Prerogative Writs Case Digests

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DEL ROSARIO These allegations obviously lack what the Rule on Writ of Habeas
Facts: This is a petition for certiorari against the issuance of the writ Data requires as a minimum, thus rendering the petition fatally
of amparo and habeas data filed by Daniel Masangkay Tapuz, et deficient. Specifically, we see no concrete allegations of unjustified
al.(Petitioners), against the presiding judge (Respondent, R for or unlawful violation of the right to privacy related to the right to life,
short) who issued said writs (Judge Elmo Del Rosario, RTC of liberty or security. The petition likewise has not alleged, much less
Kalibo, Br. 5). demonstrated, any need for information under the control of police
authorities other than those it has already set forth as integral
Private Respondents Sps. Sanson (Gregorio and Ma. Lourdes) filed annexes. The necessity or justification for the issuance of the writ,
with the MCTC of Aklan a complaint for forcible entry with damages based on the insufficiency of previous efforts made to secure
with a prayer for the issuance of a writ of prelim mandatory information, has not also been shown. In sum, the prayer for the
injunction against petitioners. Said court, rendered judgment in issuance of a writ of habeas data is nothing more than the fishing
favor of Private Respondents. Petitioners, appealed said judgment expedition that this Court in the course of drafting the Rule on
to RTC. habeas data had in mind in defining what the purpose of a writ of
The case was appealed with RTC Br. 6 of Kalibo. On appeal, habeas data is not. In these lights, the outright denial of the petition
Private Respondents filed a motion for the issuance of the writ of for the issuance of the writ of habeas data is fully in order.
preliminary mandatory injunction. After complying with all the
requirements for the issuance of said writ, Respondent issued the
same. Petitioner moved to reconsider the issuance of said writ, Caram vs Segui
while the Private Respondents, on the other hand, filed a motion for G.R. No. 193652 August 5, 2014
demolition which petitioner also opposed. Respondent denied the PETITION FOR A WRIT OF AMPARO IS NOT A P ROPER
opposition against the motion for demolition and the same issued a REMEDY TO OBTAIN P ARENTAL AUTHORITY AND
writ of demolition. CUSTODY OF A MINOR CHILD
Petitioners thereafter filed with the CA a petition for review of the Petitioner Ma. Christina Yusay Caram (Christina) had
Permanent Mandatory Injunction and the Order of Demolition. After an am orous relationship with Marceli no Gicano
that, Petitioners also filed herein petition for certiorari under Rule 65 Constantino III (Marceli no) and eventually becam e
with prayers for the issuance of the writs of habeas data and pregnant with the latters child without the benefit of
amparo. m arriage. After getting pregnant, Christina m islead
Marcelino i nto beli evi ng that she had an abortion when
Petitioners to support the issuance of said writs alleged factual in fact she proceeded t o com plete the term of her
positions contrary and opposed to the MCTCs findings and legal pregnanc y. Christ ina gave birth to Baby Julian and later
reasons. (Note: Contrary to MCTCs findings, actually, said court voluntaril y surrendered the child by way of a Deed of
found the factual situation in the contrary to Petitionerss contention. Voluntary Com m itm ent to the DSW D. Marcelino suffered
Petitioners contends that they had prior possession of the subject a heart attack and died without knowing about the birth
real property; and Private Respondents intrude and took away their of his son.
possession of the same by force and violence).
Issue: Whether Petitioners have a basis for the issuance of the The DSW D, through Secretary Esperanza I. Cabral
prayed writs to his favor? issued a certificate declari ng Baby Julian as "Legall y
Decision: The petitions herein for the issuance of the writs of Availabl e for Adoption." Baby Julian was "m atched" with
habeas data and amparo are fatally defective both as to its the spouses Vergel and Filom ina Medina (Medina
substance and form. Spouses) of the Kaisahang Bahay Foundation.
WRIT OF AMPARO Christina who had changed her m ind about the
Such writ, as held by the Court in this case: the writ adoption, wrote a letter to the DSW D asking for the
of amparo was originally conceived as a response to the suspension of Baby Julians adoption proceedi ngs.
extraordinary rise in the number of killings and enforced However, DSW D Assistant Secretary Cabrera stated
disappearances, and to the perceived lack of available and effective that should Christina wish to reacquire her parental
remedies to address these extraordinary concerns. It is intended to authority over Baby Julian or halt the adoption proc ess,
address violations of or threats to the rights to life, liberty or she m ay bring the m atter to the regular courts as the
security, as an extraordinary and independent remedy beyond regl em entary period for her to regain her parental rights
those available under the prevailing Rules, or as a remedy had al ready lapsed under Section 7 of Republic Act
supplemental to these Rules. What it is not, is a writ to protect (R.A.) No. 9523.
concerns that are purely property or commercial. Neither is it a writ
that we shall issue on amorphous and uncertain grounds. Christina filed a petition for the issuance of a writ of
The alleged acts of violence made by PR against P were disproved am paro before the RTC of Quezon Cit y seeking to
at the proceedings with the MCTC through a full-blown trial. obtain custody of Baby Juli an. In her petition, Christina
accused respondents of "blackm ailing" her int o
Rather than acts of terrorism that pose a continuing threat to surrendering custody of her childto the DSW D utilizing
the persons of the petitioners, the violent incidents alleged appear what she claim s to be an invalid certificate of
to us to be purely property-related and focused on the disputed avail abilit y for adoption which respondents allegedly
land. Thus, if the petitioners wish to seek redress and hold the used as basis to m isrepres ent that all legal requisites
alleged perpetrators criminally accountable, the remedy may lie for adoption of the m inor child had been com plied with.
more in the realm of ordinary criminal prosecution rather than on She argued that by m aking these m isrepresentations,
the use of the extraordinary remedy of the writ of amparo. the respondents had acted beyond t he scope of thei r
legal authority thereby causing the enforced
disappearance of the said child and depri ving her of her
WRIT OF HABEAS DATA custodial rights and parental authorit y over him .
Section 6 of the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data requires the
following material allegations of ultimate facts in a petition for the
issuance of a writ of habeas data: However, RTC dism issed her petition. Hence, petitioner
Christina directly elevated the case to the su prem e
court vi a petition for revi ew on certiorari under Rule 45
(a) The personal circumstances of the petitioner and the
of the Rules of Court.
respondent;(b) The manner the right to privacy is violated or
threatened and how it affects the right to life, liberty or security of ISSUE: Is the petition for a writ of am paro the proper
the aggrieved party; rem edy for petitioner Christi na to regain the custody of
(c) The actions and recourses taken by the petitioner to secure the her m inor child?
data or information;
(d) The location of the files, registers or databases, the government RULING: The petition f or a writ of am paro is NO T the
office, and the person in charge, in possession or in control of the proper rem edy for petitioner Christina to regain the
data or information, if known; custody of the child. Section 1 of the Rul e on the W rit of
(e) The reliefs prayed for, which may include the updating, Am paro provides that: The petition for a writ of am paro
rectification, suppression or destruction of the database or is a rem edy available to any person whose ri ght to life,
information or files kept by the respondent. libert y and s ecurity is vi olated or threatened wit h
violati on b y an u nla wf ul a ctor om ission of a public Respondent denied the petitioners allegation, among others,
official or em ployee, o r of a pri vate in divi dua l or entity. because there can be no violation of their right to privacy as there is
The writ shall cove r e xt ral egal killings and e nforced no reasonable expectation of privacy on Facebook.
disappe ara nces or thre ats thereof. RTC dismissed the petition for habeas data.
The Am paroRule was intende d to address the
intractable problem of "e xtral ega l killings" and Issue: Whether the writ of habeas data is a proper remedy?
"enforced disapp earances," its coverag e, in its present
form , is confined to these two instances or to th reats Decision: No.
there of. "Extral ega l killing s" are "killings comm itted The writ of habeas data is a remedy available to any person whose
wit hout d ue p rocess of la w, i.e., without l egal right to privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or threatened by
safeguards or judicial p roce edings." On the othe r hand, an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a
"enforced disapp earances" are "atte nde d by t he private individual or entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or
follo win g characteristics: an arrest, detentio n or storing data or information regarding the person, family, home and
abduction of a p erson by a go ve rnm ent official or correspondence of the aggrieved party.
orga nized g roupso r pri vate individ uals acting with the
direct or indi rect acquiescence of the gove rnm ent; the PURPOSE: It is an independent and summary remedy designed to
refusal of the State to disclose the fate or whe re abouts protect the image, privacy, honor, information, and freedom of
of the person concerned o r a refusal to ackno wledge information of an individual, and to provide a forum to enforce ones
the depri vatio n of liberty which places such persons right to the truth and to informational privacy.
outside the p rotection of la w. THE WRIT OF HABEAS DATA IS NOT ONLY CONFINED TO
In this case, Christina alleged that the respondent DISAPPEARANCES.
DSW D officers caused her "enforced sepa ration" from
Section 2 of the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data
Baby Juli an a nd th at the ir action am ounted to an
"enforced disapp ea rance" wit hin th e conte xt of the Sec. 2. Who May File. Any aggrieved party may file a petition for
Am paro rule. Co ntrary to her p osition, ho wever, the the writ of habeas data. However, in cases of extralegal killings and
respon dent DSW D officers never concealed Baby enforced disappearances, the petition may be filed by: (a) Any
Julian's wh ereab outs. Christina's directly accusing the member of the immediate family of the aggrieved party, namely: the
respon dents of forcibly separati ng her from her child spouse, children and parents; or (b) Any ascendant, descendant or
and placin g the latter up for adoptio n, supposedl y collateral relative of the aggrieved party within the fourth civil
wit hout com plying with the necessary legal re quisites to degree of consanguinity or affinity, in default of those mentioned in
qualify th e child for ado ptio n, clearly indicat es that she the preceding paragraph. (emphasis supplied)
is not searching for a lo st child but asserting her
pare ntal autho rity o ver the child and contesting custody Had the framers of the Rule intended to narrow the operation of the
ove r him . writ only to extralegal killings or enforced disappearances, the
above underscored portion of Section 2, a variance of habeas data
Since it is extant from the pleadi ngs filed that what is situations, would not have been made.
invol ve d is the issue of child custody and the e xe rcise
of pare ntal rig hts ove r a child, who, for all i ntents and It is designed to safeguard individual freedom from abuse in the
purp oses, has bee n leg ally considere d a ward of the information age.
State, the Am paro rul e cann ot be pro pe rly a pplie d.
To reite rate, the pri vile ge of the writ of am paro is a ENGAGED IN THE GATHERING, COLLETING OR STORING OF
rem edy a vaila ble to victim s of e xtra -ju dicial killings and DATA OR INFORMATION REGARDING THE PERSON, FAMILY,
enforced disa ppe ara nces or threats of a sim ilar nature,
rega rdl ess of wh ether the perp etrato r of the unlawful -THIS IS ERRONEOUS.
act or om ission is a public offi cial or em ployee or a Such individual need not be in the business of such.
private indi vid ual. It is envisioned basicall y to prot ect
and gua rant ee the right to life, liberty and security of To engage in something is different from undertaking a business
persons, free from fears and threats that vitiate the endeavor. To engage means to do or take part in something. It
quality of life. does not necessarily mean that the activity must be done in pursuit
of a business. What matters is that the person or entity must be
VIVARES V. STC gathering, collecting or storing said data or information about the
Facts: This case involves graduating students of the STC-Cebu aggrieved party or his or her family. Regularity is immaterial.
City; wherein, the students involved posted pictures on their
Facebook account of them wearing wearing no shirt, but only THREE STRANDS OF RIGHT TO PRIVACY:
brassieres from waist up. Said photos were taken while they were 1. Locational/Situational
changing into their swimsuits for a beach party. The said photos 2. Informational (case at bar)
were reported to the STCs computer teacher, named Mylene 3. Decisional
Rheza Escudero. Escudero asked several of her students to show RIGHT TO PRIVACY WAS NOT VIOLATED because:
her other photos of Julia and Julianne, above-mentioned graduating 1. Facebook has privacy safeguard tools.
students, they saw photos of: them along the streets of Cebu 2. Utilization of this tools is the manifestation, in the cyber world,
wearing clothing which shows their black brassieres (duh, Sinulog? of the users invocation of his right to informational privacy.
Hello?); them drinking hard liquor and smoking cigarettes inside a That the photos are viewable by friends only does not necessarily
bar (Private property OUTSIDE school premises); and that their bolsters the petitioners contention. It is well emphasize at this point
Facebook accounts were accessible to any Facebook user. that setting a posts or profile details to Friends is no assurance
Upon discovery thereof, Escudero reported the matter to the school that it can no longer be viewed by another user who is not
authorities. The poor students involved were investigated and were Facebook friends with the source of the content.
barred to attend their highschool graduation rites which is The users own Facebook friend can share said content or tag his
experienced by a person once in their lifetime. Heartless. or her own Facebook friend thereto, regardless of whether the user
A case was filed against the STC and its officials for Injunction and tagged by the latter is Facebook friends or not with the former.
Damages. Injunction as to the order of the school not to allow the
poor children to attend their graduation rites. A petition for the
issuance of the writ of habeas data was also filed. Petitioners RAZON V. TAGITIS
(Parents of the students involved) assert that the privacy of the Writ of Habeas Corpus Writ of Amparo
children were unlawfully invaded. Since the Facebook accounts of G.R. No. 182498 December 3, 2009
the children are set at Friends Only; That the photos were owned
by the ladies, thus cannot be used and reproduced without their We review in this petition for review on certiorari the decision dated
consent. Old hag, however, violated this by saving digital copies March 7, 2008 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in C.A-G.R. AMPARO
and subsequently showed them to the STCs officials. No. 00009. This CA decision confirmed the enforced disappearance
of Engineer Morced N. Tagitis (Tagitis) and granted the Writ of
RTC issued the writ and directed the respondents to file their
verified written return within 5 working days from service of the writ.
Amparo at the petition of his wife, Mary Jean B. Tagitis Police Station. On November 7, 2007, Kunnong executed a sworn
(respondent). The dispositive portion of the CA decision reads: affidavit attesting to what he knew of the circumstances surrounding
Tagitis disappearance.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, petition is hereby GRANTED.
The Court hereby FINDS that this is an "enforced disappearance" More than a month later (on December 28, 2007), Mary Jean
within the meaning of the United Nations instruments, as used in Tagitis filed a Petition for the Writ of Amparo (petition) with the CA
the Amparo Rules. The privileges of the writ of amparo are hereby through her Attorney-in-Fact, Atty. Felipe P. Arcilla.The petition was
extended to Engr. Morced Tagitis. directed against Lt. Gen. Alexander Yano, Commanding General,
Philippine Army; Gen. Avelino I. Razon, Chief, Philippine National
Consequently: (1) respondent GEN. EDGARDO M. DOROMAL, Police (PNP); Gen. Edgardo M. Doromal, Chief, Criminal
Chief, Criminal Investigation and Detention Group (CIDG) who Investigation and Detention Group (CIDG); Sr. Supt. Leonardo A.
should order COL. JOSE VOLPANE PANTE, CIDG-9 Chief, Espina, Chief, Police Anti-Crime and Emergency Response; Gen.
Zamboanga City, to aid him; (2) respondent GEN. AVELINO I. Joel Goltiao, Regional Director, ARMM-PNP; and Gen. Ruben
RAZON, Chief, PNP, who should order his men, namely: (a) Rafael, Chief, Anti-Terror Task Force Comet.
respondent GEN. JOEL GOLTIAO, Regional Director of ARMM
PNP, (b) COL. AHIRON AJIRIM, both head of TASK FORCE Mary Jean said in her statement that she approached some of her
TAGITIS, and (c) respondent SR. SUPERINTENDENT co-employees with the Land Bank in Digos branch, Digos City,
LEONARDO A. ESPINA, Chief, Police Anti-Crime and Emergency Davao del Sur who likewise sought help from some of their friends
Response, to aid him as their superior- are hereby DIRECTED to in the military who could help them find/locate the whereabouts of
exert extraordinary diligence and efforts, not only to protect the life, her husband. All of her efforts did not produce any positive results
liberty and security of Engr. Morced Tagitis, but also to extend except the information from persons in the military who do not want
the privileges of the writ of amparo to Engr. Morced Tagitis and his to be identified that Engr. Tagitis is in the hands of the uniformed
family, and to submit a monthly report of their actions to this Court, men. According to reliable information she received, subject Engr.
as a way of PERIODIC REVIEW to enable this Court to monitor the Tagitis is in the custody of police intelligence operatives, specifically
action of respondents. with the CIDG, PNP Zamboanga City, being held against his will in
an earnest attempt of the police to involve and connect Engr.
This amparo case is hereby DISMISSED as to respondent LT. Tagitis with the different terrorist groups particularly the Jemaah
GEN. ALEXANDER YANO, Commanding General, Philippine Army, Islamiyah or JI.
and as to respondent GEN. RUBEN RAFAEL, Chief Anti-Terror
Task Force Comet, Zamboanga City, both being with the military, She then filed her complaint with the PNP Police Station in the
which is a separate and distinct organization from the police and the ARMM in Cotobato and in Jolo, seeking their help to find her
CIDG, in terms of operations, chain of command and budget. husband, but was told of an intriguing tale by the police that her
husband was not missing but was with another woman having good
This Decision reflects the nature of the Writ of Amparo a time somewhere, which is a clear indication of the refusal of the
protective remedy against violations or threats of violation against PNP to help and provide police assistance in locating her missing
the rights to life, liberty and security. It embodies, as a remedy, the husband.
courts directive to police agencies to undertake specified courses
of action to address the disappearance of an individual, in this case, Heeding an advise of one police officer, she went to the different
Engr. Morced N. Tagitis. It does not determine guilt nor pinpoint police headquarters namely Police Headquarters in Cotabato City,
criminal culpability for the disappearance; rather, it determines Davao City, Zamboanga City and eventually in the National
responsibility, or at least accountability, for the enforced Headquarters in Camp Crame in Quezon City but her efforts
disappearance for purposes of imposing the appropriate remedies produced no positive results. These trips exhausted all of her
to address the disappearance. resources which pressed her to ask for financial help from friends
and relatives.
Responsibility refers to the extent the actors have been established
by substantial evidence to have participated in whatever way, by She has exhausted all administrative avenues and remedies but to
action or omission, in an enforced disappearance, as a measure of no avail, and under the circumstances, she has no other plain,
the remedies this Court shall craft, among them, the directive to file speedy and adequate remedy to protect and get the release of her
the appropriate criminal and civil cases against the responsible husband, Engr. Morced Tagitis, from the illegal clutches of his
parties in the proper courts. captors, their intelligence operatives and the like which are in total
violation of the subjects human and constitutional rights, except the
Accountability, on the other hand, refers to the measure of issuance of a WRIT OF AMPARO.
remedies that should be addressed to those who exhibited
involvement in the enforced disappearance without bringing the On the same day the petition was filed, the CA immediately issued
level of their complicity to the level of responsibility defined above; the Writ of Amparo, set the case for hearing on January 7, 2008,
or who are imputed with knowledge relating to the enforced and directed the petitioners to file their verified return within
disappearance and who carry the burden of disclosure; or those seventy-two (72) hours from service of the writ.
who carry, but have failed to discharge, the burden of extraordinary
diligence in the investigation of the enforced disappearance. In all In their verified Return filed during the hearing of January 27, 2008,
these cases, the issuance of the Writ of Amparo is justified by our the petitioners denied any involvement in or knowledge of Tagitis
primary goal of addressing the disappearance, so that the life of the alleged abduction. They argued that the allegations of the petition
victim is preserved and his liberty and security are restored. were incomplete and did not constitute a cause of action against
them; were baseless, or at best speculative; and were merely
FACTS: based on hearsay evidence. In addition, they all claimed that they
The established facts show that Tagitis, a consultant for the World exhausted all means, particularly taking pro-active measures to
Bank and the Senior Honorary Counselor for the Islamic investigate, search and locate Tagitis and to apprehend the persons
Development Bank (IDB) Scholarship Programme, was last seen in responsible for his disappearance.
Jolo, Sulu. Together with Arsimin Kunnong (Kunnong), an IDB
scholar, Tagitis arrived in Jolo by boat in the early morning of THE CA RULING
October 31, 2007 from a seminar in Zamboanga City. They On March 7, 2008, the CA issued its decision confirming that the
immediately checked-in at ASY Pension House. Tagitis asked disappearance of Tagitis was an "enforced disappearance" under
Kunnong to buy him a boat ticket for his return trip the following day the United Nations (UN) Declaration on the Protection of All
to Zamboanga. When Kunnong returned from this errand, Tagitis Persons from Enforced Disappearances. The CA held that "raw
was no longer around. The receptionist related that Tagitis went out reports" from an "asset" carried "great weight" in the intelligence
to buy food at around 12:30 in the afternoon and even left his room world. It also labeled as "suspect" Col. Kasims subsequent and
key with the desk. Kunnong looked for Tagitis and even sent a text belated retraction of his statement that the military, the police, or the
message to the latters Manila-based secretary who did not know of CIDG was involved in the abduction of Tagitis.
Tagitis whereabouts and activities either; she advised Kunnong to
simply wait. The CA characterized as "too farfetched and unbelievable" and "a
bedlam of speculation" police theories painting the disappearance
On November 4, 2007, Kunnong and Muhammad Abdulnazeir N. as "intentional" on the part of Tagitis. He had no previous brushes
Matli, a UP professor of Muslim studies and Tagitis fellow student with the law or any record of overstepping the bounds of any trust
counselor at the IDB, reported Tagitis disappearance to the Jolo regarding money entrusted to him; no student of the IDB
scholarship program ever came forward to complain that he or she must of course state the ultimate facts constituting the cause of
did not get his or her stipend. The CA also found no basis for the action, omitting the evidentiary details.76 In an Amparo petition,
police theory that Tagitis was "trying to escape from the clutches of however, this requirement must be read in light of the nature and
his second wife," on the basis of the respondents testimony that purpose of the proceeding, which addresses a situation of
Tagitis was a Muslim who could have many wives under the Muslim uncertainty; the petitioner may not be able to describe with certainty
faith, and that there was "no issue" at all when the latter divorced how the victim exactly disappeared, or who actually acted to kidnap,
his first wife in order to marry the second. Finally, the CA also ruled abduct or arrest him or her, or where the victim is detained,
out kidnapping for ransom by the Abu Sayyaf or by the ARMM because these information may purposely be hidden or covered up
paramilitary as the cause for Tagitis disappearance, since the by those who caused the disappearance. In this type of situation, to
respondent, the police and the military noted that there was no require the level of specificity, detail and precision that the
acknowledgement of Tagitis abduction or demand for payment of petitioners apparently want to read into the Amparo Rule is to make
ransom the usual modus operandi of these terrorist groups. this Rule a token gesture of judicial concern for violations of the
Based on these considerations, the CA thus extended the privilege constitutional rights to life, liberty and security.
of the writ to Tagitis and his family, and directed the CIDG Chief,
Col. Jose Volpane Pante, PNP Chief Avelino I. Razon, Task Force To read the Rules of Court requirement on pleadings while
Tagitis heads Gen. Joel Goltiao and Col. Ahiron Ajirim, and PACER addressing the unique Amparo situation, the test in reading the
Chief Sr. Supt. Leonardo A. Espina to exert extraordinary diligence petition should be to determine whether it contains the details
and efforts to protect the life, liberty and security of Tagitis, with the available to the petitioner under the circumstances, while presenting
obligation to provide monthly reports of their actions to the CA. At a cause of action showing a violation of the victims rights to life,
the same time, the CA dismissed the petition against the then liberty and security through State or private party action. The
respondents from the military, Lt. Gen Alexander Yano and Gen. petition should likewise be read in its totality, rather than in terms of
Ruben Rafael, based on the finding that it was PNP-CIDG, not the its isolated component parts, to determine if the required elements
military, that was involved. namely, of the disappearance, the State or private action, and the
actual or threatened violations of the rights to life, liberty or security
On March 31, 2008, the petitioners moved to reconsider the CA are present.
decision, but the CA denied the motion in its Resolution of April 9,
2008. The properly pleaded ultimate facts within the pleaders knowledge
about Tagitis disappearance, the participation by agents of the
ISSUE: Whether or not the privilege of the Writ of Amparo should State in this disappearance, the failure of the State to release
be extended to Engr. Morced Tagitis. Tagitis or to provide sufficient information about his whereabouts,
as well as the actual violation of his right to liberty. Thus, the
RULING: petition cannot be faulted for any failure in its statement of a cause
The disappearance of Engr. Morced Tagitis is classified as an of action.
enforced disappearance, thus the privilege of the Writ of Amparo
applies. If a defect can at all be attributed to the petition, this defect is its
lack of supporting affidavit, as required by Section 5(c) of the
Under the UN Declaration enforced disappearance as "the arrest, Amparo Rule. Owing to the summary nature of the proceedings for
detention, abduction or any other form of deprivation of liberty by the writ and to facilitate the resolution of the petition, the Amparo
agents of the State or by persons or groups of persons acting with Rule incorporated the requirement for supporting affidavits, with the
the authorization, support or acquiescence of the State, followed by annotation that these can be used as the affiants direct
a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of liberty or by testimony. This requirement, however, should not be read as an
concealment of the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared person, absolute one that necessarily leads to the dismissal of the petition if
which place such a person outside the protection of the law." Under not strictly followed. Where, as in this case, the petitioner has
this definition, the elements that constitute enforced disappearance substantially complied with the requirement by submitting a verified
are essentially fourfold: petition sufficiently detailing the facts relied upon, the strict need for
the sworn statement that an affidavit represents is essentially
(a) arrest, detention, abduction or any form of deprivation of liberty; fulfilled. We note that the failure to attach the required affidavits was
(b) carried out by agents of the State or persons or groups of fully cured when the respondent and her witness (Mrs. Talbin)
persons acting with the authorization, support or acquiescence of personally testified in the CA hearings held on January 7 and 17
the State; and February 18, 2008 to swear to and flesh out the allegations of
(c) followed by a refusal to acknowledge the detention, or a the petition. Thus, even on this point, the petition cannot be faulted.
concealment of the fate of the disappeared person;
(d) placement of the disappeared person outside the protection of The phenomenon of enforced disappearance arising from State
the law. action first attracted notice in Adolf Hitlers Nact und Nebel Erlass or
Night and Fog Decree of December 7, 1941. The Third Reichs
There was no direct evidence indicating how the victim actually Night and Fog Program, a State policy, was directed at persons in
disappeared. The direct evidence at hand only shows that Tagitis occupied territories "endangering German security"; they were
went out of the ASY Pension House after depositing his room key transported secretly to Germany where they disappeared without a
with the hotel desk and was never seen nor heard of again. The trace. In order to maximize the desired intimidating effect, the policy
undisputed conclusion, however, from all concerned the prohibited government officials from providing information about the
petitioner, Tagitis colleagues and even the police authorities is fate of these targeted persons.
that Tagistis disappeared under mysterious circumstances and was
never seen again. In the Philippines, enforced disappearances generally fall within the
first two categories, and 855 cases were recorded during the period
A petition for the Writ of Amparo shall be signed and verified and of martial law from 1972 until 1986. Of this number, 595 remained
shall allege, among others (in terms of the portions the petitioners missing, 132 surfaced alive and 127 were found dead. During
cite): former President Corazon C. Aquinos term, 820 people were
(c) The right to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved party reported to have disappeared and of these, 612 cases were
violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act or documented. Of this number, 407 remain missing, 108 surfaced
omission of the respondent, and how such threat or violation alive and 97 were found dead. The number of enforced
is committed with the attendant circumstances detailed in disappearances dropped during former President Fidel V. Ramos
supporting affidavits; term when only 87 cases were reported, while the three-year term
(d) The investigation conducted, if any, specifying the names, of former President Joseph E. Estrada yielded 58 reported cases.
personal circumstances, and addresses of the investigating KARAPATAN, a local non-governmental organization, reports that
authority or individuals, as well as the manner and conduct of as of March 31, 2008, the records show that there were a total of
the investigation, together with any report;(e) The actions and 193 victims of enforced disappearance under incumbent President
recourses taken by the petitioner to determine the fate or Gloria M. Arroyos administration. The Commission on Human
whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the identity of the person Rights records show a total of 636 verified cases of enforced
responsible for the threat, act or omission. disappearances from 1985 to 1993. Of this number, 406 remained
missing, 92 surfaced alive, 62 were found dead, and 76 still have
The framers of the Amparo Rule never intended Section 5(c) to be undetermined status.Currently, the United Nations Working Group
complete in every detail in stating the threatened or actual violation on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance reports 619 outstanding
of a victims rights. As in any other initiatory pleading, the pleader
cases of enforced or involuntary disappearances covering the in a serious manner and not as a mere formality preordained to
period December 1, 2007 to November 30, 2008. be ineffective.

Under Philippine Law Evidentiary Difficulties Posed by the Unique Nature of

The Amparo Rule expressly provides that the "writ shall cover an Enforced Disappearance
extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats The unique evidentiary difficulties presented by enforced
thereof."We note that although the writ specifically covers "enforced disappearance cases; these difficulties form part of the setting that
disappearances," this concept is neither defined nor penalized in the implementation of the Amparo Rule shall encounter. These
this jurisdiction. The records of the Supreme Court Committee on difficulties largely arise because the State itself the party whose
the Revision of Rules (Committee) reveal that the drafters of the involvement is alleged investigates enforced disappearances.
Amparo Rule initially considered providing an elemental definition of Past experiences in other jurisdictions show that the evidentiary
the concept of enforced disappearance: difficulties are generally threefold.

Justice Puno stated that, as the law now stands, extra-judicial First, there may be a deliberate concealment of the identities of the
killings and enforced disappearances in this jurisdiction are not direct perpetrators. In addition, there are usually no witnesses to the
crimes penalized separately from the component criminal acts crime; if there are, these witnesses are usually afraid to speak out
undertaken to carry out these killings and enforced disappearances publicly or to testify on the disappearance out of fear for their own
and are now penalized under the Revised Penal Code and special lives.
Second, deliberate concealment of pertinent evidence of the
Although the Courts power is strictly procedural and as such does disappearance is a distinct possibility; the central piece of evidence
not diminish, increase or modify substantive rights, the legal in an enforced disappearance
protection that the Court can provide can be very meaningful
through the procedures it sets in addressing extrajudicial killings Third is the element of denial; in many cases, the State authorities
and enforced disappearances. The Court, through its procedural deliberately deny that the enforced disappearance ever occurred.
rules, can set the procedural standards and thereby directly compel "Deniability" is central to the policy of enforced disappearances, as
the public authorities to act on actual or threatened violations of the absence of any proven disappearance makes it easier to
constitutional rights. To state the obvious, judicial intervention can escape the application of legal standards ensuring the victims
make a difference even if only procedurally in a situation when human rights.
the very same investigating public authorities may have had a hand
in the threatened or actual violations of constitutional rights. Substantial evidence is more than a mere scintilla. It means such
relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate
The burden for the public authorities to discharge in these to support a conclusion.
situations, under the Rule on the Writ of Amparo, is twofold. The
first is to ensure that all efforts at disclosure and investigation are The remedy of the writ of amparo provides rapid judicial relief as it
undertaken under pain of indirect contempt from this Court when partakes of a summary proceeding that requires only substantial
governmental efforts are less than what the individual situations evidence to make the appropriate reliefs available to the petitioner;
require. The second is to address the disappearance, so that the it is not an action to determine criminal guilt requiring proof beyond
life of the victim is preserved and his or her liberty and security reasonable doubt, or liability for damages requiring preponderance
restored. In these senses, our orders and directives relative to the of evidence, or administrative responsibility requiring substantial
writ are continuing efforts that are not truly terminated until the evidence that will require full and exhaustive proceedings.
extrajudicial killing or enforced disappearance is fully addressed by
the complete determination of the fate and the whereabouts of the We note in this regard that the use of flexibility in the consideration
victim, by the production of the disappeared person and the of evidence is not at all novel in the Philippine legal system. In child
restoration of his or her liberty and security, and, in the proper case, abuse cases, Section 28 of the Rule on Examination of a Child
by the commencement of criminal action against the guilty parties. Witness is expressly recognized as an exception to the
hearsay rule. This Rule allows the admission of the hearsay
During the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons testimony of a child describing any act or attempted act of
from Enforced Disappearance (in Paris, France on February 6, sexual abuse in any criminal or non-criminal proceeding,
2007, "enforced disappearance" is considered to be the arrest, subject to certain prerequisites and the right of cross-
detention, abduction or any other form of deprivation of liberty by examination by the adverse party.
agents of the State or by persons or groups of persons acting with
the authorization, support or acquiescence of the State, followed by CONCLUSIONS AND THE AMPARO REMEDY
a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of liberty or by Based on these considerations, we conclude that Col. Kasims
concealment of the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared person, disclosure, made in an unguarded moment, unequivocally point to
which place such a person outside the protection of the law. some government complicity in the disappearance. The consistent
but unfounded denials and the haphazard investigations cannot but
In the recent case of Pharmaceutical and Health Care Association point to this conclusion. For why would the government and its
of the Philippines v. Duque III, we held that: officials engage in their chorus of concealment if the intent had not
Under the 1987 Constitution, international law can become part of been to deny what they already knew of the disappearance? Would
the sphere of domestic law either not an in-depth and thorough investigation that at least credibly
by transformation or incorporation. The transformation method determined the fate of Tagitis be a feather in the governments cap
requires that an international law be transformed into a domestic under the circumstances of the disappearance? From this
law through a constitutional mechanism such as local perspective, the evidence and developments, particularly the Kasim
legislation. The incorporation method applies when, by mere evidence, already establish a concrete case of enforced
constitutional declaration, international law is deemed to have disappearance that the Amparo Rule covers. From the prism of the
the force of domestic law. UN Declaration, heretofore cited and quoted, evidence at hand and
the developments in this case confirm the fact of the enforced
The right to security of person in this third sense is a corollary of the disappearance and government complicity, under a background of
policy that the State "guarantees full respect for human rights" consistent and unfounded government denials and haphazard
under Article II, Section 11 of the 1987 Constitution. As the handling. The disappearance as well effectively placed Tagitis
government is the chief guarantor of order and security, the outside the protection of the law a situation that will subsist unless
Constitutional guarantee of the rights to life, liberty and security of this Court acts.
person is rendered ineffective if government does not
afford protection to these rights especially when they are under Given their mandates, the PNP and PNP-CIDG officials and
threat. members were the ones who were remiss in their duties when the
government completely failed to exercise the extral.'
Protection includes conducting effective investigations,
organization of the government apparatus to extend protection To fully enforce the Amparo remedy, we refer this case back to the
to victims of extralegal killings or enforced disappearances (or CA for appropriate proceedings directed at the monitoring of the
threats thereof) and/or their families, and bringing offenders to PNP and the PNP-CIDG investigations and actions, and the
the bar of justice. The duty to investigate must be undertaken validation of their results through hearings the CA may deem
appropriate to conduct.
of command responsibilitybut rather on the ground of their
MELISSA ROXAS v. MACAPAGAL-ARROYO (2010) responsibility, or at least accountability.
PONENTE: Perez, J.
PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND: 2) WON circumstantial evidence with regard to the identity and
1. Supreme Court: Petition for the issuance of Writs of affiliation of the perpetrators is enough ground for the
Amparo and Habeas Data issuance of the privilege of the writ of amparo NO
2. Court of Appeals: Upon order of the Supreme Court, the
Court of Appeals summarily heard the Original Action for
Petition of Amparo. Thereafter, the Court of Appeals EVIDENCE REQUIRED IN AMPARO PROCEEDINGS
issued a judgment which is the subject of the present In amparo proceedings, direct evidence of identity must be
Petition for Review on Certiorari. preferred over mere circumstantial evidence In amparo
FACTS: proceedings, the weight that may be accorded to parallel
Melissa Roxas, an American citizen of Filipino descent, while in the circumstances as evidence of military involvement depends largely
United States, enrolled in an exposure program to the Philippines on the availability or non-availability of other pieces of evidence that
with the group Bagong Alyansang Makabayan-United States of has the potential of directly proving the identity and affiliation of the
America (BAYAN- USA) of which she is a member. perpetrators.
On 19 May 2009, after doing survey work in Tarlac, Roxas and her Direct evidence of identity, when obtainable, must be preferred over
companions rested in the house of Mr. Jesus Paolo in Sitio Bagong mere circumstantial evidence based on patterns and similarity,
Sikat. While Roxas and her companions were resting, 15 heavily because the former indubitably offers greater certainty as to the true
armed men in civilian clothes forcibly entered the house and identity and affiliation of the perpetrators.
dragged them inside a van. When they alighted from the van, she
was informed that she is being detained for being a member of 3) WON substantial evidence to prove actual or threatened
Communist Party of the Philippines-New Peoples Army (CPP-
violation of the right to privacy in life, liberty or security of the
NPA). She was then separated from her companions and was
brought to a room, from where she could hear sounds of gunfire, victim is necessary before the privilege of the writ may be
noise of planes taking off and landing, and some construction extended YES
She was interrogated and tortured for 5 straight days to convince EVIDENCE REQURED IN HABEAS DATA PROCEEDINGS
her to abandon her communist beliefs. She was informed by a Substantial evidence of an actual or threatened violation of the
person named RC that those who tortured her came from the right to privacy in life, liberty or security of the victim is an
Special Operations Group and that she was abducted because indispensable requirement before the privilege of the writ may
her name is included in the Order of Battle. be extended An indispensable requirement before the privilege of
On 25 May 2009, Roxas was finally released and was given a the writ may be extended is the showing, at least by substantial
cellular phone with a sim card. She was sternly warned not to report evidence, of an actual or threatened violation of the right to privacy
the incident to the group Karapatan or something untoward will in life, liberty or security of the victim.
happen to her and her family. After her release, Roxas continued to In the case at bar, Roxas failed to show that there is an actual or
receive calls from RC thru the cell phone given to her. Out of threatened violation of such right. Hence, until such time that any of
apprehension, she threw the phone and the sim card. the respondents were found to be actually responsible for the
abduction and torture of Roxas, any inference regarding the
Hence, on 01 June 2009, Roxas filed a petition for the issuance
existence of reports being kept in violation of the petitioners right to
of Writs of Amparo and Habeas Data before the Supreme Court,
privacy becomes farfetched, and premature. The Court must, at
impleading the high-ranking officials of military and Philippine
least in the meantime, strike down the grant of the privilege of the
National Police (PNP), on the belief that it was the government
writ of habeas data.
agents who were behind her abduction and torture.
SC issued the writs and referred the case to the CA for hearing,
reception of evidence and appropriate action. BURGOS VS. ESPERON (G.R. No. 178497, February 4, 2014)
CA granted the privilege of writs of amparo and habeas data.
However, the court a quo absolved the respondents because it was The Court emphasize that the Courts role in a writ of Amparo
not convinced that the respondents were responsible for the proceeding is merely to determine whether an enforced
abduction and torture of Roxas. disappearance has taken place; to determine who is responsible or
Aggrieved, Roxas filed an appeal with the SC. accountable; and to define and impose the appropriate remedies to
address the disappearance.
ISSUES/HELD: 1) WON the doctrine of command responsibility
is applicable in an amparo petition NO FACTS:
DOCTRINE OF COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY AND THE WRIT Jeffrey Cabintoy and Elsa Agasang have witnessed on
OF AMPARO that fateful day of April 28, 2007 the forcible abduction of Jonas
Command responsibility as justification in impleading Burgos by a group of about seven (7) men and a woman from the
respondents is legally inaccurate The use of the doctrine of extension portion of Hapag Kainan Restaurant located in Quezon
command responsibility as justification in impleading the City.
respondents in her amparo petition, is legally inaccurate, if not
incorrect. Such doctrine is a rule of substantive law that establishes
liability and, by this account, cannot be a proper legal basis to The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) submitted to
implead a party-respondent in an amparo petition. the Court its Investigation Report on the Enforced Disappearance of
Jonas Burgos. The CHR finds that the enforced disappearance of
The Writ of Amparo as a protective remedy As held in the case
of Rubrico v. Arroyo, the writ of amparo is a protective remedy Jonas Burgos had transpired and that his constitutional rights to life,
aimed at providing judicial relief consisting of the appropriate liberty and security were violated by the Government have been
remedial measures and directives that may be crafted by the court, fully determined. The CHR demonstrated in its investigations
in order to address specific violations or threats of violation of the resulted in the criminal prosecution of Lt. Baliaga. Regional Trial
constitutional rights to life, liberty or security. It does not fix liability Court found probable cause for arbitrary detention against Lt.
for such disappearance, killing or threats, whether that may be
Baliaga and ordered his arrest in connection with Jonas
criminal, civil or administrative under the applicable substantive law.
Since the application of command responsibility presupposes an
imputation of individual liability, it is more aptly invoked in a full-
Based on the finding that Jonas was a victim of enforced
blown criminal or administrative case rather than in a summary
amparo proceeding. disappearance, the Court of Appeals concluded that the present
case falls within the ambit of the Writ of Amparo. The respondents
However, the inapplicability of the doctrine of command
responsibility does not preclude impleading military or police have not appealed to the court, as provided under Section 19 of the
commanders on the ground that the complained acts in the petition Rule on the Writ of Amparo. Hence, the petitioner filed an Urgent Ex
were committed with their direct or indirect acquiescence. In which Parte Motion Ex Abundanti Cautela.
case, commanders may be impleaded not actually on the basis
ISSUE: Whether or not a writ of amparo should be issued anew in Court (RTC) of Sorsogon, Branch 53. The assailed issuances
light of newly discovered evidence? dismissed Civil Case No. 2011-8338 for Continuing Mandamus,
Damages and Attorneys Fees with Prayer for the Issuance of a
HELD: NO. The beneficial purpose of the Writ of Amparo has Temporary Environment Protection Order.
been served in the present case. After reviewing the newly
discovered evidence submitted by the petitioner and considering all Antecedent Facts
the developments of the case, including the Court of Appeals On September 15, 2011, petitioner Maricris D. Dolot (Dolot),
together with the parish priest of the Holy Infant Jesus Parish and
decision that confirmed the validity of the issuance of the Writ of
the officers of Alyansa Laban sa Mina sa Matnog (petitioners), filed
Amparo in the present case, the Court resolve to deny the a petition for continuing mandamus, damages and attorneys fees
petitioners Urgent Ex Parte Motion Ex Abundanti Cautela. with the RTC of Sorsogon, docketed as Civil Case No. 2011-
The Court note and conclude, based on the developments 8338.4 The petition contained the following pertinent allegations: (1)
highlighted above, that the beneficial purpose of the Writ of sometime in 2009, they protested the iron ore mining operations
Amparo has been served in the present case. As the Court being conducted by Antones Enterprises, Global Summit Mines
held in Razon, Jr. v. Tagitis the writ merely embodies the Development Corporation and TR Ore in Barangays Balocawe and
Courts directives to police agencies to undertake specified Bon-ot Daco, located in the Municipality of Matnog, to no avail; (2)
courses of action to address the enforced disappearance of Matnog is located in the southern tip of Luzon and there is a need
an individual. The Writ of Amparo serves both a preventive to protect, preserve and maintain the geological foundation of the
and a curative role. It is curative as it facilitates the municipality; (3) Matnog is susceptible to flooding and landslides,
subsequent punishment of perpetrators through the and confronted with the environmental dangers of flood hazard,
investigation and remedial action that it directs. The focus is liquefaction, ground settlement, ground subsidence and landslide
on procedural curative remedies rather than on the tracking hazard; (4) after investigation, they learned that the mining
of a specific criminal or the resolution of administrative operators did not have the required permit to operate; (5) Sorsogon
liabilities. The unique nature of Amparo proceedings has led Governor Raul Lee and his predecessor Sally Lee issued to the
us to define terms or concepts specific to what the operators a small-scale mining permit, which they did not have
proceedings seek to achieve. I authority to issue; (6) the representatives of the Presidential
n Razon Jr., v. Tagitis, the Court defined what the terms Management Staff and the Department of Environment and Natural
responsibility and accountability signify in an Amparo Resources (DENR), despite knowledge, did not do anything to
case. The Court said: Responsibility refers to the extent the protect the interest of the people of Matnog;5 and (7) the
actors have been established by substantial evidence to respondents violated Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7076 or the Peoples
have participated in whatever way, by action or omission, in Small-Scale Mining Act of 1991, R.A. No. 7942 or the Philippine
an enforced disappearance, as a measure of the remedies Mining Act of 1995, and the Local Government Code.6 Thus, they
this Court shall craft, among them, the directive to file the prayed for the following reliefs: (1) the issuance of a writ
appropriate criminal and civil cases against the responsible commanding the respondents to immediately stop the mining
parties in the proper courts. Accountability, on the other operations in the Municipality of Matnog; (2) the issuance of a
hand, refers to the measure of remedies that should be temporary environment protection order or TEPO; (3) the creation
addressed to those who exhibited involvement in the of an inter-agency group to undertake the rehabilitation of the
enforced disappearance without bringing the level of their mining site; (4) award of damages; and (5) return of the iron ore,
complicity to the level of responsibility defined above; or among others.7
who are imputed with knowledge relating to the enforced
disappearance and who carry the burden of disclosure; or The case was referred by the Executive Judge to the RTC of
those who carry, but have failed to discharge, the burden of Sorsogon, Branch 53 being the designated environmental court.8 In
extraordinary diligence in the investigation of the enforced the Order9 dated September 16, 2011, the case was summarily
disappearance. dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.

In the present case, while Jonas remains missing, the series The petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration but it was denied
of calculated directives issued by the Court outlined above
in the Resolution10 dated October 18, 2011. Aside from sustaining
and the extraordinary diligence the CHR demonstrated in its
the dismissal of the case for lack of jurisdiction, the RTC11 further
investigations resulted in the criminal prosecution of Lt.
ruled that: (1) there was no final court decree, order or decision yet
Baliaga. The Court take judicial notice of the fact that the
that the public officials allegedly failed to act on, which is a condition
Regional Trial Court has already found probable cause for
for the issuance of the writ of continuing mandamus; (2) the case
arbitrary detention against Lt. Baliaga and has ordered his
was prematurely filed as the petitioners therein failed to exhaust
arrest in connection with Jonas disappearance.
their administrative remedies; and (3) they also failed to attach
judicial affidavits and furnish a copy of the complaint to the
The Court emphasize that the Courts role in a writ of government or appropriate agency, as required by the rules.12
Amparo proceeding is merely to determine whether an
enforced disappearance has taken place; to determine who
is responsible or accountable; and to define and impose the Petitioner Dolot went straight to this Court on pure questions of law.
appropriate remedies to address the disappearance.
As shown above, the beneficial purpose of the Writ of The main issue in this case is whether the RTC-Branch 53 has
Amparo has been served in the present case with the CAs jurisdiction to resolve Civil Case No. 2011-8338. The other issue is
final determination of the persons responsible and whether the petition is dismissible on the grounds that: (1) there is
accountable for the enforced disappearance of Jonas and no final court decree, order or decision that the public officials
the commencement of criminal action against Lt. Baliaga. At allegedly failed to act on; (2) the case was prematurely filed for
this stage, criminal, investigation and prosecution failure to exhaust administrative remedies; and (3) the petitioners
proceedings are already beyond the reach of the Writ of failed to attach judicial affidavits and furnish a copy of the complaint
Amparo proceeding now before us. to the government or appropriate agency.

DOLOT V. PAJE Ruling of the Court

Jurisdiction and Venue
G.R. No. 199199 August 27, 2013
MARICRIS D. DOLOT, CHAIRMAN OF THE BAGONG In dismissing the petition for lack of jurisdiction, the RTC, in its
ALYANSANG MAKABAYAN-SORSOGON, PETITIONER Order dated September 16, 2011, apparently relied on SC
vs. HON. RAMON PAJE, IN HIS CAPACITY AS THE Administrative Order (A.O.) No. 7 defining the territorial areas of the
SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND Regional Trial Courts in Regions 1 to 12, and Administrative
NATURAL RESOURCES, , .. Circular (Admin. Circular) No. 23-2008,13 designating the
environmental courts "to try and decide violations of environmental
This is a petition for review on certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the Rules laws x x x committed within their respective territorial
of Court assailing the Order2 dated September 16, 2011 and jurisdictions."14 Thus, it ruled that its territorial jurisdiction was
Resolution3 dated October 18, 2011 issued by the Regional Trial limited within the boundaries of Sorsogon City and the neighboring
municipalities of Donsol, Pilar, Castilla, Casiguran and Juban and in the country and setting the administrative guidelines in the raffle
that it was "bereft of jurisdiction to entertain, hear and decide [the] and disposition of environmental cases. While the designation and
case, as such authority rests before another co-equal court."15 guidelines were made in 2008, the same should operate in
conjunction with the Rules.
Such reasoning is plainly erroneous. The RTC cannot solely rely on
SC A.O. No. 7 and Admin. Circular No. 23-2008 and confine itself A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC: Rules of Procedure for Environmental
within its four corners in determining whether it had jurisdiction over Cases
the action filed by the petitioners.
In its Resolution dated October 18, 2011, which resolved the
None is more well-settled than the rule that jurisdiction, which is the petitioners motion for reconsideration of the order of dismissal, the
power and authority of the court to hear, try and decide a case, is RTC further ruled that the petition was dismissible on the following
conferred by law.16 It may either be over the nature of the action, grounds: (1) there is no final court decree, order or decision yet that
over the subject matter, over the person of the defendants or over the public officials allegedly failed to act on; (2) the case was
the issues framed in the pleadings.17 By virtue of Batas Pambansa prematurely filed for failure to exhaust administrative remedies; and
(B.P.) Blg. 129 or the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, (3) there was failure to attach judicial affidavits and furnish a copy of
jurisdiction over special civil actions for certiorari, prohibition and the complaint to the government or appropriate agency.29 The
mandamus is vested in the RTC. Particularly, Section 21(1) thereof respondents, and even the Office of the Solicitor General, in behalf
provides that the RTCs shall exercise original jurisdiction of the public respondents, all concur with the view of the RTC.

in the issuance of writs of certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo The concept of continuing mandamus was first introduced in
warranto, habeas corpus and injunction which may be enforced in Metropolitan Manila Development Authority v. Concerned Residents
any part of their respective regions. (Emphasis ours) of Manila Bay.30 Now cast in stone under Rule 8 of the Rules, the
writ of continuing mandamus enjoys a distinct procedure than that
of ordinary civil actions for the enforcement/violation of
A.O. No. 7 and Admin. Circular No. 23-2008 was issued pursuant to
environmental laws, which are covered by Part II (Civil Procedure).
Section 18 of B.P. Blg. 129, which gave the Court authority to
Similar to the procedure under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court for
define the territory over which a branch of the RTC shall exercise its
special civil actions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus,
authority. These administrative orders and circulars issued by the
Section 4, Rule 8 of the Rules requires that the petition filed should
Court merely provide for the venue where an action may be filed.
be sufficient in form and substance before a court may take further
The Court does not have the power to confer jurisdiction on any
action; otherwise, the court may dismiss the petition outright. Courts
court or tribunal as the allocation of jurisdiction is lodged solely in
must be cautioned, however, that the determination to give due
Congress.18 It also cannot be delegated to another office or agency
course to the petition or dismiss it outright is an exercise of
of the Government.19 Section 18 of B.P. Blg. 129, in fact, explicitly
discretion that must be applied in a reasonable manner in
states that the territory thus defined shall be deemed to be the
consonance with the spirit of the law and always with the view in
territorial area of the branch concerned for purposes of determining
mind of seeing to it that justice is served.31
the venue of all suits, proceedings or actions. It was also clarified in
Office of the Court Administrator v. Judge Matas20 that
Sufficiency in form and substance refers to the contents of the
petition filed under Rule 8, Section 1:
Administrative Order No. 3 [defining the territorial jurisdiction of the
Regional Trial Courts in the National Capital Judicial Region] and, in
like manner, Circular Nos. 13 and 19, did not per se confer When any agency or instrumentality of the government or officer
jurisdiction on the covered regional trial courts or its branches, such thereof unlawfully neglects the performance of an act which the law
that non-observance thereof would nullify their judicial acts. The specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an office, trust or station
administrative order merely defines the limits of the administrative in connection with the enforcement or violation of an environmental
area within which a branch of the court may exercise its authority law rule or regulation or a right therein, or unlawfully excludes
pursuant to the jurisdiction conferred by Batas Pambansa Blg. another from the use or enjoyment of such right and there is no
129.21 other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
law, the person aggrieved thereby may file a verified petition in the
proper court, alleging the facts with certainty, attaching thereto
The RTC need not be reminded that venue relates only to the place
supporting evidence, specifying that the petition concerns an
of trial or the geographical location in which an action or proceeding
environmental law, rule or regulation, and praying that judgment be
should be brought and does not equate to the jurisdiction of the
rendered commanding the respondent to do an act or series of acts
court. It is intended to accord convenience to the parties, as it
until the judgment is fully satisfied, and to pay damages sustained
relates to the place of trial, and does not restrict their access to the
by the petitioner by reason of the malicious neglect to perform the
courts.22Consequently, the RTCs motu proprio dismissal of Civil
duties of the respondent, under the law, rules or regulations. The
Case No. 2011-8338 on the ground of lack of jurisdiction is patently
petition shall also contain a sworn certification of non-forum

At most, the error committed by the petitioners in filing the case with
On matters of form, the petition must be verified and must contain
the RTC of Sorsogon was that of improper venue. A.M. No. 09-6-8-
supporting evidence as well as a sworn certification of non-forum
SC or the Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases (Rules)
shopping. It is also necessary that the petitioner must be one who is
specifically states that a special civil action for continuing
aggrieved by an act or omission of the government agency,
mandamus shall be filed with the "[RTC] exercising jurisdiction over
instrumentality or its officer concerned. Sufficiency of substance, on
the territory where the actionable neglect or omission occurred x x
the other hand, necessitates that the petition must contain
x."23 In this case, it appears that the alleged actionable neglect or
substantive allegations specifically constituting an actionable
omission occurred in the Municipality of Matnog and as such, the
neglect or omission and must establish, at the very least, a prima
petition should have been filed in the RTC of Irosin.24 But even
facie basis for the issuance of the writ, viz: (1) an agency or
then, it does not warrant the outright dismissal of the petition by the
instrumentality of government or its officer unlawfully neglects the
RTC as venue may be waived.25 Moreover, the action filed by the
performance of an act or unlawfully excludes another from the use
petitioners is not criminal in nature where venue is an essential
or enjoyment of a right; (2) the act to be performed by the
element of jurisdiction.26 In Gomez-Castillo v. Commission on
government agency, instrumentality or its officer is specifically
Elections,27 the Court even expressed that what the RTC should
enjoined by law as a duty; (3) such duty results from an office, trust
have done under the circumstances was to transfer the case (an
or station in connection with the enforcement or violation of an
election protest) to the proper branch. Similarly, it would serve the
environmental law, rule or regulation or a right therein; and (4) there
higher interest of justice28 if the Court orders the transfer of Civil
is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the course of
Case No. 2011 8338 to the RTC of Irosin for proper and speedy
resolution, with the RTC applying the Rules in its disposition of the
The writ of continuing mandamus is a special civil action that may
be availed of "to compel the performance of an act specifically
At this juncture, the Court affirms the continuing applicability of
enjoined by law."33 The petition should mainly involve an
Admin. Circular No. 23-2008 constituting the different "green courts"
environmental and other related law, rule or regulation or a right
therein. The RTCs mistaken notion on the need for a final Finally, failure to furnish a copy of the petition to the respondents is
judgment, decree or order is apparently based on the definition of not a fatal defect such that the case should be dismissed. The RTC
the writ of continuing mandamus under Section 4, Rule 1 of the could have just required the petitioners to furnish a copy of the
Rules, to wit: petition to the respondents. It should be remembered that "courts
are not enslaved by technicalities, and they have the prerogative to
relax compliance with procedural rules of even the most mandatory
(c) Continuing mandamus is a writ issued by a court in an
character, mindful of the duty to reconcile both the need to speedily
environmental case directing any agency or instrumentality of the
put an end to litigation and the parties right to an opportunity to be
government or officer thereof to perform an act or series of acts
decreed by final judgment which shall remain effective until
judgment is fully satisfied. (Emphasis ours)
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Order dated
September 16, 2011 and Resolution dated October 18, 2011 issued
The final court decree, order or decision erroneously alluded to by
by the Regional Trial Court of Sorsogon, Branch 53, dismissing Civil
the RTC actually pertains to the judgment or decree that a court
Case No. 2011-8338 are NULLIFIED AND SET ASIDE. The
would eventually render in an environmental case for continuing
Executive Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Sorsogon is
mandamus and which judgment or decree shall subsequently
DIRECTED to transfer the case to the Regional Trial Court of Irosin,
become final.
Branch 55, for further proceedings with dispatch. Petitioner Maricris
D. Dolot is also ORDERED to furnish the respondents with a copy
Under the Rules, after the court has rendered a judgment in of the petition and its annexes within ten (10) days from receipt of
conformity with Rule 8, Section 7 and such judgment has become this Decision and to submit its Compliance with the RTC of Irosin.
final, the issuing court still retains jurisdiction over the case to SO ORDERED.
ensure that the government agency concerned is performing its
tasks as mandated by law and to monitor the effective performance
G.R. No. 184769 October 5, 2010
of said tasks. It is only upon full satisfaction of the final judgment,
order or decision that a final return of the writ shall be made to the
DEYTO and RUBEN A. SAPITULA, Petitioners,
court and if the court finds that the judgment has been fully
vs.ROSARIO GOPEZ LIM, Respondent.
implemented, the satisfaction of judgment shall be entered in the
The Court is once again confronted with an opportunity to define the
court docket.34 A writ of continuing mandamus is, in essence, a
evolving metes and bounds of the writ of habeas data. May an
command of continuing compliance with a final judgment as it
employee invoke the remedies available under such writ where an
"permits the court to retain jurisdiction after judgment in order to
employer decides to transfer her workplace on the basis of copies
ensure the successful implementation of the reliefs mandated under
of an anonymous letter posted therein imputing to her disloyalty
the courts decision."35
to the company and calling for her to leave, which imputation it
investigated but fails to inform her of the details thereof?
The Court, likewise, cannot sustain the argument that the
petitioners should have first filed a case with the Panel of Arbitrators
Rosario G. Lim (respondent), also known as Cherry Lim, is an
(Panel), which has jurisdiction over mining disputes under R.A. No.
administrative clerk at the Manila Electric Company (MERALCO).

On June 4, 2008, an anonymous letter was posted at the door of

Indeed, as pointed out by the respondents, the Panel has
the Metering Office of the Administration building of MERALCO
jurisdiction over mining disputes.36 But the petition filed below does
Plaridel, Bulacan Sector, at which respondent is assigned,
not involve a mining dispute. What was being protested are the
denouncing respondent. The letter reads:
alleged negative environmental impact of the small-scale mining
operation being conducted by Antones Enterprises, Global Summit
Mines Development Corporation and TR Ore in the Municipality of Cherry Lim:
Matnog; the authority of the Governor of Sorsogon to issue mining MATAPOS MONG LAMUNIN LAHAT NG BIYAYA NG MERALCO,
permits in favor of these entities; and the perceived indifference of NGAYON NAMAN AY GUSTO MONG PALAMON ANG BUONG
the DENR and local government officials over the issue. Resolution KUMPANYA SA MGA BUWAYA NG GOBYERNO. KAPAL NG
of these matters does not entail the technical knowledge and MUKHA MO, LUMAYAS KA RITO, WALANG UTANG NA
expertise of the members of the Panel but requires an exercise of LOOB.1
judicial function. Thus, in Olympic Mines and Development Corp. v.
Platinum Group Metals Corporation,37 the Court stated
Copies of the letter were also inserted in the lockers of MERALCO
linesmen. Informed about it, respondent reported the matter on
Arbitration before the Panel of Arbitrators is proper only when there June 5, 2008 to the Plaridel Station of the Philippine National
is a disagreement between the parties as to some provisions of the Police.2
contract between them, which needs the interpretation and the
application of that particular knowledge and expertise possessed by
By Memorandum3 dated July 4, 2008, petitioner Alexander Deyto,
members of that Panel. It is not proper when one of the parties
Head of MERALCOs Human Resource Staffing, directed the
repudiates the existence or validity of such contract or agreement
transfer of respondent to MERALCOs Alabang Sector in
on the ground of fraud or oppression as in this case. The validity of
Muntinlupa as "A/F OTMS Clerk," effective July 18, 2008 in light of
the contract cannot be subject of arbitration proceedings.
the receipt of " reports that there were accusations and threats
Allegations of fraud and duress in the execution of a contract are
directed against [her] from unknown individuals and which could
matters within the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts of law. These
possibly compromise [her] safety and security."
questions are legal in nature and require the application and
interpretation of laws and jurisprudence which is necessarily a
judicial function.38(Emphasis supplied in the former and ours in the Respondent, by letter of July 10, 2008 addressed to petitioner
latter) Ruben A. Sapitula, Vice-President and Head of MERALCOs
Human Resource Administration, appealed her transfer and
requested for a dialogue so she could voice her concerns and
Consequently, resort to the Panel would be completely useless and
misgivings on the matter, claiming that the "punitive" nature of the
transfer amounted to a denial of due process. Citing the grueling
travel from her residence in Pampanga to Alabang and back entails,
The Court also finds that the RTC erred in ruling that the petition is and violation of the provisions on job security of their Collective
infirm for failure to attach judicial affidavits. As previously stated, Bargaining Agreement (CBA), respondent expressed her thoughts
Rule 8 requires that the petition should be verified, contain on the alleged threats to her security in this wise:
supporting evidence and must be accompanied by a sworn xxxx
certification of non-forum shopping. There is nothing in Rule 8 that I feel that it would have been better . . . if you could have intimated
compels the inclusion of judicial affidavits, albeit not prohibited. It is to me the nature of the alleged accusations and threats so that at
only if the evidence of the petitioner would consist of testimony of least I could have found out if these are credible or even serious.
witnesses that it would be the time that judicial affidavits (affidavits But as you stated, these came from unknown individuals and the
of witnesses in the question and answer form) must be attached to way they were handled, it appears that the veracity of these
the petition/complaint.39
accusations and threats to be [sic] highly suspicious, doubtful or are Maintaining that the RTC has no jurisdiction over what they contend
just mere jokes if they existed at all. is clearly a labor dispute, petitioners argue that "although
ingeniously crafted as a petition for habeas data, respondent is
essentially questioning the transfer of her place of work by her
Assuming for the sake of argument only, that the alleged threats
employer"11 and the terms and conditions of her employment which
exist as the management apparently believe, then my transfer to an
arise from an employer-employee relationship over which the NLRC
unfamiliar place and environment which will make me a "sitting
and the Labor Arbiters under Article 217 of the Labor Code have
duck" so to speak, seems to betray the real intent of management
which is contrary to its expressed concern on my security and
safety . . . Thus, it made me think twice on the rationale for
managements initiated transfer. Reflecting further, it appears to me Petitioners thus maintain that the RTC had no authority to restrain
that instead of the management supposedly extending favor to me, the implementation of the Memorandum transferring respondents
the net result and effect of management action would be a punitive place of work which is purely a management prerogative, and that
one.4 (emphasis and underscoring supplied) OCA-Circular No. 79-200312 expressly prohibits the issuance of
TROs or injunctive writs in labor-related cases.
Respondent thus requested for the deferment of the implementation
of her transfer pending resolution of the issues she raised. Petitioners go on to point out that the Rule on the Writ of Habeas
Data directs the issuance of the writ only against public officials or
employees, or private individuals or entities engaged in the
No response to her request having been received, respondent filed
gathering, collecting or storing of data or information regarding an
a petition5 for the issuance of a writ of habeas data against
aggrieved partys person, family or home; and that MERALCO (or
petitioners before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Bulacan,
its officers) is clearly not engaged in such activities.
docketed as SP. Proc. No. 213-M-2008.

The petition is impressed with merit.

By respondents allegation, petitioners unlawful act and
omission consisting of their continued failure and refusal to provide
her with details or information about the alleged report which Respondents plea that she be spared from complying with
MERALCO purportedly received concerning threats to her safety MERALCOs Memorandum directing her reassignment to the
and security amount to a violation of her right to privacy in life, Alabang Sector, under the guise of a quest for information or data
liberty and security, correctible by habeas data. Respondent thus allegedly in possession of petitioners, does not fall within the
prayed for the issuance of a writ commanding petitioners to file a province of a writ of habeas data.
written return containing the following:
a) a full disclosure of the data or information about
Section 1 of the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data provides:
respondent in relation to the report purportedly received
by petitioners on the alleged threat to her safety and
security; the nature of such data and the purpose for its Section 1. Habeas Data. The writ of habeas data is a remedy
collection; available to any person whose right to privacy in life, liberty or
b) the measures taken by petitioners to ensure the security is violated or threatened by an unlawful act or
confidentiality of such data or information; and omission of a public official or employee or of a private individual
c) the currency and accuracy of such data or information or entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of data
obtained. or informationregarding the person, family, home and
correspondence of the aggrieved party. (emphasis and
underscoring supplied)
Additionally, respondent prayed for the issuance of a Temporary
Restraining Order (TRO) enjoining petitioners from effecting her
transfer to the MERALCO Alabang Sector. The habeas data rule, in general, is designed to protect by means
of judicial complaint the image, privacy, honor, information, and
freedom of information of an individual. It is meant to provide a
By Order6 of August 29, 2008, Branch 7 of the Bulacan RTC
forum to enforce ones right to the truth and to informational privacy,
directed petitioners to file their verified written return. And by Order
thus safeguarding the constitutional guarantees of a persons right
of September 5, 2008, the trial court granted respondents
to life, liberty and security against abuse in this age of information
application for a TRO.

Petitioners moved for the dismissal of the petition and recall of the
It bears reiteration that like the writ of amparo, habeas data was
TRO on the grounds that, inter alia, resort to a petition for writ of
conceived as a response, given the lack of effective and available
habeas data was not in order; and the RTC lacked jurisdiction over
remedies, to address the extraordinary rise in the number of killings
the case which properly belongs to the National Labor Relations
and enforced disappearances. Its intent is to address violations of
Commission (NLRC).7
or threats to the rights to life, liberty or security as a remedy
independently from those provided under prevailing Rules.13
By Decision8 of September 22, 2008, the trial court granted the
prayers of respondent including the issuance of a writ of preliminary
Castillo v. Cruz14 underscores the emphasis laid down in Tapuz v.
injunction directing petitioners to desist from implementing
del Rosario15 that the writs of amparo and habeas data will NOT
respondents transfer until such time that petitioners comply with the
issue to protect purely property or commercial concerns nor when
disclosures required.
the grounds invoked in support of the petitions therefor are vague or
doubtful.16 Employment constitutes a property right under the
The trial court justified its ruling by declaring that, inter alia, context of the due process clause of the Constitution.17 It is evident
recourse to a writ of habeas data should extend not only to victims that respondents reservations on the real reasons for her transfer -
of extra-legal killings and political activists but also to ordinary a legitimate concern respecting the terms and conditions of ones
citizens, like respondent whose rights to life and security are employment - are what prompted her to adopt the extraordinary
jeopardized by petitioners refusal to provide her with information or remedy of habeas data. Jurisdiction over such concerns is
data on the reported threats to her person. inarguably lodged by law with the NLRC and the Labor Arbiters.

Hence, the present petition for review under Rule 45 of 1997 Rules In another vein, there is no showing from the facts presented that
of Civil Procedure and the Rule on the Writ of Habeas petitioners committed any unjustifiable or unlawful violation of
Data9 contending that 1) the RTC lacked jurisdiction over the case respondents right to privacy vis-a-vis the right to life, liberty or
and cannot restrain MERALCOs prerogative as employer to security. To argue that petitioners refusal to disclose the contents
transfer the place of work of its employees, and 2) the issuance of of reports allegedly received on the threats to respondents safety
the writ is outside the parameters expressly set forth in the Rule on amounts to a violation of her right to privacy is at best speculative.
the Writ of Habeas Data.101avvphi1 Respondent in fact trivializes these threats and accusations from
unknown individuals in her earlier-quoted portion of her July 10,
2008 letter as "highly suspicious, doubtful or are just mere jokes if
they existed at all."18 And she even suspects that her transfer to
another place of work "betray[s] the real intent of management]"
and could be a "punitive move." Her posture unwittingly concedes In this case, the Court finds that Ilagan was not able to
that the issue is labor-related. sufficiently allege that his right to privacy in life, liberty or
security was or would be violated through the supposed
reproduction and threatened dissemination of the subject sex
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed September
video. While Ilagan purports a privacy interest in the suppression of
22, 2008 Decision of the Bulacan RTC, Branch 7 in SP. Proc. No.
this video which he fears would somehow find its way to Quiapo
213-M-2008 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. SP. Proc. No.
or be uploaded in the internet for public consumption he to failed
213-M-2008 is, accordingly, DISMISSED. No costs. SO ORDERED.
to explain the connection between such interest and any violation of
his right to life, liberty or security.
FACTS: Most Rev. Pedro D. Arigo, v. Scott H. Swift, (G.R. No.
Neri, a police officer, filed a petition for the issuance of Writ of 206510)
Habeas Data against Joy, her former common law partner. DATE: 16 September 2014
Tubbataha was declared a National Marine Park by virtue
According to him, sometime in July 2011, he visited Joys of Proclamation No. 306 issued by President Corazon C.
condominium and rested for a while. When he arrived at his office, Aquino on 11 August 1988.
he noticed his digital camera missing. On August 23, 2011, Joy In 1993, Tubbataha was inscribed by the United Nations
confronted him about a purported sex video she discovered Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
from the digital camera showing him and another woman. (UNESCO) as a World Heritage Site. It was recognized
as one of the Philippines oldest ecosystems.
He denied the video and demanded the return of the camera, but On 6 April 2010, Congress passed R.A. No. 10067 (RA
she refused. They had an altercation where Neri allegedly slammed 10067), otherwise known as the Tubbataha Reefs
Joys head against a wall and then walked away. Natural Park (TRNP) Act of 2009, to ensure protection
and conservation of the Tubbataha Reefs into perpetuity
Because of this, Joy filed several cases against him, including a for the enjoyment of present and future generations.
case for violation of Republic Act 9262 and administrative cases Under the no take policy, entry into the waters of the
before the Napolcom, utilising the said video. TRNP is strictly regulated and many human activities are
prohibited, penalized or fined, including fishing, gathering,
The use of the same violated his life to liberty, security and privacy destroying and disturbing the resources within the TRNP.
and that of the other woman, thus he had no choice but to file the In December 2012, the US Embassy in the Philippines
petition for issuance of the writ of habeas data. requested diplomatic clearance for the USS Guardian
(the ship) to enter and exit the territorial waters of the
RTC issued the writ and directed Joy to appear before the RTC and Philippines and to arrive at the port of Subic Bay for the
produce Neris digital camera, as well as the original and copies of purpose of routine ship replenishment, maintenance, and
the video, and to make a return within five days from receipt. In her crew liberty.
return,. Joy admitted keeping the memory card of the digital camera On 6 January 2013, the ship left Sasebo, Japan for Subic
and reproducing the video but only for use as evidence in the cases Bay, arriving on 13 January 2013. Two days later, it
she filed against Neri. Neris petitions should be dismissed because departed Subic Bay for its next port of call in Makassar,
its filing was only aimed at suppressing the evidence in the cases Indonesia.
she filed against him; and she is not engaged in the gathering, On 17 January 2013, while transiting the Sulu Sea, the
collecting, or storing of data regarding the person of Neri. The RTC ship ran aground on the northwest side of South Shoal of
granted Neris petition and ordered the turn-over of the video the Tubbataha Reefs. No one was injured in the incident
to Neri and enjoined Joy from reproducing the same. It and there have been no reports of leaking fuel or oil.
disregarded Joys defense that she is not engaged in the collection, On 20 January 2013, US 7th Fleet Commander, Vice
gathering and storage of data, and that her acts of reproducing the Admiral Scott Swift expressed regret for the incident in a
same and showing it to other persons (Napolcom) violated Neris press statement.
right to privacy and humiliated him. It clarified that it ruling only on
On 4 February 2013, US Ambassador to the Philippine
the return of the video and not on its admissibility as evidence.
Harry Thomas, Jr. met with Department of Foreign Affairs
Dissatisfied, Joy filed the instant petition before the Supreme Court.
Secretary Albert del Rosario regarding the compensation
for damage to the reef caused by the ship.
HELD: A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC, or the Rule on the Writ of Habeas
By 30 March 2013, the US Navy-led salvage team had
Data (Habeas Data Rule), was conceived as a response, given the
finished removing the last piece of the grounded ship
lack of effective and available remedies, to address the
from the coral reef.
extraordinary rise in the number of killings and enforced
disappearances[1]. It was conceptualized as a judicial remedy On 17 April 2013, petitioners Arigo, on their behalf
enforcing the right to privacy, most especially the right to and in representation of their respective
informational privacy of individuals[2], which is defined as the right sector/organization and others, including minors or
to control the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of generations yet unborn filed a petition for the issuance of
data about oneself[3]. a Writ of Kalikasan with prayer for the issuance of a
Temporary Environmental Protection Order (TEPO)
As defined in Section 1 of the Habeas Data Rule, the writ of habeas under the Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases.
data now stands as a remedy available to any person whose right Their contentions are:
to privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or threatened by an - The grounding, salvaging and post-salvaging
unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a operations of the ship cause and continue to cause
private individual or entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or environmental damage of such magnitude as to affect
storing of data or information regarding the person, family, home, the provinces of Palawan, Antiques, Aklan, Guimaras,
and correspondence of the aggrieved party. Iloilo, Negros Occidental, Negros Oriental, Zamboaga
del Norte, Basilan, Sulu and Taw-Tawi which events
Thus, in order to support a petition for the issuance of such writ, violate their constitutional rights to a balanced and
Section 6 of the Habeas Data Rule essentially requires that the healthful ecology
petition sufficiently alleges, among others, [t]he manner the right to - There should be a directive from the Supreme Court for
privacy is violated or threatened and how it affects the right to life, the institution of civil, administrative and criminal suits
liberty or security of the aggrieved party. In other words, the for acts committed in violation of environmental laws
petition must adequately show that there exists a nexus and regulations in connection with the grounding
between the right to privacy on the one hand, and the right to incident
life, liberty or security on the other[4]. Corollarily, the allegations - US respondents committed the following violations
in the petition must be supported by substantial evidence showing under RA 10067: unauthorized entry; non-payment of
an actual or threatened violation of the right to privacy in life, liberty conservation fees; obstruction of law enforcement
or security of the victim[5]. In this relation, it bears pointing out that officer; damages to the reef; and destroying and
the writ of habeas data will not issue to protect purely property or disturbing resources
commercial concerns nor when the grounds invoked in support of - The VFA provides for a waiver of immunity
the petitions therefor are vague and doubtful[6]. from suit
The respondents consist of the following: Scott Swift in against a person charged with a violation of an environmental law
his capacity as Commander of the US 7th Fleet; Mark is to be filed separately:
Rice as the Commanding Officer of the ship; President
Benigno Aquino III as the Commander-in-Chief of the SEC. 17. Institution of separate actions.
Armed Forces of the Philippines; Hon. Albert del Rosario The filing of a petition for the issuance of the
as the DFA Secretary; Hon. Paquito Ochoa as the writ of kalikasan shall not preclude the filing
Executive Secretary; Hon. Ramon Paje as the DENR of separate civil, criminal or administrative
Secretary; Vice Admiral Jose Luis Alano as the Philippine actions.
Navy Flag Officer in Command; Admiral Rodolfo Isorena
as Commandant of the Philippine Coast Guard, A ruling on the application or non-application of criminal
Commodore Enrico Efren Evangelista as the Philippine jurisdiction provisions of the VFA to US personnel who may be
Coast Guard Palawan, Major Gen. Virgilio Domingo as found responsible for the grounding of the USS Guardian, would
Commandant of the AFP and Lt. Gen. Terry Robling as be premature and beyond the province of a petition for a writ of
Co-Director of the US Marine Corps. Forces. The Kalikasan. The Court found it unnecessary to determine whether
Philippine respondents contend that: such waiver of State immunity is indeed absolute.
- The grounds relied upon by petitioners for the issuance
of TEPO or writ of Kalikasan have become fait accompli In the same vein, the Court cannot grant damages
as the salvage operations on the ship were already which have resulted from the violation of environmental laws.
completed Section 15, Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure for Environmental
- The petition is defective in form and in substance Cases enumerates the reliefs which may be granted in a petition
- The petition improperly raises issues involving VFA for issuance of a writ of Kalikasan, to wit:
between Philippines and USA
- The determination of the extent of responsibility of the Section 15. Judgment. - Within sixty (60)
US Government regarding the damage to the days from the time the petition is submitted
Tubbataha Reefs rests exclusively with the executive for decision, the court shall render
branch judgment granting or denying the privilege
ISSUES of the writ of kalikasan.

1. WON the Court has jurisdiction over the US respondents The reliefs that may be granted under the
2. WON the waiver of immunity provisions of the VFA writ are the following:
3. WON the petition has become moot (a) Directing respondent to permanently
4. WON the Court can determine the extent of responsibility cease and desist from committing acts or
of the US Government neglecting the performance of a duty in
violation of environmental laws resulting in
RULING environmental destruction or damage;
(b) Directing the respondent public official,
1. None. The US respondents were sued in their official capacity as government agency, private person or
commanding officers of the US Navy who had control and entity to protect, preserve, rehabilitate or
supervision over the USS Guardian and its crew. The alleged act restore the environment;
or omission resulting in the unfortunate grounding of the USS (c) Directing the respondent public official,
Guardian on the TRNP was committed while they were government agency, private person or
performing official military duties. Considering that the satisfaction entity to monitor strict compliance with the
of a judgment against said officials will require remedial actions decision and orders of the court;
and appropriation of funds by the US government, the suit is (d) Directing the respondent public official,
deemed to be one against the US itself. The principle of State government agency, or private person or
immunity therefore bars the exercise of jurisdiction by the Court entity to make periodic reports on the
over the persons of respondents Swift, Rice and Robling. execution of the final judgment; and
(e) Such other reliefs which relate to the
It is worthy to note that during the deliberations, Justice right of the people to a balanced and
Antonio Carpio took the position that the conduct of the US in this healthful ecology or to the protection,
case, when its warship entered a restricted area in violation of RA preservation, rehabilitation or restoration of
10067 and caused damage to the TRNP reef system, brings the the environment, except the award of
matter within the ambit of Article 31 of the United Nations damages to individual petitioners.
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). (Emphasis supplied)

While historically, warships enjoy sovereign immunity 3. Yes, in the sense that the salvage operation sought to be
from suit as extensions of their flag State, Art. 31 of UNCLOS enjoined or restrained had already been accomplished. However,
creates an exception to this rule in cases where they fail to insofar as the directives to Philippine respondents to protect and
comply with the rules and regulations of the coastal State rehabilitate the coral reef structure and marine habitat adversely
regarding passage through the latters internal waters and the affected by the grounding incident are concerned, petitioners are
territorial sea. entitled to these reliefs notwithstanding the completion of the
removal of the USS Guardian from the coral reef.
Although the US to date has not ratified the UNCLOS,
as a matter of long-standing policy, the US considers itself bound The Court is mindful of the fact that the US and
by customary international rules on the traditional uses of the Philippine governments both expressed readiness to negotiate
oceans as codified in UNCLOS. and discuss the matter of compensation for the damage caused
by the USS Guardian. After all, exploring avenues for settlement
The Court concurs with Justice Carpios view that non- of environmental cases is not proscribed by the Rules of
membership in the UNCLOS does not mean that the US will Procedure for Environmental Cases.
disregard the rights of the Philippines as a Coastal State over its
internal waters and territorial sea. The Court thus expects the US 4. No. The Court deferred to the Executive Branch the matter of
to bear international responsibility under Art. 31 of UNCLOS in compensation and rehabilitation measures through diplomatic
connection with the USS Guardian grounding which adversely channels. Resolution of these issues impinges on our relations
affected the Tubbataha reefs. with another State in the context of common security interests
under the VFA.
2. No. The waiver of State immunity under the VFA pertains only to
criminal jurisdiction and not to special civil actions such as the It is settled that the conduct of the foreign relations of
present petition for issuance of a writ of Kalikasan. our government is committed by the Constitution to the executive
and legislative the political departments of the government,
In fact, it can be inferred from Section 17, Rule 7 of the and the propriety of what may be done in the exercise of this
Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases that a criminal case political power is not subject to judicial inquiry or decision.

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