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SC 537 Sample Paper

1. Express the maximum data rate of a noise free channel in terms of bandwidth and number
of discrete signal levels.

What is the maximum data rate of a nosy channel in terms of SNR and bandwidth?

Consider an audio signal with spectral components in the range 300 to 3000 Hz. Assume that
a sampling rate of 7000 samples per second will be used to generate a PCM signal.

For SNR=30 dB, what is the number of quantization levels needed

What is the data rate required?

2. Derive expression for the channel efficiency of stop-and-wait channel and sliding window
protocol with window size w.

A is sending data to B using sliding window protocol withframe size of 500 bits and window

A 2500 km B

size of 3. The channel speed is 50 kbps and the propagation speed is 200,000 km/s

What is the channel efficiency?

What is the average rate of data arrival at a node B?

What would happen to the channel efficiency if the channel is erroneous? Explain your

3. What are the key requirements for a routing function for a packet switched network?

What is the essential difference between Dijkstras algorithm and the Bellman-Ford

Find the shortest path from A to all other nodes using Bellman-Ford algorithm




Would Bellmand-ford and Dijkstrasalgorithm lead to the same answer always? Explain your

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