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SPSS is software to process statistical data which way its use is quite easy. Even by
people who are not familiar with statistical theories, however, to make it easier to use
SPSS you should first know and understand the basics of statistical theory, so you can
easily understand how to analyze data and read the results.

The SPSS program is often used to solve research or business problems in terms of
statistics. The way it works is simple, is the data you input by SPSS will be analyzed
with an analysis package. SPSS is an integral part of the analysis process, providing data
access, preparation and data management, data analysis and reporting.

SPSS is the most widely used software because it looks user friendly and is a new
breakthrough related to the development of information technology, especially in E-
Business. . SPSS is supported by OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) which will
facilitate the solving of data processing and data access from various other software, such
as Microsoft office excel or notepad, which is then analyzed.


In accordance with the issue background, then the problem can be identified as follows:

1. What is SPSS?
2. What are the facilities in SPSS?
3. What is the function of SPSS in the society?
4. What is the advantages and the weakness of SPSS?


In accordance with the problems, then the purpose of writing paper as follows:

1. To know the origin of SPSS.

2. To get to know the facility in SPSS.
3. To know the function of SPSS in the society.
4. To know the advantages and the weakness of SPSS


2.1 The Origin of SPSS

In 1968, Norman H. Nie, C. Hadlai (Tex) Hull and Dale H. Bent, three young men
from disparate professional backgrounds, developed a software system based on the idea
of using statistics to turn raw data into information essential to decision-making. These
three innovators were pioneers in their field, visionaries who recognized early that data
and how you analyze it is the driving force behind sound decision-makingthe DNA of
intelligence. This revolutionary statistical software system was called SPSS, which stood
for the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Nie, Hull and Bent developed SPSS
out of the need to quickly analyze volumes of social science data gathered through
various methods of research. The initial work on SPSS was done at Stanford University
with the intention to make it available only for local consumption and not international
distribution. Nie, a social scientist and Stanford doctoral candidate, represented the target
audience and set the requirements; Bent, a Stanford University doctoral candidate in
operations research, had the analysis expertise and designed the SPSS system file
structure; and Hull, who had recently graduated from Stanford with a master of business
administration degree, programmed.

After graduate school in 1969, Nie joined the University of Chicago's National
Opinion Research Center. The University of Chicago considered SPSS an important
intellectual property and encouraged Nie's continuing development of the software
system. Nie was successful in recruiting Hull to join him at the University of Chicago by
encouraging him to take a position as the head of the university's Computation Center.
Bent, a Canadian, decided not to join Nie and Hull in Chicago, and returned to Canada
where he had an academic appointment at the University of Alberta. With Nie and Hull
juggling both their academic and SPSS responsibilities, they continued to work diligently
spreading the word and market appeal of SPSS. The early success of SPSS was directly
related to the quality and availability of the documentation that accompanied the
software. McGraw-Hill published the first SPSS user's manual in 1970. Once the manual
was available in college bookstores, demand for the program took off. Nie, Bent, and
Hull received a royalty from sales of the manual but nothing from distribution of the
program. In Nie's words, "It was like Gillette selling razors at cost and getting its profits
from the blades."

In 1992, Nie felt that it was time to turn over the day-to-day management of the
Company to new leadership. Jack Noonan was appointed SPSS Inc.'s president and chief
executive officer, and Nie continued as chairman of the board. Hull remained on the
development side of the business where he is still currently involved in the development
of SPSS and other key technologies. Many of the original employees of the company still
remain employees of SPSS Inc. Under Noonan's leadership SPSS Inc. continued to

flourish by keeping in touch with its customers' needs and staying abreast of
technological advances. The Company strengthened its leadership in the analytical
marketplace through acquisitions that expanded the depth and breadth of its analytical
offerings. Acquisitions included the addition of technologies such as data mining, a
business intelligence suite for the IBM eServer iSeries, Web analytics, sophisticated
analytical components, a Web interface for online analytical processing (OLAP)
technology and text mining. These technologies were introduced by SPSS Inc. to better
capitalize on the expanding need for understanding ever-increasing volumes of data, and
to support the company's mission to drive the widespread use of data in decision-making.

2.2 Facilities in SPSS

SPSS is widely used in marketing research, quality control, and scientific research.
SPSS first appeared with the PC version (can be used for desktop computers) under the
name SPSS / PC + (DOS version). However, with the popularity of windows operating
system. SPSS started releasing windows versions (from version 6.0 to latest version
now). SPSS also provides several facilities in its operation, that is:

Data Editor.

Data editor is a window for data process. Data editors are designed in such a way as in
spread-sheet applications to define, insert, edit, and display data.


Viewer makes it easy for users to view processing results, show or remove certain
parts of the output, and facilitate the distribution of processing results from SPSS to other

Multidimensional Pivot Tables.

The results of data processing will be shown with multidimensional pivot tables. The
user can explore the tables with rows, columns, and layers. Users can also easily perform
group data settings by splitting a table so that only one particular group is displayed at a

High-Resolution Graphics.

With high-resolution graphical capabilities, both for displaying pie charts, bar charts,
histograms, scatter plots, 3-D graphics, and others, will make SPSS not only easy to
operate but also make the user feel comfortable in his work.

Access Database.

The user of this program can recover information from a database by using the
Database Wizard that it provides.

Data Transformations.

Data transformation will help users obtain data ready for analysis. Users can easily
subset data, combine categories, add, aggregate, merge, split, and some transpose files
commands, and more.

Electronic Distribution.

Users can submit reports electronically using a button for sending data (e-mail) or
exporting tables and graphics to HTML mode so as to support the distribution over the
internet and intranet.

Online Help.

SPSS provides online help facility that will always be ready to help the users in doing
their work. Assistance may include detailed operating instructions, ease of searching for
desired procedures to case examples in the operation of the program.

Data Access without Temporary Storage.

Analysis of very large data files is stored without the need for temporary storage. This
is different from SPSS before version 11.5 where very large data files are created
temporary files.

Interface with Relational Database.

This facility will increase efficiency and facilitate the work to extract data and analyze
it from relational databases.

Distribution Analysis.

This facility is obtained on the use of SPSS for Server or for multiuser applications.
Usefulness of this analysis is if researchers will analyze the files very large data can
directly remote from the server and process it at once without having to move to the
user's computer.

Multiple Sessions.

SPSS provides the ability to analyze more than one data file at a time.


Data visualization can be made with various types either conventionally or

interactively, for example by using bar type, pie or range of values, gradual symbols, and

2.3 The Function of SPSS in The Society

SPSS data processing program has been used in various issues such as market
research, control and quality improvement, and scientific research. SPSS program is very
popular because it is often used as a tool to simplify the process of data processing. Until
now, SPSS programs are still used in various fields such as finance, telecommunications,
retail, pharmaceutical, military, broadcasting, marketing research, database marketing,
credit ratings, business forecasting, consumer satisfaction assessment, and so on. SPSS
data if the program is very helpful in the process of data processing, so that the results of
data if achieved also can be accounted for and trusted. From a statistical point of view,
the SPPS application is useful for:

Predicting disease

There is so much news about the disease in the mass media. If reporters only report
the number of people who have the disease or who have died, then this is an interesting
fact but may not mean much for your life. But when Statistics becomes involved, you
will have a better (mindset) idea of how the disease can affect you.

Medical studies

Scientists must show valid statistics of effectiveness before any drug can be
prescribed. It appears that Statistics is behind every medical research you hear.

Political Campaigns

Every time there is a general election, news stations always feature quick counts as
they try to predict who the winner is in the election. This quick count is a scientific
sampling process using statistical techniques / science in the process of sampling.

Stock Market

Another topic that you hear a lot is about Stock market news. Stock analysts also use
the computer model Statistics to estimate what's happening in the economy. This is
related to Financial & Econometrics.

Quality Testing

Every company makes thousands of products every day and ensures that the product
items produced are Good Quality. However, companies cannot test every item they send
to consumers. So companies use Statistics to test only some of the items (samples) they
make. If the sample passes quality testing, then the company assumes that all items made
in the group are of good quality. This is related to Quality Control & Quality Assurance.

Consumer Goods

Super Market or leading retailers around the world, continue to keep the products they
sell and use Statistics to manage store needs. This is related to Marketing Research that
seeks to know information about Target Market.

2.4 The Advantages and The Weakness of SPSS

The advantages possessed by SPSS software include:

Able to access data from various formats available, such as on dBase, Lotus, Text
files, etc. So that the existing data from various data formats can be directly used
for analysis.
SPSS provides a more informative view of the data.
Provide more accurate information by providing the code of reason in case of
missing data.
Easy to use, users do not need to learn programming languages.
SPSS is able to access data from a variety of available data formats such as
dBase, Lotus, Access, text files, spreadsheets, and even access the database via
ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) so that existing data, in various formats,
can be directly read SPSS for Analyzed.
SPSS performs the same analysis for different observation groups simultaneously
in just a few mouse clicks.
SPSS is able to encapsulate data in multidimensional table format (crosstabs), ie
multiple fields tabulated simultaneously. For example, table percentage of
respondents of some age groups on some categories of hair care products.
SPSS multidimensional tables are interactive. Table columns can be changed to
table rows and vice versa. All values in the table cells will be adjusted
automatically. This greatly facilitates data exploration work.
SPSS provides a more informative view of data, which displays data by value
(displaying data labels in words) even though we are actually working with
numbers (data code). For example for the Gender field, the number code used is 1
for "male" and 2 for "female", then what will appear on the screen is the data
label, ie "male" and "female".
SPSS provides more accurate information by treating the missing data correctly,
by giving the code the reason why there is missing data. For example, because the
question is irrelevant to the condition of the respondent, the question is not
answered, or because the question must be skipped.

The weakness possessed by SPSS software include:

Although classified as an easy to use program, but to be able to run this program,
the user must at least know the basic science of statistics first.

The rapid development of latest versions and physical appearance that are
sometimes different from older versions require adaptation with users to be able
to run this program. And do not forget to select the SPSS series that match the
specifications of the computer you are using.
The weakness of this software is its use is too complicated, so it takes a special
skill. Another disadvantage is the number of versions of SPSS in circulation, so
we must be smart to choose the SPSS version that is suitable for the computer
that we use.



SPSS stands for Statistical Program for Social Science is a package of computer
application programs to analyze statistical data. With SPSS we can use almost all data
file types and use them to create tabular reports, charts, plots (diagrams) of various
distributions, descriptive statistics and complex statistical analyzes. So it can be said that
SPSS is a complete, comprehensive, integrated, and highly flexible system for statistical
analysis and data management, so that the extension of SPSS is also evolving, which at
the beginning of the release was Statistical Package for the Social Science, but in its
development turned into Statistical Product And Service Solution.

The advantages of SPSS for windows are manifested in menus and dialog boxes of
interfaces that facilitate users in data recording (data entry), giving commands and sub-
commands of analysis to display the results. In addition, SPSS also has the reliability in
displaying charts or plots of analysis as well as ease of editing when necessary.


In this paper is expected to know SPSS software so that it can learn more in the way
of operation and can be applied in everyday life.

Hopefully can be useful for all who use it and apply it in everyday life can also be
used by all circles.


Yunazwin, Yul. 2014. Modul Pembelajaran SPSS. Pusat Data Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta
Sappar, Bildiosta. 2015. Pengenalan SPSS. Malang
Flynn, Dan. Student Guide to SPSS
Gupta, Vijay. 1999. SPSS for Beginner. VJBooks inc.

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