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Year 1/2 Term 1

As Theologists, we will be an-

swering the key question, is it
Celebration of LearningSharing presentations possible to be kind to everyone
about amazing animals with parents.
all the time?!
WOW Event School trip to Bristol Zoo
Friday 29th September
As Artists, we will be exploring
3D modelling.
As Musicians, we will be focusing on the song We shall create our own
Hands, Feet, Heart by Joanna Mangona. sculptures.
Amazing Animals
As Technologists, we will be learning to log As Athletes, Year 2 children will be taught our PE lessons by Bristol Rugby (Weds
onto laptops, stay safe online, search on the afternoons. Year 1 children will be taught PE on Thursday afternoon. WE shall be learn-
internet and use textese. ing gymnastic skills during Term 1.

As Scientists, we will be
Identifying living and non living things.
Sorting animals into different groups for example reptiles/ amphibians and mammals.
Observing, labelling and comparing simple features of different animals.
Learning about diet and the different between herbivores/ omnivores and carnivores.
As Mathematicians, this term we will be focusing on

Understanding place valuepartitioning numbers into tens

and ones.
Adding and subtracting using number lines and column
As Writers, this term we will be focusing on
methods for Year 2
Writing simple sentences using correct punctua- Understand the concepts of multiplication and division us-
tion . ing arrays and sharing.
Learning to use cursive handwriting (joined). Finding simple fractions of shapes and numbers.
For examples see Measuring accurately in cm using a ruler.
Verbally retelling fairy tales focussing on includ-
ing adjectives and expanded noun phrases. As readers, we are focusing on
Reading common exception words at speed
Writing our own fairy tales using a range of
punctuation and expanded noun phrases. Understanding what we have read by answering simple
questions about the text.
For non-fiction, children will be writing an infor-
Using expression when reading aloud.
mation text about animals.
To improve our spelling, we will
Learn to spell common exception words by heart
In all writing we will be expecting children to use
alongside learning new phonic spellings
cursive writing.

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