Setup Java Environment Variables: Automation Testing Hub

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Setup Java Environment Variables

August 22, 2017 by anish (

This article provides you with detailed steps to setup Java environment
variables mainly JAVA_HOME and PATH variables. These
environment variables point to the folder location where Java is
installed. These environment variables are mainly required by some
external programs and tools to figure out where Java is installed on
your machine.

In our previous article on Java Download and Installation

you would have seen that its very likely that there are multiple versions
of Java installed on your machine. In such a scenario, setting up Java
environment variables becomes important so that you can point to the
folder location of the latest version of Java. Let us now check the
detailed steps on how to setup these variables.

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Setup Java Environment Variables - Automation...

Java Environment Variables Setup

1. The first step is to copy the folder location where the latest version of
JDK is installed. In our previous article on downloading and installing
Java (
java/), we had installed JDK and JRE on the default locations. If you
have also done the same then open that location. The location where
we installed JDK is C:\Program Files\Java

Update [23 Aug, 2017]: The screenshots in this article refer to Java 8
version 121 (i.e. jdk1.8.0_121). But the steps work fine with the latest
version of Java as well. So please use the exact steps as given below
with the version of Java that you have installed on your machine.

2. Now open the JDK folder. If you have multiple JDK folders, then open
the one which represents the latest version, and copy the folder

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Setup Java Environment Variables - Automation...

3. You have to now open environment variables window in your

machine. To do this, click on Start menu. Then right click on
Computer and select Properties option

4. Now click on Advanced System Settings option

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Setup Java Environment Variables - Automation...

5. This would open the System Properties window as shown below.

Now from the Advanced Tab, click on Environment Variables button

6. From the Environment Variables window, click on New button from

System variables section

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Setup Java Environment Variables - Automation...

7. Enter JAVA_HOME in Variable Name field and JDK folder location

(C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121) in Variable value field as shown
in below image. Please enter the correct folder location that you have in
your machine

8. Click on OK button. You will see that JAVA_HOME variable has now

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Setup Java Environment Variables - Automation...

If you already have JAVA_HOME previously set, then you can click on
Edit button to modify its value. You have now successfully setup
JAVA_HOME variable. Let us now check how to setup the Path variable.

Setup Path variable

Path variable refers to the location of the bin folder inside the JDK
folder. Since you have already setup the JDK folder location using
JAVA_HOME variable, you can use JAVA_HOME reference to setup the
bin folder location. Lets see how this can be done

1. Open your latest JDK folder and check that it has bin folder in it

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Setup Java Environment Variables - Automation...

3. Since the JDK folder location is already represented by JAVA_HOME

variable, so we can replace the location of JDK folder with JAVA_HOME
like this %JAVA_HOME%\bin

4. In the Environment variables window, check that there is a variable

called Path under System variables. Please note that Path is an existing
variable and we would edit it to add the bin folder location

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Setup Java Environment Variables - Automation...

5. Select the Path variable and click on Edit button. Path variable
window would be opened

6. Move over to the end of Variable value text field. There would be
already some value there. Put a semi-colon (;) at the end and then
add add the JDK folder location %JAVA_HOME%\bin,as shown
below (Semi-colon is a delimiter which is used to dierentiate between
dierent values in Path variable)

7. Click on Ok button. bin folder location would now have been added
in the Path variable

8. Close the Environment variable window by clicking on Ok button.

With this, we have now successfully setup Path variable as well

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Setup Java Environment Variables - Automation...

Aer you have set JAVA_HOME and Path variables, its time to check if
the variables are set correctly. Follow the steps given below to check

1. Open command prompt

2. Run the command javac -version. This should show the javac
version number. Verify that this version number is same as the latest
JDK version (from JDK folder name). You can also run the command
where javac. This command should show the JDK bin folder location.
This should be the same folder location that you had set in the Path

Both these commands verify that JAVA_HOME and Path variables have
been setup correctly. With this, we complete our section of Java
download, install and setup. We are now ready to jump over to the next
article, which is, installing Android SDK.

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Setup Java Environment Variables - Automation...

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