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The Sales Invoice:-

Item Quantity (Kg) Unit Price(Rs.)Discount Your Price (Unit) Total(Rs.)

1.Wheat 10 65 11% 58 580
2.Sugar 10 90 8% 83 830
3.Rice 10 200 8% 185 1850
4.Gram Flour 10 235 6% 221 2210
Subtotal 40 590 32% 547 5470
Sales Tax (Included) 10%

Amount Due(Rs.) 6017

(a).The Sales Invoice:-

Item Quantity (Kg) Unit Price(Rs.Discount Your Price (Total(Rs.)

1.Wheat 10 65 11% 58 580
2.Sugar 10 90 8% 83 830
3.Rice 10 200 8% 185 1850
4.Gram Flour 10 235 6% 221 2210
Subtotal 40 590 32% 547 5470
Sales Tax (Included) 10%

Amount Due(Rs.) 6017

(a).The Sales Invoice:-
(b).The Sales Invoice(Filtered By Price):-

Item Quantity (KUnit Price(RDiscount Your Price (Total(Rs.)

1.Gram Flour 10 235 6% 221 2210
Subtotal 40 590 32% 547 5470

Amount Due(Rs.) 6017

(c)The Sales Invoice(Filtered By Price and Item):-

Item Quantity (KUnit Price(RDiscount Your Price (Total(Rs.)

1.Gram Flour 10 235 6% 221 2210
Subtotal 40 590 32% 547 5470

Amount Due(Rs.) 6017

Care for Critters(A Fundraiser):-

Booth LocationEarning (T-Shirts) Earning (Stickers) Earning (Donation)Total earning (Locational) %Donation
1.Konover $ 45.00 $ 10.00 $ 23.75 $ 78.75 30%
2.Gengras $ 75.00 $ 10.00 $ 33.95 $ 118.95 29%
3.Commons $ - $ - $ 19.67 $ 19.67 100%
Sub-Total:- $ 120.00 $ 20.00 $ 77.37 $ 217.37

Net Earning:- $ 217.37

Flow Chart:-

200 Row 2
100 Row 3
0 Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Class Make-UP Sheet and Chart:-

Student type:- Amount Gender type:- Amount Catogery:- Amount

1.Freshman 10 Male 11 Did homework 23
2.Sophomores 8 Female 17 Didn,t do homework 5
3.Juniors 4 Subtotal 28 28
4.Seniors 1
5.Did not answer 5
Total Students:- 28

Data Chart:-

Amount Amount Amount

n Did
2.Sophomo homewo
res rk
3.Juniors Didn,t
Female do
4.Seniors homewo
5.Did not rk

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