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Present Continuous Present Past simple Past Past Perfect

Simple Perfect Continuous

ever/never now ever/never ago when 1st in past

always at the moment the first time yesterday while
sometimes always- criticism before (last) last year
everyday tonight since in 1995
usually temporary just last night
frequently still already
rarely today for 2 weeks when
often so far
yet I used to

Future- am going Future-will Future Future Perfect Future Words

to (plan) continuous
decide now by next June about to
tomorrow predictions by this time by this time next are bound to
tomorrow year
in a week I hope am to
I think am about to
I believe due to
soon on the point of
next year
10 years from
in a week

Time Expressions Use present tense after these expressions

Its time you left. Its time to go. When I get home, Ill call you.
Its high time you did your homework. As soon as I reach New York, Ill send you can e-mail.
Once I finish, Ill take a break.
I wish I had a million euros. (now) Unless it rains, well go on a picnic tomorrow.
I wish I had gone to Mykonos last summer. After I finish the book, Ill give it to you.
(past) ****************
If only I had more time. (now) Infinitives in Passive:
If only I had listened to my mother. (past)
He is believed to live/to be living in Athens.
I wish he would get lost. He is believed to have lived/to have been living on Bali in the
I wish it would snow tomorrow. 1980s.

I hope you have a good time. 25 Y is thought to be the answer.

Id rather stay here. Smoking is known to cause heart attacks.

Id prefer to play basketball. Asbestos is known to have caused serious illness.

Youd better go to bed early.

Conditional sentences

Zero: Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.
First: If I feel better, I will go to the party tonight .
Second: If I had a helicopter, I would travel everywhere in it.
Third: If I had remembered my umbrella, I wouldnt have got wet

VERBS with to VERBS with ING Both

agree to admit like

advise (him) to avoid love
afford to congratulate (him) hate
allow (me) to on begin
appear to consider continue
arrange to delay start
attempt to deny
ask (him)to detest
choose to dislike
dare to enjoy
decide to fancy EXCEPTIONS
demand to finish
deserve to imagine He admitted to + ING
encourage (me) I am used to/get
expect to used to I object to + ING
fail to involve
forbid (her) to like In addition to + ING
happen to mention
hope to mind
intend to miss
invite (me) to postpone
learn how to practice
manage to recommend
neglect to risk
offer to suggest
persuade (her) to Its not worth
plan to I cant stand
pretend to I cant help
promise to Its no use
remind (me) to feel like
require to give up
refuse to keep on
seem to I look forward to

I am supposed to put off cant stand
threaten to spend time
want to Theres no point in
warn (them) to waste time



1. I forgot to lock the door. 1. Ill never forget visiting Paris.

2. I must remember to call the doctor. 2. Ill always remember spending the
summers in Spain.
3. She tried to open the door.
3. Why dont you try hitting it with a
4. I meant to call him last night. hammer.

5. We regret to inform you that your flight 4. Thats means getting up early.
is delayed.
5. He regrets spending all his money on
6. She stopped to tie her shoelace. cars.

6. He stopped smoking last year.

MODALS: Present Past

Have to I have to study now. Had to- I had to study last night.
Didnt have to- I didnt have to
Dont have to- not necessary study because my teacher is sick.

Should have + 3rd. I should have
Should- advice. You should eat fastened my seat belt.
Ought to have- You ought to have
studied for the test.
Ought to- You ought to study for
your math test. Must have + 3rd. He must have
known the correct answer.

Must- rules/laws. You must be
quiet in school.
Mustnt- forbidden You mustnt
smoke here

Must- (I think) That must be John.

Cant have + 3rd Thats cant

Cant-(I dont think). No thats have been John, hes in London.
cant be him, hes in New York.
Neednt have + 3rd- I did it anyway.
Neednt- You neednt take your I neednt have brought my
passport with you. umbrella, because it didnt rain.

Had better- advice. You had

better hurry up. Didnt need to- I didnt need to
pack tonight.

Need to- its necessary. I need to May have been/might have been
get ready now.

May/might- possibility


I demand that he answer the question.

We insist that she take her passport with her.

The suggested that he take the early train.


She made me clean my room.

My parents let me stay out

late on Fridays.

Stative Verbs- dont use ING

belong to


Not only did he lose his watch, but he also lost his passport.
Never had Jennifer ever seen such a beautiful dress.

Rarely do children behave all the time.
Seldom have they known what they were doing.
No sooner had I opened the door, than a bat flew in my face!
Only after I got home, did I remember that I had forgotten my umbrella. ****** 2nd
Under no circumstances, are you to open that door.
At no time are you allowed to smoke during class.
Not until I had finished the exam, did I realize that I was in the wrong class! ***2nd

Reported Speech

Change from -> To

Present Simple -> Past simple

Present Continuous -> Past continuous

Present Perfect/Past Simple-Past Perfect Past Perfect


Will/can -> Would/could

Tomorrow/yesterday -> The day after/the day before

Note: In reporting questions, we dont change the word order.

He wondered why she was always late.

She asked how often she goes to the movies.


absorbed in afraid of in advance
accuse him of ashamed of in any case
am concerned about aware of in charge of
am used to + ing am capable of in comparison with
apologize for am fond of in comfort
appeal to am full of in demand
argue about am jealous of in the end
benefit from annoyed about in favour of
blame (him) for anxious about in good condition
boast about certain about in jeopardy
charged with excited about in harmony
coincide with pleased about in response to
collide with serious about in short
complain about sorry about in theory
concentrate on upset about in time
confess to angry with in trouble
convicted of annoyed with in turn
deal with bored with with regard to
depend on good at at any rate
devote myself to happy with at first sight
differ from obsessed with at the end
discuss about pleased with at large
expel from bad at on a regular basis
glance at surprised at on behalf of
insist on keen on on good terms
insure against addicted to on the market
involved in grateful to on purpose
pay (for) kind to on the verge of
prefer (x) to married to beyond belief
pride myself on engaged to by coincidence
protest about shocked by by mistake
protest against surprised by by the time
react to early for by surprise
refer to eligible for for life
see to famous for for the time being
specialize in late for out of breath
succeed in liable for out of control
suffer from ready for out of danger
translate from->into responsible for out of doors
write about interested in out of the ordinary
is known as absent from out of practice
is regarded as different from out of stock
is described as deprived of under control
room for ban on under pressure
responsible for comment on under stress
have an effect on under suspicions
influence on without exception
access to without a word
an exception to after all
a solution to
craving for
cure for
recipe for

Phrasal Verbs

Break down- Her car broke down. Le me down- Why do you always let

Break of relations- Greece and me down? I can never count on you.
Turkey broke off relations. Look into- The police are looking into
Carry out (orders)- You must carry the matter.
out the Generals orders. Make out- I cant make out his name
Come about- How did that come on the bell.
about? Make up- Hes always making up
Come out His new book comes out crazy stories.
next month. Pull of- Greece managed to pull of
Come up against- Ive never come the most successful Olympics ever!
up against such a situation before. Put across- He is not able to put his
Come up with- find an answer ideas across.
Drop in- visit on the spur of the Put of- They put off their wedding
moment for a month.
End up- He end up in prison for life. Put me up Can you put me up
face up to lifes challenges when Im in London next week?
fall for the wrong man Put up with- I cant put up with nosy
Fall through- plans fell through people.
Get across- He couldnt get his ideas Rip of- That restaurant really ripped
across. us off- 200 euros for a hamburger and
Get at- What are you getting at? fries!
Get down to- Lets get down to Run into- Yesterday I ran into Dimitri
work. in Kifissia.
Get over- It took him a month to get Run over- He ran over a cat.
over the flu. See (her) of- Were going to see
Get round to- Be patient- Ill get grandma off to the airport tomorrow.
round to it one of these days. Set out for- He set out for London on
Give away- He gave away all his foot.
money. Stand for- The flag stands for Greece.
Give up- I give up- whats the Take in- Dont tell me you were taken
answer. in by the gypsies again!
Go of- The bomb went off Take over- Vodafone is going to take
unexpectedly. over OTE.
Go on- He went on talking for hours. Take up- He took up skiing when he
Have it in for- My new boss has it in was 60 years old.
for me. Tell of- You shouldnt tell your
Hit it of- We hit it off immediately teacher off.
and became fast friends. Turn down- He turned down the
Hold up- The robbers held up the offer.
National Bank last night. Turn up- Dont worry your missing
Keep up- Keep up the good work! ring will turn up somewhere.

Odds and Ends

Too/Enough Has gone to/has been to

He is too short to play basketball. Wheres your mom? She gone to the
He isnt tall enough to play basketball. supermarket.

My mother has been to Paris many

Such a/Such/So
The doctor will be in his office
until 6 oclock. Such a thrilling sport- singular
The report is due by Monday and countables
the 16th. (the latest)
Such awful food /such ugly
shoes- uncountable or plural

Shes so happy. He played so

In spite of/despite

In spite of the snow, we Although/even though

drove to school.
Even though he got lost on the way,
In spite of the pouring rain, he had a good time at the party.
they played the football
game. (complete sentence after even though)

Although she is the smartest math

Despite having a bad cold,
student in the class, she failed her
she took her math exam.
first math test.

Despite a terrible headache, (complete sentence after although)

she finished her homework.

Causitive- someone does something

for you (have/got + 3rd column verb)

I got my hair cut. I had my hair cut.

We had our house painted.
He had his car serviced.

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