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I. Climate Change

Climate Change
- Change in climatic pattern or the usual climate in the past many years.
- Increase in temperature of the atmosphere that will result to a dangerously hot weather


Date Event
1930s There are studies in Europe and in North America that show increase in
temperature of the atmosphere as a result of using fossil fuel since the
Industrial Revolution.
1965 The US government informed the public of the continuous increase of GHG.

1972 The UN held its first ever conference on environmental issues in Stockholm,
Sweden. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was created.

1975 The term global warming was first used in a research paper.
1987 & 1990 The Protocol was signed by developed nations in Montreal and Kyoto,
wherein the use of chemicals would be lessened.
1988 The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established.
1990 In the first report, the carbon discharged by industrial activities of people
added too much GHG to the atmosphere.
2007 In the fourth report, IPCC presented that the temperature was going to
increase further in 2100.
2013 In the fifth assessment, IPCC mentioned the increase in the probability of
people being responsible for the increase of GHG.

Political Aspect
The Hockey Stick and Climate Gate Scandal
- Professor Manns graphical presentation that looks like a hockey stick shows the global
temperature in the past millennium.
- Emails exchanged between Mann and the scientists made it look like there was a
conspiracy among them to keep the results from public access.
- After an investigation, it was proved that there was no manipulation and there was just a
little inaccuracy to the graph.
- Most of the proposed plans in the Copenhagen Summit failed to be implemented because
of the said scandal.

Economic Aspect
- China and the US are the top two countries that release the most CO2 from fossil fuel.
- G8 or Group of Eight are responsible for almost half of the total CO2 emissions in the
world: USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, UK, Canada, Italy, and France
- Countries with high GDP also have high consumption and emission of GHG.

Activities that Increase the GHG Emissions

1. Cap-and-Trade carbon trading or selling of rights or permission to dispose GHG in the
2. Carbon capture and storage technology that controls the emissions of carbon from fossil
fuel, transfers, and buries it underground or in a permanent storage.
3. Using nuclear energy the process of building nuclear plants requires the use of fossil
fuel and uranium.
4. Geoengineering intentional or deliberate action of people to counteract the effects of
global warming and climate change, like invention of plants that would grow in different
types of climate.

Social Aspect
- Climate change increases danger brought about by natural disasters.
- Involves health, food security, occupation, income, and livelihood of people.
- Urban poor are the most affected by climate change because of the lack of opportunities
to live in clean and safe places.

Signs of Global Warming in Our Environment

1. Melting of Ice in the Arctic 5. Destruction of the Natural Habitat of
2. Spread of Diseases Animals
3. Drought 6. Rising Acidity of the Oceans
4. Flooding and Super Typhoon 7. Air Pollution and Heat Wave

Responding to Climate Change

1. Al Gore former US Vice President who heightened peoples awareness of the negative
effects of climate change and how this can be prevented.
2. Pen Hadow, Martin Harley, & Ann Daniels measured the thickness of snow from sea level
to guide on how much ice has melted due to climate change.
3. Valerie Cassey initiated the Kyoto Protocol.
4. David Keith project on geoengineering.
5. Zhao Zhang established the Green Camel Bell in China which broadens the awareness
of Chinese people on environmental issues.
6. Olga Speranskaya recommended the Russian government to eliminate the stored
chemicals and pesticides in their country.

United Nations Climate Summit

- Led into the signing of the Copenhagen Accord, an amendment of the Kyoto Protocol.
- Creation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Fast Start Finance- a total of $30 billion was collected to fund climate change response

1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in charge of climate change research.
2. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to stabilize the
concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
3. IPCC Report on Global Warming warns the public of the increase of GHG due to human

1. Article I and II of the Philippine Constitution - giving priority to the protection of the
environment by passing laws and plans such as establishing the Commission on Climate
2. Clean Air Act of 1999 to have clean air that can be safely breathed by people.
3. Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 to make sure solid wastes
are not going to be harmful to the publics health and the environment.
4. Biofuels Act of 2006 decrease the countrys dependence on imported fuels and
encourage the use of biofuels.
5. Climate Change Act of 2009 systematic way of making policies concerning climate

Government Projects
1. Climate Change Mitigation strategic planning discussed in the UNFCCC such as the use
of renewable energy.
2. ECO-TOWNS Ecologically Stable and Economically Resilient Towns
3. Establishment of the Philippine Climate Change Research and Development Agenda
serve as a document guide for academic and scientific studies which can help in drawing
solutions to climate change.

II. Unemployment

Unemployment Rate
- Percentage of people who do not have a job out of the total number of those who are in
labor force.

Causes of Unemployment
1. Fast Population Growth
2. Excessive Supply of Labor Force
3. Limited Job Opportunities

Unemployment Rate in the Philippines

1. The Philippines has the highest unemployment rate in Southeast Asia for five consecutive
2. There are more unemployed men than women.
3. NCR has the highest unemployment rate in the country.
Solving Unemployment
1. Aligning the education system.
2. Creation of jobs.
The government needs to create a bigger infrastructure budget for the
construction of roads and bridges.
The minimum wage of employed people can be lowered.
Decreasing the number of full-time employees.
Lowering the taxes collected from businesses.

Labor Force
- Persons aged 15 years and above, maybe employed or unemployed who possess certain
skills, abilities, talents, and maturity to be part of the production.
1. To process the raw materials of agriculture.
2. To conserve and utilize the natural resources.
3. To act as consumers of the products.
4. To produce goods that are needed by the economy.
5. To operate and use machineries and other technology.
6. To give payment of taxes to the government.

Labor Force Participation Rate the percentage of labor force who are engaged actively in the

= 100

1. Employment situation where people have a job.

= 100

2. Underemployment situation when the working hours of workers are less than eight

= 100

3. Unemployment situation where people cannot find a job and no job is available in the
Types of Unemployment
Structural when people lose their jobs as a result of decline in industries due to
technological advancement and change in consumer taste.
Seasonal losing the jobs due to change of season or weather.
Cyclical happens when there is economic slowdown or crisis.
Frictional occurs when people are moving from one job to another.

= 100

III. Globalization

Concept of Globalization

Cold War Globalization

Main Feature

Division based on the ideology nations Integration wherein markets,

support. technologies, and job opportunities are
US: democracy; Soviet Union: socialism shared by nation.


The strength of a nation is measured by Speed in commerce, travel,

the weight of weapons and strength of communication, and innovation.
the military.


Karl Marx & John Maynard Keynes Joseph Schumpeter & Andy Grove
against capitalism and believed that placing old and inefficient products
laborers were more important than and services with better ones.


Sumo wrestling 100-meter dash


Allies and enemies with the US or the People, companies, organizations, and
Soviet Union headed by Russia. nations compete with each other to
gain clients.

System of Defense

Radar was invented to monitor the X-rays can detect viruses in the human
location of enemies and their weapons. body.

Centered on two superpowers, United Balance between and among nations

States and Soviet Union. and states.
Balance in the international market.
Balance among individuals.

IV. Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
- Providing the needs of the people without compromising the environment that the next
generation is going to use so that they, too, would achieve development.
- Development of three aspects of society: environment, economy, and people.
- Preserving the environment would mean more raw materials that the economy would use.
A thriving economy means more job opportunities for the people. People with stable jobs
will have a good life.


Date Event
1700-1800 People started paying attention to environmental degradation due to the
worsening pollution during the Industrial Revolution.
1972 The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in
Stockholm, Sweden to discuss the alarming destruction of the environment
due to industrialization.
1980 The World Conservation Strategy enumerated the environmental problems
that need to be prioritized and the policies that would solve these.

1982 The United Nations Charter for Nature was implemented.

1983 The World Commission on Environmental Development was established to
study the effects of environmental degradation on economic development
and social order.
1992 The Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil which created the
Agenda 21.
2012 The United Nations gathered again in Rio to discuss the outcomes of the
programs designed in 1992, thus, making the document The Future We
2030 Participating nations are expected to achieve the goals and targets.

Sustainable Development Goals

1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
2. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
3. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
4. Reduce inequality within and among countries.
5. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

1. Development without using too much natural resources is difficult to carry out.
2. Many developing countries are supplying raw materials to developed countries.
3. Highly populated countries have a low rate of development.
4. Aligning the business sector to the environment-friendly theme will require changes in
business practices and in the way people accept adjustments in the products and services.
5. Countries have different financial capacities and technology.
6. Many governments choose to prioritize other pressing issues over environment
7. There is a wide gap between the rich and the poor.
8. There are many deadly incurable diseases.

Sustainable Development in the Philippines

- The Philippine Council for Sustainable Development was established to align the policies
of the country with the principle of sustainable development.

1. Primacy of Developing Human Potential
2. Cultural, Moral, and Spiritual Sensitivity
3. Self-determination
4. National Sovereignty
5. Gender Sensitivity
6. Peace, Order, and National Unity
7. Sustainable Population
8. Ecological Soundness
9. Biogeographic equity and community based resource management
10. Global Cooperation

Programs in the Philippines

1. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARP) requires the distribution of all public
farmlands and big private farmlands to landless farmers.
2. Clean Air Act aims to have clean air that can be safely breathed by people.
3. Tobacco Act enacted to prevent people from smoking in certain public areas because of
the pollution and diseases smoking causes.
4. Sin Tax prices of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages became expensive.
5. Solid Waste Management Act enacted to support recycling and segregation initiatives.
6. Cleaning the rivers, seas, and oceans so that aquatic resources would grow well.

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