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Sanim Amatya

Roll No. :12030852

P.U. Registration No.:

A Summer Proposal Submitted to

Mr. Andrew Dahal

Ace Institute of Management

Submitted for the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)


3rd December,2013

This Summer Project proposal entitled Mobile phone and teenagers:impact consequences and
concerns (parents and guardians perspective) which is submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of BBA degree of Pokhara University comprises only my original work and
due acknowledgement have been made to materials used in the report.


Name of Student: Sanim Amatya

Date: 3rd December, 2013


It is certified that this project titled Mobile Phone And Teenagers: Impact Consequences And
Concerns (Parents And Guardians Perspective) is the original work of Sanim Amatya who
carried out the summer project proposal work under my supervision.

Andrew Dahal Vijay Anand Sharma Timilsina

Supervisor Program Director


External Evaluator
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 10
1.1 General Background of the Study ............................................................................................... 10
1.2 Statement Of Problem ................................................................................................................. 10
1.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Significance Of Study ................................................................................................................. 11
1.5 Research Questions ..................................................................................................................... 11
1.6 Limitation of the study ................................................................................................................ 11
1.7 Organizational Structure Of The Study....................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .............................................................................................. 13
2.1 Literature Review........................................................................................................................ 13
2.2 Theoretical Framework ............................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Conceptual Framework ............................................................................................................... 14
2.4 Specification Of Variables .......................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................ 16
3.1 Research Design and Plan ........................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Population And Sample Size....................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Data Collection Procedure .......................................................................................................... 16
3.4 Data Processing Technique ......................................................................................................... 16
3.5 Data analysis tools ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.6 Data Analysis Plan ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.7 Expected Outcome Of The Study ............................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ................................................................. 18
4.1 Data tabulation and representation .............................................................................................. 18
4.1.1 Gender of Parents/Guardians .............................................................................................. 18
4.1.2 Age group of parents/Guardians ......................................................................................... 19
4.1.3 Gender of teenagers ............................................................................................................ 19
4.1.4 Age group of teenagers ....................................................................................................... 20
4.1.5 Possession of mobile phone by teenagers ........................................................................... 21
4.1.6 Purpose of providing mobile phone .................................................................................... 22
4.1.7 Addiction level of mobile phones ....................................................................................... 22
4.1.8 Happiness of Parents/ Guardians ........................................................................................ 24
4.1.9 Interruption of personal time............................................................................................... 24
4.1.10 Safety of mobile phone use ................................................................................................. 25
4.1.11 Impacts of mobile phone ..................................................................................................... 25
4.1.12 Bullying over mobile phones .............................................................................................. 26
4.1.13 Losing proper language ....................................................................................................... 27
4.1.14 Is using mobile phone while driving risky? ........................................................................ 27
4.2 Major findings and interpretation ............................................................................................... 28
4.2.1 Gender of teenagers and addiction level ............................................................................. 28
4.2.2 Gender of parents/guardians and impact of mobile phones ................................................ 28
CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 29
5.1 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 29
5.2 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 29
5.3 Recommendation ........................................................................................................................ 29
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................................... 30

Annex 1 Questionnaire

Table 1: Gender of teenagers and addiction level

Table 2: Gender of parents/guardians and impact of mobile phones


I would like to express my appreciation to my supervisor Mr.AndrewDahal. I want to thank him for his
guidance, advice, time and trusting my skills throughout this research. I owe a great many thanks to a
great many people who helped and supported me during this research.

It is an honor to thank respondents of baneshwor area for providing information and helping in my
research topic.

I would also like to thank Ace Institute of management and its faculty members who provided the
opportunity to conduct a research on a topic which were not much thought about.

Name: Sanim Amatya

Date: December 3,2013

Executive Summary

Most of the teenagers nowadays are carrying mobile phones and most of them are found to be addicted
towards their mobile phones. Most of the teenagers are losing their proper communication skill due to text
language and not everyone shares to their parents if they are bullied via mobile phones. Most of the
parents/guardians have neutral feeling regarding their teenagers using mobile phones and they are
satisfied with the safety aspect too.

From the research conducted it can be concluded that the addiction level for mobile phones has been
increasing day by day to the teenagers and they are losing their proper language skills due to text
language. Mobile phones are provided to maximum teenagers by their parents nowadays especially for
social bonding with friends and family and educational help purposes. However some parents believe that
it has negative impacts on teenagers whereas maximum of them believe that positive impacts are more.

1.1 General Background of the Study

Mobile phones are the small wireless device that has at least the same function as a standard
wired telephone but is smaller and more flexible. It requires a subscription to a service provider
and requires either monthly or prepaid billing system. The need to be charged and have more
functions than traditional landline phones and are also known as cell phones
We are living in an age when phone communication is changing and improving. Most people
have a mobile phone, even most teenagers. With the increase in popularity of mobile phones,
there are more cell phones everywhere. Mobile phones nowadays are not only used for making
calls and sending messages but they are capable of performing many more functions. It is a
common sight - mobile phones in the hands of people, especially teenagers. Literature has
provided evidence of the uses, advantages, disadvantages, impact, consequences and concerns
about the use of mobile phones. The usage of mobile phones has re-shaped, re-organized and
altered several social facets. Particularly focusing on teenagers mobile phone usage, we find
them being used for both positive and negative purposes. Is the gap between uses and negative
impact widening? Are consequences and concerns superseding positive uses? How do
parents/guardians perceive the overall usage of mobile phones by their teenagers?
These are the basic queries that drive this study.

1.2 Statement Of Problem

The problem statement is the growing negative impacts of mobile phones on teenagers. This
study is done to find out the views of PG living in New Baneshwor area about their teenagers
using mobile phones and their positive and negative impacts and if there is any solution to
overcome such problems

1.3 Objectives
This study is centered on parents/guardians (PG) of New Baneshwor area perceptions of their
teenagers mobile phone usage:
To gain an overall understanding of teenagers mobile phone usage (positive purposes and
negative impacts)
To know if mobile phones have more positive impacts or negative impacts.
To understand the influence of texting on teenagers (such as text language on proper language,
text messaging on communication skills)
To understand the effects on teenagers physical (such as driving, health) and psychological (such
as bullying, un-monitored time usage, family time) safety issues.

1.4 Significance Of Study

This research is about teenagers mobile phone usage from a PG perspective and it focuses on
social aspects of use of mobile phone in teenagers. It helps
To understand the perceptions of PG on the overall usage of mobile phones by their
teenagers (considering both advantages and disadvantages)To identify the areas of
concerns where PG think the negative impacts are higher.
To know whether PG consider using the phone while driving is risky and recommend a
ban (to reduce the mishaps and make roads safer).

1.5 Research Questions

The research questions for this research are:
For what purposes do PG provide mobile phones to their teenager?
How do PG feel about the safety of their teenagers mobile phone use, especially with
What is the addiction level of teenagers to mobile phones?
Are the negative impacts of mobile phones more than positive ones?

1.6 Limitation of the study

The limitations of the research are:
The proposed study will be limited only in PGs and teenagers of New Baneshwor area.
PGs may not have complete information about the mobile phones effect in their
The sample size is too small.
It is hard to find PGs having teenagers.
1.7 Organizational Structure Of The Study
This proposal consists of three chapters in total.
First chapter: First chapter contains of introduction, background, objectives and limitations of
the study.
Second chapter: Second chapter contain with the review of literature, theoretical framework,
conceptual framework and specifications of variables.
Third chapter: Chapter three contains the research methodology, research design and plan, data
collection procedure, data analysis tools and determination of population and sample size.

2.1 Literature Review

Mobile Phones are portable telephone device that does not require the use of landlines. Mobile
phones utilize frequencies transmitted by cellular towers to connect the calls between
two devices. The first mobile phone operated on an analog service and was developed by
Motorola, Inc. Mobile phones have grown to be the most widely used portable device in the
world. Mobile phones may also be referred to as wireless or cellular phones.
Mobile phones are a way that teenagers feel they can communicate with other individuals.
According to one study, 84 percent of teens say they like that mobile phones make it easy to talk
to people. Additionally, the study states that 69 percent of teens say their mobile phone is used as
a form of entertainment and 47 percent say their social life would end without their mobile phone.
The same study shows that 57 percent say their life has improved by using their cell phone.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

This study is conducted to find out the PGs view on for what purposes did they provide their
teenagers mobile phones and to know if they are aware about the positive and negative impacts of
mobile phones to their teenagers. This study is done to know the overall view of PG on mobile
phone usage and its effects on teenagers.
2.3 Conceptual Framework

Parents/ Guardians


Mobile phone


Positive Impacts Negative Impacts

2.4 Specification Of Variables

Parents/Guardians: Parents are those male and/or female person/s that give birth to the child
and take care of them and take care of their needs and provide them love and care. Guardians are
those other than parents who take care of the child.
Teenagers: Teenagers are the group of people aged from 10 to 19 years old.
Mobile phones: Mobile phones are the small wireless device that has at least the same function
as a standard wired telephone but is smaller and more flexible.
Uses: Uses refers to the purposes for which the mobile phones are provided to the teenagers.
Impacts: Impacts refers to the effects or results of mobile phones use in teenagers life.
Positive impacts: Positive impacts are the fruitful effects in teenagers life due to mobile
Negative impacts: Negative impacts are the minus points in teenagers life due to use of
mobile phones.

3.1 Research Design and Plan

A research design serves as a framework for the study, guiding the collection and analysis of the
data, the research instruments to be utilized, and the sampling plan to be followed. It is an
organized and integrated system that guides the researcher in formulating, implementing and
controlling the study. In research, there are basically two broad categories of research designs, i.e.
Quantitative and Qualitative research designs. This research will be analyzing the PGs view on
the overall mobile usage of their teenagers.

3.2 Population And Sample Size

Population or the universe refers to the entire group of people, events, or things of interest that the
researcher wishes to investigate. Here, the population or the universe is the population of New
Baneshwor itself. And the samples are the portion of the people of New Baneshwor. The sample
size refers to how many people or units to pick for the study that can give can an accurate and
appropriate result. Here the sample size is 30.

3.3 Data Collection Procedure

The procedure for data collection is as follows:
Primary Source:
The source of data which is collected for the first time by the research for the purpose of
study is called primary sources of data collection. The basic source of data collection is
direct personal interview. I will be interviewing some of the PG.
Secondary source:
The data that is already collected or published by another person or organization are
secondary sources of data. Internet, library, articles published, websites regarding PGs
perspective on mobile phone usage of teenagers are the secondary sources of data.

3.4 Data Processing Technique

Different statistical tools, charts, diagrams and graphs will be used to process the data. In this
study the data will be processed showing them in statistical representation.
3.5 Data analysis tools
The statistical tools that I will be using are
Ms Excel

3.6 Data Analysis Plan

Statistical tools like Regression analysis, coefficient and correlation, ranking, mode, median,
standard deviation will be used for data analysis.

3.7 Expected Outcome Of The Study

From this research I expect that: Teenagers are addicted to mobile phones.
Negative impacts are higher than positive ones.
Parents are not satisfied with their teenagers mobile phone use pattern.
4.1 Data tabulation and representation
4.1.1 Gender of Parents/Guardians

Table 1

Gender of Parents/Guardians

Female Male

Count Count

14 16

Figure 1 :Gender of Parents/Guardians

Among the 30 respondents surveyed 16 of them were male and the remaining 14 were
4.1.2 Age group of parents/Guardians

Table 1


31-40 41-50 51-60 above 60 under 31-40

Age group of Parents/Guardians Count 6 16 4 1 3

Figure 2: Age group of parents/guardians

Among the 30 respondents surveyed, most of them belonged to the age group 41 to 50 years and
very few of them belonged to the age group above 60.

4.1.3 Gender of teenagers

The Parents and guardians I interviewed belonged to mostly of boys and less of girls in
4.1.4 Age group of teenagers
Among the 30 respondents most of were the parents/guardians of teenagers belonging to
age group 15-17 and the least were between 12-14.
4.1.5 Possession of mobile phone by teenagers
From the survey I found that more than 80% of the teenagers use mobile phone nowadays.
4.1.6 Purpose of providing mobile phone
It was found that most of the parents provided mobile phones to their teenagers for social
bonding with friends and family (30%) and 20% of them provided for educational help.
Only 10% of parents/ guardians provided mobile phones for entertainment purpose.

4.1.7 Addiction level of mobile phones

50% of the surveyed respondents claimed that their teenagers are addictive to mobile
phones and very few i.e. 13.33 % of them said that their teenagers are not addictive to
mobile phones. Parents/ Guardians having neutral feeling were 23.33 % and 13.33 % of
them didnt possess mobile phones.
4.1.8 Happiness of Parents/ Guardians
Most of the parents/guardians had neutral feeling about their teenagers using mobile
phones. 26.67% of them were happy with their use of mobile phone and very few i.e. 6.67%
of them were unhappy.

4.1.9 Interruption of personal time

Most of the respondents felt that use of mobile phones interrupted personal time to some
extent and very few of them were not sure about it.
4.1.10 Safety of mobile phone use
It was found that most of the parents were satisfied with the safety of use of mobile
phones by their teenagers . Maximum of 40% in overall were satisfied.

4.1.11 Impacts of mobile phone

It was found that most of the parents /guardians thought that mobile phones have positive impacts
i.e. 60% on teenagers than negative impacts.
4.1.12 Bullying over mobile phones
It was found that very few teenagers always share to their parents when they are bullied over
mobile phones. 36.67% of them shared sometimes and 26.67% of them never shared to their
4.1.13 Losing proper language
It was found that 30% of the teenagers are losing their proper language due to text language and
23.33 % of them were not losing it.

4.1.14 Is using mobile phone while driving risky?

Maximum number of respondents believed that using mobile phones while driving is risky.
73.33% of the respondents said that it is risky.
4.2 Major findings and interpretation

4.2.1 Gender of teenagers and addiction level

Table 1

Gender of teenagers

Female Male

Count Count

Addiction level of teenagers to No mobile 3 1

mobile phone
Addictive 6 9

Neutral 2 5

Not addictive 3 1

From the above table we can see that mostly the male teenagers are addicted to mobile phones in
comparison to female teenagers and female teenagers carried more mobiles in comparison to male.

4.2.2 Gender of parents/guardians and impact of mobile phones

Table 2

Gender of Parents/Guardians

Female Male

Count Count

Positive impacts or negative No mobile 0 4

Negative 3 5

Positive 11 7

It was found that most of the female parents believed that mobile phones have positive impact on
teenagers whereas most of the male parents felt that mobile phones have negative impacts on teenagers.
5.1 Summary
Most of the teenagers nowadays are carrying mobile phones and most of them are found to be addicted
towards their mobile phones. Most of the teenagers are losing their proper communication skill due to text
language and not everyone shares to their parents if they are bullied via mobile phones. Most of the
parents/guardians have neutral feeling regarding their teenagers using mobile phones and they are
satisfied with the safety aspect too.

5.2 Conclusion
From the research conducted it can be concluded that the addiction level for mobile phones has been
increasing day by day to the teenagers and they are losing their proper language skills due to text
language. Mobile phones are provided to maximum teenagers by their parents nowadays especially for
social bonding with friends and family and educational help purposes. However some parents believe that
it has negative impacts on teenagers whereas maximum of them believe that positive impacts are more.

5.3 Recommendation
It is recommended that parents should pay more attention towards the mobile phone usage pattern of their
teenagers and their should be set age limit for using mobile phones. Use of mobile phones while driving
should be banned.

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