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1. Name

2. Gender

a) Male
b) Female

3. Age

a) below 25 yrs
b) 25-35 yrs
c) 35-45 yrs
d) 45-55yrs
e) Above 55 years

4. Educational Qualification

b) +2
c) UG
d) PG

5. Designation

a) Superintendent
b) Inspector
c) Senior Tax Assistant
d) Deputy Officer Superintendent

6. Marital status

a) Single
b) Married
7. Experience

a) Less than 5 yrs

b) 5-10 yrs
c) 10-15 yrs
d) 15-20yrs
e) Above20 yrs

List out your satisfaction level regarding the following

S. No Pay and Privileges Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly

satisfied dissatisfied
8 Salary and benefits
9 Work Assignment
10 Transfer policies
11 Promotion policies
12 Bonus
13 Medical Check up
14 List of recognized
15 Quality & Quantity of
food provided in canteen
16 Rate of food provided in
17 Grievance Redressed

2. Please rate the following infrastructure

S.No Infrastructure Very good Good Average poor Very Poor

18 Seating Arrangement
19 Computer configuration
20 Ventilation, A/c
21 Lights
22 Fire extinguisher
3. List out your opinion about the following statements

S.No Statements Strongly Agree Agree Moderate disagree Strongly


23 The superiors are

24 I am comfortable
with the present
workspace allotment
25 I am given freedom
to offer suggestions
on official work
26 I am rewarded for
my outstanding
27 I am satisfied with
given for me

4. List out your requirements for the following questions.

S. No Requirement Yes No
28 Do you require any specialty hospital to be
added in the list of hospitals provided?

29 Do you require health and fitness club?

5. How often will you get feedback on your performance?

Always Often Occasionally Rare Never

6. Your Opinion about overall quality of work life

Excellent Very good Typical Fair poor

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