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| sme: aus TENTATIVE GUIDELINES ON CEMENT-FLY ASH CONCRETE FOR RIGID PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION ‘THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS a Road Enlace; Hakata Pele Corporatio La 2 lah, Reeien reerrnaa 4 Re Sin itn a nay Yor Nae 24 Mp. Paet EGER Coe eases to te Gant of Cua 2. DrOS.subai — Hea ote Ci, Sane Dep Pah (Cini Emprering), tas Sundae 2 Beet boar BPE asap Omer Reeh San nae TENTATIVE GUIDELINES ON CEMENT-FLY ASH CONCRETE FOR RIGID PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION Pabited by "THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS: Sanayat Hows, Sbajahan Rnd, ‘New Dehi-110011 a6 om ia al Fit published: December 1976 (Rights of Pblicaton end of Transaton are reserved) “TENTATIVE GUIDELINES ON CEMENT-FLY ASHI CONCRETE, {YOR RIGID PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION CCement-y ash concrete, wiisig good quality poralanic. Ay san ee uot cement 2 seed a at 1 sa Pie ement concrete, cn be aed in all pavement c0atuc- acne in re uy come concrete used. By aopUng Pope tng dslgn methods, for te mme. design arength more esonorvcal lasek eemat ah te cred ‘Use of cement ah concrete in pce of pln meat 2a crete Shige only tnsbie sont savings the eomnumpton Seem Meee°A rode an economic sod weal avenue fr SEP aha wie cow a eeognsed anton problem. “These guidelines were approved bythe Cement Concrete Road surtatng CSmmitse (personnel sven below) in thelr meeting Bel SP yaetated on the 5 Jaouary, 1996 coe Sry CoS ican Dito enr Roed ken Beslan otis comin Foe oy esters, sme in tei esting beld onthe Sand August 1976 abject, Sets Maiions’ wheh on the. auloriation of tbe oe Commies, were carried out by Dr. RK. Ghosh and Shi RP Sie Fics ter spsoned by he Bzeseve Common and fhe Coane n ther mectings eld ox he 8th Novernber and DBrcenber 17 respective 2a, Fly Aah Fry ash fr us in cement ash concrete shal conform to 18 surat Speaie ey Aur Un os Pog ind ones lin enctity cao lee nan 40 Agim spect sur- ExLBeeh bale of not ee han J20Uen es and atom conten ‘SEecraete than fa pr centsLigoite fy aut may alo be used pre SLEEPS ite lbve sipulttone seas magnesium owe (ish Santen aad tote! sph content ss salt Sroxide (SO) AQRASURE Sad pe dent by welt respecte 22, Comeat Cement shall be omdiary portland cement conforming to 1s SOL 96. Specteaton Loe Ontiney ané ow Heat Poutand Cement or y2s1976 “Spectcaion for igh Strength ntnury Fortuna Comet 2a. Aseopater he sgzregais shall conform othe segultements seul in pore Bocf RCE IS 970 sBtandareSpecfeatns and Code of Bisece for Constrction of Conerete Reals 2, Water Water shal conform tothe requirements set out in pare 23 of RC! 51990 5, While considerabe work progeess on the design of cent aheopercte mts no dee ik deg ocdare thine he owing woreda ere IS BGA GGlen cnc mixes wheren es = plata coment cone te mint desgted forthe supuated eters wing atl mate ‘i levcop vats and then an equvafentcementhy ash concrete ‘a eatished theceteom. 2.2, The pain cement concrete mix may be designed as anc diignentaine Guaces or Coment Cotte Mix Be site for Parcoeat 33. The eapivalent cementfy ash coocrte mia design shoud hen be esblced a folowa “ () Let WC. be the designed plan cement concrete mi, bit, WC 3, and A repetstng the quanite take of Wath Setent, sued ‘and curse aggogte respectively par etm oft plan cement sonerete mi (2) Le We: CF: Ss A" be te equivalent, cemeney ash concrete min, wid WC, Er and A” beg the ‘Ganiles Jn kp of water, eon, ash subd ane coats ‘Sherante respecely per eum. ofthe mie ©) Let 8.5 S. and Sue the spect raves of cement, Ay tsa tnd one aggregate respecte @Lacmnc sens ‘Te values ofp and p, depend on a large number of gure. ameter lie veitive meme specie srt and spec gsi ok oient, sand and fy ihe Selc euible values Oe tndy based ‘Suproviuteapeicnce with the ates. "Sule sales it ge aly be found within te following ange ‘In the absence of prenious experienc, the following values may ‘opted for tial pose ee - panos 0.90 (6) Catelate the total quantity of fy ah in the mio com ‘enite for redaction made la coment and #834 ‘a Equal Yolumes of ash Tht of iy ash of equal volume of ment replaced (ened ‘mt. of ty ash of equal volume of sad replaced me-or$e 46-8) (6) Cataite "om the eosieration of keeping the wate) fess bey sae TH" ye he (Gen om conserton of aking wp for edu Aah WoW) Sy tinea "reperiely the wae Of prio incase ot After agjusnent of wckabity as ben sade by oe ot ‘Roce nega tended nd 0? el IRE bat wie oc chee og We scone 24. Ap trative example of caleulstin of equate cemeity ih corres mi ‘oetronding to's gen Pld comet fo 4 nQUIPMENS ‘he splations contained io pare 4 of IRC: 151970 and in Inc, Bid Recommended Paes for "Too Egos ad Appliances fo Conte Pavement Cosas shal be Come Su. Cementy ah conerste pavement construction i ent alto at ofplaincement concrete pavement bu forthe ier nesta pute of cement and sand ae replaced by slab fy a tthe buiching stages Provisions of IRC? 151970 ma} erefre, be {Eilomed ints retest. 5.2, Storage and Honing of Fy Ash Beeng vey ne material, fy a ets easly shore, For proteeion gnu hs Ayash may beer bagged cr seked With UAT eto iri anor When nt Bae ity te ‘Moret In ectangsse tape! pits up or the purpose. The tp ‘hou Be kepe covered with tarpouias or oer stable cove, 52, Ratcing of Fy Ash Like other constituents inthe mit ly ath sould also be bat hed by weigh Water may, however be batched by yolame vig tiated contaisea and cite by the bg ensring that each be ‘Sontens the spotted sundard guanity ofgement- Ror malized ontucione ete ameunt of Aya per batch of one bg of cement pal tie normaiy more convenient to welgh By a0 separately fran pinbslanc and food iced tothe mine ostead af welsh ‘isthe weigh butcher: In sar fy ah i wet, a moiture content ‘Gould be determined and atowance made therefor, SAL Maing Provisions contained is para 8.4 of IRC: 15.1970 should apy xcept hat wes sould fast be fed ign the mixer followed 1) ‘sho form tury and. thereafter cement and aggreptes, ade, slimportot to” enue tout the By ua well dispensed nthe 6 auaLiry conto 4, tn gener, aty contol of eepenty ah cones onssicions chou Beton lines indicated in ‘Chapter Go IRC SP 11975 "Handbook. of ‘Quay Corto for Construction of Reads fd Ranways" nado, quay offy ae shoud be cbesked IS 12 a 96 nein aon of he soe ‘apply and subreuenty foreach eth contenmest Moers neat of oth shld sho be Stetined one or oke “et ‘eulea 62. ‘Thorough mixing should be ensured a per puta SA, [XAMPLE OF DESIGN Of EQUIVALENT CEMENT FLY AS Repco its itas adht's RRS PAS rhe at Sieve = 380 Dosen ene ene ath cose ito he flowing oan ah mis aman replace 9B X SSemmceneriy ek TH A re esonors ——=875 8 at ADD omacoms 038i a Fete hets0540.25 08086 3 tre Hioora 12 ampssapeimsdl ntoareoe) 6 wnagorawy 5

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