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Open Hemispheric Brain Dominance Scale 1.

Instructions: For each question 1-20, rate the statement on a scale from 1 to 5
(5 agreeing completely, 1 entirely disagreeing, 3 for neutral etc.)

Q1 4 I do not need others praise.

Q2 1 I would prefer a class in mathematics to a class in pottery.

Q3 2 I never show up late.

Q4 3 I don't bother to the read instructions before I start putting something together.

Q5 5 I could not live in a mess.

Q6 3 I am totally random.

Q7 4 I like working with words.

Q8 3 I behave in a businesslike manner.

Q9 5 I come up with something new.

Q10 3 I am not easily disturbed by events.

Q11 1 I rarely cry during sad movies.

Q12 3 I plan my life logically.

Q13 5 I need a creative outlet.

Q14 3 I make decisions based on facts, not feelings.

Q15 5 I make a mess of things.

Q16 4 I get stressed out easily.

Q17 5 I am romantic.

Q18 4 I prize logic above all else.

Q19 3 I often forget to put things back in their proper place.

Q20 3 I am calm even in tense situations.

A= 32 Sum of Q: (1,2,3,5,8,10,11,12,14,18,20)

B= 37 Sum of Q: (4,6,7,9,13,15,16,17,19)

Scoring Instructions: Take the values and move them into the equation below.

x=66- 32
plus 37
equals 69

X is your final score. It should be between 20 and 100.

Higher scores indicate more right-brained thinking.
Lower scores indicate left-brained thinking.

If you want to categorize yourself, you can use the table below

Range Results
20-55 Left-Brained
56-64 No clear preference
65-100 Right-Brained

The OHBDS is a measure of the hypothesized left-brain versus right-brain preference.

For information about the development of the OHBDS, visit

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