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Engineering Your Future Name__________________

Product Dissection Worksheet

Break into teams of twothe teacher may break you up or allow you to pick your
own teams.

Begin the Dissection process:

Take 5 minutes to play with the item. Press the buttons. Turn it on and off if
possible. During this time, answer these questions.

What does it do?

How many parts do you think it has? ______________

What science/scientific principles were used in the product?

How many engineers were involved making the product?


What type(s) of engineers do you think were needed to manufacture it?

Engineering Your Future Name__________________

Now begin taking it apart. If possible you will need to put it back together also so
be careful how you take it apart. You may need to draw pictures or take notes as
to what goes where so you can put it back together. (20-25 minutes)

Now answer these questions.

What does the device do and how do you think it does it? (Use sketches to help
you answer these questions. You may need another sheet(s) to do this)

How many parts are inside? __________________

How many different materials can you find? ______________

What science/scientific principles were used in the product? (eg: chemistry in

batteries, physics in electromagnetism, biology in human factors)

How many engineers were involved making the product?


What type(s) of engineers do you think were needed to manufacture it?

What other machines would you expect to find similar components?

How do you think it was assembled?

How much do you think it cost to build the product? _________________

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