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RUNNING HEAD Autobiographical Essay Rocha 1

Autobiographical Essay

Ariana Rocha

College of Southern Idaho

Dr. Egbert

March 30, 2016

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My journey into becoming a teacher has come from a life of education and work

experience. The events in my life have led up to me perusing an education in this field and are

what inspire me to be the best I can be in my future career and motivate me to keep going.

SECTION 1: Educational Background

I went to school in two different districts before graduating high school. From

kindergarten until the second grade I attended Dworshack Burley Elementary. I was very close to

my teachers and they encouraged me to learn more than what was being offered. I spent the third

grade to graduation in the Minidoka School District. I had a rough start, one of my teachers even

telling me I wasnt as smart as her children were. By high school, I found some teachers that

took me under their wings and taught me to believe in myself and push myself further. These

teachers provided me a support system. In middle school and elementary, I was in the Gifted and

Talented Programs, and spent a brief in the middle school when I skipped two grade levels.

Currently, I am perusing an associates degree in Special Education so I can move up to a

different school.

I know that my educational experiences will affect me in me becoming an educator. I

learned that teachers should nurture and encourage their students. Positivity is important to

exhibit to students. I want to learn how to be more in tune with students so that I can help them

in the ways they currently need. Having a discouraging teacher inspired me to be a teacher,

because I dont want anyone to feel the way I did. Knowing this attributes are what drive me to
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being a teacher. I want to nurture children so they grow to their fullest potential. Teachers who

are able to encourage students and love them make good teachers.

SECTION 2: Work History

I have been working since I was a middle schooler. First, I worked on a family friends

farm and vineyard, doing manual labor. I also worked four years at Subway, where I became a

manager. I learned how to work with other people, and how to motivate others to do a job

properly. Most importantly, I learned how to deal with unruly and rude customers. I learned how

best to communicate with them, figure out the problem, and work on it together.

Dealing with customers, and training employees will follow me into my career as an

educator. I have learned to be more in tune with people and their needs. Communication is key

when handling students and parents. Some may even get as unruly or rude as former customers.

SECTION 3: Services and Extracurricular activities

In high school, I was involved in several clubs and sports. I ran cross country and track

for three years. I was in the chamber choir and mentored a girl in the smaller choir. I was also the

president of Idaho Drug Free youth, where I helped with red ribbon week and befriended at risk

youths. The other board members and I were able to encourage these students to the point where

they were able to pass a drug test and participate in our activities. Lastly I was in Key Club,

where we worked on many service projects in the community, including Gift of Green. I was

able to organize and gather donations for local children so they could have a nice Christmas.

These experiences have helped me to understand and relate to others. I learned to treat

them as equals. Understanding is key to relationships and helping people be open to learning.
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SECTION 4: Deciding to become a teacher

I first wanted to be a teacher when I was in kindergarten, because I liked my teacher and

school so much. I ultimately decided to become a teacher in high school after years of tutoring in

the special education room that I was already doing what I loved and should make it a career.

Before, I had considered being a psychiatrist or a doctor.

The rewards I look most forward to are watching my students grow and helping them see

their fullest potential. I also like that I would have time for a family if I ever decided I want one.

SECTION 5 Professional goals

My long term goal is to be the best at my career as I can be. I understand that this will

involve being a learner throughout my career and remembering why I wanted to teach in the first


My short term goals are to graduate from CSI. After CSI, I am considering going back to

Utah State.
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Kauchak, D., Eggen, P., & Carter, C. (2013). Introduction to teaching: Becoming a professional

(5th ed.). Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall.

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