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I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Application of Optical Remote Sensing in

Forest Biomass and Carbon Assessment

Dr. Sarnam Singh

Forestry & Ecology Department
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
ISR0, DOS, Dehradun

Email: sarnam@iirs.gov.in

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N


Definition and Introduction

Significance and Need
Biomass and Carbon Assessment
Vegetation Type & Density Mapping
Stratification and homogeneity map
Sampling Design
Field Data Collection
Data Organization
Analyses and Modeling

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Biomass - Definition
Biomass is defined as The total amount of
above ground living organic matter in trees
expressed as oven-dry tonnes per unit area (a tree,
hectare, region, or country).

Oven-dried weight of an organism is biomass.

Approximately 50% of biomass is Carbon Pool (Koach, 1989

and FAO Forestry paper 134,1997) in trees and about 45% in
Shrubs and Herbaceous plants (Woomer, 1999)

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

In forestry, traditionally growing stock assessment is an important activity
for Forest Management, particularly in production forestry, present and
future timber availability and harvesting.

Due to recent awareness on global warming and potential climate

change, the focus is now

Biomass and carbon pool

Carbon Sequestration potential of different forest types
Carbon losses due to deforestation and degradation

Therefore, regular assessment of biomass available today and in coming

50-100 years, is essential for a country for forest conservation and
management planning.

Also Commitment of India to UNFCCC and NATCOM to assess and share

this information with other countries.
Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Significance of Forest Measurements

To determine growth, yields, biomass and C pool for inventory

To formulate and to justify forest management
Buying and selling of timber revenue to the government
To do research for forest conservation and management
To plan future forest demand and supply requirement
For Taxation purpose revenue to the government

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Why we need to assess the biomass ?

Deforestation is a critical environmental problem in the developing

countries, which has significant impact on depletion of biodiversity, loss
of economic opportunities, and increase in social problems in addition
to the global warming.

Aboveground biomass of tropical moist forests is often more than 175

tonnes of carbon per ha; when cleared and burnt, much of this carbon
ends up in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, shifting cultivation in
many countries.

Flint and Richard (1991) reported that 56 percent of forest woodland

has been decreased in India and overall decrease in carbon content of
52 per cent from live vegetation in Meghalaya due to deforestation.

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Why we need to assess the biomass ?

In view of Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, Kyoto

Protocol, etc.) the requirements are:

What is the carbon stock?

What is the potential carbon sequestration of different forest types
or site conditions?
Whole idea is how to mitigate climate change and it its impact

Therefore, National/Regional datasets are necessary for

modeling at global level

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Summary of forest phytomass carbon pool estimates

in India
Year Forest Approach Phytomass Phytomass References
Area Carbon Pool Carbon Density
(Mha) (Tgc) (Mg C/ha)
1980 52.6 Ecological studies based on mean 2587 49.2 Hingane (1991)
phytomass density for two forest type

1980 51.73 Using FAO inventory for ecological zone wise 3117 60.2 Dadhwal et al.
5 categories (1998)
1982 64.2 State wise RS-based forest area. Field 4071 63.6 Dadhwal & Shah
inventory based Growing stock and crown (1997).
density based BEFs for two classes.
1985 64.2 Growing stock volume data and single 1994 31.1 Dadhwal & Nayak
conversion factor. (1993)
1986 64.01 RS based area, crown cover fraction for 16 4179 65.3 Ravindranath et
forest types. Phytomass densities from al. (1997)
ecological studies.
1993 64.01 State wise growing stock. FSI data. BEFs as 4341.8 67.8 Chhabra et al.
a function of GSVD for three crown density (2000)
1995 63.96 Forest stratum wise 2026.7 growing 2026.7 31.7 Lal & Singh
stock volume. FSI data and a standard BEF (2000)
relating to wood volume by IPCC.

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Biomass Estimation: Components of Forest Biomass

Above Ground Below Ground
Trees: Bole, branches, twigs, leaves, Roots of trees, shrubs
flowers, fruits, etc. and herbaceous plants
Shrubs: stem/tillers, branches, leaves, + Nematodes,
flowers, fruits, etc. Protozoans, Bacteria,
Herbs: plants Fungi, etc.
Debris: Litter and Humus

Biomass = Volume specific gravity

Y= + X
Y = Volume (dependent variable)
, = are constants
X= dbh, height, crown (independent variable)
Depending upon the species it can be d, d2h, d3, d/h, etc.
Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Biomass Estimation: Conventional Methods

(a) Ground Data: Destructive
Harvesting all material in an unit area (0.1 ha), dry and weigh or
Harvesting 1-2 trees from each girth class (10)3-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-90
cm, etc. for each species in a stand
Weighing full tree - difficult
therefore take slices at different heights and diameter equal depth
Dry slices in hot air oven for 72 hours or more at high temperature till dry
weight stabilizes
Develop relationship between diameter, volume and biomass for equation


Extrapolation in larger landscapes is not good

Destructive in nature

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Biomass Estimation: Conventional Methods

Different Girth Classes
Volume or Biomass Equation development: Harvesting of
individuals over a wide range in size and establishing the
relationship between biomass and easily measurable parame
like diameter or girth and/or height, canopy diameter, etc.
Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

(b) Conventional Method + Remote Sensing

Non- to semi-destructive using satellite data
a) Vegetation cover type and density mapping using medium or high resolution
satellite data.

b) Homogeneity map - stratification based on vegetation cover type, density

maps, physiography, etc.

c) Field data collection with appropriate sampling design

d) Measurement of dbh, height, crown, etc. in time interval (full inventory or for
each species and girth class)

e) Site specific tree species volume and biomass equations for volume and
biomass estimation, respectively.

f) Spectral regression modelling of biomass with multi-season satellite data

g) Application of regression coefficients on satellite data for extrapolation

h) Up-scaling for extrapolation of biomass to regional level and national level

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Summary Check list of the items to be considered

in Biomass estimation

Decision on what information is required ?

Availability of time and funds
Forest classification scheme for stratification
Forest inventory and sampling design
Use of aerial photographs or satellite images
Availability of maps, existing forest cover type and density maps,
growing stock maps, etc.
Instruments for field measurements and procedures
Inventory data analysis and compilation

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Method B: Basic Data Inputs

Field data Important
Diameter/girth at Breast height >3 cm dia. (traditionally 10 cm)
Height of the trees or clear bole height
Mean Height of plot
Canopy Cover/Density
Crown Area
Shrub cover (%)
Herb cover (%)

Satellite Data
High Medium Coarse resolution Data
Single or Multi-season Data
Secondary Data
Volume or Biomass Equations
Specific Gravity or Wood Density data
Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
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Biomass Estimation: Methodology for plants 10 cm dia.

Forest type, Remote sensing Satellite Data
density, NDVI and
Consider all
accessibility, Sampling Design
district boundary NDVI classes

Identification of sample sites in forested area (lat/Long)

Laying of super plot in homogenous strata

Clustered sampling (4 plots of 0.1 ha)

Database in MS Excel
Species specific Regional/
Checking for Error state volume Equations
Tree Basal Area and Volume

Specific gravity Multiplication

Available from literature if Tree Biomass

not we can find out by
putting a piece of wood in Geospatial
beaker with water Plot Biomass Per Pixel Biomass
Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Biomass estimation: Methodology for plants >3-10 cm dia)

Field Data
Volume equations
Specific (FSI)
Basal area for >10 Estimation for
Basal Area of all
cm Dia 0.1ha) trees >10cm Dia Trees (0.1)
Correlation of Basal
Area vs. Biomass
For >10cm Dia

Model with Regression

Coefficient for >10cm
Dia Applied

Basal Area >10cm Dia Basal Area of all Trees (0.1 ha)

Biomass >10cm Dia Biomass of all Trees (0.1ha)

(Biomass of all Trees (0.1 ha)

- Biomass ( >10cm Dia)

Biomass of Trees
Total Plot Biomass
<10cm Dia in 0.1ha
Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
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Forest Mapping and Stratification

Selection of appropriate Remote Sensing data, preferred very high (0.5-2
m) to high resolution data (5-15), medium resolution data (20-30 m) and
Coarse resolution (50-250 m).

Season (igh contrast or multi-season preferred)

Optimal Spatial resolution (based on objective)
Spectral resolution (multispectral to hyperspectral)

Preprocessing- removal of Radiometric, Geometric Distortions and


Reconnaissance survey and Ground data/truth collection Classification

Visual interpretation or
Digital interpretation

GIS database and Area Assessment

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Mapping of LULC e.g. Sal Forests

S.N Stratum Area No
(ha) Plots

1 Pure_Sal (10-40%) 106.86 4

2 Pure_Sal (40-60%) 833.68 16

3 Pure_Sal (60-80%) 334.77 6

4 Pure_Sal (> 80%) 448.10 8

5 Hill_Sal (10-40%) 391.16 7

6 Hill_Sal (40-60%) 445.06 8

Vegetation Type , Density and 7 Hill_Sal (60-80%) 51.74 1

physiographic Maps overlaid in GIS 8 Sal_Teak (40-60%) 60.14 1

9 Sal_Teak (60-80%) 70.74 2

10 Sal_Teak ( > 80%) 88.08 2

11 Sal_Mixed (60-80%) 61.91 2

12 Sal_Mixed ( > 80%) 183.73 3

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
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Sampling Design
Several approaches are available.
Systematic Sampling
Random Sampling
Stratified Random Sampling (PPS: Probability Proportion to its Size)
Sample Size
Area based per cent (0.0001 to 0.005%) of the total forested area
to be sampled.
Statistical number of plots depending on the variability (co-variance
of attribute-biomass) at certain confidence level and with certain error
percentage (initially some per cent of representative sampling is
required in each forest for estimating co-variance) (Chako, 1968).

n= t. (cv)/e%
where n= number of samples required for the allowable error (e%)
t= value of t statistics at 95% level of significance (1.96)
cv= co-efficient of variation ( 34.2), e= is allowable % error

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N


False Colour Composite of IRS LISS III (March)

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Classified Map of Doon Valley

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
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Grids overlaid over Classified Map of Doon Valley

Appropriate size to be chosen; 11 km, 2.52.5 km, 1010 km, 11, 2.52.5

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Systematic Sampling in each grid and in every 2nd grid

80 plots in every grid (more than half in non-forest area and 20 in every 2nd grid

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Stratified Random Sampling: Single

~ 30 plots representing all the types. Save energy, time and man-power and more representative

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Stratified Random Sampling: Cluster

120 plots and takes care all type density and micro-environmental variability

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Plot Size Determination

Lay plot of small size from 5 5 m and keep on increasing
the size and keep count the number of species
Plot cumulative species area curve
Draw perpendiculars where the curve starts fattening
m Species-Area Curve (Peter and Goslee, 2001)
20 15

15 10
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Plot size (m) 31.62 m (0.1 ha)
Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
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Plot Design


Laying plot
using rangers
compass and
start with
Point North

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Cluster Sampling Site, Plot and Sub-plot Design

Plot design for laying plots for enumeration of trees, shrubs and herbs
Sample Site Center
250 m
m 31.62 m



31.62 m
~ 120 - 130
250 m

Diagram showing 2- Plot design for

stage clustering sampling trees,
sampling shrubs and herbs

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Measurements of DBH and GBH

Height for measuring the Diameter or Girth i.e. 1.37 m from base

1.37 m 1.37 m
1.37 m 1.37 m
1.37 m

Buttressed Trees Tree forked Tree forked

Normal growth and shape of
above the below 1.37 above 1.37 m
Trees i.e. above buttresses
buttresses m then 2 then 1 tree

1.37 mApplications of optical remote

H-marking Measurement
sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Component-wise sampling (primary, secondary,

tertiary .. to Ultimate branch and Leaves)
Measuring CBH and CBH measurements for
canopy cover different components

Measuring twigs and leaves Permanent tree marking

Fixing of coin at
the base of tree

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T IMeasuring
T U T E O F RHeight
E M O T EinSDifferent
E N S I N G , Terrain
D E H R AConditions

Tree-Height measurement

= Observed
Bottom height
Observer on Higher Side
=Observed + Bottom height

Observer on Lower Side

Nearly plain
=Observed + Your
Tree Tilted
Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Selection of Volume Equations - Priority

Equations use dbh and/or total tree height
Species specific and area specific 1st choice, however,
available only commercial plants, others neglected
Region specific Phytogeographical regions (similar
growing conditions) e.g. cold desert, hot desert, arid
region, semiarid region, etc.
State specific and General Equations (mean of several
Form specific (morphologically similar can also be used)
Genus specific (nearly similar wood characteristics)
If not quarter girth formula can be applied

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Selection of Volume Equation - Importance

Sal (Shorea robusta)
UP- L : V = 0.16306 + 4.8991*D-1.57402*D
Odisha- G: log V = -0.595479 + 2.181665 logD + 0.877344 log H
HP- G: V = 0.118 + 0.257*D2 H
Teak (Tectona grandis)
UP- L : 0.08847-1.46936*D + 11.98979*D2
MH- G: log V= -0.895849 + 2.048538 logD + 0.945216 log H
RJ- G: V = 0.008690 + 0.323051*D2 H
Pinus (Pinus roxburghii)
UP -L : V/D2H = 0.27408 + 0.00249/D2H
HP- G: V = 0.034529 + 0.284662*D2H
HP- L: log V= 2.435237 + 2.560689*logD

This information is available in FSI, FRI and other publications

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Case Study in Gwalior & Sheopur Districts, Madhya

Pradesh, India
Sampling design and site location before going to field latitude and

Field data collection

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Error checking

Biomass (m/Kg)

Volume m3




106 Basal Area of individual trees (m)



Basal Area of individual trees (m)

Correlation of Basal area vs.
Biomass had to be linear
y = 5.3612x - 1.1414
R2 = 0.9061
Basal Area (m2)


100 Check outliers for typographical error


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Biomass (t/ha) > cm dia.

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Spectral Modelling
Covert plot level biomass to pixel level
Import GPS (lat/long) to image processing s/w
Obtain spectral (R, NIR, MIR) or Ratio values for that pixel
based GPS location
Develop model in SPSS, R, Statistica s/w
Start with Linear function - Check correlation
Use different functions (logarithmic, exponential or power)
If required take average of 33 pixel around GPS (account
for GPS error)
Use 70% data for model development and 30% for
validation and accuracy assessment

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Model development
Coefficient of Determination (R2) of Spectral Reflectance of Red Band and Ground Phytomass
Simple Regression Function Feb-09 May-09 Oct-09 Dec-09
Linear 0.2079 0.535 0.619 0.433
Logarithmic 0.2422 0.5257 0.5931 0.428 N=78
Power 0.2001 0.4786 0.5204 0.3578
Exponential 0.1667 0.4884 0.5427 0.3575
Coefficient of Determination (R2) of Spectral Reflectance of IR Band and Ground Phytomass
Simple Regression Function Feb-09 May-09 Oct-09 Dec-09
Linear 0.0747 0.2279 0.2806 0.4725
Logarithmic 0.0955 0.2307 0.2999 0.4321 N=78
Power 0.0709 0.1949 0.3212 0.4521
Exponential 0.0525 0.1905 0.2952 0.4994

Coefficient of Determination (R2) of Spectral Reflectance of NDVI and Ground Phytomass Simple
Function Feb-09 May-09 Oct-09 Dec-09

Linear 0.445 0.4246 0.7258 0.1717

Logarithmic 0.464 0.4738 0.757 0.1693

Power 0.4098 0.4723 0.7184 0.108 N=78

Exponential 0.3922 0.4171 0.6795 0.1106

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Regression Analysis Between Oct NDVI and Relation between predicted
250 250 m and estimated
Field Based Biomass Estimate (1ha)
250 250 m biomass per hectare

Estimated Biomass (t/ha)

34 y = 0.99x - 0.3135
y = 17.232Ln(x) + 33.278 30.00 2
R = 0.8455
R2 = 0.757
Biomass (t/ha)

29 25.00

24 20.00
14 5.00

9 0.00
0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 9.50 14.50 19.50 24.50 29.50

N 20 Predicted Biomass (t/ha)
Mean 18.43
SD 8.4
S-Error 1.87

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
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Upscaling of Biomass and Carbon from Pixel to Region

Biomass/Carbon Map on MODIS 250250 55km Grid (VCP)

Satellite derived

Grid overlaying on
Biomass map

Area Weighted Biomass


Zonal extraction on
55km grid

Biomass and Carbon

Map 55 km

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N

Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N


Applications of optical remote sensing for Biomass/Carbon Assessment by Dr. Sarnam Singh

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