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Minitab Exercise (MAT 201 Spring 2017)

When you do Minitab Exercise,

(1) You can submit only hard copy. I dont accept electronic files.
(2) You can work together, but need to submit your own product.
(3) Staple.

Assignment Due Problems

Exercise 1 2/8/2017 From Chapter 1 Exercises (You can find it at the end of Chapter 1 from the
e-book), use Minitab for the following problems. You dont need to solve the
problems as instructed in the questions.

1.25 (Make a pie chart and a bar graph)

1.31 (Make a histogram and a stem plot)
1.44 (Make a time plot; be sure to use stamp option)
Exercise 2 3/31/2017 From Chapter 2 Exercises, use Minitab for the following problems. You
dont need to solve the problems as instructed in the questions.

2.31 (Make a box plot and calculate five-number summary)

4.29 (Make a scatter plot and calculate r)
5.37 (Make a scatter plot with a regression line and calculate r)

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