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A villamosenergia-iparban

hasznlt kifejezsek

Angol-Magyar kifejezs gyjtemny


Kszlt a 2004 janurjban Prgban kiadott

2. verzija alapjn

Kszlt a MAVIR ZRt. megbzsbl

A MAVIR ZRt. engedlye nlkl kereskedelmi clra fel nem hasznlhat

Budapest 2006. janur

Angol magyar fogalomgyjtemny Csak oktatsi clra!

Angol Magyar
Access charge Hozzfrsi (csatlakozsi) dj
A charge levied on a power supplied, or its Dj, amelyet vagy a szolgltatott energia
customer, for access to a utilitys rba ptenek be, vagy az energit
transmission or distribution system. It is a felhasznl fogyasztnak kell megfizetnie
charge for the right to send electricity over azrt, hogy csatlakozhasson az tviteli, vagy
anothers wires. az eloszt hlzathoz. Ezt a djat azrt a
jogrt kell fizetni, hogy ms vezetkn
energit szllthassunk.
Accounts coordination centre Elszmol koordincis kzpontok
These centres are administrative units Ezek a kzpontok adminisztratv egysgek,
charged by the control blocks with the melyeket elszmolsi cllal tartanak fent a
accounting function, which comprises the szablyozsi blokkok. A munkjuk az albbi
following steps: feladatokat tartalmazza:
- Recording and validation of the interchange - A szablyozsi blokkok kztti csere
schedules between the control blocks during menetrendeknek rgztse s ellenrzse a
the planning phase; tervezsi fzisban.
- Recording of values from the meter - A szablyozsi blokkok kztti
readings on the interconnecting lines tvvezetkek elszmolsi mrsi rtkeinek
between the control blocks for calculation of rgztse, az elzetes energiacsere
the provisional energy exchange values; kiszmtshoz.
- Real-time monitoring beyond specified - Valsidej megfigyels a meghatrozott
observation lines; megfigyelsi hatrokon tl.
- Calculation of the provisional and - Az elzetes s a szerezds szerinti nem
contractual inadvertent interchange; szndkolt eltrsek kiszmtsa.
- Calculation of the compensation schedules - A kompenzcis menetrend meghatrozsa
for each control block. minden egyes szablyozsi blokk szmra.
Active power Hatsos teljestmny
It is the electric power available for Ez az a villamos energia, amely talakthat
conversion to a different form of power, e.g. ms energikk, pl.: mechanikai-, h-,
mechanical, thermal, chemical, optical, or kmiai-, fny-, vagy hang-energia.
acoustic power.
Adjacent control area (or adjacent Szomszdos szablyozsi terlet (vagy
system) szomszdos rendszer)
An adjacent control area (or adjacent system) Szomszdos szablyozsi terlet (vagy
is any control area (or system) either directly szomszdos rendszer) brmely szablyozsi
interconnected with or electrically close to terlet (vagy rendszer), amely vagy
(so as to be significantly affected by the kzvetlenl ssze van ktve egy msik
existence of) another control area (or szablyozsi terlettel (vagy rendszerrel),
system). vagy villamosan kzel van hozz (vagyis a
msik rendszer jelents hatssal van r).
Already Allocated Capacity (AAC) Mr lekttt kapacits
That is the total amount of allocated A mr lekttt tviteli jogok sszege, amely
transmission rights, whether they are lehet kapacits, vagy csere program, attl
capacity or exchange programs depending on fggen, hogy mi a lektsi eljrs.
the allocation method.

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Ancillary services Rendszerszint szolgltatsok

These are services which are provided by Ezeket a szolgltatsokat a
system users (e.g. power plant operators) on rendszerhasznlk (pl. erm irnytk)
demand of the TSO, and whose provision is nyjtjk a rendszerirnyt (TSO) ignye
adequately remunerated by the TSO in alapjn, mely szolgltatsokat a TSO annak
accordance with the prices quoted by the megfelelen djazza, hogy a szolgltatst
providers in the tendering procedure. These nyjtk a beszerzsi eljrs sorn milyen
services are required for the security and rajnlatokat tettek. Ezek a szolgltatsok az
stability of the transmission system. tviteli rendszer biztonsgos s stabil
mkdshez szksgesek.
Apparent Power Ltszlagos teljestmny
The product of the volts and amperes. It A feszltsg s az ramerssg szorzata. Ez
comprises both real and reactive power, mind a hatsos, mind a medd teljestmnyt
usually expressed in (kVA) or (MVA). tartalmazza, melyet ltalban kVA-ben, vagy
MVA-ben fejeznek ki.
Area Control Error (ACE) Terleti szablyozsi hiba (ACE)
It is the instantaneous difference between the Ez a pillanatnyi klnbsg az aktulis s a
actual and the reference value (scheduled referencia (jvhagyott csere menetrend)
exchange program) for the power teljestmnycsere (nem szndkolt eltrs)
interchange (inadvertent deviation), taking kztt, figyelembe vve a frekvencia eltrs
into account the effect of the frequency bias hatst arra a szablyozsi terletre, a
for that control area according to the network szablyozsi terlet hlzati teljestmny-
power frequency characteristic of that frekvencia karakterisztikjnak s a
control area and the frequency deviation. frekvencia eltrsnek a figyelembe vtelvel.
Area Price Terleti r
Price at which the maximum volume is Az az r, amelyen a maximlis mennyisg
traded according to the demand and supply zletkts trtnt a knlati s keresleti grbe
curve. Contrary to the MCP, constraints alapjn. Ellenttben az MCP-vel (piaci
between the different TSO-areas are taken elszmol r), a terleti r kiszmtsnl
into account when calculating the area price. figyelembe veszik a klnbz TSO-
terletek kztt fennll megktseket is.
Auction trade system Aukcis kereskedelmi rendszer
It is the trade system where a price Ez egy olyan kereskedelmi rendszer, ahol az
determination is based on the auction trade r meghatrozsa aukcis kereskedelmi
system. All bids for purchases and sales are rendszerben trtnik. Minden eladsi s
collected and then aggregated to one supply vteli ajnlatot sszegyjtenek, s ezekbl
and one demand curve. The intersection kpeznek egy knlati s egy igny grbt. A
between the curves determines the Market grbk metszspontja hatrozza meg a Piaci
Clearing Price (MCP). Elszmol rat.
Auto consumption Sajt (n)fogyaszts
The auto consumption of a utility is the A kzm-vllalat sajt fogyasztsa az a
electrical energy used for its own economic villamos energia mennyisg, amely a sajt
activity and derived from auto production. gazdasgi tevkenysgnek elltshoz
szksges, amely a sajt termelsbl

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Automatic Generation Control (AGC) AGC Automatikus genertor-szablyoz

Automatic generation control is equipment (Kzponti wattos szablyoz)
that automatically adjusts a control areas Az automatikus genertor szablyoz egy
generation to maintain its interchange olyan berendezs, amely automatikusan
schedule plus its share of frequency belltja a szablyozsi terlet genertorainak
regulation. termelst, hogy az megfeleljen a
nemzetkzi menetrendnek, s a szablyozsi
terlet frekvenciaszablyozsi
Autonomous generator Autonm termel
It is an undertaking whose principal activity Ez egy ktelezettsg arra nzve, hogy a
is to produce electrical energy with the sole villamosenergia ellltsa elssorban azzal a
intention of selling it to distributors or, via cllal trtnik, hogy a termel azt eladja az
third party systems, to customers elosztknak, vagy harmadik fl
rendszerein keresztl a fogyasztknak.
Autoproducer Sajt termel
An autoproducer is an undertaking (a natural A sajt termels egy olyan ktelezettsg
or legal person) that generates electrical (termszetes, vagy jogi szemly), hogy
energy mainly for its own use. elssorban csak a sajt felhasznlsra
termel energit.
Auto-reclosure Automatikus visszakapcsols
Following this brief de-energized period, the A rvid, energiamentes (kikapcsolt) llapotot
equipment, which suffered the fault, is kveten a berendezs, amely elszenvedte a
automatically switched on again. An auto- hibt, automatikusan jra bekapcsoldik. Az
reclosure facility comprises a circuit-breaker automatikus visszakapcsolsi kpessg egy
(in the case of single-end feed to the fault megszaktra (a hibahelyre trtn egyirny
location) or a number of circuit-breakers (in betplls esetn), vagy nhny
the case of multiple-end feed to the fault megszaktra (a hibahelyre trtn
location), which briefly interrupt the supply tbbirny betplls esetn) terjed ki,
of energy to the fault location. melynek sorn rvid ideig megszakad a
hibahelyre trtn energia rtplls.
Availability Rendelkezsrells
A measure of time a generating unit, Az az idtartam, amg egy termel egysg,
transmission line, or other facility is capable tvvezetk, vagy ms berendezs zemszer
of providing service, whether or not it mkdsre kpes, attl fggetlenl hogy
actually is in service. Typically, this measure jelenleg ppen hasznljk-e, vagy sem.
is expressed as a percent available for the ltalban ezt az rtket a figyelembe vett
period under consideration. (vizsglt) idszak szzalkban adjk meg
Availability factor Rendelkezsre llsi tnyez
It is a ratio between energy that can be Ez annak a kt energia mennyisgnek az
produced at the available capacity and the arnya, melyet a rendelkezsre ll
energy that could have been produced at kapacitssal lehet termelni, illetve melyet a
maximum capacity during the same time maximlis kapacitssal lehetett volna
period. termelni, ugyan arra az idintervallumra
Back-up supply Tartalk betplls
Support energy used as an alternative, A tartalk betpllst, mint alternatvt
simultaneously or to supplement the hasznljk, egyidejleg, vagy kiegsztsknt
principal source of supply. a f energia betplls mellett.

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Balance Area Mrlegkr

It is the area under the agreement between Ez az a - hlzat irnyt, s a hlzat
grid operators and grid users (supplier and hasznlk (termelk s fogyasztk) kztti
consumer) in order to achieve a balance megllapods szerinti - terlet (vagy
between the consumption and supply in the fogyaszti kr), amelyen bell meg kell
balance areas at the period under rizni az egyenslyt a mrlegkr fogyasztsa
consideration. s termelse kztt a figyelembe vett
idszakon bell.
Balance power Kiegyenlt energia
Three types of balancing capacity can be A kiegyenlt energia hrom klnbz
distinguished: tpust lehet megklnbztetni:
- balance power - production - it is a - kiegyenlt energia termels ez a
difference between the latest production klnbsg az utols termelsi menetrend
plan, including all coordinated kinds of (belertve az sszes koordinlt szablyozsi
regulating or reserve capacity utilisation, for s tartalk kapacits felhasznlst, melyekre
which contracts are concluded, and the szerzdst ktttek) s a mrt termels
measured production; kztt;
- balance power - consumption - it is a - kiegyenlt energia fogyaszts
difference between the latest production Ez a klnbsg az utols fogyasztsi
plan, including all coordinated kinds of menetrend (belertve az sszes koordinlt
regulating or reserve capacity utilisation, for szablyozsi s tartalk kapacits
which contracts are concluded, and the felhasznlst, melyekre szerzdst ktttek)
measured consumption; s a mrt fogyaszts kztt;
- balance power - planned - it is a difference - kiegyenlt energia tervezett ez a
between the latest production plan, klnbsg az utols termelsi menetrend,
consumption forecasts, and trades concluded fogyasztsi elrejelzsek, s a lezrt
before the term (hour) supply starting, zletktsek kztt, belertve a tartalk
including transactions on additional sale of kapacitsok tovbbi eladst is.
reserve power.
Balance provider Kiegyenlt energia szolgltat
The party, which under the contract provides Az a fl, amelyik szerzds alapjn felgyeli,
supervisory or performance of balance. vagy szolgltatja a kiegyenltst.
Magyarorszgon a kiegyenlt energia
kezelse kt szinten trtnik:
- sszessgben a MAVIR szolgltatja az
energit s elszmol a mrlegkrkkel,
- - az egyes fogyasztkkal a mrlegkr
felels szmol el
Balance service Kiegyenlt szolgltats
It is a function on maintenance or Ez egy olyan feladat, melynek elltsa sorn
performance of balance in a zone of elvgzik a kiegyenltst a szablyozsi
regulation or control (in one country / in one znban (egy orszgban / egy znban). Ez
zone). It comprises realization of balance tartalmazza a kiegyenlt szablyozs
regulation and calculations of paying for vgrehajtst s a kiegyenlt-szablyozi
balance services. szolgltatsrt fizetend djak kiszmtst.

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Balancing group Mrlegkr

A balancing group consists of an arbitrary A mrlegkr tetszleges szm betpllsi s
number of injection points and / or vtelezsi pontot (ltalban termelegysgek,
withdrawal points (usually metering points vagy ermvek, s fogyasztk mrsi
for generating units or power stations, and pontjai) tartalmaz a szablyozsi terleten
loads) within a control area, which have to bell, melyeket pontosan meg kell hatrozni,
be made known to the system operator and s ezt tudatni kell a rendszerirnytval is.
which are thus exactly determined. The Mrlegkrt csupn menetrend-
balancing group can also be established for adminisztrcis clbl is ltre lehet hozni
the purpose of schedule administration only (pl.: ramtzsde mrlegkre)
(e.g. power exchange balancing group).
Balancing market Kiegyenlt energia piac
The balancing market enables to purchase A kiegyenlt energia piac lehetv teszi
the energy that is needed to match generation annak a villamosenergia mennyisgnek a
and consumption and handle network megvsrlst, amely a termels, a fogyaszts
congestion. It also makes it possible to work egyenslynak fenntartshoz s a hlzati
out a legitimate reference price, which can be torldsok kezelshez szksges. Ezen
used kvl lehetv teszi egy hivatalos referencia
for the settlement in the cases of imbalances. r meghatrozst, amelyet az eltrsek
elszmolsnl alkalmaznak.
Bid area Ajnlati terlet
A part of the whole electricity market, which A teljes villamosenergia piacnak egy rsze,
usually corresponds to the TSO-areas. Every amely ltalban megfelel a TSO-
trading participant has to indicate the bid terleteknek. Minden kereskedelmi
area the bids are placed for. rsztvevnek meg kell jellnie azt az ajnlati
terletet, amelyre az ajnlata vonatkozik.
Bilateral contract Ktoldal szerzds
A direct contract between a power producer Kzvetlen szerzds az energia termel s a
and user or a broker outside the centralised felhasznl, vagy a brker kztt a
power pool. szervezett energia piacon kvl.
Blackout Teljes feszltsg kimarads
A large disturbance causing a widespread Olyan zavar, amely nagy terletre kiterjed
fault or total collapse of the system, hibt, vagy a rendszer teljes sszeomlst
accompanied with a loss of electricity okozza, amely egytt jr a villamosenergia
supplies. ellts megsznsvel.
Blackstart Capability Blackstart kpessg
The ability of a generating unit or station to Egy termel egysgnek, vagy ermnek az a
go from a shutdown condition to an kpessge, hogy a villamosenergia hlzat
operating condition and start delivering ignybevtele nlkl ll helyzetbl el tudja
power without assistance from the electric indtani a villlamosenergia termel
system. berendezseit, s megkezdi a
villamosenergia termelst.

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Block Co-coordinator Blokk koordintor

The block co-coordinator is a single TSO A blokk koordintor az a rendszerirnyt,
that is responsible for the secondary control aki felels az egsz blokk szekunder
of the whole block towards its interconnected szablyozsrt a vele sszekttetsben lev
neighbours, for the accounting of the control szomszdok fel a szablyozsi blokk
block; and for the organisation of the internal elszmolsrt s a szablyozsi blokkon
secondary control within the control block belli bels szekunder szablyozs
and operates the control block. megszervezsrt, s mkdteti
(zemirnytja) a szablyozsi blokkot.
Broker Brker (gynk, alkusz)
An entity acting as an agent for others in Egy entits, amely a tbbi szerepl szmra
negotiating contracts, purchases, or sales of gynkknt mkdik kzre a
electrical energy or services without owning villamosenergia eladsi s vsrlsi,
transmission or generation facilities. Brokers valamint szolgltatsi szerzdsek
do not own the power transacted. megktsnl, anlkl, hogy rendelkezne
tviteli, vagy termel berendezsekkel.
Brokerage fee gynki jutalk
Fee charged per volume traded. A forgalmazott mennyisg utni egysgr.
Capacity payment Kapacits dj
A payment to generators proportional to the A villamosenergia termelknek fizetett dj,
generating capacity they make available. amely arnyos a rendelkezsre ll termel
Captive customer Nem feljogostott fogyaszt
These are customers who do not have an Azok a (rghz kttt) fogyasztk, akik
option to go to another supplier to buy nem vlaszthatnak ms szlltt a
electricity. villamosenergia vsrlsnl.
Cogeneration power station (combined Kogenercis erm (kombinlt h s
heat and power) villamosenergia)
It is a thermal installation in which the Ez hermvi berendezs, melyben a
energy released from fuel is transmitted to tzelanyagbl szrmaz energit mint h s
thermal and electrical energy. villamos energit tovbbtjk.
Cold reserve (stand-by) Hideg tartalk
Applies to thermal units, which can be ltalban hermvi gpegysgekre
connected to the network after several hours. vonatkozik, amelyek nhny ra mlva
The following reserves are distinguished: tudnak a hlzatra csatlakozni. A kvetkez
- quick start reserve, tartalkokat klnbztetjk meg:
- slow start reserve. - gyors indts tartalk
- lass indts tartalk
Combined cycle installations Kombinlt ciklus berendezs
A combined cycle power station is an A kombinlt ciklus erm egy olyan
electrical generating installation comprising villamosenergia termel berendezs, amely
one or more gas turbines whose exhaust egy, vagy tbb gzturbint tartalmaz, melyek
gases are fed to a waste-heat boiler, which gstermkt egy hulladkh hasznost
may or may not be supplied with kaznba vezetik, amelyet esetlegesen
supplementary fuel. The steam raised in the kiegszt ftssel is ellthatnak. A kaznban
boiler is used to drive a turbine coupled to a kpzd gzt a genertorhoz csatlakoz
generator. turbina meghajtsra hasznljk.

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Common mode failure Egyszerre fellp (szimultn) hiba

Common-mode failure is the simultaneous Az egyszerre fellp hiba tbb sszetev
failure of a number of components (network (hlzati berendezs s gpegysg) szimultn
equipment and generating units) as a result meghibsodsa, ugyan annak az oknak a
of the same cause. kvetkezmnyeknt.
Connection sszektets
It is a set of network elements (transmission /
Ez a hlzati elemek egy csoportja (tviteli /
distribution lines, transformers, etc.), eloszt hlzati tvvezetkek,
connecting two parts of the system. transzformtorok, stb.), melyek a rendszer
Intermediate stations and withdrawal points kt rszt ktik ssze. A kztes
can be considered as connection. alllomsokat s vtelezsi pontokat is
tekinthetjk sszekttetsnek.
Constraint area (bottlenecks) Korltozsi terlet (szk keresztmetszet)
It is an area or sites of the network having Ez a hlzatnak egy terlete, vagy helye,
transmission lines with limited transmission ahol a tvvezetkeknek limitlt az tviteli
capacity (bottlenecks). As a rule, they are kapacitsa (szk keresztmetszetek). Szably,
under continuous supervision, also they have hogy ezek folyamatos megfigyels alatt
devices for reduction if necessary a volume llnak, s emellett olyan berendezsekkel
of supplied flows. vannak felszerelve, melyek szksg esetn
cskkenthetik az ramlst.
Consumer Fogyaszt
Consumers are all devices and installations Fogyaszt minden olyan kszlk s
consuming electricity. berendezs, amely villamos energit
Consumption (net) Fogyaszts (nett)
It means the sum of domestic generation and Ez a hazai termels s az import sszege,
imports minus exports and excluding own mnusz az export, tovbb cskkentve az
consumption of power plants, the losses of ermvek nfogyasztsval, a hlzati
the electrical energy in networks, the losses vesztesgekkel, az ermvek
of the electrical energy in the main gptranszformtorainak vesztesgvel,
transformers of power plants and the energy valamint a szivattys-trozs vzermvek
spent on pumping water into the upper ltal a vz fels trolba trtn
reservoir of the pumped storage HPP. felpumplshoz felhasznlt energia
Contingency, emergency Kiess, vratlan esemny (vszhelyzet)
The unexpected failure or outage of a system Vratlan meghibsodsa, vagy kiesse egy
component, such as a generator, transmission rendszer elemnek (pl.: genertor, tvvezetk,
line, circuit breaker, switch, or other megszakt, kapcsol, vagy egyb villamos
electrical element. The contingency also may elem). A kiess (kontingencia) tbb elemet is
include multiple components, which are rinthet, melyek kapcsolatban llnak azzal az
related by situations leading to simultaneous esemnnyel, amely a hlzati elemek
component outages. egyidej kiesseihez vezetett.
Continuous operating conditions llandsult zemi krlmnyek
These are conditions, which are characterised Ezek azok a krlmnyek, melyek
by constant values of their parameters. Slow paramtereit konstans rtkekkel jellemzik.
changes of the conditions (fluctuations of A krlmnyek lass vltozst (az tvitt
transmitted power, changes in consumption teljestmny ingadozsa, vltozsok a
and generation, etc.) are considered as a fogyasztsban s a termelsben, stb.) gy
consequence of the continuous operation. tekintjk, mint az llandsult zem

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Contract path Szerzdses tvonal

The most direct physical transmission path A legrvidebb fizikai szlltsi tvonal kt
between two interconnected entities. In some sszekapcsolt fizikai szerepl kztt.
electricity transactions, the transfer of power
Nhny villamosenergia szllts esetben a
is presumed to take place across the villamosenergia ramlsa felttelezheten a
contract path. szerzdses ton halad.
Control area (TSO area) Szablyozsi terlet (rendszerirnyti
The control area is an area for which the terlet)
TSO holds responsibility for primary control, A szablyozsi terlet az a terlet, amelynek
secondary control and minutes reserve within a primer s szekunder szablyozsrt s a
the agreed context. Each control area is perces tartalkolsrt a rendszerirnyt
indicated physically by the locations at felelssggel tartozik, a megllapodsoknak
which interchange measurement of the megfelelen. Minden szablyozsi terlet
secondary controller is performed within the hatrt azok a pontok jellik ki, melyeknek
interconnected system. export/import mrseit a szekunder
szablyoz hasznlja a szksges
beavatkozsokhoz az egyttmkd
energiarendszeren bell.
Control block Szablyozsi blokk
It comprises one or more control areas the Egy, vagy tbb szablyozsi terletre terjed
power frequency control actions of which are ki a teljestmny-frekvencia szablyoz
coordinated with respect to the other control beavatkozsa, mely a rendszerben lev tbbi
blocks participating in the system. It must szablyozsi blokkal koordinlva mkdik
ensure that its summated schedules are egytt. Gondoskodni kell arrl, hogy a blokk
implemented with respect to all other control sszestett (az sszes tbbi szablyozsi
blocks, and must be capable of restoring the blokkra vonatkoz) menetrendje legyen
frequency to its set point value following implementlva a szablyozban, s
frequency deviations. A control block is not frekvencia eltrs esetn kpesnek kell
responsible for primary control; this task lennie a frekvencia clrtkre trtn
remains the responsibility of the individual visszalltsra. A szablyozsi blokk nem
control areas. felels a primer szablyozsrt, ez a feladat
az egyes szablyozsi terletek felelssge
Control Program Szablyozsi program
The schedule of the total programmed A szablyozsi terlet / blokk teljes tervezett
exchange of a control area / block, i.e. the energia cserjnek menetrendje, azaz a csere
sum of exchange program and compensation program s a kompenzcis program
program. sszege.
Conventional power plants Hagyomnyos erm
Those power plants that use fossils for Azok az ermvek, melyek fosszilis
production of electricity (TPP) or combined tzelanyagot hasznlnak a villamosenergia
electricity and heat (CHP). ellltsra, vagy kombinlt ciklusban
egyszerre lltanak el ht s villamos

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Cost based tariff Kltsg alap tarifa

A form of regulation where the profit of a Egy olyan szablyozsi forma, ahol a
regulated company is determinated by its szablyozs alatt ll vllalat nyeresgt az
actual costs regardless of performance. aktulis kltsgei alapjn llaptjk meg a
Tariffs are set to allow the firm to recover its teljestmnytl fggetlenl. A tarifkat gy
costs, including the cost of capital. llaptjk meg, hogy lehetv tegye a vllalat
szmra, hogy visszakapja a kltsgeit,
belertve a tkekltsget is.
Countertrading: See Redispatching Countertrading (ellenirny
If despite superimposing of counter directed kereskedelem): ld. jra-tehereloszts
flows the resulting physical flow reaches the Ha az ellenirny ramlsok
capacity of the transmission line, a situation szuperpozcijnak ellenre, a ltrejv
of congestion or bottleneck exists in the fizikai ramls elri a tvvezetk maximlis
resulting direction. Any further contractual kapacitst, akkor ennek eredmnyeknt
transaction in the congested direction can torlds, vagy szk keresztmetszet alakul ki
only be carried out, if at the same time e.g. az adott irnyba. Minden tovbbi szerzdses
the system operator arranges a corresponding szlltst a tlterheldtt irnyba csak akkor
contractual flow in the opposite direction. To lehet teljesteni, ha ugyanakkor pl. a
achieve this the system operator has to rendszerirnyt megllapodik egy ezzel
purchase or sell electricity from generators, azonos, de ellenkez irny szerzdses
or even consumers, that are willing to szlltsrl. Ahhoz, hogy ezt elrje, a
increase or decrease generation/consumption. rendszerirnytnak vsrolnia, vagy eladnia
kell villamos energit a termelknek(tl),
vagy a fogyasztknak(tl), akik kszek a
termels/fogyaszts nvelsre, vagy
Cross border intersection Hatrkeresztez metszk
This is a place of transition of intersystem Ez az a hely, ahol a villamosenergia-
transmission lines through a border between rendszerek kztti tvvezetkek keresztezik
the countries. a kt orszg kztti hatrt
Cross border trade (CBT) Hatron keresztli kereskedelem (CBT)
It is electricity trade at which the electricity Ez egy olyan villamosenergia kereskedelmi
is sold/is transferred even through one border md, melynek sorn az eladott / szlltott
(interstate or area/ regional). villamos energia legalbb egy hatron
(orszgok, vagy terletek/rgik kztt)
Customer Vsrl
It is a natural or legal person who purchases Termszetes, vagy jogi szemly, aki villamos
electrical energy. energit vsrol.
Customer facilities Fogyaszti berendezsek
Technical installations of and/or appliances A fogyaszt tulajdonban lev mszaki
consuming or generating electricity that are berendezsek s/vagy kszlkek, melyek
owned by customers. villamos energit fogyasztanak, vagy

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Defense (contingency) plan Vdelmi (vszhelyzeti intzkedsi) terv

A set of all technical and organisational Azoknak a technikai s szervezeti
measures to prevent the propagation or intzkedseknek a halmaza, melyek
deterioration of a power system incident in megakadlyozzk, hogy a villamosenergia-
order to avoid a collapse. rendszert rt esemny tovbb terjedjen, vagy
romoljon, azrt hogy elkerljk az
Demand Igny
The (remaining) demand (or consumption) is A (fennll) igny (fogyaszts) az a mrtk,
the rate at which electric energy is delivered amellyel a villamos energit tovbbtjk a
to or by a system or part of a system, hlzatba, vagy a villamosenergia-
generally expressed in kilowatts or rendszeren (vagy annak egy rszn)
megawatts, at a given instant or averaged keresztl, melyet ltalban kW-ban, vagy
over any designated interval of time. MW-ban fejeznek ki, amely lehet adott
pillanatbeli rtk, vagy tetszlegesen
megadott idtartamra vonatkoz tlag.
Deregulation Deregulci
The elimination of State regulation in a A kzvetlen llami szablyozs
previously regulated industry or sector of an megszntetse az elzleg szablyozottan
industry. mkd ipargban, vagy annak egy
Deterministic security Determinisztikus biztonsg
Operation of a power system within the A villamosenergia rendszer biztonsgi
security limits, even after the tripping of one hatrokon belli zemeltetse, mg abban az
of the system elements (also known as "n-1 esetben is, ha egy rendszerelem kiesik (n-1
security"). biztonsg nven is ismert).
Direct access Kzvetlen hozzfrs
The ability of a customer to purchase A fogyaszt azon lehetsge, hogy nem csak
electricity from the wholesale market rather a helyi eloszt szolgltattl, hanem a
than through a local distribution utility. nagykereskedelmi piacrl is vsrolhat
Customers with direct access are also said to villamos energit. A kzvetlen hozzfrssel
be eligible. rendelkez fogyasztkat feljogostott
fogyaszt-nak is nevezik.
Direct line Clvezetk
The electrical line in addition to the Olyan az egyttmkd rendszeren kvli
interconnected network, providing a direct tvvezetk, amely kzvetlen kapcsolatot
link between one or more producers and one teremt egy, vagy tbb termel s egy, vagy
or more consumers. tbb fogyaszt kztt.
Directive 96/92/EC of 19 December 1996 96/92 EK direktva (1996-12-19)
It establishes common rules for the internal Ez a direktva egysges szablyokat hatroz
electricity market in the European Union and meg az Eurpai Uni bels villamosenergia
lays down the institutional framework of the piacra vonatkozan, s lefekteti az
reforms. It puts in place the principles for talakuls intzmnyi szerkezett. Elrja az
generation and for use of the transmission elveket a villamosenergia termelsre, az
and distribution systems and also controls the tviteli hlzat s az eloszthlzat
transparency of players' accounts and the hasznlatra vonatkozan, valamint
terms of the network access. szablyozza a szereplk elszmolsnak
tlthatsgt s a hlzathoz val
hozzfrs feltteleit.

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Distributed generation Elosztott termels

This refers to generation units located near a Ezt az elnevezst azokra a termel
consumption point so that power can be egysgekre alkalmazzk, melyek a
delivered without making use of the fogyasztsi helyek kzelben vannak
transmission grid. teleptve, gy az ltaluk megtermelt energia
tovbbtshoz nem kell az tviteli hlzatot
Distribution Eloszts
It is transfer of electrical energy within a Ez egy olyan, fizikailag s technikailag
physically/technically delimited region for krlhatrolt terleten belli villamosenergia
injection into distribution stations and supply transzfer, melynek sorn az eloszthlzati
to customer facilities. alllomsokon betpllt energia eljut a
Distribution system operator (DSO) Eloszt hlzat irnyt (DSO)
It maintains a secure, reliable and efficient Biztonsgos, megbzhat, s hatkony
electricity distribution system in its area, villamosenergia eloszt rendszert zemeltet a
with due regard for the environment. terletn, kell figyelemmel a krnyezetre.
Disturbance Zavar
Failure or/and a sequence of events, which Olyan hiba, vagy/s esemnyek sorozata,
cause deviation from normal power system amely a villamosenergia rendszer norml
operational conditions. zemi paramtereitl val eltrst okoz.
Divestiture/Unbundling Sztvlaszts (tevkenysgek
Removing one function from others by sztvlasztsa)
selling (spinning off) or in some other way Egy tevkenysg levlasztsa a tbbitl
changing the ownership of the assets related eladssal, vagy az ehhez a tevkenysghez
to that function. For instance, spinning-off tartoz vagyon tulajdonjognak valamilyen
generation assets so that they are no longer ms mdon trtn megvltoztatsval.
owned by the shareholders who own the Pldul, a termel tevkenysghez tartoz
transmission and distribution assets. vagyon levlasztsa, gy azt a tovbbiakban
It also comprises accounting separation of mr nem tulajdonoljk azok a rszvnyesek,
the activities inside a vertically integrated akik az tvitelhez s az elosztshoz tartoz
undertaking (i.e. generation division, vagyon. Ez egyttal magba foglalja a
transmission division, distribution division, vertiklisan integrlt vllalaton (pl. termel,
etc.) tviteli, eloszti divzi, stb.) belli
tevkenysgek knyvelsi sztvlasztst is.
Downwards regulation Lefel szablyozs
Decrease of generation or increase of A termels cskkentse, vagy a fogyaszts
consumption. nvelse.
Electric power system Villamosenergia-rendszer
It is a set of interconnected power plants, Ez egymssal sszekttetsben ll
electricity recipients and electricity networks ermvek, fogyasztk, s villamosenergia
joint by a common mode of operation. hlzatok halmaza, melyet a kzs rdekbl
fennll zemeltets kt ssze.

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Electric power system network Villamosenergia-rendszer hlzat

The electric power system network A villamosenergia-rendszer hlzathoz
comprises all connected installations and sub hozz tartozik minden vele sszekttetsben
installations for the transmission or ll berendezs s kszlk, mely a
distribution of electrical energy. Control villamosenergia tvitelre s elosztsra
areas, function, and mode of operation, szolgl. A szablyozsi terletek, funkcik,
voltages, or ownership structure may classify az zemeltets mdja, a feszltsgek, vagy a
it. The rated voltage and current type (DC or tulajdonosi struktra alapjn osztlyozhatk.
AC/3-phase) are often employed as A nvleges feszltsg s a feszltsgrendszer
additional criteria for the classification of tpust (egyenram, vagy 3 fzis vlt)
networks. gyakran hasznljk kiegszt felttelknt a
hlzatok osztlyozsnl.
Electric System Losses A villamosenergia rendszer vesztesgei
The total losses consist of transmission, A betpllsi s a vtelezsi pont kztt
transformation, and distribution losses fellp vesztesgek az tviteli, talaktsi
between supply sources and delivery points. (transzformls) s elosztsi vesztesgekbl
Electric energy is lost primarily due to llnak. A villamosenergia vesztesg
heating of transmission and distribution elssorban h formjban jelentkezik az
elements. tviteli s eloszthlzati elemeken.
Electrical energy absorbed by Szivattys trozs villamosenergia
pumping/Consumption of pumps fogyasztsa / szivattyk fogyasztsa
The electrical energy absorbed by the motor- A Szivattys Trozs ermveknl az a
pumps in raising the water into the upper villamosenergia, melyet a szivattykat hajt
reservoir for the generation of electrical motorok fogyasztanak el, mikzben a vizet
energy. It also includes the electrical energy felpumpljk a fels vztrolba, hogy
consumed by the auxiliary equipment and ksbb villamos energit termeljenek vele.
transformer losses during pumping. Ez egyttal tartalmazza a segdzemi
berendezsek villamosenergia fogyasztst
s a transzformtorok vesztesgt a
szivattys zemben.
Electrical energy supplied to the network A hlzatba betpllt villamos energia
The electrical energy supplied to the network A hlzatba betpllt villamos energia az az
is the energy that has to be delivered, to energia mennyisg, amelyet ahhoz kell
ensure the required supply to meet the betpllni, hogy az orszg villamosenergia
national electrical consumption. In the fogyasztsa biztostva legyen. Specilis
special case of a national network this is esetben (az orszgos hlzattl fggen) ez
equal to the sum of the net electrical energy az energia mennyisg azonos az orszgon
production supplied by all power stations belli ermvek nett villamosenergia
within the country, reduced by the amount termelsnek sszegvel, mnusz az ezzel
used simultaneously for pumping and egyidben szivattys trozsra hasznlt
reduced or increased by exports to or imports energia, mnusz az export, vagy plusz az
from abroad. import.
Electricity generation (gross) Brutt villamosenergia termels
It is the sum of the electrical energy Ez az sszege annak a villamosenergia
produced during a given period by all termelsnek, amelyet adott idszakban az
generating sets (including the electrical sszes termel blokk (belertve a szivattys-
energy produced by PSHPP) measured at the trozs vzermvek ltal termelt villamos
output terminals of the main generators. energit is) genertorainak a kimen
kapcsain mrtek.

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Electricity generation (net) Nett villamosenergia termels

Electricity (net) is equal to electrical energy A nett villamosenergia termels egyenl a
(gross) less own consumption of the power brutt termels, mnusz az ermvek
stations and the losses in the main generator nfogyasztsa s a gptranszformtorok
transformers. vesztesge.
Electricity regulation body Villamos energetikai szablyoz hatsg
Independent administrative authority that is Fggetlen kzigazgatsi hatsg, melynek
entrusted with overseeing the smooth feladata a piac zavartalan mkdsnek
running of the market and to make sure that felgyelete, a diszkriminci mentessg
there is no discrimination, cross subsidy or biztostsa, a keresztfinanszrozsok s a
hindrance to competition. versenyt gtl tnyezk megszntetse.
Eligible customers Feljogostott fogyasztk
The customers who have an option to choose Azok a fogyasztk, akik megvlaszthatjk,
their supplier of electricity. hogy kitl szerzik be a villamos energit.
Energy Meter Readings (EMRs) Leolvasott elszmolsi mrsek (EMR-ek)
Actual energy exchanges on tie-lines Azok az aktulis, (a szablyozsi
between control blocks (of control areas) to terleteken) a szablyozsi blokkok kztti
carry out the accounting function: rendszersszekt vezetkeken mrt
EMRs values are mostly acquired in real- export/import energia mennyisgek,
time and transmitted immediately after each melyeket elszmolsi clokra hasznlnak fel:
hour or after each 15 minutes mark. A leolvasott elszmolsi mrseket ltalban
Sometimes the values may be acquired vals idben gyjtik, s rnknt, vagy 15
through other procedures (e.g. by fax); Care percenknt azonnal tovbbtjk. Nha az
should be given to secure great reliability for adatok sszegyjtse ms mdon trtnik
data collection and error detection. (pl. faxon keresztl); Figyelmet kell fordtani
arra, hogy biztostani kell az adatgyjts
magas megbzhatsgt s a hibafelismerst.
Energy utility/undertaking Energia szolgltat/vllalat
An energy utility is any company or Az energia szolgltat egy olyan trsasg,
enterprise that supplies other parties with vagy vllalat, amely ms gyfeleket villamos
electrical energy, irrespective of its legal energival lt el, fggetlenl a trsasg jogi
form and ownership structure. (gazdasgi) formjtl, s tulajdonosi
Equivalent time constant Egyenrtk idtnyez
It is a measure of the balance operator Ez a kiegyenlt szablyoz primer
response concerning primary control, which szablyozssal kapcsolatos reakciidejt
is estimated according to individual jellemz rtk, melyet a szablyozsban
characteristics and operation time of a rsztvev minden egyes gpegysg egyni
regulator of each generating unit szablyozsi karakterisztikja s mkdsi
participating in regulation. ideje alapjn szmtanak ki.
Excess capacity Tbblet kapacits
Volume or capacity over and above that Mennyisg, vagy kapacits, amely felette
which is needed to meet peak (planned or van annak, ami a (tervezett, vagy vrt) cscs
expected) demand. ignyek kielgtshez szksges.
Exchange balance Energiacsere mrleg
The balance of an exchange of electrical A villamosenergia csere mrlege az orszg /
energy is a difference between imports and a villamosenergia rendszer s az rintett
exports of the country/ power system orszgok / villamosenergia-rendszerek
concerned with other countries/power importjnak s exportjnak a klnbsge egy
systems within a certain period of time. bizonyos idszakban

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Exchange Program Csere program

Scheduled energy interchange between two A tervezett villamosenergia csere kt
control areas, see: Exchange schedule. szablyozsi terlet kztt, lsd csere
Exchange schedule Szlltsi (csere) menetrend
An agreed-upon transaction size (MW), start Klcsns megegyezsen alapul szlltsi
and end time, beginning and ending ramp mennyisg (MW), kezd s vg idpont,
periods, and type (e.g. firmness) required for kezdeti felfutsi s zr lefutsi meredeksg,
delivery and receipt of power and energy s tpus megadsa szksges a teljestmny
between the contracting parties and the s energia kldshez s fogadshoz a
control area(s) involved in the transaction. szerzdtt partnerek s az gylettel rintett
szablyozsi terletek kztt.
Failure Meghibsods
It describes an inadvertent transition, as a Az, a zavar eredmnyekpp bekvetkez,
result of a disturbance, of a component (a nem szndkos (vletlenszer) folyamat,
network element, a generating unit) to a melynek sorn egy alkotelem (hlzati
faulty status. elem, termel egysg) hibs llapotba kerl.
Final customer Vgfelhasznl
A customer buying electricity for his own A vsrl, aki sajt felhasznlsra vsrol
use. villamos energit.
Fossil fuel Fosszilis tzelanyag
It is any naturally occurring organic fuel, Ez brmely termszetes elfordulsa a
such as oil, coal and natural gas. szerves tzelanyagnak: olaj, szn, fldgz.
Free transmission capacity / capability of Szabad tviteli kapacits
a section Ez a fennmarad szabad kapacits a
It is the remaining capacity of the inter-state hatrmetszken a kvetkez idszakra (pl.
section for the forthcoming period (e.g. a htre), amit fel lehet hasznlni tovbbi
week) that can be used for further kereskedelmi tevkenysgre az sszekapcsolt
commercial activities between orszgok kztt, figyelembe vve a mr
interconnected countries, in addition to the megkttt szerzdsekben szerepl
contracts that have been already concluded teljestmnyeket s a technikai tartalkokat.
and to the technical reserves.
Frequency Control Frekvencia szablyozs
See: Primary control. Lsd: Szekunder szablyozs.
Frequency Offset Frekvencia korrekci
A difference between the actual and the Eltrs a pillanatnyi s a nvleges/elrt
nominal / rated system frequency in order to rendszerfrekvencia kztt azrt, hogy
correct the synchronous time, not identical helyrelljon a szinkron id (vagyis egytt
with the frequency deviation. fusson az UTC-vel). Ez nem azonos a
frekvencia eltrssel.
Frequency stability Frekvencia stabilits
Frequency stability describes the controlling A frekvencia stabilits megmutatja a
of frequency deviations as a result of betpllsok s a fogyasztsok kztti
imbalances between injection and eltrsek hatsra ltrejv frekvencia
withdrawal (active power control) and is eltrsek kezelsnek eredmnyessgt,
achieved by primary and secondary control melyet a primer s szekunder szablyozssal,
and by the use of minutes reserves in the valamint az ermvek perces tartalkainak
power stations. bevetsvel rnek el.

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Futures market Hatrids gyletek piaca

An arrangement through standardized Egy standard, szerzdsen alapul egyezsg,
contract for the delivery of a commodity at a amely egy rucikk szlltsra vonatkozik
future time and at price specified at the time egy jvben meghatrozott idpontban, a
of purchase. This price is based on an vtel idpontjban meghatrozott ron. Ez az
auction or market basis. r aukcin (rversen), vagy piaci ron
Gas turbines Gzturbink
Gas turbines use high-temperature, high- A gzturbink a tzelanyag elgetsvel
pressure gas as a power source and part of keletkezett magas hmrsklet s nagy
the heat supplied by the hot gas is converted nyoms gzt hasznlnak energia forrsknt,
into rotational energy. Fuel can be natural s a forr gz ltal termelt h egy rszt
gas, coal gases, or liquid fuels. mechanikai (forg) energiv alaktja t. Az
zemanyaga lehet fldgz, szngz, vagy
folykony zemanyag.
Generating unit (Villamosenergia) termel egysg
It is a power plant installation which can be Kzs zem ermvi berendezs,
delimited according to certain criteria. The gpcsoport. A termel egysg pldul lehet
generating unit for example may be a power egy genertor, kzs gzkr erm rsz,
unit, a common-header power station, a kombinlt ciklus erm, vzerm
combined cycle plant, a generating set of a genertor blokkja, tzelanyag cellk, vagy
hydroelectric power plant, a fuel cell stack, napelem modul.
or a solar module.
Generating unit auxiliaries Ermvi gpegysg segdzeme
The generating unit auxiliary power is the Az ermvi gpegysg segdzemi
electric power required for operation of the teljestmnye az a villamos teljestmny,
auxiliary and ancillary equipment of a amely a gpegysg segdzemi s kisegt
generating unit (e.g. for water treatment, berendezseinek (pl. vzkezels, kazn
water feed to the steam generator, fresh air tpvzelltsa, leveg s tzelanyag ellt
and fuel supply, flue gas dust collection), in rendszer, fstgz porlevlaszt) a
addition to the power loss from the step-up mkdshez szksges, kiegsztve a
transformers. A distinction is drawn between blokktranszformtorok vesztesgvel.
the generating unit auxiliary power in Megklnbztetik a gpegysg zemi s
operation and at rest. zemen kvli segdzemi teljestmnyt.
Generation Villamosenergia termels
The process of converting primary energy Az a folyamat, melynek sorn az elsdleges
(e.g. coal, gas, oil, stored water, wind and (primer) energiahordozt (szn, gz, olaj,
solar) into electricity. vz, szl, nap) villamos energiv alaktjk.
Generation dispatch and control Tehereloszts s termels szablyozs
Aggregating and dispatching (sending off to A klnbz villamosenergia termel
some location) generation from various ltestmnyek termels sszegzse s
generating facilities, providing backup and teherelosztsa (elkldeni ), melynek sorn
reliability services for the electric power tartalk s rendszerzem biztonsgi
system. (rendszerszint) szolgltatsokat nyjtanak a
villamosenergia rendszer rszre.
Generation Set Ermvi (genertor) blokk
The set of a generator (and its driving A gpegysg turbinjnak s genertornak
apparatus) and a turbine of a generation unit. (belertve a meghajt berendezst is) az

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Grid user Hlzat hasznl

Any natural person or legal entity using a Brmely termszetes, vagy jogi szemly,
grid and therefore enlisting services of the aki/ami hasznlja a hlzatot, s ennek
TSO on a contractual basis. kvetkeztben ignybe veszi a TSO
szolgltatsait szerzds alapjn.
Gross consumption Brutt fogyaszts
The sum of domestic generation and imports A hazai villamosenergia-termels s az
of electrical energy minus exports. import sszege, mnusz az export.
Gross electrical energy production Brutt villamosenergia-termels
The gross electrical energy production of a Egy gpegysg, erm, ermvek
unit, a power station, a group of power csoportjnak, egy rginak, vagy az
stations, a region or a country during a given orszgnak a brutt villamosenergia-termelse
period, is the sum of the electrical energy egy adott idszakban nem ms, mint az
production by all the generating sets rintett sszes termel blokk gpkapcsokon
concerned measured at the output terminals mrt villamosenergia termelsnek sszege.
of the main generators.
Hot reserve (stand-by) Meleg tartalk
A generating unit ready to start for rapid Olyan termel egysg, amely kszen ll az
connection to the network: only includes indtsra, s gyorsan csatlakozni tud a
those units that are not supplying power to hlzathoz: Csak azokat a gpegysgeket
the system, but us. tartalmazza, amelyek folyamatosan nem
tpllnak be teljestmnyt a hlzatba, csak
szksg esetn.
Imports/exports Import/export rtkek
The sums of the scheduled or physically Az sszege a menetrend szerinti, vagy
registered values of the electrical energy (or fizikailag mrt villamos energia (vagy
capacity) flow between individual countries kapacits) mennyisgeknek, mely az egyes
within a certain time period. orszgok kztt ramlik egy bizonyos
Inadvertent deviation (Unintentional Nem szndkolt eltrs
deviation) A szekunder szablyozs mkdse sorn a
In the secondary control function, the nem szndkolt eltrs nem ms, mint a
inadvertent deviation is the difference megadott idtartamra vettett aktulis
between the actual energy exchange that has energia-csernek (a szablyozsi terlet nem
taken place in a given time interval szndkolt fizikai teljestmnycserje) s a
(unintended physical power exchange of a szablyozsi terlet (vagy szablyozsi
control area) and the scheduled exchange blokk) jvhagyott csere menetrendjnek a
program of a control area (or a control klnbsge
Independent producer (IPP) Fggetlen termel (IPP)
It means a producer generating electricity for Ez olyan termelt jelent, aki eladsra termeli
sale who does not carry out electricity a villamosenergit, s nem vgez tviteli,
transmission or distribution functions in the vagy eloszti feladatokat a hlzatnak azon a
territory covered by the system where he is terletn ahol mkdik (zemel).

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Independent system operator (ISO) Fggetlen rendszerirnyt (ISO)

Unless the transmission system is already Ha az tviteli rendszer nem teljesen
fully independent from other activities not fggetlen a tbbi tevkenysgtl - melyek
relating to the transmission system in terms nem tartoznak az tviteli hlzathoz
of ownership, the transmission system tulajdoni viszony szempontjbl -, az tviteli
operator must be independent, at least in rendszer irnytnak fggetlennek kell lennie
terms of its legal forms, organisation and legalbb jogilag, szervezetileg s
decision making, from other activities not dntshozi tekintetben az egyb, az
relating to the transmission. tvitellel nem sszefgg tevkenysgekben.
Installed capacity (gross) Beptett teljestmny (brutt)
It is a sum of rated active capacities of all Ez az sszege az ermvekben lev sszes
generators of the power stations, including genertor nvleges teljestmnynek,
generators of the station own consumption. belertve az ermvek nfogyasztst
(segdzemt) ellt genertorokat is.
Installed capacity (net) Beptett teljestmny (nett)
It is a sum of the rated capacities of the Ez egyes ermvi gpegysgek nvleges
individual power plant units, excluding the teljestmnyeinek sszege, kivve az
power plants auxiliary generators. ermvek segdzemi genertorait.
Interconnected system Egyttmkd (villamosenergia-)
The interconnected system encompasses all rendszer
synchronously interconnected energy Az egyttmkd villamosenergia-rendszer
systems. magba foglalja az sszes szinkronjr,
egymssal sszekttetsben lev
Interconnecting line Rendszersszekt vezetk
An interconnecting line is a circuit (or a A rendszersszekt vezetk egy olyan
transformer) that connects the transmission hlzati elem (vagy transzformtor), amely
systems. sszekti a villamosenergia rendszereket.
Interconnector sszekt vezetk
High voltage transmission line (tie line) Villamosenergia rendszereket, vagy
linking systems/ control area. szablyozsi terleteket sszekt
nagyfeszltsg tvvezetk
Interface Csatlakozsi pont, hlzati hatr
The interface between the network of the A hlzati hatrt a rendszerirnyt hlzata
transmission system operator and the s a rendszerhasznl berendezsei kztt
installation of a system user is usually ltalban a megszakt jelenti, amely a
located at the circuit breaker between the hlzati betplls s rendszerhasznlhoz
network serving general supply and the kzvetlenl hozztartoz berendezsek
installation directly assigned to the system kztt helyezkedik el.
Interruption of supply Feszltsg (ellts) kimarads
It refers specifically to an interruption in the Ez egy, vagy tbb fogyaszt elltsnak 1
supply to one or more customers for longer msodpercnl hosszabb ideig trtn
than 1 second as a result of a failure. megszakadst (zavart) jelenti, valamilyen
zavar kvetkeztben.

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Interruption time index Megszaktsi id index

Index showing the quality in the user supply Ez a mennyisg a felhasznl folyamatos
continuity. It is a ratio between the energy elltsnak minsgi mutatja. Ez a
not delivered due to disturbances and/or the hnyadosa a (zavarok s/vagy cscsidszaki
peak load shortages and the peak load hiny miatt) kiesett villamos energinak s a
demand over the said period. cscsidszaki fogyasztsi ignynek az adott
Island Sziget
A portion of a power system or of several A villamosenergia-rendszer, vagy tbb
power systems that is electrically separated villamosenergia-rendszer azon rsze, amely
from the interconnection due to the villamosan elszigeteldtt az egyttmkd
disconnection of transmission system villamosenergia-rendszertl, tviteli hlzati
elements. elemek kikapcsoldsa miatt.
Large-scale failure Jelents zemzavar/hiba
A large-scale failure situation exists when Jelents zemzavar ll fenn, ha a feszltsg
voltage is lost: eltnik:
- throughout the transmission system of a - mindentt, a rendszerirnyt tviteli
TSO or hlzatn, vagy
- in a number of networks of adjacent system - a szomszdos rendszerirnytk szmos
operators or hlzatn, vagy
- in network parts of one or more adjacent - egy, vagy tbb szomszdos tviteli
transmission (distribution) systems. (eloszt) hlzati rendszer egyes rszein.
Load, demand Terhels, fogyaszts
The load is the value at a given moment of A terhels/fogyaszts az adott idpontban az
the power supplied or absorbed at any point az rtk, melyet a rendszer brmely pontjn
of a system as determined by an betpllt, vagy vtelezett teljestmny adott
instantaneous measurement of power during idtartam alatti pillanatnyi teljestmny
a given period of time. Load can refer to a mrsvel hatroznak meg. A
consumer, an appliance, a group of terhels/fogyaszts rtelmezhet a
consumers or appliances or a network. fogyasztra, kszlkre, a fogyasztk, vagy a
kszlkek egy csoportjra, vagy a hlzatra.
Load-Frequency Control (LFC) Teljestmny-frekvencia szablyozs
See: Secondary control (LFC)
Lsd: Szekunder szablyozs
Loop flows / Parallel path flows Hurokramls / prhuzamos ramlsi
Loop flow refers to the load flow, measured utak
on the interconnecting lines in terms of the A hurokramls azt a teljestmnyramlst
difference between the physical power jelenti, melyet a rendszersszekt
exchange and the agreed schedules, which vezetkeken mrnek, a fizikai energiacsere
arises both when the power balances of the s a megegyezs szerinti menetrend
individual control areas (natural loop flow) klnbsgeknt, amely egyarnt fellp akkor
are balanced, and when schedules are agreed, is, amikor az egyes szablyozsi terletek
owing to the different levels of transmissions kiegyenslyozottak (termszetes
due to the non-homogeneous distribution of hurokramls) s a cseremenetrendek a
the impedances, injections and loads. megegyezs szerintiek, ami az tvitel
klnbz feszltsgszintjeinek tudhat be
az inhomogn impedancia eloszls,
betplls s vtelezs miatt.

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Losses in networks Hlzati vesztesgek

Losses in transmission and distribution Az tviteli- s eloszthlzati vesztesg a
networks represent a difference between the hlzatba betpllt villamosenergia s a nett
electric power supplied into a network and villamos fogyaszts klnbsge. Vesztesgek
the net electricity consumption. Losses arise, elssorban a szllts sorn lpnek fel,
first of all, due to transition of transmitted melynek folyamn a villamosenergia egy
electric energy into thermal energy. rsze henergiv alakul t.
Losses in the main generator transformers Gptranszformtorok vesztesge
The energy losses occurring in the main Az az energia vesztesg, amely a f
generator/ transformers during both the on- genertoron/transzformtoron lp fel a
load and off-load periods of the generator genertor blokk terhelt s resen jr zeme
sets. The losses may be either measured or alatt. A vesztesgeket mrni s megbecslni
evaluated. is lehet.
Market clearing price (MCP) Piaci elszmol r (MCP)
Price at which the maximum volume is Az az r, amelyen a maximlis mennyisg
traded according to the demand and supply zletkts trtnt a knlati s keresleti grbe
curve. It corresponds to the intersection of alapjn. Ez megfelel az sszestett knlati s
the aggregated purchase and sale curves and keresleti grbk metszspontjnak, s nem
does not take possible constraints of the teszi lehetv az tviteli hlzattal
transmission system into account. The term kapcsolatos megktsek figyelembe vtelt.
MCP is often used for the price resulting Az MCP kifejezst gyakran hasznljk arra
from the auction trade system of the spot az rra, amely a spot (azonnali) piac aukcis
market. kereskedelmi rendszernek elszmol ra.
Market splitting Piac feloszts
This is an alternative to deal with a Ez egy lehetsges alternatvja a szk
bottleneck, usually applicable in systems that keresztmetszetek felosztsnak, melyet
already have a common spot market. As a ltalban azokban a rendszerekben
reaction to the occurrence of congestion, the alkalmaznak, ahol mr van kzs spot
market operators provide for the possibility (azonnali) piac. Torlds kialakulsa esetn a
that there are different spot market prices on piacirnytk felkszlnek arra a lehetsgre,
either side of the bottleneck. Thus, electricity hogy klnbz spot piaci rak lesznek a
in the area that is oversupplied becomes szk keresztmetszet kt oldaln. Ennek
cheaper than electricity in the undersupplied kvetkeztben azon a terleten, ahol
area. Consequently less market participants tbblettermels van, a villamos energia
are interested to purchase from the area that olcsbb lesz, mint azon a terleten, ahol
becomes more expensive and the resulting termels hiny van. Kvetkezskpp
flow over the bottleneck is reduced. kevesebb piaci szerepl rdekelt abban, hogy
arrl a terletrl vsroljon, ami egyre
drgbb lesz s ennek eredmnyekpp a szk
keresztmetszet ramlsa lecskken.

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Maximum electrical capacity Maximlis villamos teljestkpessg

It is the maximum power, which could be Az a maximlis teljestmny, melyet
produced, transmitted or distributed folyamatosan, hosszabb mkdsi
continuously throughout a prolonged period idtartamon keresztl lehet ellltani,
of operation. All the equipment is assumed to szlltani, vagy elosztani. Felttelezzk, hogy
be fully operational. (ekzben) minden berendezs teljesen
It is the highest permanent power of a power mkdkpes.
station to be produced under average Az ermnek az a legnagyobb lland
conditions. Components which are teljestmnye, melyet ltalnos felttelek
temporarily out of service, e.g. for repair or mellett kpes kiadni. Azok a rszegysgek,
overhaul, do not decrease the maximum melyek ideiglenesen zemen kvl vannak,
electrical capacity. pl.: javtson, vagy nagyjavtson, nem
The maximum electrical capacity of a group cskkentik a maximlis villamos
of units or power stations is the arithmetic teljestkpessget.
sum of the individual maximum electrical Gpegysgek egy csoportjnak, vagy az
capacities. ermnek a maximlis teljestkpessge az
egyes egysgek maximlis villamos
teljestkpessgnek aritmetikai sszege.
Merit order/Economic precedence Merit order / gazdasgossgi sorrend
Ranking in an order in which a generation Egy olyan sorrend, amely azt adja meg, hogy
plant should be used, based on ascending az egyes ermveket milyen sorrendben kell
price, together with the amount of energy bekapcsolni a termelsbe. Ez a sorrend az
that will be generated. ermvek nvekmnykltsgn s ezzel
egytt azon az energia mennyisgen alapul
melyet termelni fognak.
Minimum stable generation Minimlis zemi teljestmny
It is the value below that the power must not Ez az a teljestmny rtk, mely al nem
drop in continuous operation for reasons cskkenthet az erm, vagy a berendezs
related to the plant or the equipment. Should teljestmnye folyamatos zem sorn. A
the minimum stable generation relate to a minimlis zemi teljestmny a folyamatos
shorter time interval rather than to zemnl rvidebb idtartamra is
continuous operation, it must be indicated vonatkozhat, azonban ezt ennek megfelelen
accordingly. jellni kell.

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Minute's reserve Perces tartalk

The minute's reserve must be available for A perces tartalknak ksleltets nlkl
deployment without delay in the event of a bevethetnek (mozgsthatnak) kell lennie a
power failure (e.g. it must replace the hlzaton bekvetkez hiba esetn (pl.: ezt a
seconds reserve within no more than 15 szekunder tartalknak kell kivltania
minutes). The minute's reserve is provided maximum 15 percen bell). A perces
chiefly by thermal power stations operating tartalkot elssorban a hermvek
under secondary control, and also by the genertorai nyjtjk a szekunder szablyozs
deployment of hydro storage stations, ltal, de ide tartoznak a trozs vzermvek,
pumped-storage power stations, as well as a szivattys-trozs ermvek, csakgy,
gas turbines, and disconnection of customer mint a gzturbink s a fogyaszt
loads. The entire minute's reserve must be kikapcsols. A teljes perces tartalk-nak
at least as high as the power of the largest legalbb akkornak kell lennie, mint
power unit, in order to permit sufficiently amekkora a legnagyobb termel (gp-)
rapid compensation of frequency deviations egysg teljestmnye, ahhoz, hogy
in the event of failures. elegenden gyorsan tudja kikompenzlni a
hlzati esemny bekvetkezse miatti
Monopoly Monoplium
The situation on the market when one of the Az a piaci helyzet, amikor az egyik piaci
market participants has a dominant position szerepl meghatroz pozciban van a
on the market. piacon.
n- 1 Criterion n-1 elv (kritrium)
If a network operating element should fail (a Ha a hlzat egyik zemben lv eleme
line, or generator, or transformer, or in meghibsodna (tvvezetk, genertor,
certain instances a bus- bar), the elements transzformtor, vagy bizonyos esetekben
remaining in operation must be capable of gyjtsn), akkor a tbbi, zemben marad
accommodating the additional load caused hlzati elemnek kpesnek kell lennie
by the failure. kompenzlni azt a tbbletterhelst, amelyet a
hiba okozott.
National electrical consumption Nemzeti (orszgos) villamsoenergia
The national electrical consumption is the net fogyaszts
electrical consumption including the network Az orszgos villamosenergia fogyaszts nem
losses without consumption for pumped ms, mint a nett villamosenergia
storage. fogyaszts, amely tartalmazza a hlzati
vesztesgeket, de nem tartalmazza a
szivattys-trozs ermvek fogyasztst.
Natural monopoly in a power sector Termszetes monoplium az energia
Since the construction of additional szektorban.
transmission and distribution networks is not Mivel tovbbi (rtsd: dupliklt) tviteli s
reasonable from technical and economical eloszt hlzatok ptse sem technikai, sem
points of view, owners of the existing gazdasgi szempontbl nem clszer, a
networks are natural monopolists. meglv hlzatok tulajdonosai termszetes
monopliummal rendelkeznek.
Negotiated TPA Trgyalsos harmadik fl hozzfrse
TSOs/DSOs negotiate (under a set of legal A rendszerirnytk/eloszthlzat-irnytk
provisions) and conclude contracts on the trgyalsnak eredmnyekppen (jogi
conditions of access and use of the rendeletek alapjn) szerzdst ktnek az
transmission/distribution systems. tviteli/eloszt hlzathoz val hozzfrs s
a hlzat hasznlatnak feltteleirl.

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Network Power Frequency Characteristic Hlzati teljestmny-frekvencia

It is a characteristic of a physical karakterisztika
link/sensitivity, usually given in MW/Hz, Ez egy fizikai kapcsolatot/rzkenysget
associated with a (single) control area / blockjellemz tnyez, melyet ltalban MW/Hz-
or of the entire synchronous area that relates ben adnak meg (egy) szablyozsi terletre /
the difference between scheduled and actual blokkra, vagy az egsz szinkron terletre,
frequency to the amount of generation mely kapcsolatot teremt a tervezett s az
required to correct the power imbalance for aktulis frekvencia klnbsge s az ahhoz
that control area, not to be confused with k- szksges termels kztt, mely a
factor. This characteristic includes all activeszablyozsi terlet
primary control and self-regulation of load kiegyenslyozatlansgnak
and changes due to changes in the generation megszntetshez kell, ami nem tvesztend
pattern and the demand. ssze a k-tnyezvel. Ez a tnyez
tartalmazza az sszes aktv primer
szablyozst, a fogyasztk nszablyozst,
s azokat a vltozsokat, melyek a termels
s a fogyaszts vltozsa miatt kvetkeznek
Network security Hlzati biztonsg
Network security in the sense of security of A hlzati biztonsg elltsbiztonsg s
supply and secure system operation refers biztonsgos rendszer zem rtelemben
to the capacity of an electrical supply system azonosthat a villamosenergia ellt
to fulfill its supply function at a specific rendszer azon kpessgvel, hogy brmely
point in time. idpontban teljesti a villamosenergia elltsi
Neutral zone rzketlensgi sv
The neutral zone is the range defined by the Az rzketlensgi sv egy olyan frekvencia
frequency limit values in which the tartomny, melyen bell a szablyoz nem
controller does not respond. This variable vgez beavatkozst. Ez a vltoz rja le a
describes the interaction between the primary primer szablyoz s a gpek kapcsolatt.
controller and the machine.
Nominal capacity / Rated capacity Nvleges kapacits
The highest permanent capacity without Egy elektromos berendezsnek az a
time limit, without influencing the life time legnagyobb lland kapacitsa amelyre
(operating time) and safety of an electrical terveztk idkorltozs nlkl, gy, hogy
installation for which it is designed or after az az lettartamra (mkdsi idre) nincs
which it is named. In the case of combined hatssal, biztonsgosan zemel , illetve ami
heat and power plants, the nominal capacity utn elnevezik. Kombinlt h s
refers to the electrical nominal capacity. villamosenergia termel ermvek esetben
a nvleges teljestmny a nvleges villamos
teljestmnyt jelenti.
Non-planned supply Nem tervezett fogyaszts
Difference between factual and A tnyleges s a tervezett/szerzdtt
planned/contracted electricity supplies. It is fogyaszts kztti klnbsg. A szllt s a
compensated either by payment for factual vgfelhasznl ezt az eltrst a tnyleges
supplies (between the supplier and end- tlfogyaszts kifizetsvel, vagy a nem
users) or by return of non-planned supplies. tervezett fogyaszts visszatrtsvel rendezi.

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Normal operation of a power system A villamosenergia-rendszer norml zeme

Normal operation has the following A norml zemnek a kvetkezk a jellemzi:
characteristics: - A villamosenergia ellts biztonsgos s
- Security and reliability of electricity megbzhat
supplies - Minden fogyaszt el van ltva
- All customers are supplied - Egyik hatrrtkre vonatkozan sincs
- All limit values are observed (e.g. no tllps (nincs tlterhelds)
overloads) - Az n-1 kritrium minden pontban teljesl
- The (n-1) criterion is met at all points - A szksges ermvi s tviteli tartalkok
- Adequate power station and transmission rendelkezsre llnak.
reserves are available.
Observation Line Megfigyelsi hatr
It is a conventional borderline separating a Ez egy megllapods szerinti hatrvonal,
part of the synchronous zone from the rest of mely elvlasztja a szinkron zna egy rszt a
the system with the purpose of real-time rendszer tbbi rsztl, azrt, hogy detektlni
error detection and preliminary calculation of tudjk a valsidej hibt, s elzetesen
inadvertent deviations. It must run along the kiszmthassk a nem-szndkolt eltrseket.
borders of a control block and must not split Ennek a szablyozsi blokk hatrvonalval
any control block. kell egybeesnie, s nem szabad kettosztania
egyetlen szablyozsi blokkot sem.
Offsetting of Inadvertent Deviations Nemszndkolt eltrsek kompenzlsa
Procedure to carry out the compensation in Az az eljrs, melynek sorn kompenzljk a
energy of inadvertent deviations, by a nemszndkolt eltrsekbl szrmaz
corresponding energy exchange schedule, to energia hinyt, vagy tbbletet oly mdon,
be delivered to (or imported from), the rest hogy annak megfelel energia csert (export,
of the system during the following week vagy import) terveznek a rendszer tbbi
according to the Standards. rszvel a kvetkez hten az elrsoknak
Offsetting or superimposing counter Ellenttes irny ramlsok
directed flows kiegyenltdse, vagy szaldstsa
If over an electricity line between A and B Ha egy A s B pont kztti tvvezetken az
one contract is concluded to transport e.g. egyik szerzds alapjn pl. 100 MW-ot kell
100 MW in direction A and a second szlltani A-ba, s ugyanakkor egy msik
contract over the same time is concluded to szerzds szerint pl. 80 MW-ot kell szlltani
transport e.g. 80 MW in direction B, then B-be, akkor fizikailag csak 20 MW-ot kell
only 20 MW have to be physically szlltani A-ba. gy teht az ellenttes irny
transported in direction A. Thus, counter szerzdses ramlsokat gy lehet
directed contractual flows could be sszegezni, hogy egymst kiejtsk.
superimposed in order to cancel each other Kvetkezskpp, egy tvvezetk szerzdses
out. Consequently, the contractual capacity kapacitsa sokkal nagyobb lehet, mint a
of an electricity line can be significantly valsgos (fizikai) kapacitsa.
higher than its physical capacity.
Oligopoly Oligoplium
It is a situation when a few market Az a piaci struktra, amikor nhny piaci
participants exert market control over price. szerepl gyakorolja a (piaci) felgyeletet az
r felett.

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Operating Policies zemviteli irnyelvek

The doctrine developed for interconnected Az irnyelv-gyjtemny az egyttmkd
systems operation. This doctrine consists of villamosenergia-rendszerek zemvitelhez
criteria, standards, requirements, guides, and lett kidolgozva. Ez az irnyelv-gyjtemny
instructions and applies to all control areas. olyan kritriumokat, szabvnyokat,
kvetelmnyeket, irnyelveket s
tmutatsokat tartalmaz, melyeket minden
szablyozsi terlet alkalmaz.
Operating reliability limits zemi megbzhatsgi hatrok
They define the acceptable operating (hatrrtkek)
boundaries (thermal, voltage and stability Ezek meghatrozzk az elfogadhat zemi
limits). The TSO must have defined tartomnyt (termikus, feszltsg s stabilitsi
operating reliability limits for its own hatrok). A TSO-nak meg kell hatroznia az
network. The TSO shall ensure adherence to zemi megbzhatsgi hatrokat a sajt
these operating reliability limits. Violation of hlzatra vonatkozan. A TSO
operating reliability limits for prolonged time gondoskodni fog arrl, hogy betartsa ezeket
could cause damage and/or an outage of az zemi megbzhatsgi hatrokat. Az
another element that can cause further zemi megbzhatsgi hatrok hossz tv
deterioration of system operating conditions. tlpse krosodst okozhat s/vagy egy
msik elem kiesst, amely a rendszer zemi
jellemzinek tovbbi romlst okozhatja.
Operating reserve zemi tartalk
Generation capacity, above system load Termeli kapacits a rendszerterhelsen
demand, required to be provided for fell, amely a szablyzshoz, a
regulation, load forecasting error, equipment terhelsbecsls hibjnak korriglshoz,
failures and scheduled maintenance. It valamint a berendezsek meghibsodsnak
consists of spinning and a part of cold s a tervezett karbantartsok hatsainak
reserve. kompenzlshoz kell.
Operation under fault conditions Vszhelyzeti zem
Operation under fault conditions has the A vszhelyzeti zemnek a kvetkezk a
following characteristics: jellemzi:
- Supply is maintained to all customers - Minden fogyaszt elltsa megoldott
and/or: s/vagy:
- Limit values are no longer observed. - A hatrrtkek nem betarthatak.
- The (n-1) criterion is no longer met. - Az n-1 elv tbb nem teljesl.
Options Opcik
A contractual agreement that gives the holder Szerzdses megllapods, amely lehetv
the right to buy (call option) or sell (put teszi a birtokosnak, hogy vegyen (vteli
option) a fixed quantity of a security or jog), vagy eladjon (eladsi jog) fix
commodity (e.g. a commodity or commodity mennyisg biztostkot, vagy rut (pl. rut,
futures contract), at a fixed price, within a vagy hatrids szerzdst) fix ron a
specified period of time. Options may be megadott idszakon bell. Az opcik
standardised, exchanged/traded, and szabvnyosthatk,
government regulated, or over-the-counter cserlhetk/forgalmazhatk, s a kormny
customised and non-regulated. ltal szablyozottak, vagy tzsdn kvliek
s nem szablyozottak.

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Overhauls of thermal power stations Hermvek nagyjavtsa

As far as possible, overhauls are carried out Amennyire csak lehetsges, a
during the summer and transitional months nagyjavtsokat a nyri, vagy az tmeneti
when the load is low due to the time of the idszakban vgzik, amikor a terhels
year. In any case a corresponding reserve alacsony, az adott idszaknak megfelelen.
capacity has to be planned with respect to the Mindig elegend tartalk kapacitst kell
problem of reserve assessment, which rises betervezni - figyelembe vve tartalkok
especially for the winter period. felbecslsnek nehzsgeit - , amely
klnsen a tli idszakban emelkedik meg.
Pancaking/Embedded costs Pancaking/begyazott kltsgek
Multiple charging of national transmission (rteges palacsintatorta)
costs for cross- border exchanges of A villamosenergia hatron keresztli
electricity. Pancaking discourages szlltsa sorn az orszgos tviteli kltsgek
intersystem trade and does not generally sszetett szmtsi mdszere. A pancaking
reflect transmission costs. akadlyozza a rendszerek kztti
kereskedelmet, s ltalban nem tkrzi a
tnyleges tviteli kltsgeket.
Partial load Rszleges terhels
A generating unit is operated under partial Egy termel gpegysg rszleges terhelssel
load if its power lies between the levels of zemel, ha a termelse a minimlis zemi
minimum stable generation and planned teljestmny s a tervezett kimen
output. teljestmny kztt van.
Peak load (peak demand) Cscs terhels (fogyaszts)
The electric load that corresponds to a Az a villamos terhels, amely a
maximum level of electrical demand in a villamosenergia igny maximlis szintjnek
specified time period. felel meg egy megadott idintervallumban.
Physical load flow between neighbour Fizikai teljestmny ramls a szomszdos
countries orszgok kztt.
It is the balance of the physical load flows, Ez az tlaga a 3 s 11 ra (kzp eurpai id
measured at 3 and 11 a.m. (Central European szerint) kztt, a hatrkeresztez
Time) at the cross-frontier substations of tvvezetkekhez (>110 kV) tartoz
transmission lines (> 110 kV). In general, by alllomsokon mrt teljestmny
agreement between the partners, only one ramlsoknak.
metering point is used. ltalban a partnerek megllapodst ktnek
arrl, hogy melyik mrsi pontot hasznljk.
Point of supply Betpllsi pont
Point where power is physically fed into the Az a pont, ahol a villamosenergia fizikailag
grid. betpllsra kerl a hlzatba.
Postage stamp Postablyeg
This expression is used to describe a gy nevezik azt a djszabsi mdszert,
transmission or access fee that does not amikor az tviteli dj, vagy a hlzati
depend on the distance of the transaction. hozzfrs dja nem fgg a szllts
Usually a postage stamp tariff would also tvolsgtl. ltalban a postablyeg
be a non-transaction oriented tariff. tarifnak nem-szlltsfgg tarifnak
Nevertheless, additional transit postage kellene lennie. Ennek ellenre bizonyos
stamps for specific situations may be esetekben be lehet vezetni ptllagos
introduced. postablyegeket.

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Power deviation Teljestmny eltrs

A power deficit (as a negative value) or a A cseremenetrendhez kpesti, egy
surplus (as a positive value) in a control szablyozsi terlet / szablyozsi blokk,
area/control block or a synchronous area, vagy szinkron terlet hatrain mrt
measured at the borders, with respect to the teljestmny hiny (negatv rtk), vagy
scheduled exchanges. tbblet (pozitv rtk).
Power exchange (PX) ramtzsde
An independent entity responsible for A szervezett piac egy fggetlen entits
conducting an action for generators seeking szereplje, amely felels a kvetkez eljrs
to sell energy and for loads which are not lefolytatsrt: a termelk szmra energia
otherwise being served by bilateral contracts. eladsi lehetsgeket keres s olyan
The Power Exchange is generally fogyasztsokat, melyek mg nincsenek
responsible for scheduling generation, lefedve ktoldal szerzdsekkel. Az
determining market clearing prices, and for ramtzsde ltalban felels a termelsi
settlement and billing. It does not have its menetrendrt, a piaci elszmol-r
own trade strategy. meghatrozsrt, az elszmolsrt s a
szmlzsrt. Az ramtzsdnek nincs sajt
kereskedsi stratgija.
Power factor Teljestmny tnyez
The power factor cos j is the quotient of the A cos teljestmnytnyez a hatsos
active power and the apparent power. The teljestmny s a ltszlagos teljestmny
power factor is a measure of the demand for hnyadosa. A teljestmny tnyez a hatsos
reactive power in addition to active power teljestmny melletti meddteljestmny
(overexcited operation = lag; under excited igny mrtke (tlgerjesztett zem = kss,
operation = lead). alulgerjesztett zem = siets/elretars).
Power frequency characteristic Teljestmny-frekvencia karakterisztika
The power frequency characteristic defines A teljestmny-frekvencia karakterisztika
the frequency behaviour of the complete meghatrozza a teljes egyttmkd
interconnected system and of the control rendszer s a szablyozsi terletek
areas. The power frequency characteristic of frekvencia viselkedst. Az egyttmkd
the interconnected system is equal to the rendszer teljestmny-frekvencia
quotient of the power deficit (or surplus) DP karakterisztikja egyenl a hiba hatsra
causing the fault and the quasi-steady bekvetkez teljestmny hiny (vagy
frequency deviation Df that is caused by the tbblet) DP s a hiba hatsra bekvetkez
fault. kvzi-llandsult frekvencia eltrs Df

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Power frequency control (see: Secondary Teljestmny-frekvencia szablyozs (lsd

control or Load-Frequency Control LFC, Szekunder szablyozs, vagy
too) Teljestmny-frekvencia szablyozs LFC)
Power frequency control describes a control A teljestmny frekvencia szablyozs egy
process within which TSOs maintain the olyan szablyozsi folyamatot r le, melynek
mutually agreed electrical values at the sorn a TSO-k gondoskodnak a kzsen
boundaries of their control areas under megllaptott villamos paramterek
normal operation and in particular under fenntartsrl a sajt szablyozsi terletk
fault conditions. In this process, each TSO hatrain norml krlmnyek kztt, s
endeavours, by means of an appropriate ezeknek a paramtereknek a rszleges
contribution from his own control area, to fenntartsrl hibs krlmnyek esetn.
maintain both the inter-change with other Ebben a folyamatban minden TSO arra
control areas within the agreed boundaries trekszik (a sajt rszesedsnek megfelel,
and the system frequency close to the set a sajt szablyozsi terletn lv
point value. erforrsok segtsgvel), hogy a tbbi
szablyozsi terlettel fennll
csereteljestmnyt a megllapods szerinti
hatrok kztt tartsa, s a rendszer
frekvencia a clrtk kzelben legyen.
Power plant / station operator Erm irnyt
It controls power station capacity, by virtue Az erm kapacitst felgyeli, akr
of either ownership or contractual tulajdonls, akr szerzdses kapcsolat
arrangement, and determines the scheduling folytn, s meghatrozza a kapacits
of such capacity. menetrendet.
Power plant unit Ermvi (gp)egysg
A power plant unit is a generating unit with a Az ermvi egysg (blokk) egy gpegysg,
direct functional relationship between the amely kzvetlen mkdsi kapcsolatban ll
main plant sections (for example between the az erm fbb rszeivel (pl. herm esetn
steam generator, turbine and generator in a gzfejlesztvel, genertorral s a
thermal power stations). turbinval).
Power produced in parallel operation A prhuzamos (szinkron) zem teljest
It is the sum of the net electrical power kpessge
produced in power stations participating in Ez az sszege a szinkron zemben jr
synchronous operation. It takes into account ermvek nett teljest kpessgnek. Ez
the spinning reserve, but excludes units tartalmazza a forg tartalkot, de nem
injecting into systems, which are coupled to tartalmazza azoknak az egysgeknek a
the interconnected network only by an teljestmnyt, melyek AC/DC (egyenram
AC/DC-link, and those, which cannot be bett) kapcsolaton keresztl csatlakoznak az
operated with 50 Hz. egyttmkd energiarendszerhez, s azokaz
sem, melyek nem kpesek 50 Hz-en
Power reserve Teljestmny tartalk
It is a resource in the energy system, required Ez az energia rendszernek olyan erforrsa,
for regulation of frequency, voltage, power amely a frekvencia, a feszltsg s a
flows. teljestmny ramlsok szablyozshoz

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Power system load (Villamosenergia-) rendszer terhels

It is an instantaneous value of the planned or Ez a pillanatrtke a tervezett, vagy az
actual load (capacity) of all the power system aktulis terhelsnek, mely tartalmazza a
consumers including own consumption of villamosenergia rendszer sszes fogyasztjt,
the power stations and the losses in belertve az ermvek nfogyasztst, s a
networks. The maximum load of the system hlzati vesztesget. A rendszer ves
throughout a year is the annual maximum of maximlis terhelse a fogyaszts
the load. vszakonknti maximuma.
Power system stabilizer (PSS) Wattos teljestmnylengs csillapt (PSS)
A power system stabilizer is installed to A wattos teljestmnylengs csillapt
improve the damping of transient phenomena felszerelsnek a clja a tranziens jelensgek
in the frequency range of about 0.25 Hz to 3 csillaptsnak nvelse a 0,25-3 Hz-es
Hz. frekvencia tartomnyban.
Power, electric Villamos teljestmny
Electric power in the physical sense is the A villamos teljestmny fizikai jelentst
product of current and voltage and is an tekintve az ram s a feszltsg szorzata, s
instantaneous value. The point in time (date pillanatnyi mennyisg. A pillanatnyi
and time) must be specified in relation to mennyisgekkel kapcsolatban mindig meg
instantaneous values. In the electricity kell adni azt az idpillanatot is (dtum, id)
industry, average powers for defined periods amire vonatkozik. A villamos iparban
are used in addition to instantaneous values megadott idtartamokra vonatkoztatott
(integration periods of, for example, 1/4 or 1 tlagteljestmnyeket hasznlnak, kiegsztve
hour). pillanat rtkekkel (az integrlsi idtartam
pl. , vagy1 ra).
Price cap rsapka
It is a price determined by the regulator that Ez egy olyan, a szablyoz hatsg ltal
cannot be exceeded by the regulated megllaptott maximlt r, melyet nem lphet
company. It serves to implement incentive tl a szablyozs al tartoz vllalat/trsasg.
regulation. Ez az sztnz szablyozs eszkze.
Primary (frequency) control (PFC) Primer (frekvencia) szablyozs
It means action on a turbine input value by Ez azt a beavatkozst jelenti, melynek sorn
the turbine governor as a function of speed. a turbina szablyoz a sebessgtl fggen
It operates automatically in the seconds mdostja a turbina bemen paramtert (a
range. It is produced from the active beml gz mennyisgt). A beavatkozs
contribution of the power stations to changes automatikusan trtnik, nhny msodperces
in system frequency, and is supported by the vlaszidvel. A primer szablyozs az
passive contribution of the loads, which ermvek aktv, rendszerfrekvencit
depend upon the system frequency (self- mdost, s a fogyasztk ezt segt passzv,
regulating effect). frekvenciafgg (nszablyoz hats)
rszvtelvel valsul meg.
Primary control frequency band Primer szablyoz frekvenciasv
It is a range of the primary control within A primer szablyozs azon (frekvencia)
which the primary controller can intervene tartomnya, amelyben a primer szablyoz
automatically in both directions in the event automatikusan kpes kzbelpni frekvencia
of a frequency deviation. The primary eltrs esetn, mindkt irnyba. A primer
control band is applicable to all generating szablyozsi sv rtelmezhet minden
sets, for all control areas, and for the entire genertor blokkra, minden szablyozsi
interconnected system. terletre, s a teljes sszefgg
villamosenergia rendszerre.

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Primary control reserve Primer szablyozsi tartalk

It is the positive region of the primary Ez a primer szablyozsi tartomny pozitv
control range from the operating point prior rsze, amely a zavar bekvetkezse eltti
to the disturbance up to the maximum munkaponttl a primer szablyozsi
primary control power. The term primary tartomny maximumig terjed. A primer
control reserve can be applied both to szablyozsi tartalk kifejezs vonatkozhat
machines and to control areas and the gpekre, szablyozsi terletekre, s
interconnected system. egyttmkd rendszerre.
Primary controller Primer szablyoz
It is a decentralised control equipment for a Ez egy decentralizlt (elosztott) szablyoz
generation set (generator and turbine) to berendezs az ermvi blokkon (genertor s
control the speed of the generator (for turbina), amely a genertor sebessgt
synchronous generators directly coupled to szablyozza (szinkron genertorok esetn ez
the electric system frequency), see Primary kzvetlen kapcsolatban van a rendszer
control. frekvencival), lsd: Primer szablyozs.
Primary voltage control Primer feszltsg szablyozs
Capability of a generator automatic voltage A genertor automatikus
regulator to adjust the generator reactive feszltsgszablyozjnak azon kpessge,
power output as a consequence of a voltage hogy a feszltsg vltozstl fggen lltja
change. be a genertor kimen medd teljestmnyt.
Producer Termel
A producer means a natural or legal person Termszetes, vagy jogi szemlyt jelent, aki
generating electricity. villamosenergit termel.
Profile share Profil rszeseds (kvta)
Share of participation in a production profile Az egyes mrlegkr felelsk rszesedse a
of each balance operator. termelsi profilbl.
Profile supply Profilos vtelezs (ellts)
Volume of consumption, which is settled, not Elszmolt fogyasztsi mennyisg, amely
a measured value. nem mrt.
Reactive power Medd teljestmny
It is electric power required for the Az a villamos energia, ami a mgneses mez
generation of magnetic fields (e.g. in motors (pl. motorok, transzformtorok), vagy az
or transformers) or electric fields (e.g. in elektromos mez (pl. kondenztorok)
capacitors). ltrehozshoz szksges.
Redispatching jra-tehereloszts
Management of transmission congestion A hlzaton kialakul tviteli torldsok
directly by the system operator. This consists kzvetlen kezelse a rendszerirnyt ltal.
of requiring some generating units located in Ehhez a tevkenysghez az szksges, hogy
the zone where the demand exceeds supply abban a znban, ahol a fogyaszts
to increase output while reducing the output meghaladja a betpllst, rendelkezsre
of some generators in the zone where supply lljanak olyan genertorok, melyeknek a
exceeds the demand. termelst nvelni lehet, mikzben ms
genertorok termelst cskkentik abban a
znban, ahol a termels meghaladja a
Reference value Referencia (vonatkoztatsi) rtk
It is a value in relation to which Ez egy olyan viszonytsi rtk, melyhez a
calculations/state or situation estimation etc. szmtsok/llapot, vagy helyzet rtkelsek
in a said zone is carried out. stb. sorn az adott znban viszonytanak.

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Regulated Third Party Access (TPA) Szablyozott hozzfrs a hlzathoz

A set of legal and financial provisions giving (TPA)
non- discriminated conditions of access and Jogi s gazdasgi intzkedsek halmaza,
use of transmission/distribution systems for amely diszkriminci mentes felttelekkel
all the systems users. The provisions are biztostja az tviteli s az eloszt hlzatok
based on published tariffs for the access and hasznlatt, minden felhasznl rszre. Az
use. intzkedsek a kzztett hlzat csatlakozsi
s hasznlati tarifkon alapulnak.
Regulation capability Szablyozsi kpessg
It is a ratio between changes of the generator Ez az arny azt adja meg, hogy a
power in reply to a little change of frequency rendszerben bekvetkez kis frekvencia
in a system (MW/Hz). vltozs hatsra mennyivel vltozik meg a
genertor teljestmnye (MW/Hz).
Reliability Megbzhatsg
Electricity system reliability has two A villamosenergia-rendszer
components adequacy and security. megbzhatsgnak kt sszetevje van:
Adequacy is the ability of the system to megfelelsg s biztonsg. A megfelelsg a
supply the aggregate electrical demand and rendszer azon kpessge, hogy kielgti a
energy requirement of the customers at all rendszer az sszes villamos energia ignyt,
times, taking into account scheduled and s a fogyasztk energia ignyt minden
unscheduled outages of system facilities. idpontban, figyelembe vve a rendszer
Security is the ability of the system to berendezseinek tervezett s nem tervezett
withstand sudden disturbances such as kiesst is. A biztonsg a rendszer azon
electric short circuits or unanticipated loss of kpessge, hogy ellenll a hirtelen
system facilities. zavaroknak, mint pl. a (rvid)zrlat, vagy a
berendezsek vratlan meghibsodsa.
Reliable capacity Rendelkezsre ll kapacits
The reliable capacity is obtained from the A rendelkezsre ll kapacitst az orszgos
national generating and purchased power termels s a vsrolt teljestmny
capacity after deducting all reductions in kapacitsok sszegzsvel kapjuk miutn
capacity and reserve capacities, as for the levontunk belle minden kapacits-
non-usable capacity, overhauls and outages cskkenst s a tartalk kapacitsokat, mint
as well as the reserve for system services. pl. a nem hasznlhat kapacitst, a
This capacity is available at any time to nagyjavtsokat s kiesseket, csakgy, mint
cover the load. a rendszerszint szolgltatsok tartalkait. Ez
a kapacits mindig rendelkezsre ll, hogy
fedezze a terhelst.
Renewable resources Megjul erforrsok
These are energy resources that are naturally Ezek olyan erforrsok, melyek
replenishable, but flow-limited. They are termszetesen jratermeldnek, de nem
virtually inexhaustible in duration but limited llnak rendelkezsre korltlan
in the amount of energy that is available per mennyisgben. Idtartamukat tekintve
unit of time. Renewable energy resources gyakorlatilag kimerthetetlenek, de az
include: biomass, hydro, geothermal, solar idegysgre vettett rendelkezsre ll
and wind, ocean thermal, wave, and tidal energia mennyisgk limitlt. A megjul
action technologies. energiaforrsok a kvetkezk: biomassza,
vzenergia, geotermikus energia, nap- s
szlenergia, az cenok h- s hullm
energija, valamint az raply technolgik.

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Reserve power Tartalk teljestmny

It is the power used to correct deviations in Ez az a teljestmny, melyet a teljestmny
power balance between the expected egyensly helyrelltsra hasznlnak a vrt
conditions and those actually arising, or s bekvetkezett krlmnyek kztt, vagy
which is maintained for specific events that melyet elre nem lthat klnleges esetekre
can be foreseen. tartottak fenn.
Restoration of supply / Recovery of supply Ellts helyrelltsa
It refers to the technical and organizational Ez azokat a technikai s szervezsi
measures taken to limit a fault and to intzkedseket jelenti, melyeket a hibk
maintain or restore the supply quality elhrtsa, illetve a hiba hatsra kialakul
following its occurrence. Restoration of elltsi zavarok megszntetse, vagy
supply also includes measures for the kezelse rdekben alkalmaznak. Az ellts
equipping of generating units and network helyrelltsa ezen kvl azokat az
installations with regard to the possibility ofintzkedseket/beavatkozsokat is jelenti,
large-scale failures (restoration schemes). melyeket vgrehajtanak a termel
egysgeken s a hlzati berendezseken,
felkszlve arra a lehetsgre, hogy a hibk
nagy terletre is kiterjedhetnek (helyrelltsi
Retail competition Kiskereskedelmi (viszonteladi) verseny
A system under which more than one Egy olyan rendszer, melynek keretben
electricity provider can sell to retail egynl tbb villamosenergia szolgltat
customers, and retail customers can buy from rusthat a vgfelhasznlknak, illetve a
more than one provider. vgfelhasznlk egynl tbb szolgltattl
Retail market Kiskereskedelmi piac
A market in which electricity and other Az a piac, ahol villamosenergit s egyb
energy services are sold to the end-user. energia-szolgltatsokat rustanak a
vgfelhasznlk szmra.
Secondary control Szekunder szablyozs
Action on the turbine governor of generating A termel egysgek turbina szablyzjnak
units by the effect of quantities different az mkdse, melynek sorn a termelt
from speed (for example under the action of mennyisget szablyozzk vissza a tervezett
the system regulator aimed at maintaining rtkre az j rendszerfrekvencin (pldul,
the desired energy exchange of the control mikzben a rendszer szablyoz arra
area with the rest of the interconnected trekszi, hogy fenntartsa az elrt
system whilst at the same time providing energiacsert a szablyozsi terlet s az
integral frequency back-up control.) egyttmkd villamosenergia rendszer
Sometimes the secondary regulation is said tbbi rsze kztt, ugyanakkor egyttal
to be balancing regulation or regulation frekvencia tartalk-szablyzst is vgez.)
"upwards"/ "downwards". Nha a szekunder szablyozst kiegyenlt
szablyzsnak, vagy fel/le szablyzsnak
is hvjk.
Secondary control band Szekunder szablyozsi sv
It is the control range of the power secondary A szekunder szablyozs azon teljestmny
control within which the secondary szablyozsi tartomnya, amelyben a
controller can act automatically in both szekunder szablyoz automatikusan kpes
directions from the operating point of the beavatkozni a szablyoz jelenlegi
power secondary control (instantaneous (pillanatnyi) munkapontjhoz kpest mindkt
value). irnyba.

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Secondary control reserve Szekunder szablyozsi tartalk

It is the positive region of the secondary Ez a szekunder szablyozsi tartomny
control band from the operating point up to pozitv rsze, amely a jelenlegi munkaponttl
the maximum value of the secondary control a szekunder szablyozsi tartomny
band. maximumig terjed.
Secondary Controller Szekunder szablyoz
Single centralised TSO-equipment per Szablyozsi terletenknti / blokkonknti
control area / block for secondary control. szekunder szablyzst vgz kzponti
berendezs a rendszerirnytnl (TSO).
Secondary reactive power / voltage control Szekunder meddteljestmny / feszltsg
It is a centralised automatic function szablyozs
allowing a control area to regulate reactive Ez egy olyan kzponti automatikus
power generation at regional level (i.e. szablyozs, amely lehetv teszi a
generators output, condensers or reactors szablyozsi terlet szmra, hogy regionlis
switchings, transformer tap changers control, szinten szablyozza a medd energia
etc.) in order to maintain a scheduled voltage termelst (genertorok, snt-kondenztorok
value in a reference node of the regional high s sntfojtk kapcsolsa, szablyozs
voltage network. transzformtorok fokozatszablyzjnak
vezrlse) azzal a cllal, hogy a
nagyfeszltsg hlzat referencia
csompontjain az elrt feszltsgrtket
Section of a scheme Metszk bontsi hely
Determines set of such elements of one or Meghatrozza azoknak az egy vagy tbb
several connections, tripping of which results csatlakozsi ponthoz tartoz elemeknek a
in full dividing a power system on two krt, melyeknek a kikapcsolsval a
isolated parts. villamosenergia-rendszer kt elszigetelt
rszre bomlik.
Self-regulation of load Fogyaszti rzkenysg (nszablyozs)
The self-regulation of load is defined as the A fogyasztk nszablyozsi kpessge nem
sensitivity of consumers demand to ms, mint a fogyaszti ignyek rzkenysge
variations in frequency, generally expressed a frekvencia vltozsra, melyet ltalban
in %/Hz. %/Hz-ben adnak meg.
Service reliability Szolgltats megbzhatsg
It is the capability of an electric power Ez a villamosenergia-rendszernek azon
system to fulfill its supply function under kpessge, hogy teljesti a villamosenergia
specified conditions over a specified time elltsi feladatt a megadott felttelek
interval. mellett, a megadott idtartamon tl.
Single buyer Egyedli vev
A legal person designated by the Egy jogi szemly, akit a kormnyzat kijellt,
Government for performing tasks and hogy vgrehajtsa azokat a feladatokat s
activities of the single buyer of bulk tevkenysgeket, melyek a villamosenergia
electricity and cross-border supplies within egyszemlyes nagykereskedelmi
the territory of the TSO. vsrlshoz s a hatron tli beszerzsek
elltshoz szksgesek a rendszerirnyt

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Spinning reserve Forg tartalk

It is a generating unit already connected to Ez egy olyan, a hlzathoz csatlakozott
the network and able to supply additional termel egysg, amely gyorsan kpes tbblet
power rapidly. The following reserves are teljestmnyt betpllni a hlzatba. A
distinguished: kvetkez tartalkokat klnbztetjk meg:
- quick response in seconds, - gyors: nhny msodperces vlaszid
- slow response in minutes. - lass: perces vlaszid
Spot market Azonnali piac
This market provides trade under the hourly Ez a piac lehetv teszi olyan rs gyletek
contracts on physical delivery of electricity kereskedelmt, melynek sorn a fizikai
within the forthcoming 24-hour period. villamosenergia szllts a kvetkez 24 rs
peridusban valsul meg.
Stability Stabilits
It is the ability of an electric system to A villamosenergia-rendszernek az a
maintain a state of equilibrium during normal kpessge, hogy norml s rendkvli
and abnormal system conditions or rendszer krlmnyek, vagy zavarok esetn
disturbances. They are distinguished: is megtartja az egyenslyi llapott.
Small-Signal Stability The ability of the Megklnbztetjk:
electric system to withstand small changes or Kisjel stabilits (kis zavarjelekre adott
disturbances without the loss of synchronism vlasz) A villamosenergia-rendszernek az a
among the synchronous machines in the kpessge, hogy ellenll a kis vltozsoknak
system while having a sufficient damping of s zavaroknak anlkl, hogy a rendszerben
system oscillations (sufficient margin to the zemel szinkron gpek kiesnnek a
border of stability). szinkronizmusbl, amg elegend
Transient Stability The ability of an csillaptssal rendelkeznek a rendszer
electric system to maintain synchronism lengseivel szemben (elegend tartalkuk
between its parts when subjected to a van a stabilitsi hatrig).
disturbance of specified severity and to Tranziens stabilits A villamosenergia-
regain a state of equilibrium following that rendszernek az a kpessge, hogy megtartja a
disturbance. szinkron llapotot ez egyes rszei kztt,
amikor meghatrozott slyossg zavars ri
s ezt kveten visszanyeri egyenslyi
Stranded assets/costs Befagyott kltsgek
Unamortised assets that will not generate Nem amortizlt eszkzk, amelyek nem
enough revenue in a deregulated market to termelnek elegend bevtelt a deregullt
allow for full cost recovery. piacon ahhoz, hogy lehetv tegyk a teljes
kltsg megtrlst (a beruhzs
tervezshez felhasznlt gazdasgi
felttelezsek gykeresen megvltoztak)
Sunk cost (El)veszett kltsgek
A cost that has already been incurred, and Az a kltsg, amely mr felmerlt s
therefore cannot be avoided or changed by kifizetsre kerlt s ennek kvetkeztben
any strategy going forward. nem lehet elkerlni, visszaszerezni vagy
megvltoztatni semmilyen tovbbi

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Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA Felgyeleti s adatgyjt

(SCADA) rendszer
A computer based generation and Szmtgp alap termels s tvitel irnyt
transmission control system, with data rendszer, adatgyjt funkcival s ember-
acquisition functions and man-machine gp kommunikcis fellettel, mely
interface, for presenting data to the control megjelenti az adatokat az irnyt kzpont
center operators. diszpcserei szmra.
Surplus of available capacity Tbblet rendelkezsre ll kapacits
It is the reliable capacity less the load and Ez az a tbbletknt rendelkezsre ll
margin. It is guaranteed to a large extent kapacits, ami a teljes rendelkezsre ll
because, when it is determined in the power kapacits mnusz a tnyleges terhels s a
balance, all reductions in capacity and all biztonsgi tartalk. Ez esetenknt jelents
possible load increases under extreme tbbletet jelent, mert az zemelkszts
conditions within each country are already sorn mr minden kapacitscskkent
taken into account. tnyezt s extrm krlmnyek kztt
lehetsges terhelsnvekedst is figyelembe
vettek az sszes rintett orszgban.
Synchronous (electric) time Szinkron (villamos) id
Grows out integration of frequency, common A frekvencia integrlsval lltjk el, mely
for a synchronous zone. Usually in the azonos az egsz szinkron znban. ltalban
synchronous zone rules of synchronous time a szinkron znra vonatkoz szablyok
adjustment are established. tartalmazzk a szinkron id lltsra
vonatkoz elrsokat is.
System connection point Hlzat csatlakozsi pont
It is the point at which a system user is Ez az a pont, ahol a rendszerhasznl a
connected to the network. System users may hlzatra csatlakozik. A
have system connection points at one or rendszerhasznlknak az tviteli/eloszt
more points on the transmission/distribution hlzatok tbb pontjn is lehet csatlakozsi
systems. pontjuk.
System user Rendszerhasznl
A system user (user of the transmission / A rendszerhasznl (az tviteli / eloszt
distribution system) is any natural or legal rendszer hasznlja) egy termszetes, vagy
person who exploits the network and who jogi szemly, aki hasznlja a hlzatot, s aki
therefore makes use of the services of the ennek kvetkeztben ignybe veszi a
system operator on a contractual basis. rendszerirnyt szolgltatsait szerzdses
Tariff transaction oriented Tranzakcihoz igazod tarifa
It is equivalent to point-to-point tariff. This Ez azonos a ponttl pontig tarifa-val. Ez a
method of tarification calculates a tarifakpzsi md az tviteli djat a
transmission fee on the basis of information szerzdsben meghatrozott betpllsi s
about entry point (source) and exit point vtelezsi pontok (helye) alapjn hatrozza
(sink) of the electricity contract. Thus, if an meg. Ennek megfelelen, ha egy feljogostott
eligible customer shifts from supplier A to fogyaszt az A szllttl a B szllthoz
supplier B, the parties would have to szerzdik, akkor az tviteli djat jra ki kell
recalculate the transmission fee depending szmtani, annak figyelembe vtelvel, hogy
on the location of the new supplier. az j szllt (betpllsi pont) hol tallhat.

Angol magyar fogalomgyjtemny Csak oktatsi clra!

Tariff, non transaction oriented Tranzakcitl fggetlen tarifa

It is equivalent to "point of connection tariff" Ez azonos a csatlakozsi ponti tarifa-val,
or "nodal tariff". This tarification vagy a csomponti tarifa-val. Ez a
methodology divides the overall transmission tarifakpzsi md sztvlasztja a teljes
system costs exclusively to separate tviteli rendszer kltsgeit kizrlagosan a
connection fees (or network access fees) for termel s a fogyaszt ltal kln fizetend
the producer and the consumer. Thus, the csatlakozsi (hlzat hozzfrsi) djra.
connection fee for an eligible customer Ennek megfelelen, a csatlakozsi dj a
remains the same, irrespective of a change of feljogostott fogyaszt szmra ugyan az
supplier. marad akkor is, ha ms szlltval szerzdik.
Tertiary load frequency control (or on- Tercier teljestmny -frekvencia
line economic dispatch) szablyozs (vagy online gazdasgos
A centralised (generally manual) function tehereloszts)
allowing a control area to engage / disengage Ez egy kzponti (ltalban kzi) eljrs,
operating reserve in order to maintain its amely lehetv teszi a szablyozsi terlet
secondary load/frequency control inside the szmra zemi tartalkok lektst /
regulating range and, at the same time, to felszabadtst annak megfelelen, hogy a
maintain an overall production optimization terlet szekunder teljestmny-frekvencia
for recovery of secondary reserve. szablyozsa elegend szablyozsi svval
(le/fel irny tartalkkal) rendelkezzen, s
egyttal lehetv tegye az ltalnos termels
optimalizlst a szekunder tartalkok
helyrelltsa sorn.
Tertiary reactive power and voltage Tercier medd teljestmny s feszltsg
control szablyozs
It is a centralised function allowing the co- Ez egy kzponti eljrs, mely rendszer
ordination, at a system level, of scheduled szinten lehetv teszi a tervezett feszltsg
voltage values among regional high voltage rtkek koordincijt a terletileg magasabb
network reference nodes. feszltsg hlzati referencia csompontok
Third party access (TPA) Harmadik fl hozzfrse
Right to equal (non-discriminatory) access to Az tviteli szolgltatsokhoz val egyenl
transmission services. The 1996 European (megklnbztets nlkli) hozzfrs joga.
Directive provides for producers, distributors Az 1996-os Eurpai Direktva a termelk,
and eligible customers to have access to the elosztk s feljogostott fogyasztk szmra
high and extra high voltage transmission lehetv teszi a nagy- s igen nagy
system in return for the payment of fees. feszltsg tviteli hlzathoz val
hozzfrst djfizets ellenben.
Time deviation Id eltrs
It is a divergence between synchronous A szinkron id (villamos) s az egysges
(electric) time and universal (astronomical) vilgid (csillagszati) kztti eltrs.

Angol magyar fogalomgyjtemny Csak oktatsi clra!

Time-of-use (TOU) rates Svos (napszaktl fgg) rszabs

The pricing of electricity based on the A villamosenergia rkpzse az adott
estimated cost of electricity during a idszakban vrhat villamosenergia
particular time block. Time-of-use rates are ellltsi kltsgeken alapul. A svos rak
usually divided into three or four time blocks ltalban 3, vagy 4 idszakra osztjk a 24
per 24 hour period (on-peak, mid-peak, off- rs napot (cscs, kzp-cscs, vlgy, s
peak, and sometimes super off-peak, and by nha mlyvlgy, esetleg vszakoktl
seasons of the year (summer and winter). fggen (nyr, tl) is.) A valsidej rkpzs
Real-time pricing differs from TOU rates in abban klnbzik a svos rkpzstl, hogy
that it is based on actual (as opposed to ez az aktulis (s nem a vrhat) rakon
forecasted) prices, which may fluctuate many alapul, mely a nap folyamn gyakran
times a day and are weather-sensitive, rather vltozhat s az idjrstl is fgg, mintsem
than varying with a fixed schedule. fix menetrend szerint vltozik.
Total volume of electrical energy supplies Teljes export-import szald
It is equal to the sum of imports and exports Ez azonos az adott orszg tbbi orszggal
of electrical energy of the country concerned lebonyoltott villamosenergia importjnak s
with other countries within a certain period exportjnak sszegvel egy bizonyos
of time. idszakban.

Angol magyar fogalomgyjtemny Csak oktatsi clra!

Transfer capability tviteli kapacits

NTC Net Transfer Capacity NTC Nett tviteli kapacits
- represents the best estimate limit for - megadja a legjobb becslst arra
physical electricity transfer between two vonatkozan, hogy maximum mekkora
adjacent network areas. It is defined by the villamosenergia transzfer lehetsges kt
following equation: NTC = TTC TRM. szomszdos hlzati terlet kztt.
Defincija: NTC = TTC TRM.
ATC Available Transfer Capacity
Capability ATC Rendelkezsre ll tviteli kapacits
- is the transfer capability remaining between - megadja azt az tviteli kapacitst, amely kt
two interconnected areas for further szomszdos terlet kztt mg megmaradt
commercial activity over and above already tovbbi kereskedelmi tevkenysgek cljra
existing power transfers on the a mr meglv (lekttt) szlltsokon fell.
interconnected system. It is defined by the Defincija: ATC = NTC - NTF
following equation: ATC = NTC NTF.
TTC Teljes tviteli kapacits
TTC Total Transfer Capability - megadja azt a maximlis teljestmny
- is the maximum amount of power that can rtket, mely folyamatosan szllthat kt
be exchanged continuously between two terlet kztt, mikzben biztostott az
areas while ensuring the safe operation of egyttmkd energiarendszer biztonsgos
interconnected electricity systems. TTC is mkdse is. A TTC meghatrozsa olyan
determined by physical and electrical fizikai s villamos paramterek alapjn
realities that may impede to operate the trtnik, melyek a rendszer zemvitelre
system according to security rules: thermal vonatkoz biztonsgi szablyokkal
limits, voltage limits and stability limits. kapcsolatosak: termikus hatrrtkek,
feszltsg limitek, s stabilitsi hatrok.
TRM Transmission Reliability Margin
- is a necessary security and reliability TRM tviteli megbzhatsgi tartalk
margin. The TRM value must increase as - megadja a szksges biztonsgi s
time projections for transmission capacities megbzhatsgi hatrt. A TRM rtknek
become longer. nvekedni kell, ahogy az tviteli kapacitsok
tervezse egyre tvolabbi idpontokra
NTF Notified Transmission Flow vonatkozik.
- is the physical power flow resulting from
the sum of scheduled and firm power NTF Lekttt tviteli teljestmny
transfers during the time frame under - megadja azt a fizikai teljestmny ramlst,
consideration and of transactions currently amely a figyelembe vett id intervallumra
confirmed for the next day. All firmly tervezett s megerstett teljestmny
reserved and confirmed transfer ramlsok, valamint a kvetkez napra mr
commitments as well as common emergency jvhagyott szlltsok sszegbl
reserves should be included in NTF. szrmazik. Minden hatrozottan fenntartott
s jvhagyott tviteli ktelezettsget,
csakgy, mint az ltalnos vszhelyzeti
tartalkokat, tartalmaznia kell az NTF-nek.
Transient conditions Tranziens llapot
These are all conditions from initial Ezek azok a fizikai folyamatok, melyek a
disturbance to ending of electromagnetic and zavar kezdettl, az ltala okozott
electro mechanic processes caused by it. elektromgneses s elektromechanikus
folyamatok lejtszdsnak vgig tartanak.

Angol magyar fogalomgyjtemny Csak oktatsi clra!

Transit Tranzit
It is a special case of power transfer in which Ez a villamosenergia tvitel egy olyan
both the supplying balancing system and the specilis esete, amikor az illet szablyozsi
receiving balancing system are located in rendszer terletn kvl esik mind a kld,
control areas that are not adjacent. mind a fogad-kiegyenlt rendszer.
Transmission congestion (see also tviteli torlds (lsd: Korltozsi terlet)
Constraint area) Ez egy olyan llapot, amikor a piaci
The condition when market participants seek rsztvevk olyan teljestmny elosztsi
to dispatch in a pattern, which would result llapotot ignyelnnek, ami olyan
in electricity flows that cannot be physically ramlsokat eredmnyez, melyet a rendszer
transmitted by the system. The system will fizikailag nem kpes elltni. A rendszert nem
not normally be operated in an overloaded lehet norml mdon zemeltetni tlterhelt
condition, so it is described as congested in llapotban, gy azt torldsos-nak rjk le a
proposed schedules. tervezett menetrendben.
Transmission line capacity Tvvezetk (tviteli) kapacits
It is the capacity that can be transmitted Az a (teljestmny) kapacits, amely a
through a line under normal conditions tvvezetken norml felttelek mellett
considering any limitations, which may szllthat, figyelembe vve mindazokat a
influence its rated capacity. korltokat, melyek erre hatssal lehetnek.
Transmission network feed-in tviteli hlzati betplls
The total amount of all inputs of Az tviteli hlzathoz csatlakoz sszes
interconnectors, generators and distribution nemzetkzi tvvezetk, genertor s
networks into the transmission network. eloszthlzati betpllsok sszege.
Transmission system operator (TSO) tviteli hlzati rendszerirnyt (TSO)
It is a market player responsible under a Ez a piaci szerepl az adott orszg jogi
country law for the operation, maintenance keretein bell felels a villamosenergia-
and development of the system, rendszer zemeltetsrt, karbantartsrt s
interconnections with other countries, fejlesztsrt, a nemzetkzi
managing power flows, ensuring system sszekttetsekrt, a teljestmny ramlsok
security and efficiency. kezelsrt, s gondoskodik a rendszer
biztonsgrl s hatkonysgrl.
Transmission/Transfer/Wheeling Tovbbts/Szllts/Energiatovbbts
It is the transport of electricity on the extra Ez a villamosenergia szlltst jelenti
high or high voltage network with a view to nagyfeszltsg, vagy igen nagy feszltsg
its delivery to final customers or to hlzaton azzal a szndkkal, hogy azt
distributors, including the tasks of system eljuttassk a vgfelhasznlnak, vagy az
operation concerning the management of elosztnak, belertve a rendszer
energy flows, reliability of the system and zemeltetsvel kapcsolatos feladatokat,
availability of all necessary system services. mint az energia ramlsok felgyelett, a
rendszer megbzhatsgnak fenntartst s
az sszes szksges rendszerszint
szolgltats rendelkezsre llst.
Unplanned/inadvertent/interchange Nem tervezett/nem
It is a difference between the planned szndkolt/energiacsere
exchange of electrical energy between TSOs Ez a TSO-k kztti tervezett villamosenergia
(delivery schedule) and the exchange csere (szlltsi menetrend) s a valsgban
occurring in reality. jelentkez energiacsere kztti klnbsg.

Angol magyar fogalomgyjtemny Csak oktatsi clra!

Utilization factor Kihasznlsi tnyez

It is a ratio between energy produced during Ez annak a kt energia mennyisgnek az
a given period and the energy that could have arnya, melyet a berendezs a megadott
been produced at a maximum capacity in idszakban termelt, illetve melyet
continuous operation during the same period. termelhetett volna maximlis kapacitssal
folyamatos zem mellett, ugyan arra az
idintervallumra vonatkoztatva.
Utilization factor of maximum annual ves cscsterhelsi arny
load Ez az ves brutt villamosenergia fogyaszts
It is a ratio of the annual gross electricity s az ves maximlis terhels arnya.
consumption and the maximum annual load.
Vertical integration Vertiklis integrci
An arrangement whereby the same company Olyan tagoltsg (szervezeti felpts), ahol
owns all the different aspects of making, ugyan az a vllalat birtokolja a termk, vagy
selling, and delivering a product or service. szolgltats gyrtshoz, eladshoz, s
In the electricity industry, it refers to the szlltshoz kapcsold klnbz
historically common arrangement whereby a feladatokat. A villamosenergia iparban ez
utility would own generating plants, annak a trtnelmileg kialakult ltalnos
transmission system, and distribution lines to felptsnek felel meg, ahol egy kzm
provide all aspects of electricity service. vllalat birtokoln az ermveket, az tviteli
hlzatot s az eloszt hlzatot a
villamosenergia szolgltatshoz kapcsold
feladatok elltshoz.
Voltage and reactive power control Feszltsg s meddenergia szablyozs
This function is continuous adaptation of Ez a tevkenysg a folyamatos vltoztatsa a
reactive power management (and therefore medd teljestmny betpllsnak (s ezzel
of the voltage in the network) to variations in egytt a hlzat feszltsgnek) a terhels
loading, in consideration of service boundary vltozstl fggen, figyelembe vve a
conditions. The variations in loading are szablyozs hatrrtkeit. A terhels
caused by consumer behaviour (variations in vltozst a fogyasztk viselkedse
system capacity utilization and reactive (vltozsok a rendszer kapacitsnak
power requirement); network switching kihasznlsban s a meddteljestmny
operations, and faults (e.g. power station ignyben) okozza; valamint a hlzaton
failures, load shedding). trtn kapcsolsok, s a hibk (pl. ermvi
hibk, teherledobs).
Wholesale competition Nagykereskedelmi verseny
A system whereby a distributor of power Olyan rendszer, melyben a villamosenergia
would have the option to buy its power from elosztnak vlasztsi lehetsge lenne, hogy
variety of power producers, and the power a szksges energit a sok villamosenergia
producers would be able to compete to sell termel kzl kitl vsroln, s a
their power to a variety of distribution villamosenergia termelk egymssal
companies. konkurlva adnk el a villamos energit a
sok eloszt trsasgnak.
Wholesale customers Nagykereskedelmi fogyaszt/vsrl
The customers buying electricity in bulk, Azok a fogyasztk, akik nagyttelben
mostly on the wholesale electricity market. vsroljk a villamos energit, tbbnyire a
nagykereskedelmi villamosenergia piacon.

Angol magyar fogalomgyjtemny Csak oktatsi clra!

Wholesale power market Nagykereskedelmi villamosenergia piac

The purchase and sale of electricity from A villamos energia eladsa s vtele a
generators to resellers (who sell to retail termelktl a viszonteladknak (akik azt
customers) along with ancillary services eladjk a vgfelhasznlknak) egytt a
needed to maintain reliability and power rendszerszint szolgltatsokkal, melyek a
quality at the transmission level. megbzhatsg s a villamosenergia
minsgnek biztostshoz szksgesek az
tviteli feszltsgszinten.
Withdrawal/Extraction point Vtelezsi pont
Physical point of withdrawal of electricity Az a fizikai pont, amelyen keresztl a az
consumed by a facility from the power tviteli hlzatbl a villamos energia
transmission network. vtelezhet.

Angol magyar fogalomgyjtemny Csak oktatsi clra!


PX - power exchange PX ramtzsde

MCP - market clearing price MCP piaci elszmolr
ISO independent system operator ISO fggetlen rendszerirnyt
IPP - independent producer IPP fggetlen termel
CHP - combined heat and power generation CHP kombinlt h s villamosenergia
OR cogeneration termels, vagy kogenerci
auto reclosure facility automatikus visszakapcsols
NPP - nuclear power plant NPP atomerm
overhead line szabadvezetk, lgvezetk
PSHPP - pumped storage hydro power plant PSHPP szivattys-trozs vzerm
CCGT - combined cycle gas turbine CCGT kombinlt ciklus gzturbins
installation berendezs
HPP - hydro power plant HPP vzerm
transmission / distribution line tviteli / eloszt tvvezetk
TSO - transmission system operator TSO tviteli hlzati rendszerirnyt
DSO - distribution system operator DSO eloszthlzati rendszerirnyt
emergency load protection vszhelyzeti teherledobs
steam-gas installation tlhevtett gzzel mkd berendezs
EHV - extra high voltage EHV igen nagy feszltsg
SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data SCADA felgyeleti s adatgyjt rendszer
TPA - third party access TPA harmadik fl hozzfrse (a
TPP - thermal power plant TPP herm
electric energy elektromos (villamos) energia
ETSO - Association of European ETSO Eurpai Rendszerirnytk
Transmission System Operators szvetsge
EHV - Extra High Voltage line EHV igen nagy feszltsg tvvezetk
Operator of a system rendszerirnyt
NTC - Net Transfer Capacity NTC nett tviteli kapacits
ATC - Available Transfer Capacity ATC rendelkezsre ll tviteli kapacits
TTC - Total Transfer Capability TTC teljes tviteli kapacits


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