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Object Detection with Discriminatively

Trained Part Based Model

P.F. Felzenszwalb, R.B. Girshick, D. McAllester and D. Ramanan

PAMI 2010

Presented by : Philippe Weinzaepfel

1st February 2013
Introduction Object localization

Object localization

Detect and localize objects from generic categories in static images
Training: bounding boxes around objects

Illumination changes
Intraclass variability
Non-rigid deformation

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Introduction Part-based model

Part-based model
A collection of parts arranged in a deformable configuration
Part locations are not known: latent variables
In this paper: star model (1 root + multiple parts)
Parts filter at twice resolution of the root filter
Score of the detection:
score(model, x) = score(root, x) + max[score(p, y) cost(p, x, y)]

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Introduction Part-based model

Part-based model with latent variables

Simple model
f (x) = .(x)

Part-based model
f (x) = max .(x, z)

: model parameters
z: specification of object configuration
Latent SVM to learn and data-minng for hard negative examples

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Introduction Mixture of part-based models

Mixture of part-based models

Score: max over components

Include the component in z

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Introduction Outline


1 Model

2 Latent SVM

3 Training Models

4 Features

5 Post-processing

6 Some experimental results

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Model Feature pyramid


3 Training Models
1 Model
Feature pyramid 4 Features
Deformable part models
Detection process 5 Post-processing
Mixture of models
6 Some experimental results
2 Latent SVM

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Model Feature pyramid

Linear filter of features

Each part: linear filter of feature map

Build a feature pyramid H
5 levels per octave at training, 10 at testing
Weight vector F
Position p = (x, y, l)
Score of F at p: F 0 .(H, p)

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Model Deformable part models


3 Training Models
1 Model
Feature pyramid 4 Features
Deformable part models
Detection process 5 Post-processing
Mixture of models
6 Some experimental results
2 Latent SVM

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Model Deformable part models

Deformable part models

A model
A root filter F0
n parts Pi
A filter Fi
An anchor vi
A deformation cost di
A bias term b (to compare models in mixtures)

An object hypothesis
Position of root and parts z = (p0 , ..., pn )
pi = (xi , yi , li )
Hypothesis: parts at twice the resolution of root

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Model Deformable part models

Deformable part models

Score of an hypothesis
Pn 0
score(p0 , ..., pn ) = i=0 Fi .(H, pi ) i=1 di .d (dxi , dyi ) +b
(dxi , dyi ) = (xi , yi ) (2(x0 , y0 ) + vi )
d (dx, dy) = (dx, dy, dx 2 , dy 2 )

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Model Deformable part models

Deformable part models

Score of an hypothesis
Pn 0
score(p0 , ..., pn ) = i=0 Fi .(H, pi ) i=1 di .d (dxi , dyi ) +b
(dxi , dyi ) = (xi , yi ) (2(x0 , y0 ) + vi )
d (dx, dy) = (dx, dy, dx 2 , dy 2 )

Link to Latent SVM

The score can be written as .(H, z) with:
= (F00 , ..., Fn0 , d1 , ..., dn , b)
(H, z) = ((H, p0 ), ..., (H, pn ), d (dx1 , dy1 ), ..., d (dxn , dyn ), 1)

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Model Detection process


3 Training Models
1 Model
Feature pyramid 4 Features
Deformable part models
Detection process 5 Post-processing
Mixture of models
6 Some experimental results
2 Latent SVM

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Model Detection process

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Model Mixture of models


3 Training Models
1 Model
Feature pyramid 4 Features
Deformable part models
Detection process 5 Post-processing
Mixture of models
6 Some experimental results
2 Latent SVM

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Model Mixture of models

Mixture of models

Mixture M of m models
M = (M1 , ..., Mm )
z = (c, p0 , ..., pnc ) = (c, z 0 )
score(z) = c .(H, z 0 )

Score as .(H, z)
= (1 , ..., m )
(H, z) = (0, ..., 0, (H, z 0 ), 0, ..., 0)

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Latent SVM Problem


3 Training Models
1 Model
4 Features
2 Latent SVM
Problem 5 Post-processing
Optimization 6 Some experimental results
Data-mining hard examples

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Latent SVM Problem


Classifier that score an example x with:

f (x) = max .(x, z)


Z(x): set of possible latent values for x

As for SVM, we learn by minimizing
1 X  
LD () = kk2 + C max 0, 1 yi f (xi )
with D = hx1 , y1 i, ..., hxn , yn i a set of labeled examples

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Latent SVM Semi-convexity


3 Training Models
1 Model
4 Features
2 Latent SVM
Problem 5 Post-processing
Optimization 6 Some experimental results
Data-mining hard examples

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Latent SVM Semi-convexity

1 X  
LD () = kk2 + C max 0, 1 yi f (xi )
A latent SVM is semi-convex
The loss function is convex in for negative examples.

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Latent SVM Semi-convexity

1 X  
LD () = kk2 + C max 0, 1 yi f (xi )
A latent SVM is semi-convex
The loss function is convex in for negative examples.


f linear in
Hinge loss is convex as
maximum of two convex
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Latent SVM Semi-convexity

1 X  
LD () = kk2 + C max 0, 1 yi f (xi )
A latent SVM is semi-convex
The loss function is convex in for negative examples.


Convexity: f is convex as maximum of convex

f linear in
For negative examples, the loss function
Hinge loss is convex as is convex
maximum of two convex
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Latent SVM Semi-convexity

1 X  
LD () = kk2 + C max 0, 1 yi f (xi )
A latent SVM is semi-convex
The loss function is convex in for negative examples.
LD () is convex when latent variables are specified for positive

Convexity: f is convex as maximum of convex

f linear in
For negative examples, the loss function
Hinge loss is convex as is convex
maximum of two convex
functions If there is a single possible latent value
for each positive example: f is linear
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Latent SVM Optimization


3 Training Models
1 Model
4 Features
2 Latent SVM
Problem 5 Post-processing
Optimization 6 Some experimental results
Data-mining hard examples

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Latent SVM Optimization


Zp specifying a latent value for each positive example

D(Zp ) derived from D by restricting latent values for positive examples

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Latent SVM Optimization


Zp specifying a latent value for each positive example

D(Zp ) derived from D by restricting latent values for positive examples
LD () = minZp LD (, Zp ) = minZp LD(Zp ) ()
LD () 6 LD (, Zp )

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Latent SVM Optimization


Zp specifying a latent value for each positive example

D(Zp ) derived from D by restricting latent values for positive examples
LD () = minZp LD (, Zp ) = minZp LD(Zp ) ()
LD () 6 LD (, Zp )

Relabel positive examples: Optimize LD (, Zp ) over Zp , i.e. select

zi = argmax .(xi , z)
zZ(xi )
Optimize : Stochastic gradient descent

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Latent SVM Optimization

Stochastic gradient descent

Gradient descent
1 2
LD () = kk + C max 0, 1 yi f (xi )
LD () = + C h(, xi , yi ) (subgradient)
0 if yi f (xi ) > 1
h(, xi , yi ) =
yi (xi , zi ()) otherwise

Too costly to go over data to compute the exact gradient.

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Latent SVM Optimization

Stochastic gradient descent

Approximation of the gradient

Approximate i=1 h(, xi , yi ) by nh(, xi , yi ) for one example hxi , yi i

Let t be the learning rate for iteration t
Let i be a random example
Let zi = argmaxzZ(xi ) .(xi , z)
Update = t i LD ()

Learning rate t = t
Depends on the number of training examples

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Latent SVM Data-mining hard examples


3 Training Models
1 Model
4 Features
2 Latent SVM
Problem 5 Post-processing
Optimization 6 Some experimental results
Data-mining hard examples

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Latent SVM Data-mining hard examples

Recall: Data-mining hard examples in SVM

Many negative instances
Collect hard negatives as incorrectly classified examples from a previous

Philippe Weinzaepfel Latent SVM for Object Detection 1st Feburary 2013 17 / 28
Latent SVM Data-mining hard examples

Recall: Data-mining hard examples in SVM

Many negative instances
Collect hard negatives as incorrectly classified examples from a previous

Hard and easy examples

H(, D) = {hx, yi D | yf (x) < 1}
E(, D) = {hx, yi D | yf (x) > 1}

(D) = argmin LD () (unique)

Find a subset C D such that (C) = (D).
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Latent SVM Data-mining hard examples

Recall: Data-mining hard examples in SVM

t = (Ct ) (model training)
If H(t , D) Ct , stop and return t
Remove easy examples
Add hard examples

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Latent SVM Data-mining hard examples

Recall: Data-mining hard examples in SVM

t = (Ct ) (model training)
If H(t , D) Ct , stop and return t
Remove easy examples
Add hard examples

Let C D. If H(, D) C, (C) = (D).
The algorithm terminates.

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Latent SVM Data-mining hard examples

Data-mining hard examples in LSVM

Feature cache F : set of (i, v) with 1 6 i 6 n and v = (xi , z) with
z Z(xi ) (one for positive examples)
I(F ) examples indexedPby F
LF () = 12 kk2 + C iI(F ) max(0, 1 yi (max(i,v)F .v))

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Latent SVM Data-mining hard examples

Data-mining hard examples in LSVM

Feature cache F : set of (i, v) with 1 6 i 6 n and v = (xi , z) with
z Z(xi ) (one for positive examples)
I(F ) examples indexedPby F
LF () = 12 kk2 + C iI(F ) max(0, 1 yi (max(i,v)F .v))

Modified stochastic gradient descent

Let t be the learning rate for iteration t
Let i I(F ) be a random example indexed by F
Let vi = argmaxvV (i) .v
Update = t i LD ()

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Latent SVM Data-mining hard examples

Data-mining hard examples in LSVM

Feature cache F : set of (i, v) with 1 6 i 6 n and v = (xi , z) with
z Z(xi ) (one for positive examples)
I(F ) examples indexedPby F
LF () = 12 kk2 + C iI(F ) max(0, 1 yi (max(i,v)F .v))

Modified stochastic gradient descent

Let t be the learning rate for iteration t
Let i I(F ) be a random example indexed by F
Let vi = argmaxvV (i) .v
Update = t i LD ()

We would like to find a small F such that (F ) = (D(Zp ))

H(, D) = {(i, (xi , zi )) | zi = argmaxzZ(xi ) .(xi , z) and yi (.(xi , zi )) < 1}
E(, D) = {(i, v) F |yi (.v) > 1}
Same procedure
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Training Models Learning parameters


1 Model
4 Features
2 Latent SVM
5 Post-processing
3 Training Models
Learning parameters 6 Some experimental results

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Training Models Learning parameters

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Training Models Initialization


1 Model
4 Features
2 Latent SVM
5 Post-processing
3 Training Models
Learning parameters 6 Some experimental results

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Training Models Initialization


Phase 1: Initializing root filters

Split positive examples according to aspect ratio in m groups
Decide area of Fi according to aspect ratio and area
Train the root filter Fi with classical SVM

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Training Models Initialization


Phase 1: Initializing root filters

Split positive examples according to aspect ratio in m groups
Decide area of Fi according to aspect ratio and area
Train the root filter Fi with classical SVM
Phase 2: Merging components
Train mixture of models with no part (latent: component and p0 )

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Training Models Initialization

Phase 1: Initializing root filters
Split positive examples according to aspect ratio in m groups
Decide area of Fi according to aspect ratio and area
Train the root filter Fi with classical SVM
Phase 2: Merging components
Train mixture of models with no part (latent: component and p0 )
Phase 3: Initializing part filters
Initialize 6 rectangles to cover high energy of the root filter
Anchor at center or symmetric according to vertical axis
di = (0, 0, 1, 1)

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Features HOG, PCA and analytic dimension reduction


4 Features
HOG, PCA and analytic
1 Model
dimension reduction
2 Latent SVM
5 Post-processing
3 Training Models
6 Some experimental results

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Features HOG, PCA and analytic dimension reduction

36-dimensional HOG descriptors (9 orientations, 4 normalizations,
non-contrast sensitive)

11 main eigenvectors
Projection is costly

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Features HOG, PCA and analytic dimension reduction

36-dimensional HOG descriptors (9 orientations, 4 normalizations,
non-contrast sensitive)

11 main eigenvectors
Projection is costly
Similar results when using 9+4 basis vectors
(18+9)+4=31 for contrast and non-contrast sensitive
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Post-processing Bounding box prediction


4 Features
1 Model
5 Post-processing
Bounding box prediction
2 Latent SVM
Non-Maxima Suppression
Contextual information
3 Training Models
6 Some experimental results

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Post-processing Bounding box prediction

Bounding box prediction

Input z: position of each part +

root width
Outputs (x1, y1, x2, y2):
position of the prediction
bounding box

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Post-processing Bounding box prediction

Bounding box prediction

Input z: position of each part +

root width
Outputs (x1, y1, x2, y2):
position of the prediction
bounding box
How: for each component of a
mixture, 4 linear functions
learned by linear least-square
regression on training data

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Post-processing Non-Maxima Suppression


4 Features
1 Model
5 Post-processing
Bounding box prediction
2 Latent SVM
Non-Maxima Suppression
Contextual information
3 Training Models
6 Some experimental results

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Post-processing Non-Maxima Suppression

Non-Maxima Suppression

For one object, there are a lot of overlapping detections

Sort detections by score
Add the detection one by one and skip if there exists a detection with
overlap of at least 50%

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Post-processing Contextual information


4 Features
1 Model
5 Post-processing
Bounding box prediction
2 Latent SVM
Non-Maxima Suppression
Contextual information
3 Training Models
6 Some experimental results

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Post-processing Contextual information

Contextual information

Rescore the detection score

Best score for k other categories: c(I) = (s1 , s2 , ..., sk )
For a detection (B, s), classify g = ((s), xw1 , yh1 , xw2 , yh2 , c(I))
Learned from training data

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Some experimental results Models


4 Features
1 Model
5 Post-processing
2 Latent SVM
6 Some experimental results
3 Training Models

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Some experimental results Models


Philippe Weinzaepfel Latent SVM for Object Detection 1st Feburary 2013 26 / 28
Some experimental results Models


Philippe Weinzaepfel Latent SVM for Object Detection 1st Feburary 2013 26 / 28
Some experimental results Detections


4 Features
1 Model
5 Post-processing
2 Latent SVM
6 Some experimental results
3 Training Models

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Some experimental results Detections


Philippe Weinzaepfel Latent SVM for Object Detection 1st Feburary 2013 27 / 28
Some experimental results Detections


Philippe Weinzaepfel Latent SVM for Object Detection 1st Feburary 2013 27 / 28


Recent extensions
Speeding-up detection using cascade classifier
Grammar models

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Recent extensions
Speeding-up detection using cascade classifier
Grammar models

Thanks for your attention.

Any question ?

Philippe Weinzaepfel Latent SVM for Object Detection 1st Feburary 2013 28 / 28

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