Research Proposal Presentation: Gujjula Krishna Vamshi 5 Bba A 1520111

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Research Proposal

Title of the Study

A comparative study on performance of Commercial Banks in India with

reference to SBI and ICICI.
Review of Literature

Efficiency, productivity and soundness of the Banking Sector

What are the Fundamental features supporting service quality?

Impact on Service Quality on customer satisfaction

Performance evaluation of Indian Banking Sector

Statement of the Problem

A large number of private players have entered the banking industry in the post
liberalization period. These private banks give a significant competition in the
banking industry. Also, the banking sector has been subject to several changes
over these years. The current study is an attempt to evaluate the performance
of private sector and public sector banks in India.

To study the overall of State Bank Of India and ICICI Bank Limited.
To study the performance using CAMEL analysis.
To study the level of NPAs in SBI and ICICI.
Scope of the Study

For the current study, the largest private sector bank namely ICICI bank and
largest public sector bank namely SBI are taken into consideration and their
performance of 5 years i.e. from 2012 to 2016 will be analyzed using CAMEL
which includes capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality, earnings
and liquidity.
Research Methodology

(a) Coverage: The performance of two banks will be taken into account, name
State Bank of India and ICICI Bank over a period of 5 years.

(b) Data Collection: Secondary Data - Internet, Annual Reports.

(c) Data Analysis: The following tools will be used for the study:

Ratio Analysis
CAMEL Analysis.
The study is based on the secondary data and the limitation of using
secondary data may affect the results.
Only two banks i.e. SBI and ICICI Bank have been taken into consideration
for the study.
The study takes into consideration a limited period of time frame.
The study is based on only two tools of analysis, therefore a complete
accurate result may not be obtained.

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