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Free eBook: Guide to Scrum Methodology

Last updated August 25, 2016


About the E-book

Getting certified in Scrum methodology can not only ensure you take your projects towards successful completion,
but will also increase your paycheck by 25%. Wed like to aid you in that journey with this guide.

With this eBook, you will have an understanding of:

1. What Scrum is, and why it helps

2. The Scrum framework, meetings and artifacts
3. Risk factor analysis
4. The certification paths involved

All set to get on with it? Get your copy now!

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Top 20 Scrum Master & Agile Scrum Interview Questions

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Agile And Scrum

CaSandra Minichiello
Published on Nov 9, 2016

63485 Views 8 Comments

Congratulations! You got the interview! Whether this is your first Scrum role or you are a seasoned pro, its always helpful to know
how to prepare for an Agile interview. Some of the top companies that use Agile and Scrum include Apple, Google, Valve, Philips,
and moreso youll definitely want to be ready to answer the kinds of interview questions the best Agile and Scrum organizations
would use.

Weve put together a list of 20 interview questions you may get on your interviewalong with effective answers to help you prepare
for your dream Agile Scrum job!

1. Explain Agile in 30 seconds.

Agile is a framework of approaches and behaviors that encourage just-in-time production that enables customers to receive quality
software sooner.

2. What are the differences between Agile and traditional project management (Waterfall)?

Agile encourages that a little of everything, including design, development, and testing is done at the same time. Conversely, the
traditional approach to projects closes and completes one phase before the next begins. Agile encourages short, frequent feedback
loops and embraces changes to requirements. In Waterfall, feedback is usually not collected until the very end of the project, and
changes are discouraged.

3. Are you a Certified Scrum Master?

Dont be surprised if you dont have a certification and they ask you this question! The job description may or not may have required
a certificationand the interviewer may or may not believe that certification is enough to have the expertise to be a good candidate
for the role for which you are applying. If you dont yet have an Agile Scrum Master certification, let them know if you plan on
investing in the certification in the near future. Make sure you mention the years of experience you have in the field.

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4. What are the roles in Scrum?
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Scrum prescribes only three roles: the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the Delivery Team. These roles should ideally be cross-
functional and not shared among other projects. Many Scrum Masters have not had the opportunity to work with a team that was
cross-functional or dedicated due to the organizations resistance or inability to allow for what some refer to as a luxury. This
question may lead the interviewer to ask how you would handle working with a team that did not have a designer or tester within the
team or how you would handle a team that was not dedicated. Be ready!

5. What is the Daily Stand-Up?

One of the interview questions on Agile is sure to be about the Daily Stand-Up. The answer? Every day, preferably in the morning,
the team meets for no more than 15 minutes to answer three questions:

What did you do yesterday?

What do you plan on doing today?
Are there any blocks or impediments that keep you from doing your work?

This Scrum ceremony is not meant to be a status meeting for stakeholders, but a way to energize the team and get them to set focus
for the day.

6. Describe what happens in the Sprint planning meeting.

In Sprint planning, the Product Owner presents the goal of the sprint and discusses the high priority product backlog items. The
Delivery team then chooses the amount of work for the next sprint.

7. What is the role of the Scrum Master?

Heres how to handle a Scrum Master interview question like this: The Scrum Master serves the team and shields them from any
distractions that could prevent them from completing a sprint goal. They also remove blocks, teach the team to become self-
organized and serve as a coach who teaches Agile and Scrum values and principles.

8. Is there a difference between Agile and Scrum?

Yes! Agile is the broader umbrella which Scrum falls under. Agile has four main values and twelve principles. Scrum has its own set of
values and principles and provides a lightweight framework to help teams become Agile.

9. Name some other Agile frameworks.

There are other frameworks in addition to Scrum, such as Kanban, Test Driven Development, and Feature Driven Development.
Mention frameworks you have followed and provide scenarios.

10. When should you use Waterfall over Scrum?

Use waterfall if the requirements are simple, predictable, fully defined and understood, and will not change.

11. Would you recommend automated testing for your project?

Scrum encourages the use of automated performance or regression testing so that you can continuously deliver software as quickly
as possible. Offer examples of any automated testing tools that your team may have used.

12. How long were your sprints?

An ideal sprint length is between 1 and 4four weeks, with a 2-week sprint being the most widely used.

13. What is velocity?

Velocity is the average number of points from that past 3 4 sprints. It is used to help predict when backlog items will be delivered.

Agile Scrum Master (ASM)

14. Is it okay if someone wants to change a requirement?
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Yes. Agile encourages frequent feedback from customers and stakeholders so that the product can be improved. We need to be able
to embrace change.
15. What type of metrics or reports have you used?

Sprint, release burn-down, and burn-up charts are standard reports. Most companies also want to understand how many stories were
committed versus completed per sprint and the number of defects identified post-release to production.

16. What is a burn-down chart?

A burn-down chart displays the amount of work a team has burned throughsuch as hours during the sprint. Discuss how you have
used these in the past.

17. What is a retrospective?

A retrospective is a meeting to inspect and adapt the process. This Agile methodology interview question is looking for the many
ways to conduct a retrospectiveso be ready to explain one or two formats.

18. How many Scrum teams have you managed at one time?

This is a popular question. Dont offer that Scrum guidelines state only one Scrum Master per team as your answer! In this new role,
you may be required to lead more than one team. Notice the use of the word managed versus led. Scrum Masters do not manage,
they lead teamsso be sure to use this word in your response. Your interviewer is likely to be listening very closely!

19. What type of requirements did you use for your teams?

Requirements in Scrum are written as user stories using a standard, As a ___, I want___ so that I can ___. As a Scrum Master, you
dont necessarily write user stories, but you would assist the Product Owner to ensure that user stories are written, prioritized, and
ready for the sprint.

20. Describe a time when your Delivery team members didnt seem to be getting along. How did you handle this?

A little bit of conflict is always good, but your interviewer is looking for your ability to be an effective leader. Reflect on a time where
you had a few team members that just never seemed to be able to work things out. How did you encourage those team members to
work together? Was it a team building exercise? Did you make sure they had a common goal? State the problem you had, how you
addressed it, and the outcome.

As with any interview prep, youll want to customize your answers to cater to the company for which youre interviewing. Consider
how companies like Cognizant, Phillips, Apple, etc. are using Agile Scrum methodology in their day-to-day practices. What are they
going to want the person who fills this role to excel in?

For most Agile Scrum roles, being a Certified Scrum Master is an essential hiring criterion. Online Agile Scrum Master training from a
solid, reputed training provider like Simplilearn will help you learn all you need to know about Agile Scrumand be in top shape for
your interview.

Join a live Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) Certification Training in

Bangalore, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Toronto, New York City, Atlanta, Kolkata, Dubai, Dallas, Melbourne, San
Francisco or Sydney!

About the Author

CaSandra Minichiello is a project management specialist with more than a decade of Technical Project Management and Agile
experience. She encourages teams and leaders to be extreme innovators and to continuously go beyond their comfort zone as she
believes this is the ultimate key to growth and success. CaSandra is also an avid artist and writer.

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The Story of Success How Mandla Mahlangu Conquered the World of Agile
Mandla Mahlangu
Published on Jan 4, 2017

3383 Views 2 Comments

Mandla the silent hero who worked his way through life to get to the top. He isnt one to believe in fate. His motto is hard work and

Mandla Mahlangus story dates back to early 2000s. Coming from a poor family, he had very little exposure to what was happening
around the world. He dreamed of being an engineer. But little did he know that it wasnt going to be as easy as he thought.

Surrounded by friends who had a vision to succeed, he was motivated to work hard and completed his secondary schooling. With his
scores in hand, he went to a tertiary institution to get registered. Enthusiastic and excited, he was ready to begin his journey to
success. An advisor was assigned to him.

However, his dreams were about to be shattered. The course advisor went through his grades. He was told that he qualified for a
number of degrees, but the one he wanted was out of his reach. Registrations were closed, and the batch for that year was already
full. There was no way he could do an engineering course.

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His advisor recommended that instead of taking a year off, he should consider other options, especially the courses that could get
him jobs in the IT industry.

Mandla didnt have much idea about the information technology industry. His advisor explained to him how important IT was to the
world and the career opportunities available in the field. This inspired Mandla and he decided to register for the Bachelors degree in

A few years into the industry, Mandla began working in a team that used Agile. But he had only a limited knowledge of the
framework. He could not follow the terminology that his team used. It left him confused.

He knew that he needed to upskill to be on par with his teammates. So he decided to take up a certification course. He researched on
certifications and the various training providers that would help him skill up.

After careful considerations, he took up the Agile and Scrum certification program from Simplilearn and he was happy with his
choice. He found that the program was clear, up-to-date, and the course instructor explained the concepts well. The course
introduced him to the astounding world of Agile methodology.

Once he completed this program, he felt like a different person. With his new-found knowledge, he was able to challenge and correct
his team members whenever they were drifting away from the Agile principles.

Today, he is at the top of his game. He plans to acquire most of the IT certifications and vows never to stop studying.

Ambitious as he is, Mandlas next step is to pursue his one true goal PhD.

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His journey wasnt easy. He struggled for years and worked hard to achieve his goals and fulfil his dreams. Mandlas life is truly
inspirational as he fought against several odds to attain professional success. He believes that learning is an ongoing process that
could take a man to greater heights. He has made learning a habit.

About the Author

Mandla Mahlangu is a Developer at the Integritron Integrated Solutions in South Africa. With 20 credentials tied to his name, Mandla
is the definition of hard work. With a clear career roadmap, Mandlas next goal is to get his PhD and continue conquering more IT


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