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8th Grade Humanities Course

Instructor: Mr. Jared I. Boone Office: Room 61, St. Marys Hall
Phone: (973)-932-4265 Email:
Office Hours: M-F, after school by appointment.
_ ___________________________________________________________________
Course Objectives:
In this course, we will study a combination of English and U.S. History with the goal
of building a comprehensive understanding of both subjects. We will accomplish this
through a study of both historical literature, documents, and events. In doing so, we aspire:
1) To assess and further develop reading and writing skills.
2) To further develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
_ ___________________________________________________________________
Textbook and Other Course Materials:
Students will be using a number of historical texts, documents, and speeches along
with several historical literary works. All supplemental reading will be provided by the

Classroom Conduct and Academic Expectations:

As young men preparing to join the high school division of St. Benedicts Prep, I
expect my students to behave in a manner that is representative of the thousands of
Benedicts Men who have walked these halls before you. With this in mind, I expect my
students to:
1) Be on time for class.
2) Be attentive and respectful to their fellow classmates.
3) Be prepared with all materials for class - including paper, pens, devices,
homework, etc.
4) Participate in class discussions and activities.
Foul language, talking-over others, violence, or any other behavior not suited for the
classroom is considered unacceptable behavior.
_ ___________________________________________________________________
Materials for Class:
1) Loose-leaf paper for in-class work, notes, and assignments.
2) One, 3-subject notebook - college ruled lines.
3) One, 1 inch binder for worksheets, handouts, and readings.
4) Black or Blue pens for notes and homework.
5) One planner with room to add assignments, meetings, etc.
_ ___________________________________________________________________
Electronic Devices:
St. Benedicts Prep school-wide policy does not allow for the use of electronic
devices and/or phones outside of the front lobby or the Cafeteria prior to 7:40 and after
3:10. Device usage for academic purposes only is permitted in the Library and ACC. In this
class, if you are using your phone or electronic device it will be taken for the duration of
class. If your technology becomes a larger problem, I will take it for the day. If the problem
persists, a parent/guardian will have to schedule an appointment with me in order to get
the device back. While we will occasionally use technology in class, unless stated otherwise,
students will be encouraged to take notes traditionally with a pen and paper.
_ ___________________________________________________________________
Absence Policy:
Students are discouraged from missing class unnecessarily. If a student is absent, it
is their responsibility to make up missing work and to obtain notes and other missing
materials. In the event of a planned absence, students should ask about upcoming
assignments. Assignments are posted on the class website and many are available for
online submission. If a student is to accumulate 5 unexcused absences throughout the
course of the term, the student shall receive an audit (AU) for the course. Excused absences
must be approved through Mr. Duffy.

Lateness Policy:
Students are expected to arrive for class on time. Given that 7th and 8th grade boys
classrooms are two floors apart (at most), lateness should be minimal. Considering this, for
every 3 times a student is late, his final grade will drop by - i.e., A to A- or D- to F.
_ ___________________________________________________________________
Homework will be assigned regularly with clear due dates and will also be posted on
the class website. Assignments must be submitted on-time, neatly written or typed and
submitted electronically.
Late Assignments:
Assignments are due at the beginning of each class period and are considered late if
handed in at any point thereafter. Homework grades will drop by for each day it is late.
For example, Check Plus (100pts) drops to Check (85pts); Check drops to Check Minus
(70pts); Check Minus drops to Opts. Students with excused absences approved by Mr.
Duffy will be allowed to turn in their work within one day of their return to school. Late
papers will lose 10 points credit for each day they are late.
_ ___________________________________________________________________
Quizzes and Exams:
Quizzes will always be announced ahead of time to allow for a study/review period
and will be based on material covered in class and assigned as homework.
Grading Scale: A 95-100 Participation: 10%
A- 90-94 Quizzes: 10%
B+ 87-89 Papers: 15%
B 83-86 Homework: 20%
B- 80-82 Mid-Term: 20%
C+ 76-79 Final Exam 25%
C 73-75 100%
C- 70-72
D+ 66-69
D 63-65
D- 60-62
F below 60

Parents/guardians should feel free to contact me at any time concerning student progress.
I have read and understand he requirements and
recommendations for this course.

Student Name (Print)

Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent/Guardian email
St. Benedicts Prep Covenant
Community Commitment Code
Benedicts men are persons of integrity. Whatever helps my brother helps me. Trust is the

virtue by which we build our community; violation of the communitys trust is grounds for


We respect the property of others and of the community. It is our responsibility to ensure that we

care for our own belongings, the possessions of others, and the shared property of the

community. Benedicts men do not steal.

We are truthful with ourselves and with our brothers. Benedicts men do not lie.

We take pride in each others talents and our ability to learn from one another. Benedicts men

live in community.

Academic Honor Code

Lying, cheating, and stealing are considered unacceptable violations of the Academic Honor

Code and are subject to disciplinary action.

Lie: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a


Cheat: to take an examination or test in a dishonest way, as by improper access to answers; to

violate rules or regulations.

Steal: to take (the academic property or work of another or others) without permission or right,

especially secretly or by force.

I will not cheat. I will not lie. I will not steal.

I will report anyone who does.

_ _______ _______________________________________________
Student Signature Date

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