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638 Chapter 15 Spur Gears

The next three sections deal with bending fatigue at the base of the tooth and involve
the principles of fatigue analysis covered in Chapter 8. The following two sections are
concerned with surface durability and make use of the information on pitting and scor-
ing given in Chapter 9. Some of the principles of lubrication covered in Chapter 13 are
involved as well. As will be seen, the load capacity and failure mode of a pair of gears
are affected by their rotating speed. Altogether, the study of gear load capacity affords an
excellent opportunity to apply much of the basic material covered in earlier chapters.

15.6 Basic Analysis of Gear-Tooth-Bending Stress (Lewis Equation)

The first recognized analysis of gear-tooth stresses was presented to the Philadelphia
Engineers Club in 1892 by Wilfred Lewis. It still serves as the basis for gear-tooth-
bending stress analysis. Figure 15.20 shows a gear tooth loaded as a cantilever beam,
with resultant force F applied to the tip. Mr. Lewis made the following simplifying

1. The full load is applied to the tip of a single tooth. This is obviously the most
severe condition and is appropriate for gears of ordinary accuracy. For high-
precision gears, however, the full load is never applied to a single tooth tip. With
a contact ratio necessarily greater than unity, each new pair of teeth comes into
contact while the previous pair is still engaged. After the contact point moves
down some distance from the tip, the previous teeth go out of engagement and
the new pair carries the full load (unless, of course, the contact ratio is greater
than 2). This is the situation depicted in Figure 15.19. Thus, with precision
gears (not available in Mr. Lewiss time), the tooth should be regarded as car-
rying only part of the load at its tip, and the full load at a point on the tooth face
where the bending moment arm is shorter.
2. The radial component, Fr , is negligible. This is a conservative assumption, as Fr
produces a compressive stress that subtracts from the bending tension at point a

Fr F



FIGURE 15.20
Bending stresses in a spur gear tooth (comparison with a
constant-stress parabola).
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15.6 Basic Analysis of Gear-Tooth-Bending Stress (Lewis Equation) 639

of Figure 15.20. (The fact that it adds to the bending compression in the opposite
fillet is unimportant because fatigue failures always start on the tensile side.)
3. The load is distributed uniformly across the full face width. This is a noncon-
servative assumption and can be instrumental in gear failures involving wide
teeth and misaligned or deflecting shafts.
4. Forces which are due to tooth sliding friction are negligible.
5. Stress concentration in the tooth fillet is negligible. Stress concentration factors
were unknown in Mr. Lewiss time but are now known to be important. This will
be taken into account later.

Proceeding with the development of the Lewis equation, we note from

Figure 15.20 that the gear tooth is everywhere stronger than the inscribed constant-
strength parabola (recall Figure 12.23c), except for the section at a where the
parabola and tooth profile are tangent. At point a

Mc 6Ft h
s = = (c)
I bt 2
by similar triangles,

t/2 h t2
= , or = 4x (d)
x t/2 h
Substituting Eq. d into Eq. c gives

s = (e)
Defining the Lewis form factor y as

y = 2x/3p (f)

and substituting it into Eq. e gives

s = (15.15)

which is the basic Lewis equation in terms of circular pitch.

Because gears are more often made to standard values of diametral pitch, we
p = p/P (15.5, mod)
y = Y/p (g)

into Eq. 15.14 and obtain an alternative form of the Lewis equation:

Ft P
s = (15.16)
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640 Chapter 15 Spur Gears


0.50 s tub

Lewis form factor Y


0.35 14 2




12 15 17 20 24 30 35 40 4550 60 80 125 275 !
Number of teeth N (Rack)

FIGURE 15.21
Values of Lewis form factor Y for standard spur gears (load applied at tip of the tooth).

Or, when using SI units, we have

s = (15.16a)

where Y is the Lewis form factor based on diametral pitch or module. Both Y and y
are functions of tooth shape (but not size) and therefore vary with the number of
teeth in the gear. Values of Y for standard gear systems are given in Figure 15.21. For
nonstandard gears, the factor can be obtained by graphical layout of the tooth or by
digital computation.
Note that the Lewis equation indicates that tooth-bending stresses vary (1)
directly with load Ft , (2) inversely with tooth width b, (3) inversely with tooth size
p, 1/P, or m and (4) inversely with tooth shape factor Y or y.

15.7 Refined Analysis of Gear-Tooth-Bending Strength: Basic Concepts

In addition to the four basic factors included in the Lewis equation, modern gear
design procedures take into account several additional factors that influence gear-
tooth-bending stresses.

1. Pitch line velocity. The greater the linear velocity of the gear teeth (as measured
at the pitch circles), the greater the impact of successive teeth as they come into
contact. These impacts happen because the tooth profiles can never be made with
absolute perfection; and even if they were, deflections are inevitable, for operat-
ing loads cause a slight impact as each new pair of teeth come into engagement.

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