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Adversity Quotient

ELP Facilitator Meeting (Shanghai)

15~16th Sep, 2011
BabHui Lee
Adversity Quotient (AQ)
AQ - Introduction
AQ is about how you respond to life, esp. the
tough stuff
A gauge or measure of how you respond &
deal with everything, from everyday hassles to
the big adversities that life can spring on you
An established science, theory, and approach
for becoming measurably more resilient
The more resilient you are, the more effectively
& constructively you respond to lifes difficulties,
& the more fulfilling life becomes.
AQ - Introduction
The stronger your AQ, the more effectively
you will respond to adversity, and the less
lifes events will take a toll on your energy,
performance, health, and outlook.

The weaker your AQ, the more difficult it

can be for you to maintain the energy,
optimism, and fortitude required to
optimize your talents and your life.
AQ Definition







New Theory of Effectiveness

Ascend Mt. Everest
Ascend Mt. Everest

Beck Weathers
Ascend Mt. Success
Ascend Mt. Success

Summit 1: Take it on!

Summit 2: Summon your strengths
Summit 3: Engage your CORE
Summit 4: Pioneer possibilities
Summit 5: Pack light, pack right
Summit 6: Suffer well
Summit 7: Deliver greatness, every day!
The Science of AQ

Neurophysiology Cognitive Phycology
The Science of AQ

- Direct link between

how one responds to
adversity & mental
& physical health
- Control is essential to health &
- AQ influences immune functions,
recovery from surgery, & vulnerability
to life-threatening disease
- Weak response pattern to adversity can
cause depression
The Science of AQ

- Brain is ideally
equipped to form
- Habits can be instantly
interrupted & changed
- An individuals habit of response
to adversity can be interrupted &
instantly changed
- If replaced, old habits wither, while
new ones flourish
The Science of AQ

Enduring, far-reaching, Fleeting, limited,

internal, & out-of-control - Ones response to
external, within control
adversity influences
all facets of effectiveness,
performance & success
- We respond to adversity in
subconscious, consistent
- If unchecked, these patterns remain
stable over ones entire life

Cognitive Phycology
Adversity Quotient

- Adversity Response Profile

- CORE Dimensions
- LEAD Sequence
- Action Funnel
Adversity Response Profile

Adobe Acrobat 7.0

The AQ Continuum

MEAN 147.5

Low AQ Moderately Low AQ Moderate AQ Moderately High AQ High AQ

117 118~134 135~160 161~177 178~200
AQ - Where Do You Fit?
AQ - Where Do You Fit?
AQ - Where Do You Fit?
AQ CORE Dimensions
Dimension What it is... What it determines...
Control The extent to which someone Resilience, health,
perceives they can influence and tenacity
whatever happens next
Ownership The likelihood that someone Accountability,
will actually do anything to responsibility,
improve the situation, action, and
regardless of their formal engagement
Reach The extent to which someone Burden, stress,
perceives an adversity will energy, and effort;
reach into and affect other it tends to have
aspects of the situation or cumulative effect
Endurance The length of time the Hope, optimism,
individual perceives the and willingness to
situation / adversity will last, persevere
or endure
CORE - Control

High AQ workers believe they can

influence the outcome of the meeting,
even as it goes downhill. But those with
low AQ believe nothing they do will matter;
they give up and count minutes until the
meeting ends.
CORE - Ownership

The high AQ worker holds himself/herself

accountable for the outcome of the
meeting, regardless of the reason its
going poorly; the low AQ worker sees
himself/herself as a helpless victim.
CORE - Reach

Someone with high AQ will put setbacks in

perspectives, not letting them ruin the day
or the weekend. He/she resolves to learn
from the mistakes. A low AQ worker would
extrapolate, turning the single failure into
proof that he/she is worthless and stupid.
CORE - Endurance

Think of Tom Tanks in the movie Cast

Away; its all about faith that the tide will
carry something in to improve his situation.
High AQ workers know this down time
wont last forever; the low AQ worker can
only see no good ending.
The Hierarchy of Control

Improve your Response Ability by framing a new,

more effective managing approach to adversity.

Response Ability
= ability to respond
optimally to
whatever happens,
the moment it
The LEAD Sequence
Learn to rewire, raise & strengthen your AQ

L = Listen
E = Establish Accountability
A = Analyze
D = Do It !
The Action Funnel

Focus on the
action you are
most compelled
to take in the
face of adversity
Adversity Quotient
- 10 tips to improve your AQ
10 tips to improve your AQ

1. Be a Detective. As difficult situations

arise, immediately pinpoint at least one
facet of the situation you can influence, if
not control.
10 tips to improve your AQ

2. Be a Lawyer. Silently or vocally question

people who say, Well, theres nothing we
can do about it. Find specific ways to
prove them wrong. Prove your case with
real evidence.
10 tips to improve your AQ

3. Be a Judge. If you feel you lack control

over a given situation, try to be impartial in
your assessment. Base your judgment
only on facts.
10 tips to improve your AQ

4. Be a Pioneer. Be the first to take

ownership of difficult situations, whether or
hot you were the cause. Pick your moment
and step into the wilderness of
responsibility by declaring your
accountability and intended action.
10 tips to improve your AQ

5. Be an Opportunist. Ask yourself what

will definitely happen as a result of a given
situation within the next 24 to 48 hours.
Pick those outcomes for which you feel
most compelled to take ownership and
10 tips to improve your AQ

6. Be a Firefighter. When adversity strikes,

immediately contain the blaze by acting
with urgency to prevent it from affecting
other areas of your life. Hose down
emotional bushfires as they pop up.
10 tips to improve your AQ

7. Be a Surgeon. As difficulties arise,

prevent them from bleeding into other
areas of your business, relationships, and
life by surgically clamping the damaged
artery and operating on or even removing
damaged tissue.
10 tips to improve your AQ

8. Be a Visionary. No matter how severe a

setback may be, imagine life after it has
passed. Force yourself to rise above and
see beyond the adversity. Paint a mental
picture of how life is different now that
adversity is history.
10 tips to improve your AQ

9. Be an Accountant. Create a balance

sheet, indicating on one side the likely
result of adversity over which you have no
control, feel no ownership, and which is
far-reaching and long-lasting. On the other
side, put the implications of adversity over
which you feel a certain amount of control,
strong ownership, and which you see as
limited and short-lived. Apply your analysis
to the situation at hand or as difficulties
10 tips to improve your AQ

10. Be a Catalyst. Take even the smallest

constructive action to regain control, to
take ownership, or to limit the reach or
endurance of the adversity, and you will
immediately begin to see it shrink.

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