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The Russells Report

News from Latin America

Sept. 6, 2017

Dear Prayer Family,

As usual, life have been busy but God is always very good!
We have had trips to: Paraguay, Peru, Nicaragua, have a
few others scheduled for Brazil, Chile, Guyana, Suriname,
Trinidad & Tobago, and recently had to cancel our trip to
the Dominican Republic due to Hurricane Irma. We will be
rescheduling that trip, hopefully soon. Aside for those trips,
we have also been involved with new missionary candidate Someone's pet Boa in Iquitos, Peru
seminars, helping to train and prepare missionary candidates,
attended our annual Global Missionary Leaders Retreat, led our
annual Latin American Missionary Leaders Strategic Planning &
Work Retreat, and attended our annual Missionary Enrichment

We have also been reporting and speaking in some of our supporting

churches in Northwest Ohio since this is a kind of furlough year for
us. If your church has not yet scheduled us to come and report,
please get in contact with us. We look forward to seeing you and
catching up.

Paraguay was a
Peruvian pastors in Iquitos we had meetings with.
profitable trip as we
sought to plan for the future with our missionaries. We have only 4
missionaries serving in Paraguay and 2 of them will be returning to the
USA the end of this year for furlough followed by retirement. Please pray
that God will send us more laborers to serve in this country that is wide
open to the gospel. In addition to our church planting ministry there, we
also have a beautiful camp ministry where we are also able to offer training
to pastors and potential future pastors.
Public transportation in Iquitos - Moto-Taxi

Next, Iquitos, Peru. It is the largest

city in the world that cannot be
reached by road. It is accessible only
by river and air. It is the gateway to
the jungle lodges and tribal villages
of the northern Amazon. We were
there to strategize with our
missionary team and meet with a
group of national pastors to see how
we can do leadership training going
forward. Of all the places we have
Taught Biblical Counseling to some 50 pastors and wives in Nicaragua
visited in the world, to us, this is
perhaps the most unique and most interesting culture. Quite different from the rest of Peru. Our meeting times went
great and I believe we made great progress in planning for the future.
Nicaragua. We were able to visit two different cities while there. We spent
most of our time in Managua but also spent some time in San Juan del Sur. In
Managua, Scott taught a course on Biblical Counseling to some 50 pastors and
lay leaders from churches as far as a days traveling by bus. Scott taught a 20
hour course and the pastors were very enthusiastic with the principles and truth
they were taught. Not only are the pastors using the principles in their own
personal lives and ministry, they are now also teaching the principles in their
churches. It was a privilege to preach in a new church plant in San Juan del Sur.
It is a beautiful place but very much a modern-day Corinth. We thank God for
the fine missionaries we have serving in this place. They are tremendous
servants of God.

Our son Samuel graduated from Basic Military Training in the Air Force (his
wife Bibiana also graduated a month before he did) and it was an honor to attend
his graduation. It was a VERY proud moment for us as parents! We are very
grateful for those that serve our country in the military.
Visiting a local on the Amazon River
Please pray for our
upcoming trips to Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, Chile. In Brazil
we will be having a conference we do once every four years.
All of our missionaries in Brazil will be coming together in one
place for a week of encouragement, training, prayer & worship,
and fellowship. We look forward to being with them. Our trip
to the DR was cancelled due to the hurricane. Please pray for
those in the path of this storm system. It is the largest hurricane
in recorded history ever to hit the Caribbean with wind 185mph.
We have already set up an account for those that would like to
give to relief efforts to help the victims, churches, and Bible
Colleges suffering great damage in the Caribbean. If you would
like to give a tax-deductible gift to these needs, you can give Preaching in a church in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
online by going to
hurricane-irma-relief.aspx. Please indicate if the gift is to help victims in Florida or in the Caribbean. Thank you!

Lastly, please pray for our own support account. It is now the lowest it has been in 20 years. One big reason for this
is because our car died while leading our annual Latin America Missionary Leaders Strategic Planning & Work
Retreat in the Kingston, TN area. We feel we had no other options and had to purchase another car while we were there.
If you would like to give a one-time tax-deductible gift to our
account to help with this need, you may go to
nikki.aspx. Our account number is #110033. Thank you for
praying and considering giving to this need.

Thank you for your prayers and support and partnership with us in
this ministry. James 5:16 says, The effectual fervent prayer of
a righteous man availeth much. It doesnt say that it accomplishes
little. It says it accomplishes MUCH! We are dependent on your
prayer support. We need God. Without Him, we can do nothing
but with Him, all things are possible.

Because He Lives,

Scott & Nikki Russell

At our son's graduation from Basic Military Training

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