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Assignment on

Dostea Advertisement

Submitted To
Sir Wajahat

Submitted By
Shumaila Samad
Roll no 937
BBA(Hons) Morning
Section (A)
Noorpur foods introduced new product Dostea.
Its extensive campaign on electronic and social media is going on. Marketing strategy
that is being used is basically on tea whitener name.
Dostea commercial promote the joint family system that is rapidly decreased in our
society, due to rise in educational level, desire for independency etc.
In this commercial they are trying to deliver the message that friendship in every
relation makes it easier and happier.

Segmentation Basis
It encourages the concept of collectivism. This commercial is fully dramatized.
It target demographically whole family from children to adults.
In this commercial in part one marketers attracts in second developing borrowed
interest (coming soon) in third desire and in fourth part action is shown.
In behavioral segmentation point of view marketers target usage situation
segmentation. Dostea milk can be used for different occasions like weddings, birthday
parties and casual get to gather.
It use the jingle of Dostea aisa nata Jo sonny sy b mhnga from this marketers are
motivating consumers to build and enjoy friendship in every relation.

In my point of view in this commercial a very unique and emotional concept of joint
family is raised.
I think it is most suitable for this concept because its an efforts to moves the consumers
from individualism to collectivism.
In our society most of people prefers separate family system rather than joint family
system, even in this competition era we are forgetting the concepts and valuations of
relations, so this adds brings attention to that part of our life.
Another thing that is shown that each and every person belongs to any profession and
at every age can enjoy this or her life with the support of family members.
Marketers are trying to change in every relation friendship sense makes it stronger and
enjoyable for yourself and for others as well.

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