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Comprehensive Real Estate Appraisal Seminar & Training

The Philippine Association of Realty Appraisers, Inc. (PARA) has been instrumental
the growth of real estate appraisai practice in the country. With its roster of
competent lecturers and compilation of comprehensive review material, pARA,
as a
service provider, became widely known as a consistent producer of board topnotchers
rr-: the licensure examinations for real estate
From the time when PARA was still under the purview of the Department
Industry (DTI) up to the present when it is now governed by theofprofessional
Trade and
Regulation Commission (PRC), PARA has withstooJ many challenges and has
significantly increased its membership. Although some of the pillars in the field of
appraisal have already passed away, like Victor Salinas and pascual San Jose,
leit behind a remarkable legacy of knowledge, skills, experiences, and networks. they
piRA recently introduced the conduct
of on-the-job trainings (oJTs) among non-
:-acticing appraisers as part of its continuing professional education (CpE) pr5gru*.
?*RA realized that those who want to become licensed appraisers should noi
fccus in passing the licensure exams, but should also learn'how to practice
as a profession and a business service. Hence, this pioneering effort will help
knowledge and ensure proficiency in rear estate appraisar,

The real estate appraisal industry has continuously evolved, and it has
now reached a
point where appraisals are expected to be faster, cheaper,
and better. Technologies-
suc.h as plotting software, automated valuation models (AVMs), laser meaiuring
tools-and credible databases of sales information are fast proliferating in the local
market' Those who can embrace these technologies will definitely have an edge
in the
burgeoning industry.

The appraisal profession will likely change at a very swift pace. An important
key to
keeping abreast with these fast-changlng times is to get actively involved
professional associations like PARA. It cin give you head with
a start not only in obtaining
relevant and reliable firsthand information nut in bringing your own career to
g'eater heights. Likewise, as yoLir profession also
progresses, be sure to widen your
<irowledge and experience througlr continuing education as you look
ahead at new
rrarkets that may be underserved.

Erneri Gonzalez
tlhairma ucation Committee
Philippi Association of Realty Appraisers, Inc.


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