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International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Vol. 54 No.

7/2016 (539-543)

Integrative Western and Traditional Chinese

Medicine service model for lower back pain
Regina W.S. Sit1,2, Wendy Wong2, Sheung Wai Law3, and Justin C.Y. Wu2

Original 1The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, 2The Hong Kong
2016 Dustri-Verlag Dr. K. Feistle
ISSN 0946-1965
Institute of Integrative Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and
3Department of Orthopedic & Traumatology, Tai Po Hospital, Hong Kong
DOI 10.5414/CP202625
e-pub: June 10, 2016

Key words Abstract. Objective: Low back pain conditions, infective and neoplastic causes,
low back pain integra- (LBP) is a common, costly, and debilitating metabolic bone diseases, disc protrusions,
tive Western medicine condition that creates a heavy socioeconom-
traditional Chinese trauma, other congenital disorders, etc. [6].
ic burden on the global health care systems.
medicine Nonspecific low back pain (NSLBP) is de-
In Western Medicine (WM), the treatment
goals are to relieve pain, reduce disability, fined as low back pain not attributable to a
and enhance rehabilitation. In Traditional recognizable, known specific pathology; al-
Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture is though mechanical factors, such as poor pos-
frequently used to rebalance the vital energy ture, have long been thought to play a causal
Qi. Whilst numerous literatures are avail- role in it [7]. NSLBP contributes to almost
able from WM and TCM in the management
of LBP, the value of an integrative WM- 90% of chronic LBP with significant con-
TCM therapy remains unknown. This article sumption of diagnostic tests and health care
aims to introduce an integrative WM-TCM services, and is a focus of concern The World
service model for LBP, which is now avail- Health Organization [8].
able at the Hong Kong Institute of Integra-
tive Medicine, the Chinese University of
Hong Kong.
LBP in Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM)
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),
Low back pain (LBP) is a serious global the definition of LBP is stated in the Gen-
public health problem [1]. The 2010 Global eral Treatise on Causes and Manifestations
Burden of Disease Study estimated that low of All Diseases as ,
back pain is among the top 10 diseases and , , ,
injuries that account for the highest number , , ,
of years lived with disability (YLDs) world- ; the meaning of which refers to the syn-
wide [2]. The associated pain and disability drome presented with unilateral or bilateral
make it a serious and costly health condition, back governed by the kidneys [4]. Disease is
incurring both direct and indirect expenses often defined as a sign of imbalance between
that placed a heavy financial burden on two complementary polarities (yin and yang).
health care systems [3]. The ancient Chinese believed that Qi flows
through a network of channels, called merid-
ians, which bring Qi from internal organs to
Received LBP in Western Medicine (WM) the skin surface. These channels the acupunc-
February 17, 2016; ture points which can be stimulated to correct
In Western Medicine (WM), LBP can the imbalance and restore the body to normal
April 21, 2016
be defined in terms of duration or etiology. health [9]. The most commonly diagnosed
Correspondence to Acute LBP is defined by duration of pain less syndrome associated with low back pain are
Prof. Regina W.S. Sit than 6 weeks, subacute LBP of 6 12 weeks, Qi and blood stagnation ; followed
Lek Yuen Health Centre,
and chronic LBP of more than 12 weeks by kidney deficiency and other
Room 404, 4/F, Shatin,
Hong Kong [5]. Specific causes of back pain include syndromes such as Bi syndrome (obstruction some degenerative conditions, inflammatory by pathogenic coldness or dampness)
Sit, Wong, Law, and Wu 540

. Patients can always have more than one an option but their effects on pain appear
syndrome [10, 11]. small or uncertain [19, 20]. Spinal surgeries
with high surgical risks are often reserved for
those with structural lesions, and their role
in chronic NSLBP is very limited [21]. In
Pain generators in the spine
chronic disabling cases of NSLBP, intensive
LBP can arise from a variety of differ- multidisciplinary approaches are often rec-
ent anatomical sites in concert with complex ommended, although these are not necessar-
mechanical and neurophysiological pro- ily available everywhere [22].
cesses that arise in response to trauma and
disease. Various structures in the spine, such
as the intervertebral disc, the facet joint, and Current TCM treatment of LBP
the surrounding ligament, could constitute
the origin of pain in accordance with their In TCM, acupuncture is applied to promote
innervation [12]. Nociceptive factors play a Qi and blood circulation, eradication of damp-
major role in the generation of pain; while ness or coldness, supplementation of the kid-
irritation to the dural sleeve, dorsal root gan- ney or a combination of the above objectives
glion, or chemically irritated lumbar nerve [23]. The proposed neurohumoral hypothesis
root all contribute to the severity of pain states that acupuncture stimulation activates
[13]. In TCM, the imbalance of yin-yang and A-delta and C-afferent fibers in muscles, caus-
Qi is postulated to the development of pain ing signals to be transmitted to the spinal cord
[14]. In chronic pain, psychological dimen- and a subsequent release of endorphins and
sions become relevant and are important in monoamines [24, 25]. Imaging studies also
explaining how people respond to pain [15]. demonstrate that the limbic system plays an
Genetics physical, environmental, and social important role in acupuncture-induced analge-
factors are also found to affect the pain du- sia [26]. The TCM-based acupuncture therapy
ration and severity. In view of the multiple is usually conducted according to the Chinese
causative models in chronic LBP, it is not meridian lines, based on the associated TCM
surprising that the efficacy of most treat- syndromes to rebalance the Qi and promote
ments are low, given that they only target one blood circulation [25].
or two pain generators [7]. Apart from acupuncture, herbs are some-
times prescribed according to an individuals
symptom. Chinese herbal medicine has a
recorded history of over 2000 years and has
Current WM treatment of LBP been receiving increasing public attention
For acute and chronic LBP, physicians [27]. Chinese herbal medicine can be admin-
reassurance, recommendation to stay active, istered in a number of ways including cooked
brief education, spinal manipulation, exer- decoctions or herbal soups, concentrated
cise therapy, and cognitive behavior therapy powders, and herbal pills. Studies suggest that
are recommended in most guidelines [16, 17, herbal medicine may alleviate pain in arthritic
18]. A number of medications are available: condition; however, the efficacy of herbs on
paracetamol (acetaminophen) and nonste- noncancer pain still lacks scientific evaluation
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) [28]. Moxibustion is another treatment option,
are first-line options for pain relief, with though more studies will be needed to evalu-
NSAIDs being associated with the risk of ate its role in back pain [29].
gastrointestinal bleeding. Opioids are more
potent analgesics, but are not a first-line op-
tion due to their abuse potential and adverse The integrative WM-TCM model
effects such as constipation, nausea, som- for LBP
nolence, pruritus, and myoclonus. Skeletal
muscle relaxants and benzodiazepines can A pilot integrative (IM) WM-TCM ser-
be used as adjunctive medications for acute vice model of LBP is now available at the
low back pain, but have a high incidence of Integrative Medical Centre, the Hong Kong
sedation. Tricyclic antidepressants may be Institute of Integrative Medicine (HKIIM),
Integrative Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine service model for lower back pain 541

the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The muscle spasm, decrease spinal compression,
HKIIM was established in September 2014 correct biomechanical derangement, and
with the aim of establishing a comprehensive long-term spinal rehabilitation.
platform for research, clinical service, and After physiotherapy, acupuncture is con-
education. In this service model, we collabo- ducted according to the Chinese meridian
rate with the Department of Orthopedic and lines with the aim of rebalancing the Qi ad
Traumatology, the Prince of Wales Hospital, promote blood circulation [25]. An overview
the Hospital Authority of the Hong Kong of systematic reviews published in 2015 has
Special Administrative Region, in the refer- concluded that acupuncture may have a fa-
ral and management algorithm. The focus vorable effect on pain and function among
of this IM model will be patient-centered people with LBP [34]. Apart from pain re-
care instead of disease-based care. duction, acupuncture was also found to have
potential economic benefit in terms of the
estimated cost per quality adjusted life year
Step 1: Screening by orthopedic (QALY) and a reduction on the consumption
specialists of public health services [35, 36, 37].

Patients with low back pain who are new-

ly referred to the orthopedic outpatient clinic Step 3: Interim communication
are screened for suitability to the enrolled between orthopedics, CMPs, and PTs
in this IM program. Patients with red-flag
Integration of this model starts with the
symptoms such as unexplained weight loss
agreement on the clinical diagnosis by all par-
or recent unexplained fever, progressive or
ties. Interim communication is made through
severe neurological symptoms, known struc-
an electronic platform called Integrative
tural deformities, and malignancy are not en-
Medicine Information System (IMIS), which
rolled. X-rays and magnetic resonance imag-
contain both WM and TCMs progress sum-
ing (MRI) are used to confirm the diagnosis
maries and findings. The treatment sessions
in ambiguous cases [30]. Oral analgesics are
are 2 times per week for 5 weeks, with a total
prescribed to patients.
of 10 treatment sessions, and patients are re-
viewed at regular intervals.

Step 2: Integrative WM-TCM

treatment Preliminary clinical results
The integrative therapy is conducted by
Unpublished data from a group of pa-
our licensed Chinese Medicine practitioners
tients suffering from work injury-related
(CMPs) and physiotherapists (PTs) in the
subacute LBP have reported encouraging
same treatment session; the designated CMP
short-term results through this integrative
is in-charge of the overall patient care from
and multidisciplinary program. Apart from
this step onwards.
the reduction of pain and increase in func-
We adopt the individual physiotherapy
tional level, it also shortened the return to
protocol in this IM model wherein patients
work duration to 6 months, compared to 12
are assessed and treated according to assess-
months from local data [38]. Better designed
ment findings. Treatment consists of a combi-
high quality clinical trials, with the evalua-
nation of joint mobilizations, joint manipula-
tion of the consumption of analgesics and
tion, and massage. Home-based exercises are
other health care resources, will be needed to
prescribed specifically to individual patients
prove overall clinical effectiveness and cost-
which include specific trunk muscle retrain-
ing, stretches, and general spinal mobility. Pa-
tients will also receive advice on how to take
care of the back [31]. Cointerventions such as Conclusion
interferential therapy [32] and superficial heat
[33] will be applied for short term pain relief. The improvement in the knowledge of
The aims of the above treatment modalities basic pain mechanism allows the develop-
are to reduce soft tissue inflammation, release ment of better treatment options for patients
Sit, Wong, Law, and Wu 542

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