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`az iM zW xR
I. mixEMi
A- First Fruits
During the time of the Wcw n d ziA , there was a dev n to bring mixEMi A (First Fruits) there. These
A were brought only from the seven kinds of fruit (mipn d zra W ) which l xUi ux was
famous for. These mipn d zra W are: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and
dates. (g:g mixa c)
on W zif ux ,oFnx e dp zE
otbe dxrUE
dhg ux "" [This wEqR is in zW x R
When the owner notices that the first fruit of any of these seven kinds begin to ripen, he ties
a string around it. Later, all of the fruit will ripen and this string will help him remember
which was the first to ripen.
There was a great celebration when mixEMi A were brought to the Wcw n d ziA . The mixEMi A
were brought in a basket which was handed to the od M, who, together with the owner, waved
it. This was to show that this was a present to 'd.
The owner then took the basket and said the paragraph of " . . . ia ` ca` in x`".
These miwEq R
mention the mic qg that 'd did for us. oal tried to destroy our father awr i. The miix v n
enslaved us, but 'd saved us and brought us to l xUi ux . The basket is then placed in front
of the g Afn as a present to the od M.
* Why do we bring mixEMi A? A Jew brings the first of what he grew, which is the most
special to him, and gives it to 'd. This shows that he realizes that everything he has is a
great cq g from 'd.

II. xUr n iEce - Announcement of xUr n

There were different types of xU rn (tenth) that l xU
i ipA had to give from their produce.
Every year there were two zFxU rn given. One of these was given every year to the iel . The
second was a different type each year. In years 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the dhin W cycle (of seven years)
this xU
rn was called ipW xU
rn - the "second" tenth. This was brought to milWExi and eaten
there. In the 3rd and 6th years of the cycle, this was called ipr xU rn and given to the poor.
After the third and sixth years, each Jew had to announce that he actually did what he was
supposed to do, with all the xU rn of the past three years. After this announcement, he asks
'd to give a dkxA to the land. Since we did what 'd asked us to do, we ask 'd to do what he
promised he would do, if we do the dev n of xU rn properly.

III. d
Wn Speaks To l xUi ipA
Once dWn
finished teaching about the zev n, dWn explained to l xU i ipA how important it is
to keep them. They were a special people, the dlEbq mr - Treasured Nation, and would be
looked up to by all the other nations.
told l xU
i ipA that when they enter into l xUi ux , they had to set up 12 huge stones as
a permanent memorial. On these stones, l xU i ipA were to write the whole dxFY. This was a
reminder that only if they listened to the dxFY would they keep the land.
`az iM zW xR
IV. The zFkxA And zFllw On mifix b xd And lair xd
As soon as l xU
i ipA entered into l xUi ux , they were to go to two mountains near mkW. At
these mountains, mifix b xd and lair xd, l xU i ipA were to call out zFkxA and zFllw from 'd.
Most of the Jews of this generation had not been at ipiq xd when l xU i ipA accepted the
dxFY. They would now accept the dxFY as soon as they entered l xUi ux .
At these mountains, six miha W would stand on mifix b xd and six on lair xd. The mipw f of the
miiel would stand in the valley in between with the oFx`.
The miiel would begin with a dkxA and face mifix b xd. After this, all the miha W would answer
"on `".
Then the miiel would turn and face lair xd and call out the zFllw. Again all the
W would answer "on `".

Some of these 12 zFkxA and zFllw were:

Blessed is someone who does not make idols and worship them secretly.
Cursed is someone who does make idols and worships them secretly.
Blessed is someone who does not embarrass his parents.
Cursed is someone who does embarrass his parents.
* This curse is speaking about a Jew who doesn't care about this dev n.

Blessed is someone who does not move his neighbor's fence (to steal his land).
Cursed is someone who does move his neighbor's fence (to steal his land).

Blessed is someone who does not mislead a blind person (or anyone who is not
aware he is being harmed.).
Cursed is someone who does mislead a blind person (or anyone who is not aware
he is being harmed; i.e. giving bad advice. ).

Blessed is someone who does not attack another Jew secretly (by speaking rxd oFWl
about him).
Cursed is someone who does attack another Jew secretly (by speaking rxd oFWl
about him).

dkxA: Blessed is someone who accepts all of the words of this dxFY.
dllw: Cursed is someone who does not accept all of the words of this dxFY.
* This dkxA/ dllw applies to someone who has the ability to strengthen the
observance of dxFY and zev n but doesn't.
These zFkxA and zFllw were chosen because they are usually done in secret so that no one
should find out. Even if people don't find out, one will have to suffer these curses.
then repeated to l xU i ipA that if they follow the way of 'd, keeping the dxFY and doing
His zev n, 'd will give them zFkxA. If they don't listen, 'd will cause terrible things to happen
to them. This is called the dgkFY - Rebuke. Many of these happened during the oAxEg.
told l xU i ipA that now 'd would expect more of them than when they went out of
mix v n.
This is because for the past 40 years 'd has done miq p (miracles) for them and now
they should fully trust and believe in him.
`az iM zW xR

QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW (Write the answers using the Parsha Sheet)

1. What are mixEMi


2. What kinds of fruit are mixEMi

A brought from?

3. Where are the mixEMi

A brought?

4. What is xUr
n iEcie ?

5. Where was ipW

n eaten?

6. When l xUi ipA entered into l xUi ux

they were to set up stones. How many?

7. What was written on these stones?

8. What was announced on the mountains of mifix

b xd and lair xd?

9. How many mihaW stood on each mountain?

10. What will happen if we don't follow the zFevn of 'd?

`az iM zW xR

NAME _________________ Parent's Sign. _________________

QUESTIONS: (9/10 11 pts. Each)

_____ 1. mixEMi
A are: A) done on mifix
b xd B) the First Fruits C) Announcement of xUr

_____ 2. mixEMi
A are brought only from: A) fruit grown in l xUi ux.

B) fruits but not vegetables.
C) the seven kinds of fruit l xUi ux
was famous for.

_____ 3. mixEMi
A are: A) given to the odM B) given to the iel
C) eaten in milWExi like ipW
_____ 4. xUr
n iEcie is:
A) a special xUr
n given in the 3rd and 6th years
B) an announcement that you did what you were supposed to with all the xUr
C) a punishment from 'd for not giving xUrn

_____ 5. When l xUi ipA entered into l xUi ux

they were to:
A) set up 12 stones on which the whole dxFY was written.
B) call out zFkxA and zFllw on mifix b xd and lair xd.
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A or B

_____ 6. Which way did the mipwf of the miiel face when they called out zFkxA?
A) Towards mifix
b xd B) Towards lair xd C) Up to min W.

7/8. Some of the 12 zFkxA/ zFllw called out on mifix

b xd and lair xd were: (Pall that apply)
_____ Making idols and serving them in secret.
_____ Not keeping the laws of zAW.
_____ Moving a neighbors fence.
_____ Eating ung on gqR .
_____ Speaking rxd oFWl .

_____ 9. These zFkxA/ zFllw were chosen because:

A) most people do them.
B) these things are usually done in secret.
C) these are the worst zFxar.

_____ 10. l xUi ipA were more responsible to trust and believe in 'd:
A) after ipiq xd B) in mix
vn C) at the end of the 40 years in the desert.
`az iM zW xR

NAME _________________ Parent's Sign. _________________

QUESTIONS: (9/10 11 pts. Each)

_____ 1. mixEMi
A are:
A) grown on mifix
b xd B) the First Fruits C) announcements of xUr

_____ 2. mixEMi
A are brought from:
A) any fruit grown in l xUi ux.

B) fruits but not vegetables.
C) only from the seven kinds of fruit l xUi ux
was famous for.

_____ 3. mixEMi
A are: A) brought to the odM B) given to the iel
C) eaten in milWExi like ipW
_____ 4. xUr
n iEcie is:
A) a special xUr
n given in the 3rd and 6th years
B) an announcement that you did what you were supposed to with all the xUr
C) a punishment from 'd for not giving xUrn

_____ 5. ipW
n was eaten:
A) by the owner in milWExi. C) at a WEciw
B) by the odM in milWExi. D) by the poor people in your neighborhood.

_____ 6. When l xUi ipA entered into l xUi ux

they were to set up stones. How many?
A) five B) ten C) twelve D) seventy

_____ 7. On these stones the whole dxFY was written in ________ languages.
A) ten B) seventy C) only one

_____ 8. What was said on the mountains of mifix

b xd and lair xd?
A) The zFxAcd zx
Ur C) The dgkFY
B) The iEcie D) The zFkxA and zFllw

_____ 9. How many mihaW stood on each mountain?

A) 4 and 8 B) 5 and 7 C) 6 and 6 D) no one

_____ 10. If we don't follow the zFevn of 'd:

A) nothing will happen. C) we will be punished.
B) the nations will leave us alone. D) 'd will have mercy on us anyway.

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