
The Latti measurement mode adds an elemental accurate imaging at a high resolution (up to
quantification capacity to the XBSE analysis and is also 4096 3200). Schouwstra analysis is widely used for
known as a Super XBSE analysis. An X-ray standards PGM minerals and is named after its co-developer Dr.
trigger is employed, in a similar fashion to the GXMAP Robert Schouwstra (Head of Mineralogical Research,
mode, to initiate a so-called long count X-ray analysis. Anglo Platinum).
This X-ray collection can last 20 s or more and contain
up to over 1,000,000 counts and is comparable with a 2.4. MLA data presentation
high quality quantitative EDS measurement of the
mineral concerned. These long count spectra are stored DataView is the data presentation software that
separately for subsequent analysis to obtain accurate enables the operator to examine, process, present and
elemental quantification for the minerals of interest, store the quantitative mineralogical data generated by
such as those with variable stoichiometry e.g. sphalerite. the MLA measurement software. Pixel data is combined

Fig. 10. MLA data presentation software: DataView.

318 R. Fandrich et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 310320

Fig. 11. Mineral grouping and corresponding grade recovery curves.

with the elemental composition and densities of the a filter of density N 3.0 would create a subset of all
identified minerals to produce a variety of mineralogical particles with a calculated density of greater than 3.0.
data: modal mineralogy, calculated assay, elemental All the analyses offered by DataView can then be
distributions, elemental and mineral grade recoveries, performed on this subset.
particle and mineral grain size distributions, particle
density distributions, mineral associations and locking, 2.4.2. Grouping
phase specific surface area (PSSA) and mineral As the list of minerals identified by an MLA analysis
liberation by particle composition and free surface. can be extensive and can contain many minor minerals of
Both tabular and standard graphical representations of little consequence to an analysis, a grouping function
the data are available (see Fig. 10). The combination and allows mineral groups to be defined and be further treated
comparison of data sets are possible, as well as the as an individual mineral phases. Fig. 11 illustrates how the
ability to select particle populations through filtering copper sulphides in a mineral list have been grouped and
and to manage mineral lists via grouping. used to display the theoretical grade recoveries of three
measured size fractions in a feed sample.
2.4.1. Filtering
Filtering enables the creation of subsets of a particle 3. Future developments
population stored within a particle database according to
given criteria. The criteria currently available are The goal of ongoing MLA development activities is
filtering by particle size, density, and shape, as well as to provide improved and diverse mineralogical infor-
mineral and elemental weight composition. For example mation through the provision of advanced analysis tools

Fig. 12. Fusion of images from light microscopy and SEM.

R. Fandrich et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 310320 319

and high levels of measurement automation. The using X-ray computed tomographic (CT) techniques at
generation of mineralogical information from measure- the University of Utah have been reported by Miller and
ment data is enhanced through linkages with simulation Lin (2004). The combination of MLA analysis with the
tools. Levels of measurement automation are improved ion beam milling and deposition capability of a dual
by integration with other measurement systems and beam SEM system (Quanta 3D system offered by FEI)
technologies. will similarly enable the direct measurement of 3D
mineral liberation data. Through serial sectioning with
3.1. Links with simulation subsequent repeated MLA analysis, a tool for undertak-
ing automated 3D quantitative mineral liberation
Commercial software packages designed to simulate analyses will be available.
mineral processing operations provide valuable optimi-
sation and design tools for plant metallurgists and 4. Conclusion
require reliable, quantitative mineralogical data to
deliver meaningful results. Establishing efficient links Prudent use of both BSE and X-ray signals from an
between simulation and measurement tools increases the SEM to exploit their advantages, in conjunction with
value of the information derived. For example, flotation advanced image and pattern recognition analysis, are the
models can utilise particle grade and mineral liberation keys to success for a modern automated SEM-based
distributions to predict and optimize grade recovery mineral liberation analysis system. The speed of
curves for flotation circuits. Linkages of this nature acquisition and the high resolution nature of BSE
contribute to the goal of upgrading mineralogical data to imaging are combined with the accurate mineral
metallurgical information for decision making. identification capabilities of X-ray analysis in such a
way to optimise an MLA analysis to the requirements of
3.2. Integration with optical microscopy systems specific samples and applications. The eight basic MLA
measurement modes vary from a purely BSE-based
Materials with predominately organic components technique (BSE method) through to an almost exclu-
and hence with very low atomic numbers, such as coal, sively X-ray analysis point counting technique
are not conducive to liberation analysis with electron (XMOD).
microscopy systems. Light optical microscopy systems In addition to a high level of automation, the modern
such as MACE300 (Jenkins et al., 2004) offer MLA system has achieved speed, resolution, versatility
solutions to characterising coal particles based on the and accuracy. The current levels of automation extend
light reflectance and texture of the organic phases or from de-agglomeration functions to the ability to probe
macerals. Combining the identification and phase unidentifiable phases (Latti method) and to recognise
discrimination capabilities of both measurement princi- mixed spectra (standards trigger). Future linkage and
ples through image fusion techniques can offer integration developments will provide for a new de-
comprehensive liberation analysis solutions for coal, finition for a modern SEM-based mineral liberation
incorporating both maceral and mineral matter (Fig. 12). analysis.
Previously unattainable detailed maceralmineral asso-
ciation data can provide new information for process Acknowledgements
optimisation, the prediction of coal utilisation perfor-
mance and the definition of new coal quality levels. The authors acknowledge the work of the entire
MLA group at JKTech. The contributions of program-
3.3. 3D mineral analysis mers to software development and those of analysts to
measurement methodology development have been
The topic of stereological correction in mineral invaluable.
liberation analyses has been examined extensively and
various models for extrapolating 3D liberation results References
from 2D particle section measurements have been
proposed and reviewed (Latti and Adair, 2001). An option Gu, Y., 2003. Automated scanning electron microscope based mineral
to apply such methods to measured liberation distributions liberation analysis. Journal of Minerals and Materials Character-
ization and Engineering 2, 3341.
will be offered by future versions of DataView. Gu, Y., Napier-Munn, T., 1997. JK/Philips mineral liberation ana-
Pioneering 3D liberation measurement studies on lyzer an introduction. Minerals Processing '97 Conf. Cape
materials such as a sphalerite/dolomite ore and coal Town, SA, p. 2.
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