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NOVARA AttitMde Workbook 1 Ricky Lowes Kate Fuscoe Barbara Garside Luke Prodromou Language practice Unit 1 Lesson 4 be @ Ordering a conversation Countries L Countries Hello therel ‘Meeting and —= er greeting Lesson 2 © Used language V Spating words Letess ofthe alphabet L Antvals ‘Ordering words Numbers 1-10 i Matching sentences Lesson 3 8 Indefinite articles G Ordering @ conversation Numbers 11-80 Sylabe stress tn the bag Numbers 11-20 v ‘Word search: everyday things v Unit 2 tesson 10 Review! be 1G) Ordering words Days ofthe week lesure acvtes dd-one-out ‘Sports and ‘Ordering a conversation leisure Finding the extra word Lesson 2 12 | Questions, answers end Speling words Rising and fain Different statoments with do Crdering a conversation intonation iestles and ke 6 Lesson 3 14 Simple present = Sra Matching sentences Likes and disikes. Likes and disike Opinions person afrative @ and, but, or Crossword v Unit 3 Lesson 16 Possessive adlectves G Family relationships Lk Hoppy familes Possessive's 6 aes Families v Word search: the farily V Lesson 2 18 have @ Ordering words Family ite L Ask the forily Spaling words Family possessions Lesson 3 20 Ajctives from lesson Familias 8g forties ond Correcting mistakes amis in oferent small families countries R Unit 4 Lesson 22 Simple present Ordering words Work zu inthe Questions and answers G aot workplace Ist vs. Sed person simple present| 6 Speling -er/-or v obs and workplaces V Lesson 2 24 Simple present @ 3c person simple Making arrangements L Sylabe stress Work and study present verb endings cd-one-out Lesson 3 26 Word combinations. W_ Jobs obs i Whats my job? Crossword Wand, but, because, so, or Pronunciation Unit 5 — Lesson 28 Colors V Ordering words othes L In the closet Frequency adverbs = G Atashion designer Shopping Talking ebout cothes L Lesson 2 30 Frequency adverts and Ordering words Ways ofshopping "Schwa" and Ways to shop expressions Matching sentences word stress Lesson 3 82 Gis VY Ordering a thank-you note Expressing opinions Gis Word search: aits v Unit 6 Lesson 34 |bethale for appearance "%) words to describe Physical deserintions, Looks: appearance “Friends and Spolcg rords for - partners: ‘appearance Ordering words 2 Lesson2 36 Describing people Lk Word stress Dating Describing people's a characters L Lesson 3 8 Taking about ability L ‘Anew partner ‘Unit 7 “House and ‘Unit 11 ‘Music Lesson 1 40 Things in a oom V. Ordering words Prepostions of place LL Word stress ay favorite Prepositions of place V room there is/there are 6 Lesson 2 42 Furniture V_ Matching sentences ‘Anew aparment_L Word/phvase Finding on Short answers with ther is! stress ‘partment there isn'vthere arethere aren't e Word search furniture V Lesson 3 “44 Possescie pronouns and Vocation homes FUL ‘Whose is this? adjectives so Questions with whose G Lesson 1 48. Present progressive or Ordering worls “Tansportation L TTonsportation simple present | @ Taking about transportation Matching sentence halves Lesson 2 48 Present progressive verbs V Ordering words: Present progressive Lk Vocations Present progressive |G Lesson 3 50 Crossword V Spelling present progressive Present progressive = L- Dock of the Bay vers Matching sentence haves Odd-one-out Lesson 1 52 Comparison of adjectnes @ Spaling adjectives and Counties and.capital_— Word stress Cis, countries, comparatives cities L ond facts Desorbing cities kL Lesson 2 ‘54 Review: comparison of Questions and anewers__—_-Monthe, seasons, and Months World weather adjectives 2bout the weather the weather L Word search: months, seasons, and the weather V Lesson 3 156 Describing vacations WV Ordering words ideal vacations Winter sun ‘Spelling vacation words Information about a tourist area R Lesson 1 58 Invitations and suggestions VW Completing a conversation A movie review R ‘What's playing? Ordering words Matching sentences é Lesson 2 60. Simple past '@ Ordering a conversation Talking about last. ‘A night on the weekend ie own Lesson 3 62. Simple past 'G Verbs with prepositions (Relationship problems Movie stors ‘Crossword Lesson 1 64 Music V. Matching sentences was - strong and Concerts and Review: smple past Ordering an e-mail ‘weak forms festivals questions 8 Word search: music 7 Lesson 2 68 ‘and, but, because, when, Singer-songwriters. FR. legends before, ater Lesson 3 68 Review: smple past Ordering words Lowat fret sight L Words that Boy bonds and Matching sentences thyme Cen uses 1 Grammar: be 4 Listening: countries 2. Grammar: contractions with be ‘5 Language practice: ordering a conversation 3. Grammar: questions and answers with be 6 Pronunciation: countries 1 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb be. Use full forms: am, are, or is. 1A What your name? B Myname___Rita. 2 A Where you from? BI from Mexico. 3 A What his name? B His name ‘Takashi. 4A Where Mary from? B She from Dublin. 5 A Hello, Ainale, B Where __you from, Ainale? 2 + Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Some words can be used more than once. 1 A Hello, my Martin, aa he from? B_ Hi, Martin! Julia. B from New York. 2A your name? SA ‘Anna from? B My Hannah. B from Toronto. 3A _____his name? B His __ James, 3 Underline the correct word in each sentence. 1. Where's she from / nationality / country? 6 A. Where's / What's / Is she from? 2 My name's Bill. You / He /Iam from B_ She's from Italy. ea 7 George is / he’s / he from the U.S. 3A What's your / his / her name? 8 Shirin are / is /am from Iran. Be tm Jahn: 9 Where is / are /am you from? tag Tangy Jo teen ta 410. I'm from the UK. Your / Her / My 5 A What's your / his / her name? name's Jenny. B_ Her name's Joanna. x ‘Meeting and greeting 10 In/di/a Listen to different people saying where they or other people are from. Circle the correct country for each person. 1 MeiLiisfrom... a theU-K. —b- Japan © the U.S. ds China 2 Marcus is from a theUK. b Australia ¢ the U.S. d Chile 3° Hulya is from a Turkey b Australia ¢ the U.S. d the UK. 4 Wei is from .. a Japan b India © theUK, — d China 3 Tomako is from... a the UK. b Australia ¢ Japan China 6 Giulianais from... a theUK. b Australia the US, a Italy Write the conversation in the correct order. Nice to meet you, Maria! Are you from Portugal? Hello! What's your name? It’s in India. Where are you from, Rita? Hi there! ‘My name's Maria Fernandes. Rita, What's your name? I'm from Perth, in Australia. Where's Goa? No, I'm from Goa. Rita Maria Rita Maris, a Memes Ces Sa a Maria Rita Underline the stressed syllable for each country. Then listen to check. 1 Aus / tra / lia Bra / zil Can /a/da the / U. / K. Ja/ pan Ar/gen/ti/na Mex / i/ co Rus / sia New / Zea / land eeveasun ‘Meeting and greeting ya] Arrivals Qa 1 Listen and write the words you hear. 6 7 8 ° 10 oe ewe 2 Write the correct word or words in each blank to complete the conversation. Anna Hi there! What's name? Bill name’s Bill. ‘Anna Where you from? Bill = I'm Australia. Anna What's your 2 Bill It’s Thompson. ‘Anna me, how do you ‘Thompson? Bill T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N. Anna Thanks, Bill. Nice to meet Bill Nice to__you, too. 3 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 your / Hello / What's /! / name /? 2. Sandra / My /./ name's 3 you / Where / are / from /? 4° from /I'm/the/ US. 53 your / What's / last /? / name 6 name's / Lawley /../ last / My 7 Lawley / Excuse me / spell /?/ you / how / do/, 8 L-A-W-L-E-Y / That's /. 9 Sandra / Nice / to / Thanks / you! / meet /,/. x ‘Meeting and greeting @) 4 Listen to the conversations and circle the correct spelling. 1 a Jaffori Db Gaffori © Gafori dd Jefora 2 a Jarrow b Garrow c Jaarow d= Jarro 3 a Plimoth b Pylmouth © Plymouth d_ Plymount 4 a Carribean b Carribian c Caribbean d= Carebbian 5 a Micki b Micky © Miki ds Mikki 6 a Nailon b- Nailyn © Nylon d_ Nilon 5 ns and answers. 1 How do you spell your last name? a I'm from Mexico. 2 Hello, my name's Imran. b Nice to meet you. I'm Isabel. 3 Excuse me, what's your last name? c HAYES. 4 Where are you from? dT don’t know. Sorry! 5 How do yon spell “Guadalajara”? e My last name's Kaufher. @) 6 Listen and write the numbers mentioned. weoene e Write a or an in the blanks. wallet backpack ___ address book book 1 2 3 4 5 picture 6 ___ album 7 ___ ice cream cone 8 pen 9 elevator 4 6 si 10 office 11 ___ e-mail 12 magazine Look at the numbers and write each one as a word with the correct spelling. Number Spelling sty eleven. 12 13 15 18 24 25 28 29 30 Do the word search. ‘The theme is everyday things. das = sy £7 eee. De - é |. ee 3 7 1 Anais aQ 80 cO 2° The hotel room is AQ sO cQ 3 The bus number is 40 80 cO 4 The gate number is a4Q 80 cQ Write the conversa a How do you spell that? 14 Charles Street, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 1 Listen to each conversation and check the correct picture, A, B, or C. ‘i ‘i Sa tion in the correct order. Hello, Mr. Brown. That's room number 14, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. i Hello. My name's Brown. ESCH, No, it's Mr. Brown and Mrs. Esch-Brown. 52405. ‘Thank you very much, Mr. Brown. Thank you. What's your address? And what's the zip code? Mr. Brown, Receptionist Mr. Brown, Receptionist. _ Mr. Brown Receptionist Mr. Brown. Receptionist Mr. Brown Receptionist @) 6 Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Then listen to check. Eng / land tick / et e/le/ven pass / port four / teen oeene eave 10 thir / ty wal / let um / brel / la air / plane mag / a / zine ‘Meeting and greeting To Q: Leisure activities 1. Grammar review: be 4 Language practice: odd-one-out 2 Language practice: ordering words. 5. Language practice: ordering a conversation 3 Listening: days of the week 6 Language practice: finding the extra word Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb be. Use full forms: am, are, or is. 1 He ___ 28 years old. 2 My aerobics class _ on Monday morning. 3 Howold ___ you? 4 When ___ your English class? 5 Spinning classes __ on Wednesday and Friday. 61 30. 7 When tho swimming classes? 8 ‘Today ____ Monday. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 4 you / that /? / Can / spell 2 38 / She's / old / years / i youn "The /18/ clase iMoney’? jeal anata 4 today /?/ Tuesday / Is 8 old/How/?/he/is 6 is/lesson / your /? / swimming / When 7 in/ class / her / Is / the / afternoon / ? 8 tennis / My / class /is / afternoon / Saturday / on / Listen to the extracts and write the correct days of the week. 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 Underline the word that is different in each list. 1 Monday Wednesday © morning Sunday 2 spinning today yoga tennis 3 China Japan aerobics India 4 Saturday morning evening _ afternoon 5 wallet umbrella pen tomorrow 6 hi hello goodbye volleyball 7 what when weekend how 8 is name are am Write the conversation in the correct order. Receptionist Woman Receptionist Woman Receptionist Woman Receptionist Woman Receptionist Delete the extra word in each sentence. How old is he heve? 3 How old years are you? ‘The yoga class is on in Monday. 6 She's is twenty. Can how you spell that? 7 Lam nineteen years. 8 What is your last name is? Bene Aerobics is on Monday in evening, Complete the questions with a verb from the box. Use each verb once only. Do you like lunch in restaurants? Do you like tennis? Do you like 1? Do you like to music? Do you like __time with your friends? Do you like yoga? Do you like the Internet? Do you like alone on the weekend? eVeneene Match the questions from exercise 1 with the answers below. Write the question number next to the correct answer. Yes, I do, and I like swimming, too. ee Yes, I love African music. = No, I don’t like yoga, but I love t’ai chi! — Yes, I do. I like sending e-mails. a No, I don’t. I like listening to the radio. ee Yes, I do. I like pizzerias! = No, I don’t. I like seeing friends. — Yes, I do. I like seeing my friends on the weekend. _ rm me ao Check the sentences that are correct. Then listen to check. 1 don’t like shopping. ‘Are you like tennis? Tlike listening music. Do you like being alone? You like watching sports? like see my family. Lam like watching television. ‘You like listening to English songs. ervVeunenn @: 6 Listen and write the words you hear. 6 a 8 9 10 oe one | Listen to the intonation of these sentences. Check Rising or Falling for each one. z E Do you like playing sports? Do you like being alone? I don’t like swimming. Tlike playing volleyball. Are the spinning classes on Tuesday? Volleyball is on Monday. Is tai chi on Friday? I'm twenty-five years old. eeveanene ‘Are you a student? OOOOOOOOOO¢ OOOCOOoOoOoOo 10 Are you sixteen? Write the conversation in the correct order. They are on Monday and Friday afternoons. Oh, I don't like spinning ~ how about yoga or tai chi? Well, how about the swimming class on Thursday afternoon? ‘My tennis class is on Monday afternoon. Sorry! Hi, Martha! Hi, Talitha. Okay, which classes do you like? like seeing friends on Friday afternoon. How about Monday? like the spinning class. How about you? Fantastic! Thursday afternoon is perfect. I don't like t'ai chi = it’s boring. Yoga is okay. When are the yoga classes? Talitha Martha Talitha 3 Martha Talitha Martha 7 = Talitha Martha Talitha Martha = Sports and leisure Unit 2 fey oda olay 1 Underline the correct verb form in each sentence. We like / likes studying English. My mother like / likes seeing the family on the weekend. I like / likes playing soccer. He like / likes playing tennis. She like / likes swimming. Bill and Annie like / likes listening to reggae. We don’t like / doesn’t like cooking. You like / likes eating in restaurants. I don't like / don’t likes modern art. 10. She don’t like / doesn’t like beer. ceVseanone a 2 Listen to people talking about things that they like and dislike. Check Yes, It's okay, or No. It'sokay No 1. She likes yoga. a Q Q 2. He likes beer. Qa Q Q 3. They like eating in restaurants. Q Q Q 4 She likes jezz. Q Q Q 5. She likes modern art. Q Qa Q 6 He likes his tennis class. Q Ey Q 7 She likes Monday morning. Q Q Q 8 She likes Monday morning. Q Qa Q 9 He likes Friday. Q Qa Q 10 He likes classical music. Q Q Qa Q 3 Underline the stressed syllable in each word. ‘Then listen to check. 1 bor/ ing 6 cook / ing 2 hor /ri/ ble 7 clas / si / cal 3 o/ kay 8 reg /gae 4 fan / tas /tic 9 mu/sic 5 yo/ga 10 par/a/chut / ing Sports and leisure 4 Match the sentences and responses. 1 Do you like Beethoven? a Its on Friday moming. 2 This music is fantastic! b No. 1 like classical music, but I don’t like 3 When's your yoga class? Beetbawan: 4 The volleyball class is in the © [like jazz, but Iidon't like reggan. morning. d_ Fantastic? It's horrible! I don’t like rock music. 5 I don't like jazz or reggae. @ Oh, no! I don’t like playing sports in the How about you? morning 6 Docs John like listening to music? Great! How about game on Saturday morning? like playing tennis. Yes, he does. He likes chillout. 5 Underline the correct word in each sentence. I like swimming and / but / or playing sports. I don't like texting, and / but / or I like using e-mail. My mother likes jazz and / but / or rock music. You don't like playing tennis and / but / or volleyball. I like yoga, and / but / or I don’t like tai chi. We don't like classical music and / but / or folk music. Playing sports is okay, and / but / or watching sports is boring. Maria likes shopping and / but / or going to the movies. eevoueene She doesn't like studying English and / but / or studying math! 10. He likes playing volleyball and / but / or tennis. 6 Do the crossword. ‘Across | 1 Ion like... . I's @ horrible drink, 6 My sister likes... . She likes making Mexican food, 8 Do you like going to the .... at the Multiplex? 9 Tennis is... but ike playing soccer. 10... musicis from Jamaica. 13 When is your .... class? Down My... is parachuting. 11 Ido spinning at the... every moming. 12 Tom doesn't lke modem ..... He doesnt lke Picasso, id eae a8 smnee ‘4 My brother kes board... oy 5 | play tennis on ....., Wednesday, and Friday. | | | a i | eee acne 1 Grammar: possessive adjectives 2 Grammar: possessive adjectives 3. Grammar: possessive ‘s 1 Complete the table with the 3 Read the list and then label the correct possessive adjectives. objects. Write the correct name plus possessive ’s in each blank. Subject Possessive adjective i you 7 he she you - they Look at the pictures below and 1 Yigmts piano complete each sentence with a word from the box. Wow! I like hats! Excuse me sir, is this car? This is son. 3 _____ handbag my your her your our their 2 soccer ball Ss Excuse me, that’s__seat. 1 x 3 4 Oh! That's bus. 5 6 fy hae du gt Gi 5 guitar Pre =~ G 7 umbrella L ° anes GO? Families 4 Look at the family tree. ‘Then read the sentences and check True or False. Julia + Nigel Marie + Richard Sa Sally James Annette + John poe Victoria Michael Irene ‘True Irene is Michael's sister. Sally is John’s brother. Sally is Victori Richard is Victoria, Michael, and Irene’s grandfather, Michael, and Irene’s aunt. Marie is John’s mother. Nigel is Annette’s uncle. Irene is Nigel's granddaughter. Richard is Sally’s father. Annette is John’s wife. eerveousene 10 Julia is Victoria's grandfather. 11 Nigel is Marie's husband. ooooooococoo 000000000000; 12 Michael is John’s son. Listen to the conversations. Write the number of each conversation next to the correct relationship. brother and sister grandfather and grandson two sisters mother and daughter grandmother and granddaughter father and son husband and wife mother and son Do the word search. The theme is the family. ec Underline the correct word in each sentence. Do you has / have a car? He doesn’t has / have a lot of friends. ‘They has / have a big apartment. He has / have a good job, but he doesn’t / don’t have a lot of money. I has / have English class on Monday. We has / have two sons. She doesn’t / don’t have a dog or a cat. Does she has / have a boyfriend? eiveoaobens Write the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 your / family / or small / big / Is /? 2 name / sister’s / your / What's / ? 3 many / How / do / brothers and sisters / have / you /? 4 brothers or sisters / have / you / any / Do / ? 5 father / Does / any / your / brothers / have / ? 6 Are / grandparents / alive / your /? 7 aunt/Is/Julia your /? 8 brother / Does / your girlfriend / have / a /? Listen to Harry talking about his life. Check True, False, or Not mentioned. False Not mentioned 1. His wife has a good job. ‘They have a big house. They have a new car. They have six children. Harry's parents are alive. Harry has a good job. His wife’s parents are alive. Harry has a lot of friends. Harry likes small families. 10. His wife likes big families. oo oooooceoco # oocoococece OOOooOoocOo 4 Match the questions and answers. Do you have a cellphone? Do you have a computer at home? Does she have a boyiriend? Do you have a car? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Does your sister have a dog? Does your family have satellite TV? Does the gym have yoga classes? No, she doesn’t. I’s her boyfriend’s dog. Yes, she does. His name's Tom. Yes, my father likes watching television. ‘Yes, I have two: one for work and one for friends. No, I don’t, but I have a bike. No, they don’t have yoga, but they have t’ai chi. No, but I have one at work. Yes, I have two sisters. evousene rae menore Qa 5 _ Listen to a woman answering questions about what she has. Check the correct picture, A, B, or C. 1 How many houses does this family have? 2 How many cars does this family have? AQ 80 cQ ee Sa 3 How many bikes does this family have? aQ 80 cO . ; é i 4 How many cellphones does this family have? ° a0 80 cO A c 5 How many computers does this family have? aQ 80 cQ A c ® 6 Listen and write the words you hear. Rene ene Big families and small families 1 Language practice: adjectives from lesson 3.3. Reading: families in different counties: — 2 Listening: families i 4 Language practice: correcting mistakes 1 Match the adjectives on the left with their opposites on the right. 1 big a happy 2 noisy b quiet 3 similar c together 4 hard ds small 5 sad different 6 alone f easy 7 stressed gold 8 new h relaxed pm ae) = Ng @) 2 __ Listen to people talking about their families. Check the correct picture, A, B, C, or D for each person. One picture is not needed. A ““BeceGes, D 1 Mlnie Q QO Q Q 2 Paul By fia Boy samy OF Q QO Q 3 Read the text about families in two different countries. Check Swedish families, Kurdish families, or Not mentioned for each statement. ATypical Swedish Family ‘The typical Swedish family consists of a mother, a father, and one, two, or three children. Many: parents are married, but some just live together. Nowadays, many families have a single parent and ‘one or two children. Some families have two adults with no children, The Swedish government pays for one parent (the mother or the father) to stay at home until a baby is eighteen months old. At eighteen months, the child can go to pre-school. Most. young Swedish children go to pre-school while their mother and father go to work. Old people normally have their own apartments or houses, and do not live with their adult children. Sometimes they live in a special home for old people. Single parents are common. A man can have four wives. Large families are common. It is common to marry a relative. Both parents have a job. Young children go to pre-school. Old people live with their families. exveunrens Old people have money from the government ATypical Kurdish Family ‘The typical Kurdish family consists of a mother, a father, and between three and six children. ‘Traditionally, families typically had between six and ten children, but today families are smaller. The family is very important in Kurdish society. Parents are always married, and it is common for people to marry their cousins. It is unusual to have a single parent. Mothers stay at home with the children and, fathers go to work. Children go to school at six years ‘old. Unmarried adults live in the family home and many married couples live with their parents. Old. people normally live with their children or other relatives. It is common to have three or four generations in the same house. Swedish B Kurdish C Not families families. mentioned Q Qa Q Q ey Q Q Q ey Q Q Q a} Qa Q Q Q Q Q Q (a Q Q Q 4 Read the text and look at the underlined errors. Write the correct words. Bere esau ze kes: 1 Complete the questions with the correct question word, then match them with the answers. Use these words: what, where, do, does. 1 ____do you do? a She works in a bank, in New York. 2 she work at the clinic? She's a plumber. 3 you like your work? ¢ No, they work in a big office downtown. 4 he work at home? No, he doesn’t. He's a student. 5 does she work? e I'ma lawyer, 6 they work in a bank? f No, he has an office at the university. 7 does she do? 8 Yes, she does. She's a doctor. 8 he have a job? hh No, I don’t! It’s boring. 2 Underline the correct word or words in each sentence. 1 like / likes my job. She work / works in a bank. I work / works on Saturday. I goes / go to work every day. Marco have / has long vacations. I don’t like / don’t likes working in an office. He doesn’t / don’t earn very much money. What does / do he do? Does she work / works on weekends? 10 What does he teach / teaches? eerveounenn 3 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. brother's /a/ good / My / chef / very /. 2 ina/./ works / restaurant / in / He / London / big 3. is/and/ The restaurant / he / his / . / fantastic / likes / work 4 the / He / in / evenings / and on / works / . / weekends 5 ./.a/heis/ work / because he / stressed / out / has / lot / Sometimes / of 6 lot / He works / but / hard / money / . / he / earns / a/ of ki... ee eee @ 4 Listen to the conversation about Judy’s job. Check True, False, or Not mentioned for each statement. Not mentioned 1 Judy’s job is boring. She earns a lot of money. She works at home. She is an artist, She likes working with people. She sometimes goos to people’s houses. She is stressed out She doesn’t work in the afternoons. eevounen She works on weekends. 10. She works in New York. OOOCOCOOCOO?; OOOOCCOOCOCO?: 3 ooocoooooco Complete each job with -er or -or, then match it with its corresponding workplace. a 1 teach. a. the streets 2 doct__ b theater 3 plumb_ © hospital 4 act__ court 5 build e office 6 police offic f people's houses 7 computer programm. 8 school 8 lawy h_ building site es Work and 1 Complete each sentence with the correct simple present form of a verb from the box. Jim and his brother soccer on Friday. She to the movies on Saturday night. I'ma student. I ‘economics at college. She ina restaurant. My father's a teacher. He politics at UCLA. I to the other students after class. He his job. He's very happy in his work. They a lot of friends at work. My teacher very good. I really like her classes. 10 You TV every evening. eevone ene 2 Complete the text with the correct simple present form of the verbs in parentheses. My new study program (1) (be) great. 1 (2) (study) biology, chemistry, and math. Biology and chemistry (3) (be) interesting, but 1 (4)___ {not like) math. 1 (5) ____ have} classes every day during the week, but 1(6) (not study) on the weekend. My roommate is named Lisa. She (7)___(study) French and Italian. She (8)___(like) Italian, but she @) (not like) French - she thinks it’s difficult! On the weekend she (10)_____ (go) home to visit her parents. 3 Complete the table with the correct third person singular simple present forms. Simple present Third person singular watch study go walk @) 4 Listen to Bill and Elaine arranging to play tennis. Complete Elaine’s diary with the words from the box. @ 5 Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Then listen to check. 1 hist /o/ry 8 chem /is/try 9 in/ for / ma / tion 2 ge/og/ra/ phy 6 ec/o/nom/ ics 10. tech / nol / o/ gy 3 bi/ol/o/gy 7 psy/chol /0/ gy 11. bus / iness 4 phys / ics 8 pol /it/ ics 12, stud / ies 6 Underline the word that is different in each list. 1 French Spanish English math 2 class job study teach 3 physics chemistry biology history 4 restaurant office secretary court 5 vacation job work eam 6 teacher lawyer plumber _ politics 7 library calé earn ‘university What's my job? 1 Match each picture with a job. Write the correct picture letter next to the job. 4 actor 5 chef fe 9 police officer 2 artist, 6 doctor = ___ 10 student =e. 3 manny 7 gardener 41. teacher = 4 builder 8 pilot = 12 truck driver 2 Underline the best word to complete each sentence. His job is very tiring because / but / or / so he travels long distances. I don't have a lot of free time and / because / but / or I work and study at the same time. Ho's a famous actor because / but / or / so he earns a lot of money. It’s a nice job because / but / or / so you meet a lot of different people. She works in the evening and / but / or / so she doesn’t work on weekends. They are doctors and / because / but / or they work at the same hospital. I work hard because / but / or / so 1 am tired in the evening, He works outside because / but / or / so he gets a lot of fresh air. I don't like working in the evening and / because / but / or on weekends. Lenjoy my job and / but / or / so don’t earn very much money. weervousene 14 S Complete each sentence with a word from the box. In the evening, I like listening to my favorite on the radio. John has a very healthy ___~he doesn’t smoke or drink and he plays a lot of sports. My aunt Jane is like a second tome. e 4 He loves playing soccer because he likes getting fresh 5 New York is one of my favorite cities. There are so many open where you can relax. I don’t like cold . [prefer summer. Mary has a fantastic social ; she has a lot of friends and goes out every night. Diane has to travel long to see her family; her parents live in Austin, but her sister lives in Boston. Listen to people talking about jobs. Circle the correct job for each person. 1 a teacher b truckdriver personal trainer 2 a doctor b gardener nanny 3 a plumber —b_ gardener © personal trainer 4 a doctor b lawyer © banker 5 a doctor b- teacher © nanny 6 a doctor b lawyer © chef Underline the stressed syllable for each job. Then listen to check, 1 gar/den/er 4 nan/ny 7 trai / ner 2 D/J 5 teach / er 8 sec/re/tar/y 3 pi/lot 6 dri/ ver 9 law/ yer Do the crossword. ‘Across 3. Do you work or...” 5. He works in an office on State... 7 Hank iso... at club because he loves music, 8 1 g010 the gym before | go 10... in the moming. 9 Do you ike your ..? 10 Maggie is a... She works at City Hospital 11 Ithink.... is @ very difficult subject. Down 1 We have our... class on Tuesday and Thursday. 2 Jane isa... She loves cooking. 3. My sister likes business... 4 She's a... She works in a cinic 6 My... feacher is very good. She's from Paris. TaRUReK of 1 Complete the names of the colors. Blo. = a wl si Bae @) 2 Listen to people talking about their favorite clothes. Write the correct picture letter next to the number of each extract. There are three extra pictures. eae ene 3 Read the text about Alex and check True, False, or Not mentioned. My cousin, Alex, is a fashion designer. He's very good at his job. He usually lives in London, but he travels to Europe, America, and Asia a lot. The clothes he designs are beautiful, and he earns a lot of money every year. He loves bright colors, and many of his clothes are pink, red, yellow, and orange. His clothes are very popular in Asia. In 2004, he sold designs worth $2 million in Japan. Ninety-five percent of his designs are for casual clothes, but he also designs suits and formal dresses. Interestingly, he doesn’t wear his own designs — he buys all his clothes at a local store! Not mentioned Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Alex lives in New York. He rarely earns a lot of money. He rarely travels. He sells his designs in Asia. ‘The clothes he designs are usually in dark colors. He sometimes designs children’s clothes. He never designs suits. He usually designs casual clothes. He sometimes wears the clothes he designs. cn ‘Shopping ooocooooo? ooococoooo: eevweakonse Read the sentences, then rewrite them using always. 1 I wear jeans. f alnays wear jeans. Tam tired. He studies in the evenings. He is stressed out. Does she work hard? Why does she wear that dress? Do you relax on Sunday afternoon? a eVounen Are they stressed out on Friday evening? Listen to people talking to a friend about clothes. Check the correct frequency adverb for each person. Always Usually Sometimes__Rarely Never 1 He wears a suit. iat) a a Q a 2 She wears dresses. Q a Q a) a 3. She wears jeans to work. Q) Q Q a Q 4 He wears a skirt Qa Q Qa Q Qa 5 She woars drosses. Q Qa a Q Q Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 always / a skirt / My /../ wears / mother / a dress or 2° suit / wear /a/1/ work / to /. / rarely 3 so/ like / and a T-shirt / clothes / I / usually / casual / wear / jeans / . 4 colors /. / My / sometimes / wears / sister / dark 5 often / wear / you / light / Do / colors? 6 do/ work / usually /? / wear / What / to / you 7 wears / She / skirts /. / never 8 clothes / like / sometimes / They / elegant / wearing / . 9 olegant / clothes / are /. / very / Her / always ee eee eee MeN Write each frequency expression from the box next to the sentence that it matches. 1 Istudy on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We go to the movies every Saturday night. We pay the rent on 1" of the month. She goos shopping on Tuosday and Friday. He goes to the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Ttake a vacation in June and in December. ‘We pay the telephone bill in January, April, July, and October. es eunen | visit my mother in the morning and in the evening. Read each pair of sentences and delete the one that is not correct. 1 a Isometimes go shopping on Saturdays. 5 a We every two days have meetings. b Leesemetimesshepping en Satins b We have meetings every two days. 2 a She twice a week works in a bar. 6 a Wetwice a week shop for food usually. b- She works in a bar twice a week. b We usually shop for food twice a week. 3 a once a week visit my parents. 7 a Weare usually at home in the evenings. b I visit my parents once a week. b We are in the evenings at home usually. 4 a Tusually work outside. 8 a They are on Fridays sometimes b I work usually outside. stressed out. b_ They are sometimes stressed out on Fridays. Write the words in the correct order to make questions. g0 / you / How /?/ often / do / shopping the / Does / on / Internet / ?/ shop / she clothes / like / you / Do / shopping /? you // shopping / usually / When / go / do on / shop / you /?/ weekends / Do like / he / Does / supermarkets / ? / shopping / in alone / shop / Do /?/ you does / many / have /? / CDs / How / he books / you / do / How / buy /? / often eeVeaeenn Match the questions in exercise 3 with the answers below. Write the question number next to the correct answer. No, I go shopping with my family. oe We go shopping on Friday evening. Lusually buy one or two books a month. I love reading. I go every day. =< Yes, I buy clothes or books on weekends. I don’t know. He has a lot! Yes, I love buying clothes. rene ao No, I don’t. I don’t have a computer! Yes, he does all his shopping at a big supermarket downtown. Listen to the conversation between Nick and Laura. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 1 Laura... shops on the Internet. 4 _ Nick never buys ... on the Internet. a always a books b usually b food © sometimes © shoes d_ never d_ clothes 2 Laura buys ... on the Internet. 5 Nick prefers to buy food online because a plane a_ it's cheap b clothes b he doesn’t have a car © food ¢ it’s convenient @_ nothing the food is good 3 Nick ... shops on the Internet. 6 Laura prefers to buy... . a always a food online b usually b_ food ina store sometimes shoes online d= never d_ shoes in a store Underline the stressed word or words in each expression. Then listen to check. every day every two weeks once a month every summer twice a month once a year three times a week eVvourene every four days 1 Match the names of the gifts with the pictures. Write the correct picture letter next to each gift. 4 teddy bear A 2 wallet 3 sunglasses 4 clock 5 doll 6 picture frame 7 sweater 8 tie ° shirt soccer ball st 11. earrings 7 12 book aa 2 Complete each thank-you note with a word from the box. ‘CD earrings picture frame shirt soccer ball sweater teddy bear Thanks so much for the cute Kara loves: hin ford plous with him all the tee. She's named Wen Bebe! a Listen to people talking about presents. Do they like them? Circle the correct answer. 1 What does she think of the teddy bear? 4 The sunglasses are ... . a Sho loves it. a cool 1b Sho likes it. b gross It’s okay. © cheap She doesn't like it. d_ oxponsive 2° The earrings are... . 5 The sweater is .... a beautiful a beautiful b expensive b cool © okay © cute gross d_ horrible 3 What does he think of the tie? 6 What does she think of the CD? a He loves it. a She loves it. b He likes it. b She likes it. © It's okay. ©. Its okay. d_ He doesn't like it. She doesn’t like it. Write the sentences in the correct order to make a thank-you note. they are good for a boy or a girl. Dear Tim, Jane, and family, ‘They are so nice, and the colors are really beautiful, ‘we hope to see you soon! With love from Renata and Robin. ‘Thank you very much for the beautiful baby clothes. ‘Yellow and green are my favorite colors for a baby because ‘Thank you again for a perfect gift, and Do the word search. The theme is gifts. @ eveanun 1. Language proctice: words to describe 4 Language practice: ordering words appearance 5 Language practice: matching sentences i 2 Grammar: be/have for appearance fe alicterina chee eer ticions 3. Language practice: spelling words for | ‘appearance Look at the picture of Anita and Martin, Cirele the correct name for each description. 1) dark hair Anita Martin 2 average height Anita Martin 3 blond hair Anita Martin 4 slim Anita Martin 5 tall Anita Martin 6 heavy Anita Martin 7 long hair Anita. Martin 8 short hair Anita Martin: Underline the correct word in each sentence. His hair is / are / has / have brown. Julie is / are / has / have blue eyes. Is / Are / Has / Have her hair red? Does she have / Is she brown hair? What color is / are / has / have his eyes? My brother and I is / are / has / have brown hair, but my mother is / are / has / have blond hair. 7 Does she have /Is she slim? 8 Their father is / are / has / have brown eyes and black hair. 9 Are they / Have they average height? eunene Listen and write the words you hear. Q> Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 Selma / My / is / beautiful /. / really / friend 2 from / is / She / Syria / 3 her/ brown /../ She / are / black hair / and / dark / eyes / has 4 is/and very /. / height / She / slim / average 5 My/ Stefan / from / friend / Sweden / is / 6 has / hair /. / and green / He / eyes / blond 7 and brown / prefers / He / black hair / ! / eyes 8 weight / is /!/ and very / average / handsome / He Match the questions and answers. 1 What color are your eyes? a Is red. 2 Ishe handsome? b Yes, I do. She has beautiful eyes. 3 How tall is he? No, he’s slim and tall, but not really handsome. 4 Is she attractive? Yes, I think it's beautiful. 3 What color is her hair? e Yes, she is. She's slim with dark hair. 6 Are your parents tall? f They're dark blue, 7 Do you think Julia Roberts is attractive? No, they're pretty short. 8 Do you like red hair? h He's about average height. Listen to each description. Write the correct picture letter next to each description. There are two extra pictures. Foewe Pre 1 Pronunciation: word stress 4 Language practice: words from lesson 2 2 Vocabulary: adjectives of character 5 Listening: describing people's characters, 3. Listening: describing people 6 Vocabulary: dating and stages in a relationship @) 1 Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Then listen to check. 1 ad/ ven / tur / ous con / sid /er / ate fash / ion /a/ ble prac /ti/ cal re/li/a/ble se / ri / ous tra / di / tion / al en / gaged ro / mance eevaousen 10 a/gon / cy 11. part / ner 12. girl / friend 2 Match the sentences with the responses. Are you adventurous? a Yes, me, too! It’s important to have a partner who thinks 2 Ishea reliable person? about yore alte Tike your brother, but he’s not__-»No; he doesn't. He's very, very shy, especially with gins very fun-loving. Yes, I think I am. I enjoy traveling to other countries and 1 like to try new things. d_ Not really! He's always late. 4 He doesn't talk very much. Does she have a boyfriend? 4G; sL want partner vibods e Yes, she has a lot of beautiful clothes and she loves considerate, Eotng out £ No, she doesn't. She's from a very traditional family, so 7 Shes vary Sablonshle she doesn't go out with boys. No, he's very serious. He doesn’t like music, dancing, or going to the movies. Listen to people describing their ideal partner Circle the word or phrase that describes each ideal partner. 1 a handsome b_ serious adventurous 2 a good-looking b has lot of money reliable 3 a good-looking b fun-loving adventurous 4 a likes music and dancing b_ likes reading and traveling —¢ _likes children and animals 5 a tall b handsome ¢hasa lot of money 6 a good-looking b fun-loving ¢ adventurous 7 a good-looking b slim tall x Friends and partners 4 Write the correct word from the box in each blank to complete the text. Our friends, Joe and Jenny, are a couple, but they are very different. He is serious, but she is (1) . Joe is very shy and likes being @ Ho stutios (8) at the University of California, Jenny is a student, too, but she studies fashion design. She is very (4) ; she has lots of beautiful clothes. She is very (5) , too; she loves people. She likes going to (6) — or to movies. Joe and Jenny are @ , but I think they are too different to (8) married and be happy. @) 5 _ Listen to descriptions of six people. Circle the word that describes each person. 1 a furloving b serious ¢ adventurous 2 a serious b shy ©. reliable 3 a fun-loving b serious ¢ adventurous 4 a serious b practical traditional 5 a fun-loving b adventurous practical 6 a considerate -b_ fun-loving reliable 6 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. 1 Many people their future partner at school or college. 2 Inmy country most people get when they are about 25. 3 People usually get about two years before they get married. 4 Itcan be difficult for some people to find someone to 5 5 In many countries, couples go to the movies or to dinner for a first i 6 Its becoming more common for people to use a dating to find true love. 7 Its more common for people to go on inthe US. than in the UK. Unit 6 NT neue 1 Look at the pictures. Write the correct question with can in each blank using the pronoun given. 1 you Can you snem? 6 he 2 he 7 her son 3 he 8 their mother 4 you 9 they 5 your daughter 2 Match the questions in exercise 1 with the answers below. Write the question number next to the correct answer. No, sorry, I can't. Yes, and he has a car. He has lessons, but he can’t play very well. No, he can’t use one. He’s only four. Yes, I can swim very well. ‘Yes, they can dance the tango. Yes, she sings very well No, but he can understand it. Yes, her specialty is pasta alla carbonara, we me nose hw Friends and pariners Listen to six conversations about what people or things can or can’t do. Circle the correct sentence. 1 a He can use a computer. 4 a Yusuf can speak three languages. b He can’t use a computer. b Yusuf can speak four languages. He can use a computer very well. ¢ Yusuf can speak five languages. 2 a He can play the piano. 5 a The computer can play CDs. b He can play the violin. b The computer can play DVDs He can play the guitar. ¢ The computer can’t play DVDs. 3. a Monica can’t speak French, 6 a Anne can’t drive in London. Monica can speak French. b Anne can drive in London. Monica can speak Spanish. © Anne can’t drive in Paris. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 but/a/can’t/ it/ have / use /./ computer / we / We 2 or Spanish /1/ speak / can’t / French /. 3 cook / She /../ very / can't / well 4 is / basketball / tall / because / He / well / play / can / . / he 5 the/you/Can/?/ guitar / play 6 can/ is / speak / Brazil / father / Portuguese / because / their / They / from /. Write the correct form of the verbs be, can, or have in each blank. 1 He very intelligent. BI play music on my computer. 2 They good-looking. 6 She cook very well. 3 They blond hair. 7 She beautiful eyes. 4 She fun-loving. 8 He a great personality. Do the crossword. Across 1 She has a small... and pretty eyes. 3 He's no! tll he's very 6 Richard is... . He isn't heavy. 8 I can't hear well wth my left 11 Alison iso very... woman. Everyone says so. 12 Katie's new boyfriend is realy... He has nothing interesting to say. 13 Her right... is green and left one i bive. Down 2. Ihove very... feet. Ihave problems finding shoes! 4. My new boyfriend has shor, black... and green eyes. 5 My cousin isnt... or shor. Infact she's average height. 7 Isitdificult to... new people? 9 Mike is very all and... 10 Jane has... hair and blue eyes. acon tesa 1. Vocabulary: things in a room 4 Ustening: prepositions of place 2 Vocabulary: prepositions of place 5. Grammar: there is/there are 3 Pronunciation: word stress 6 Language practice: ordering words Match the words and pictures. Write the correct letter next to each word. 4 E S trashcan table — curtains = __ chair mug — D E ¥ lamp 5 - 7 jel shelves a, > Look at the pictures and complete each sentence with a preposition from the box. Some words can be used more than once. The plate is the table, 1 2 3 The glass is__ the plate. The mug is the desk, ° The poster is the wall eeNveaeene The pants are__ the chair. ‘The book is the backpack. ‘The backpack is the sofa ‘The book is the chair and the bed. 9 The penis the mug. eVoukenn Underline the stressed syllable in each word or two-word phrase. Then listen to check. 1 un/ der 4 next /to 7 post / er 2. be/hind 5 ta/ble 8 trash / can 3 be /twoen 6 cur/tains 9 so/ fa House and home Listen to the conversations and complete the sentences with the correct preposition from the box. “on under noxt to behind botwoon on 1. The backpack is the sofa 2 The mug is the lamp. 3 The shirt is the shelf. 4 Jack’s poster is__ the desk _the chair. 5 The pictureisin___two pieces of paper. 6 The wallet is the table. Look at the picture and write the correct form of there is / there are in each blank. There's a picture on the wall. two beds. books or magazines. 1 2 3 4 a chair. 5 a TV on the desk. 6 shelves. 7 a table in between, the beds. arug. a sofa. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 is on/ poster /. / My / wall / room / in / the / my 2 a/ under / book / bed /. / There's / the 3 pants /. /are / on / shelf / Your / the 4 two / There / mugs /./ the / on / table / are 5. pen/ behind / . / Your / the / is / sofa 6 a/ picture / There's / between / books / . / the / two 7 lamp / Is your / on /? / desk / the 8 your/?/ there / curtains / Are / any / in / room House and home Finding an apartment 1 Match the words and pictures. Write the correct picture letter next to each word. 1 washing machine 4 refrigerator 7 armchair 2 dishwasher 5 shower 8 sink 3° bathtub 6 microwave 9 oven @ 2 Underline the stressed syllable in each word or two-word phrase. Then listen to check. 1 ov/en 5 show / er 9 wash / ing / ma / chine 2 bath / tub 6 mi/cro/ wave 10 ga/ rage 3 clo/set 7 arm/ chair 11 bath / room 4 re/ frig / er /a/tor 8 kit/chen 12 bed / room 3 Match the questions and answers. 1 Is there a garage? a No, we don't. 2. Is your apartment big? b_ No, there isn't. 3 Do you have a microwave? c Yes, it has a big one. 4 Can you have animals? Yes, there are lots. 5 Are there any closets? There are two. 6 Does it have a patio? f No, we can’t. 7 How many bedrooms are there? g Yes, itis. a2 | una House and home. 4 Look at the picture of a living room. Write the answers to the questions using short answers. 1 Is there a DVD player? Yes, there 2 Is there a stereo? 3. Are there any tables? 4 Istherea TV? 5 Is there a sofa? 6 Is there a rug? 7 Are there any shelves? 8 Are there any curtains? @) 5 Listen to two people discussing an apartment, Check True, False, or Not mentioned for each question. Not mentioned ‘The apartment is small. ‘There's a balcony. ‘There's a garage. ‘There aren't any closets. ‘There's a washing machine. The walls are white. It’s expensive. ‘They have a sofa. ceyvoueenen They have a stereo. oooococooo? ooooucoooo; oooocoooooo 10 They have a microwave. 6 Do the word search. ‘The theme is furniture. Rewrite each sentence using a possessive pronoun. This is my pen. This pen is mine. This is her chair. ‘That’s their car. ‘These are my magazines. ‘Those are our T-shirts. ‘These are their sneakers. That's your backpack. ‘Those are their books. That's his wallet. 10 This is your room. eeveourene Underline the correct word in each sentence. 1. This is my / mine husband, 6 Welike your / yours cooking. 2 The books are my / mine. 7 The cellphone is their / theirs. 3. The pon is her / hers. 8 Our / Ours books are on the table. 4 The sofa is our / ours. 9 Is the apartment your / yours? 5. Those are her / hers pictures. 10. The children like their / theirs teachers. Complete the questions using the correct form of be and this / these. 1 Whose pen és this + 5 Whose CD ? 2 Whose mug 2 6 Whose wallet z 3 Whose earrings 2 7 Whose drinks 2 4 Whose books Ef 8 Whose pictures 2 Write the answers to the questions in exercise 3 using It’s / They're and the correct possessive pronoun. (me) Es mine. 5 (us) (yon), 0 ot Se ee 6 (me) her) 7 (us) (him) 8 (them) 5 Look at the picture. Complete each sentence using the correct possessive pronoun, Use his, hers, or theirs. ‘The bikes are theirs _. ‘The earrings are ‘The teddy bear is : The dress is The hat is The wallet is__ ‘The poster is The suit is The shoes are eeveuneene @) 6 _ Read the texts about vacation homes. Then listen to the conversation between a couple discussing the homes. Check True, False, or Not mentioned for each question. Mallorca A quiet apartment with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a living room, and a big roof terrace. Washing machine, computer with Internet connection, TV/cable, private pool Private garage. Children and pets okay. No smoking. $ 450 /week Malaga Medium-sized house in a quiet area. Big roof terrace with spectacular views. Two bedrooms with private bathroom on the first floor and a living room/kitchen on the ground floor. Washing machine, TV/cable, stereo/hi-fi, balcony. Parking place available. Children and pets okay. $ 350 /week Alicante ‘A genuine traditional finca in a beautiful area. Maximum 14 people. The finca is ideal for larger families wanting to vacation together. There is a tennis court, a large ‘swimming pool, a barbecue, and a very large yard. Facilities include satellite TV, washing machine, and bathrooms with showers or bathtubs for each bedroom. There is parking Space. Children okay. No pets. $2500 /week ‘True False Not mentioned ‘The man thinks all three vacation homes are nice, oo Oo ‘They don’t think the finca is suitable for them. ‘The woman likes the one in Mallorca. ‘The house in Malage has an Internet connection, ‘The woman has a brother in Malaga. ‘The man wants to use e-mail. A swimming pool is very important for them. ‘They want a garage for the car. ‘The apartment in Mallorca does not have a garage. 10. They decide to take the Mallorca apartment. House and home Pumas | eereunene oooooooooo Oooooooo OoOoooooo 1 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. usually /I/ the / subway / work / take / to /. 2 goes / school / car / to /. / She / by 3. always / They /. / to / walk / work 4 take /./ don’t / the / We / train 3 come / They / by / taxi /. / rarely 6 He /to/./ never / school / rides / his / bike 7 in/.walk/ school / We / the / morning /. / to 8 to/ always / you / walk / work /?/Do 2 Write full sentences from the prompts. 1/ come / train. S come by brain. He / take / bus. She / ride / her bike. We / go / ferry. ‘They / never / take / train. Thoy / walk. You / get there / bus. eV oue enn He / go / car, Listen and circle the correct transportation for each person. 1a taxi b bus © walk 2 a ferry b car bus 3 a sometimes taxi b_ never taxi ¢ always taxi 4 a feny b subway © train 5 a sometimes bus, b_ sometimes taxi, ¢ sometimes train, usually walk usually bus usually bus 6 a busand ferry b_ ferry and walk ferry and taxi 7 a usually bus, b usually drive, © usually bus, sometimes drive sometimes walk sometimes walk a...) 0 eS eee 4 Match the two halves of the sentences. 1. They're architects. They usually work in a today is a holiday, so I'm having breakfast an office, but in bed. 2 He's a teacher. He usually teaches b today she’s visiting a patient at home. history at Arizona University, but today they're visiting a building, 3 She's a nurse. She usually works in a this afternoon he’s talking to children at a clinic, but local school. 4 They're students. They usually study art at school on Tuesdays, but 5 She's a gardener. Sho normally works in people's gardens, but 6 I'ma lawyer. I'm usually in my office every day at 8 o'clock, but this Tuesday they're going to a gallery. today it’s raining, so she's staying at home. 5 Underline the correct form of the verb in each sentence. 1 am working / work in an office every day. She is visiting / visits her mother today. I can’t answer the telephone ~ I am taking / take a shower. He is taking / takes a shower every morning. I'm busy now. I am cooking / cook dinner. ‘They are watching / watch TV every afternoon. Usually, he is riding / rides his bike to work. Please don't interrupt us! We are talking / talk. eVveansenn 6 What are the people in the pictures doing? Write the correct sentence in each blank. Choose the correct verb from the box. Vacations Look at the picture of a family on vacation. Read the sentences, then check True or False. True False Rebecca’s lying by the pool. Caroline's reading. Martin’s swimming, Michael’s playing with the dog. Bob's eating a sandwich. ‘They're staying in a hotel. Martin’s wearing a T-shirt. evousene Oooooooo Oooooocoo The dog's swimming. What are the people doing? Look at the pictures and write the correct short answer. Are they swimming? No, they aren't. Is she playing tennis? Is he driving? Is he cooking? ‘Are they surfing? ‘Are they having a good time? Is she dancing? Are they running? seca eee ee a Is he swimming? eervounene o ~ Travel 3 Complete the questions and answers in the present progressive. 1 A. Isshe studying? Yes, Are they dancing? No, a reading a good book? ‘Yes, Tam. Is he having a good time? No, eating lunch right now? ‘Yes, they are. What you 2 1'm watching TV. Why _____ crying? Because he's sad. Where are they going? to the supermarket. Bp Ub Db eb Ob Bb b> oD Listen and complete each sentence with the correct action for each person. Use full forms, not contractions. Becky os taking a Shoner 7 Jim Mary ‘The children Julie and Rick Jack eae en es 5 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 are /at / nice / staying / hotel /. / We / a 2 What / doing / are / tomorrow /? / you 3 lying / He / the / is / pool /./ by 4 he / American / Is / magazine / ? / an / reading 53. with / children / playing / are / their / friends /. / The 6 Paris / are / traveling / How / to /?/ they 7 you/a/right /?/ Are / shower / now / taking 8 is / She / book / to / reading / her /. / a / son 1 Read the underlined words. Is the Check Correct or Incorrect. He is haveing a shower. She is swimming. They are sitting on the sofa. He is wasting time. Tam driveing home today. She is lieing by the pool. We are restting. ‘The children are running. Tam studying economics at college. (). 10 We are going home. SceVononene oO ar a | spelling correct? fea | 2 Match the two halves of the sentences. Your friends are sitting The kids are watching Your mother's resting He is wasting time ‘We are driving He is thinking He's looking He's feeling sad eveousene rome ao ee because he has nothing to do. because she's very tired. a show on TV. because he's alone. about his home in Georgia. on the sofa in the living room. your father to the airport. for a better job. © 3 Listen to the conversations and circle the correct ending for each sentence. 1 Johnis.... 4 The child’s father is... 7 Kamal is.... a watching TV playing soccer a watching TV b cooking b playing with his child b playing by the pool studying ¢ talking on the telephone © watching the children 2 Pedrois.... 3 Karenis.... a studying a watching TV breading a book b relaxing dancing taking a shower 3 Helenis.... 6 Jackis a using the computer a _ playing computer games breading breading comics © wearing a dress c studying ka... eee Look at the pictures. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the present progressive. Use the verbs in the box. 1. She's 2 He's 3° They're ina beautiful hotel. a shower right now. by the pool. 4 Excuse me! You're in my seat! Why is Sarah? 6 Slow down! You're too fast! 5 Underline the word that is different in each list. 1 tide 2 run 3 happy 4 rest 6 Do the crossword. ocean think sad watch singer swim lonely run drive ship song run bus waste 5 stay 6 home 7 music ‘Across 2 He comes to school... bus. 3... does your sister get home? Does she drive? 5 |... the subway to work every moming, 7 I never drive my... 0 the office 9 No way! | dont... You're wrong! 10 We usually... to school 12 My father works in a... station. 1S |... for the bus every morning. m always late. 14 He's... driver. Down 1 The children usually 2. My hotel is right on ‘my time, Im very busy. London every summer. ‘oe having some problems withthe bus. 1 Sit down and..... a few minutes. eel mee Relay 1 Listening: countries and capital cities. 4 Grammar: comparison of adjectives 2. Grammar: comparison of adjectives 5 listening: describing cities 3 Pronunciation: word stress : 6 Language practice: spelling adjectives and comparatives x: a 1 Match the countries with their capital cities. Then listen to check. 1 Egypt a Stockholm 2 Tran b Washington D.C. 3 Australia © Seoul 4 Canada Beijing 5 TheUS. e Nairobi 6 China f Canberra 7 Mexico g Tehran 8 Sweden h_ Mexico City 9 Kenya i Cairo 10 South Korea j Ottawa 2 Look at the pictures. Complete each sentence using the correct comparative form of one of the adjectives from the box. Tho NK-100 phone is than the MO-450 phone. Today is than yesterday. John is much than his father. Sally is than her sister. Binks is than Tiger. ‘The King Tower Hotel is than the Sea Heights Hotel. Listen and underline the stressed words in each sentence. Dublin is safer than London. India is cheaper than Japan. Is England more dangerous than Canada? South Africa is much hotter than England. Johannesburg is much more dangerous than Chicago. Scotland is safer than the U.S. eunrene Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in parentheses. 1. Mexico is (big) Agger than Nicaragua. 2. Japan is (expensive) = than India. 3. Stockholm is (safe) than London. 4 Canada is (cold) _____ than Brazil. 5. Belgium is (small) than France. 6 China has a (big) population than India. 7 Baghdad is (hot) __ ____ than Cairo. 8 Madrid is (friendly) ___ ___ than Paris. © Paris is (beautiful) __ __ than Lyon. 10 Johannesburg is (dangerous) than New York, Listen to the conversation, Write the adjectives from the box next to the corresponding city, in the order you hear them. York London olde Relate 1 Grammar review: comparison of adjectives 4 Language practice: questions and answers | 2 Ustening: months, seasons, and the weather ‘about the weather 3. Pronunciation: months 5 Word search: months, seasons, and 1 Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in parentheses. 1 Winter in the north is (cold) caer than in the south, 2 The weather here is (bad) this year, 3 [feel (good) now that I am on vacation. 4 It’s (cool) in the evenings. 8. This afternoon is (hot) than this morning 6 The pool is (warm) than the ocean. 7 The class on Tuesday is (hard) __ than the one on Monday. 8 Swedish cars are (expensive) __ than Japanese cars. Listen to the conversation. Write the month next to the se it corresponds to, and write the weather next to the month it corresponds to (2) son July February March September warm rainy cold dry spring January summer = March 7 fall July Be winter August yet Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Then listen to check. Jan fu far / y Feb /ru/ar/y A/ pril Ju /ly Au / gust Sop / tem / ber Oc / to / ber No / vem / ber De / cem / ber eevousenn | sa | Unto | The world 4 Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Then match the questions to the answers below by writing the question number next to the correct answer. 1 your / What is / month / favorite / ? 2 What is / favorite /? / season / your 3. it/in/ your / When / country /? / is / hot 4 you / four / Do / in / seasons / country /?/ have / your 5 is / What / weather / York /?/ the / in / like 6 winter like / is / in Canada / ? / What 7 season / in / What / it now / New Zealand /? / is 8 England / Is February / cold / in /? It's winter. ate Fall, because the colors are beautiful. Yes, it can be very cold and rainy. Roees It’s cold in winter and usually warm in summer. = __ e It’s hot from March to November, and extremely hot in June, July, and August. f Llove May. It’s very, very cold, especially in the east. h No, we just have two, rainy and dry. 5 Do the word search. The theme is months, seasons, and the weather. eVvounene @: tesa) Listen to people talking about vacations. Write the number of each speaker next to the correct vacation. adventure vacation cultural vacation organized tour eee, vacation in the mountains beach vacation family vacation short city break Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 can/in/ You / mountains / . / ski / the 2 The beaches / beautiful, / white / have /. / sand 3 west / The / a/ beach vacation / . / for / coast / is / perfect 4 hotel /an/ is / A / expensive / more / apartment /. / than 5 a/always/in/ cabin / ./ stay / We 6 usually / We / skiing / February / . / in / go 7 is/than / July / better / vacation / . / June for /a 8 weather in / The / our / good / . / is / area / very Listen and write the words you hear. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Match the two halves of the sentences. ‘The jungle in Madagascar ‘The mountains in the north The vacation I'm on right now The sand on the beach The ocean here The ferry I take every day ‘The fall there ‘The temperature in the evening ‘The climate in the north of the Sudan eervounenn is cool. is very fast. is soft. is a beautiful blue. is rainy. are very high. is really thick. is hot and dry. is very relaxing. noose ~ pane Read the text. Then read the questions and check True, False, or Not mentioned. North Devon is a lovely area of England. It has a wonderful coast, with beautiful, golden beaches and fantastic scenery. ‘Tourism is well developed in this quiet, relaxing area. There are no big cities but you can find many friendly towns and villages. There are attractions for the whole family. North Devon has interesting places to visit, such as historic houses and gardens, museums and galleries, and there are theaters and North Devon is in the U.S. Ithas high mountains. It has beautiful beaches. ‘You can go surfing there. ‘You can go parachuting there. ‘The area has nothing for children. ‘There are many big cities in North Devon. ‘You can go walking. eeroueone ‘There are museums to visit. 10 You can play golf. tnglnd Sout West HE movie theaters in the main towns. For people who like outdoor life, there is excellent surfing at Woolacombe, Croyde, and Saunton, and you can also ‘go sea-kayaking. Exmoor National Park is.» a walker's paradise and there are many ‘guided walks for the less experienced. Riding, cycling, and golf are other options. For children there are many attractions, such as fairs, activity centers and z00s, and of course, the beaches, OOOOCOOCOOCO Oooooooo Oooooooocood ee ee eae 1 Write the correct responses to complete the conversation. A. Hi, Cindy. Are you busy on Friday night? B Would you like to go to a movie? There are lots of movies playing right now. How about The Sound of Music? Okay, well, let's see The Stepford Wives. It's an American comedy. At the Ritzy theater. The tickets are cheap there. It's playing at 6:30 and 8:30. Srpeper er sp 2 Read the movie review. Then check True or False for each statement. ‘True False 1 The Stepford Wives is a ‘The Newhaven movie theater French movie. Bs alla | Tickets $6 (Mondays $4.50) 2° It’s a romantic movie. Bye ‘The Stepford Wives (PG-13) FO 3 The main actress is Comedy 2004) 89 mine US. Nicole Kidman. aga Director; Frank 02. ve 4 It’s the story of a woman ae a who moves to Califomia. O) Ms . 5 The animals in the story Pepe aa gael conde are not normal. Qa ‘mmedatel, Joanna sees that the people in 6 The movie is playing on ‘Stepford are specially the women, Sunday at 4:15 p.m, 00a eee Fences 7 The movie is playing on that there is something in Saturday afternoon ‘Steptord..and. problems. at 1:40 p.m. aa FiSat 418m, 610m, 805 pm. 8 It’s cheaper to see the Se-TIR ALA ESA FIB Diy movie on Monday. Qg0Q 3 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. ‘Then match the questions with the answers below by writing the question number next to the correct answer. 1. playing at / What's / Roxy / week / ? / the / this 2 about / to / How / see / ?/ Lord of the Rings / going 3 me/ you / to go/ Would / to / like / the / ? / movies with 4 time / the / What / is / playing /? / movie 5. often / you / How / to / do / go / movies / 7 / the 6 kind / movies / What / of / you / like /? / do 7 playing /?/ Where / Chinatown / is 8 much / How / tickets /?/ the / are I really like comedies and action movies. oe ‘There's a new horror movie playing. eens ‘They're $5 for children and $8 for adults, __ Td love to, but I'm busy this weekend. _ It's playing at 5:45 and 9:00. aaa We usually go once a week. a Sorry, I saw that last week. ae rae mene think it’s playing at Soho Multicines. = _ 4 Read the e-mail from Monica to her friend, Bill. Complete the text with the words from the box. Hi Bill! Thanks for your e-mail. 1'¢ (1) __ to go to the (2) with you, but I'm working on Friday evening. How (3) Saturday afternoon? Raining Again is (4) at the ‘ABC Moviehouse. It’s a (5)_____ movie and people say that it’s very good (but very sad). (6)_____you like to see that? The ABC is cheap: (7) are $5. There’s a nice café where we can have coffee and @ sandwich after the movie. (8) ____ go! Let me know. Monica ene 1. Grammar: simple past 4. Language practice: ordering a conversation 2 Grammar: simple past questions and answers —_§_Listening: talking about last weekend 3 Grammar: simple past or simple present 1 Complete the text with the correct simple past form of the verbs in the box. We (1) to Yew Le erence las neck. —— 2 Read the sentences and make questions from the prompts in parentheses. ‘Then match the questions to the answers below by writing the question number next to the correct answer. 1 We had fun last night. (What/do?) What did you do? - We went out. (Where/go?) We saw friends. (Who/see?) piotecalialaait Thad a nic day yesterday. (go/school?) We went to the movies. (What/see?) 7 I saw an Italian movie. (like/it?) oleae for -vactesistitasah (0 Thad an exam yesterday. (exam/hard?) We went to a great restaurant, (What/have?) extiniesenssir eeveanen I went to the movies last night. (see/Chinatown?) We had pizzas and Jamie had spaghetti re We saw this great Indian movie. My friends Alicia and Elizabeth. pine No, I didn’t, We had a holiday, so I went to the beach. so oe No, it wasn’t too hard. Yes, it was absolutely fantastic. ame ao No, it was playing at 9:20 and that was too late for Angie, so we saw a different movie. h_ We went to the theater. i We had dinner with friends. 4 Underline the correct word in each sentence. We go / went out last night. Lusually go / went to the movies on Friday evening. see / saw a great movie last week. She has / had dinner with her boyfriend yesterday. We have / had coffee in a bar every morning. Do / Did you see your family often now that you are in college? Do / Did you go out last night? Yesterday's soccer match is / was very exciting. Are / Were you at home yesterday? 10 She isn’t / wasn’t very happy right now. eevounene Write the conversation in the correct order. pope > o> Listen to people talking about their weekend. Write the correct conversation number next to each event. had a party Ge saw a movie ie did nothing — ‘went to the ocean kids were a problem __ didn't play soccer went to Vancouver ___ was alone What is the simple past of these verbs? Write the correct form. spend 80 study stay start eakene leave 7 come 8 drink 9 see 10 rest 1 advise 12 try Complete the paragraph with the correct simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. 1(4)___ (have) terrible problems at & school with my final exams. | (2) (study) very hard and I (3) stressed out. I (4) coffee, so 1 (5) My mother (6) but I (7) 18) (stay) in my room, studying, for two weeks. I (9) a month. My parents (10) (drink) lots of (not sleep) at night. (advise) me to rest (not want) to. (be) (be) sick for a month resting and then I (12) (graduate) from school, and (14) (be) very good to me during that time. I (11) (spend) (start) studying again. I passed the exam, (13) (go) to university! Match the two halves of the sentences. We checked He checked She showed I brought She went cok ene He went menor up the idea of going away this weekend. back to live with his parents after college. out of the hotel at the end of his stay. into the hotel at 4 p.m. up very late. through a difficult period after her parents separated. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct simple past form of the verbs in the box. 1 They____ three days in Miami. 2 They at a really expensive hotel. 3 They ____ champagne. 4 They all night in the hotel discotheque. 5 They volleyball on the beach. 6 They a great movi 7. They dinner at the Ritz. 8 They a great time. a 5 Listen to people talking about what they did when they had relationship problems. Write the correct conversation number next to each event. She talked to people. He went to marriage counseling, She checked into a hotel. She didn’t do anything, He stayed at home all the time. She spent more time with her kids. He left 6 Do the crossword. ‘Across ‘What kind of movies do you tke? Horror? Or you have dinner with Bill lastnight? - finished my homework, then | went fo the movies, 7 Let's play soccer... he beach. 8 We..... home early every morning. 9 What... is the movie playing? 11 Ken... coffee a the restaurant last night. 12 I saw that mowe on... 13 Ned and Ben .... at home lastnight. 14 Did your sister... 1o your party? 1 2 4 8. Did he .... wth you last night at the party? 5 I want to... some time with you. 6 Alice... her husband at a party 10 Brad Pit is a famous .... stor. 11... often do you go to parties? Unit 1 Concerts and festivals 1 Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs from the box. Can you zy an instrument? Did Paul McCartney the lyrics to “Imagin ‘What's the name of the singer who in that band? Would you like to to my new CD? Madonna is singing but who the guitar? Did he the piano at the concert last week? Can you “Happy Birthday” in Swedish? Do you like to music from other countries? exveanensn 2 Match the questions in exercise 1 with the answers below. Write the question number next to the correct answer. I'd love to, Who's it by? a Yes, we have a big collection of world music. at tak No, that was John Lennon. a I can play the guitar, but not very well. _—_ I don’t know. I didn’t go. — ‘They don’t sing “Happy Birthday”. They have a different song, _ I don’t know. I think it’s her normal guitarist. aaa ‘The singer's name is James Jones, I think. ae rete nase Underline the weak forms of was in the conversations. Then listen to check. 1A. You weren't there on Saturday. 3 A. He was late again last night. B Yes, I was. You didn’t see me. B This isa problem. Twas in the kitchen, with Ronnie. a A Wal ts ehage 2 A. The French lesson was really good today. B No, she wasn't. B_ Yos, it was great. I like that teacher. c_\aheeensbchsavanit.: 3° A’ Was it interesting? 7 A That was a great movie, B_ Yes, it was okay. B Yeah. Fantastic. 4 A_Isaw Ramona last night. She was at Alex’s party. B Was she? KL. ee ee ne meee 5 Complete the simple past questions. Then listen to check. What did you do last night? We went to a concert. Where ___ it? It was in Central Park. ____ it good? Yes, very good. Who you__? We saw Light Blues, Jimmy Scarlett, and Erika. What time __it__? It started at 5 p.m. but we were late. We got there at about 6 p.m. ___ it expensive? No, the tickets were only $10 each. eo es Write the e-mail in the correct order. We went on vacation last week. How are you, Mike, and the kids? We'd love to see you soon, so come and visit us! We're all fine here. In fact, we've been away. Hi, Sharon! Lots of love, Jan. ‘The weather was very good. One night we went to a concert on the beach. It wasn’t very good and the music was very loud, so we left early. Do the word search. The theme is music. eveanene HINT: Blind means that you cannot see. 1. Language practice: and, but, because, when, 3. Reading: singer-songwriters before, after 2 Language practice: when, before, after Underline the correct word in each sentence The sten to check 1 She's from Canada. She sings, plays the guitar, and / when writes her own songs. 2 They were a Swedish band, but / because they sang in English. 3° He played the piano and sang, and he always wore sunglasses because / but he was blind. 4 He was a teacher before / but he became famous. 5 People still listen to his music, nearly twenty-five years when / after he died. 6 She was a singer before / because she became an actress. 7 He was only five years old after / when he started singing in public 8 He was ina band called the Wailers and he died but / before he was forty Complete the text with the correct word The singer, Edith Piaf, is a legend in France. She was born in 1915 into a poor family. Originally a Street singer, she became famous (1) a Riightclub owner invited her to sing at his club, This was (2)____ she was twenty, By the time she was twenty-five, she was a star in France. She stayed in Paris during World War Il, and (3)____ the war she toured Europe, South America, and the US, becoming internationally famous, She became rich and famous because of her extraordinary voice and beautiful songs, but her life was very sad. Her daughter died (4), she was only two years old, and Piaf never had another child. She married twice. She and her first husband got divorced (5)____a few years, and she married for the second time only a year (6)____she died in 1963 iShe was very popular and many people went to fer concerts. One of her most memorable con- rts was a few months (7)___ she died from teancer: (8)___ she died, so many people went into the streets in Paris that the traffic came to a stop. More than forty years (9)____ she died, People stil isten to Piaf's songs and enjoy her music 3 Read the texts about Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen. Check True, False, or Not mentioned for each statement. HINT: A singer-songuriter is someone who writes the songs that they sing: a hit is.a song which is very popular; a monk is @ person whose life is dedicated to religious practice. weesreanowe 10 Joni Mitchell was born in ‘Canada in 1943, but has spent much of her time in the US. She iso singer: songwriter ond she plays the guitar. She is tan excellent guitarist and has @ beautiful voice. She became famous in the 1960s ‘and has continued to be popular for more than thinly years. Many of her songs are played by other ortists. Judy Collins had a hit with Mitchell's song “Clouds”. At first Joni played folk music, but later she became interested in jazz. She received a Grammy award for her work in 2002, which recognized her as one of the most important female artists of the rock era, In the same year she left the musical industry because of its commercialism and corruption They were both born in Canada. They were both born in 1934, Both of them come from rich families. Both of them play the guitar. ‘They both write their own songs. Both of them became famous in the 1960s. ‘They were both writers at one point. Both of them are very famous. They both played jazz. Both of them had children. ‘True Ooocoooooooo leonard Cohen was. born in Canada in 1934 but moved to the U.S. when he was an adult He is «@ singersongwriter and he plays the guitor. Before he became a singer he wos o writer. He became famous in the 1960s, first for his books and loter for his music. His frst album, The Songs of leonard Cohen, was released in 1967, and he has continued to be popular for more than thinly years. Other ariss, including Judy Collins, play his songs. At fist he played folk music, but later his music became more complex. In 1996, he became a Buddhist monk but he left the Buddhist center in 1999. In 2003, he became a Companion of the ‘Order of Canada, Canada’s highest honor. He is one of the most important artists of the rock era and his songs are sill popular today. False Not mentioned Oooooooceo Oooocoocoo Unit 11 Emcee cutlets 1 Grammar review: simple past 4 Language practice: ordering words 2 Pronunciation: words that rhyme. 5 Language practice: matching sentences 3. Listening: love at first sight 6 Pronunciation: words that rhyme 1 Complete the sentences with the correct simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. 1 My dad (give) me an airplane ticket to New York for my birthday. 2 I_____ see) an interesting show on TV last night. 3 I_____ (need) some help yesterday. 4 We ____ (think) the movie was very good. 5 She ___ (come) to our house for dinner last night. 6 After dinner, we (go) to the movies. 7 The concert (be) great. 8 My parents (be) both at home yesterday. (57 2 Match the words that have the same vowel sound. Then listen to check. 1 die a train 2 look b_ book 3. May she 4 bought d_ shower 3 how caught 6 be f buy (ss) 3 Listen to people’s answers to the question Do you believe in love at first sight? Check Yes, No, or Don’t know. © 5 F 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6 Ooocooo; oococgog: coocoooo Speaker 7 Write the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 did / How / become / Shakira / famous / ? 2 were /?/ the / famous / When / Monkees 3 the / Monkees’ / were / fans /?/ Who 4 do/ about / What / know / Rolling Stones / ? / the / you 5 don't / girl / Why / last / bands / ? / long 6 you / bands / like U2 /?/ Do / like Match the questions in exercise 4 with the answers below. Write the question number next to the correct answer. ‘They were famous a long time ago, in the 1960s, I think, ce No, I prefer bands that play hip-hop. Not much, only that they're British. ao ‘Their fans were mainly young girls. Her hit song “Whenever, wherever” made her famous in the U.S. and Europe. Because there are so many of them, and the fans always prefer the newest band. ‘Two words have the same vowel sound and one is different. Listen and circle the word that is different in each list. 1 be free my 2 look bought caught 3 say fly buy 4 tain our game 8 hour shower thought 6 trace say my 7 put hour look 8 leave dreams train Way PN Tren Kere At what age do most people graduate from 5 How do people usually celebrate in your country? When did you pass i How did you celebrate when you got 2 ‘When does a person become in your country? ewe ene How do you celebrate when someone has z 2 Match the questions in exercise 1 with the answers below. Write the question number next to the correct answer. We normally visit the family and take presents for the baby. _ ve I passed it when I was nineteen, Usually at about twenty-one. — ao At eighteen years old. We had a big party, which lasted two days. ‘They usually have a big party. aa 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Remember that if the verb says like, it means would like. He (not want) to have children. She (not like) to be a lawyer. ‘They want (go) to the UX. to study. ‘We would like (carn) a big salary. We (not want) to do what our father does. I (not like) to live in the U.S. I {not want) to study anymore. e Ne ae ewe ‘You want (be) an architect. kL eee a Read the questions and complete the short answers with the correct word. Use contractions where possible. 1 Do you want to be an architect? Yes, I 2 Does Tania want to study biology? ‘Yes, she s 3 Do they want to play volleyball with us? No, they 4 Would Marty like to go camping with us? Yes, he 8 Would you like to do my homework for me? No, I ! 6 Does Tim want to eat dinner with us? No, he - Match each like or opinion on the left with the corresponding future plan on the right. 1 I don’t enjoy being an only child. a I'd like to get married soon. 2 [like having @ lot of money. b _['d like to work in another country. 3 Tenjoy traveling. © [want to eam a big salary. 4 I don’t like children, d_ 1d like to have a brother or sister. 8 I think marriage is important. eI don’t want to study for an MBA. 6 [don’t enjoy studying. £ [don’t want a big family. Listen to people talking about their future plans. Write the number of the plan next to each person. Elena 1 He wants to get married. Mark 2 He wants to travel. Jane 3 He wants to be a police officer. Anthony 4 She'd like to graduate from college Angie = _ 5 She wants to get a job. Miguel =__ 6 She'd like to be a singer. Dwayne ___ 7 She'd like to be a teacher. Jeanette 8 His plan is to earn money. Complete the statements and questions using be going to and the verbs in parentheses. 1 She us gang to work (work) for a big company. 2 We (visit) our uncle tomorrow. 31 travel) to Asia. 4 he (study) economics? 5 they get married)? 6 you (come) with us? 7 When she (artive) here? Why _____you_____________(see) him? Write the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 he / going /Is / to / get /?/ job /a 2 are / When / going / leave /?/ they / to 3 are/ How / to / going / you / travel / ? 4 going / is / he / stay / to/?/ Where 5 Who/ the /to/ pay / drinks /? / going / for / is 6 do / going / are / What / to / you / you graduate /?/ after 7 we/ Are / going / see / to / her / leaves / ? / before / she 8 Canada / are / Why / going / they / to /?/in / study x= 3 Match the questions in exercise 2 with the answers below. Write the question number next to the correct answer. think they want to leave after dinner. a ‘Yes, he's going to work for his uncle. a Because they want to study in English. _ Reece I'm going to pay ~ I'm celebrating my new job! = He's going to stay with us for the first night and then with his cousins. is ‘Well, we'd like to go by train, but it's very expensive. _ First, 'm going to have a vacation, and then I want to find a good university to study at. _ ‘Yes, she's going to come for dinner on Friday to say goodbye. a ra me 4 Read the sentences. Underline the correct answer, a or b. 1... with Tom tonight. a T'mgoing to go out b Igo out 2 Next year, ... the Great Wall of China. a I visit b I'm going to visit 3 Usually ... on Fridays. a Ido yoga b I'm going to do yoga 4 After I graduate from college, a summer job. a Iget b_ I'm going to get Right now ... a good book. a I'm reading b I'm going to read Last night ... the movies. a Twent to b I'm going to ‘Tomorrow night ... my aunt, a Tsee b I'm going to see Listen to people talking about their future intentions. Write the number of the intention next to the correct person. Miguel = __ 1 is going to ask her mother for singing lessons. Elena 2 is going to buy a newspaper. Jane 3 is going to go to the police academy this afternoon. Dwayne ___ 4. is going to visit the local job center. Joanette 5 is going to ask Suzanne to marry him. Angic 6 is going to look at Angie's newspaper. Mark = 7 is going to register with the local college. ‘Anthony ___ 8 is going to get a job as a truck driver. @ © _ Underline the stressed words in each sentence. Then listen to check. 1 I'm going to get married. 5 Whatare they going to do? 2 She's going to study economics. 6 Where are we going to stay? 3 He's going to get a job. 7 Are you going to leave? 4 They're going to have dinner. 8 Is he going to come? Talal la llaal-y 1 Complete the sentences with the negative form of be going to and the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. 1 I'm mat gaing to go out (go out) tonight. 2 You (stay) at home today. 3 Cassie (study) anymore. 4 We (work) this week. 8 They visit) Tokyo. 6 He (talk) to us. 7 We (have dinner) at a restaurant. at (sit) with your parents. 2 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 definitely / I'm / to / going / swim / not / the / ocean /. / in 2 are/ They / going / at / stay /./ to / home / probably 3. probably / going / the / We / take / ferry /. / are / to / not 4 going / go / She's / home / to / movie /. / after / the 5 watch / We're / to / this / going / dinner / . / show / before 6 is /he / work / morning / to / going / the / to get /? / How / in 7 leave / going /?/ Are / definitely / they / to / 8 we/ going / are / after / go / dinner / ?/ to / Where ee a 3 Listen to people discussing their plans. Write the number of the speaker next to each plan. ‘They're probably going to have lunch at a restaurant. ‘They're probably going to get married. ies They're going to study in Japan. sib ‘They're definitely going to work together. — They're going to have a baby. Lay They're probably going to work together. ‘ae They're definitely going to get married. po ‘They're definitely going to go out tonight. eo 4 — Correct the sentences with the correct simple present, simple past, present progressive, or going to form of the verbs in parentheses. 11 (study) at university next year, but I'm not sure which one. 2 We (go) to Brazil for our last vacation. 3. They usually (ake) the ferry to work, but today they're taking the bus. 4 She (talk) on the telephone right now, 5. He always (leave) his mug on the table. It’s really annoying! 6 Where___you (go) last night? 7 they (walk) to school yesterday? pg ena (go) to the concert tomorrow? 9 He (spend) three days in Caracas on business last month. 10 He never (wear) jeans to work. He prefers suits. 5 Do the crossword. Across 2 He... ike to do some traveling, 5. Why don't we have a..... in the park? ll make sandwiches 7 What ... do women usually have thei fist child? 8 He didn’... his driving test. 9 Id... to stay home this weekend 10 What did you do... week? Down 1 That's a great...! Let's do it! 2 They .... fo become doctors. 3. My jobis..., but enjoy i. 4 La Traviatais my favorite 6 My mother was an only 8 ke to run in Central Unit 1 1 The verb be Use Use be to talk about identity, age, and feelings. Use contracted forms when you speak and write informally. Form Full form Contracted form Te aw ‘m —_ from Rio. You are You ‘re tired. He He a student. She is She ’s 19, . Tt Tt cold. We We happy. You are You ‘re _—_astudent. ‘They They from Cuba. Question form Ina question, change the verb and subject position. She is from Spain. If she from Spain? Where is she from? 3 2 The indefinite article Use Use a before countable nouns that begin with a consonant. a dog Use an before countable nouns that begin with a vowel. an apple Unit 2 1 Saying what you like Use Use like to talk about likes and dislikes. Form Subject Verb Noun or verb +—ing I You like We don't ike Swimming. They ee tennis. ite. He likes She doesn't like mmar summ Use do to make questions and short answers. Do you like karate? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Unit 3 Possessive ’s Use Use apostrophe s to talk about the relationship between people or the possession of an object. Maria's car Frank’s brother Poss Use Use a possessive adjective to talk about possession of an object or relationships between people. my house his sister ssive adjectives possessive adjectives have no plural our house oura parents X: The verb have 1 He yee have She has It They I ‘Ye We don'thave Do "have? They they He She doesn'thave Does jf, have? Yes, Uyou/welthey do, ho/shelit does. No, Vyouwe/they don't helshe/it doesn't. ee ad Grammar summ Unit 4 mple present Use Use the simple present to talk about jobs and daily routines. Form 1 You ME work They He ee works , r ina school. You ' We don’t work They He i ae doesn’t work 1 you Do tes They work here? he Does he oe Vyoulwelthey do. he/she/it does. /we/th a V/you/we/they he/she/it doesn't. Unit 5 1 Frequency adverbs and expressions Use Use frequency adverbs and expressions to say how often things happen. Frequency adverbs never - (very) rarely sometimes usually always + Longer frequency expressions once a day/week/month/year/etc. every day/week/month/year/etc. every two weeks/months/years/ete. twice a day/week/month/yearletc. three times a week/month/etc. Cre aca Form ‘The best position is between the subject and the main verb, except with the verb be. I sometimes go to the movies. Tam often happy. Longer frequency expressions usually go at the end of the sentence. They go on vacation every summer. Unit 6 1 Be vs have Use Use be for physical descriptions and personality. Use have for physical descriptions. Form tall. Ym (lam) average height. He's (He is) short. She's (She is) considerate. fun-loving. She has eee own hair 2 Can Use Use can to express ability. Form Subject + can/cannoUcan't + infinitive -to My friend swim. He/She —can/cannot/can’t play tennis. I cook. For questions, the verb and subject change position. Can you dance? Yes, I can. No, I can't. Unit 7 1 There is / There are Use Use there is / there are to talk about things in a place. Form Statement Question Short answer Yes, there ‘ There’sa Is there is /No, singular chair. aplant? there isn’t. ‘Yes, there There are Are there are. /No, plural two sofas. ny) there pictures? there 2 Whose / Possessive pronouns Use Use whose and possessive pronouns to ask and talk about who things belong to. Form cD pen is this? : book sandwiches mine, yours. his/hers. ours. theirs. ‘Wh are these? Itis/They are Unit 8 1 Present progressive Use Use the present progressive to talk about things that are happening now or around now. Form Tam You/We/They are swimming. He/Sho/ttis Yes, he/she Are you/welthey : Is he/she/it swimming? _is./No, we aren't. are you We're swimming. What is he/sherit 28? He is swimming. 2 Present progressive vs simple present Use Use the simple present to talk about things that happen generally. Use the present progressive to talk about things that are happening now or around now. Unit 9 1 Comparative adjectives Use Use comparative adjectives to compare characteristics of people, things, or places. Form Short adjectives Australia is bigger than Italy. Longer adjectives ‘The north is more beautiful than the south. Spelling rules One vowel + one consonant in short adjectives: the consonant doubles. fat > fatter big > bigger Consonant + y: y changes to i and add ~er. friendly > friendlier Irregular comparatives good better bad > worse Grammar summary Unit 10 1 Simple past Use Use the simple past to talk about things that happened in the past. Form Subject Verb Complement Questions T . Did you meet LS = ae He/She Short answers We didn't coffee, Yes, I did. They No, Ididn't. For regular verbs, add —d, ~ed, or ~ied to form the simple past. live > lived, study > studied For the verb be, use was/were or wasn‘t/weren't. ‘Statements: Questions I ‘Was he/ He/She W385 she ina at Were café? WelThey/ were BOM. you/they You Short answers Hi wasn’t here. Yes, he/she was They weren't there, No. we/they ‘woren't. Unit 11 1 Linkers Use Use linkers to connect ideas. Before/after/when to relate things in time After the war, she was a doctor. And to give a similar idea She can speak French and Japanese. But to give an opposite idea He can ride a bike but he can’t drive a car. Because to give reasons T didn’t do my homework because I was sick last night! Grammar summary Unit 12 1 Want/would like Use Use want to/would like to to describe wishes, desires, and ambitions for the future. Form T want T would like T don't want to go to the beach. Iwouldn't like to go out this evening, He wants to find anew job. He would like to buy some new clothes. He doesn’t want He wouldn't like 2 Going to Use Use going to to talk about future plans. Form Subject + be ‘Verb + complement Tam/'m (no) havea bath tonight. going to ; ’s play tennis after Hees school. Macmillan Companies and representatives throughout the world Design and illustration D.R. © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A. de C.V. 2006 ‘Written by Ricky Lowes First published 2006 First reimpression 2007 Al rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Design: Designers Collective lustration: Steve Linnell and Tyrone McCarthy Cover design: DW Design Cover photo: David Tolley ‘The authors and publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce their photographs: Corbis p31, Corbis! 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San Antonio 170, (01180 Mexico, DF “Tol: (65) 5482 2200 Fax: (65) 5482 2203 ‘ ‘Awholly owned subsidiary of Macmilan Publishers Holding Lid ‘ ‘ Printed and bound in Thailand This book was printed in January 2007 by: Thal Watana Panich Press Lid Wave Place Building, Unit 3, Sth floor, Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand 2011 2010 2000 2008 2007 wos7es 43 7 2 St Attittde : Workbook 1 Build Positive Attitude Ensuring that students have a positive attitude to learning is the key to their success. Through a series of high-interest topics, challenges, and reflective activities, Attitude engages students in a learning experience that is both meaningful and relevant to their current reality. Develop with Attitude Attitude introduces a unique focus on the development of study and writing: skills, empowering students to become effective learners through awareness-raising activities, learning tips, and follow-up tasks. Communicate with Attitude With solid learning foundations, students will have the confidence to express themselves, reflect who they are, and approach learning with attitude! Attitude lets you be who you really are ~ in English! Pe Re deat ed Petia Rerm curacy Ore ird CA Vela dslele) aaa ra ce ETON) CeCe eit) Oecd iad Oe renaney * Test CD * DVD Pe arise etl 158N 978-970~650-342-8 oa MACMILLAN

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