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EFFECT AND APPLICATION OF LAWS In computing a period, the first day shall be excluded, and
the last day, included.
NCC 1 -18
Art. 14 Penal laws and those of public security and safety
Art. 1 This act shall be known as the Civil Code of the shall be obligatory upon all who live or sojourn in Philippine
Philippines. territory, subject to the principles of public international law
Art. 2 Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following and to treaty stipulations.
the completion of their publication either in the Official Art. 15 Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the
Gazette, or in a newspaper of general circulation in the status, condition and legal capacity of persons are binding
Philippines, unless it is otherwise provided. (As amended upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad.
by E.O. 200)
Art. 16 Real property as well as personal property is
Art. 3 Ignorance of the law excuses no one from subject to the law of the country where it is situated.
compliance therewith.
However, intestate and testamentary successions, both
Art. 4 Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the with respect to the order of succession and to the amount
contrary is provided. of successional rights and to the intrinsic validity of
Art. 5 Acts executed against mandatory or prohibitory testamentary rights, shall be regulated by the national law
laws shall be void, except when the law itself authorizes of the person whose succession is under consideration,
their validity. whatever may be the nature of the property and regardless
of the country wherein said property may be found.
Art. 6 Rights may be waived, unless the waiver is
contrary to law, public order, public policy, morals, or good Art. 17 The forms and solemnities of contracts, wills, and
customs or prejudicial to a third person with a right other public instruments shall be governed by the laws of
recognized by the law. the country in which they are executed.

Art. 7 Laws are repealed only by subsequent ones, and When the acts referred to are executed before the
their violation or non-observance shall not be excused by diplomatic or consular officials of the Republic of the
disuse, or custom or practice to the contrary. Philippines in a foreign country, the solemnities
established by Philippine laws shall be observed in their
When the courts declare a law to be inconsistent with the execution.
Constitution, the former shall be void and the latter shall
govern. Prohibitive laws concerning persons, their acts or property,
and those which have for their object public order, public
Administrative or executive acts, orders and regulations policy and good customs shall not be rendered ineffective
shall be valid only when they are not contrary to the laws by laws or judgments promulgated, or by determinations
or the Constitution. or conventions agreed upon in a foreign country.

Art. 8 Judicial decisions shall applying or interpreting the Art. 18 In matters which are governed by the Code of
laws or the Constitution shall form a part of the legal Commerce and special laws, their deficiency shall be
system of the Philippines. supplied the provisions of this Code.

Art. 9 No judge or court shall decline to render judgment

by reason of the silence, obscurity or insufficiency of the
laws. A. When do laws take effect?

Art. 10 In case of doubt in the interpretation or application NCC 2

of laws, it is presumed that the lawmaking body intended Art. 2 Laws shall take effect after fifteen days
right and justice to prevail. following the completion of their publication either in
the Official Gazette, or in a newspaper of general
Art. 11 Customs which are contrary to law, public order circulation in the Philippines, unless it is otherwise
or public policy shall not be countenanced. provided. (As amended by E.O. 200)
Art. 12 A custom must be proved as a fact, according to
the rules of evidence. Revised Administrative Code (RAC) Secs. 18-24
Sec. 18. When Laws Take Effect. - Laws shall take
Art. 13 When laws speak of years, months, days or effect after fifteen (15) days following the completion
nights, it shall be understood that years are of three of their publication in the Official Gazette or in a
hundred sixty-five days each; months, of 30 days; days, of newspaper of general circulation, unless it is
twenty-four hours; and nights, from sunset to sunrise. otherwise provided.

If months are designated by their name, they shall be Sec. 19. Prospectivity. - Laws shall have prospective
computed by the number of days which they respectively effect unless the contrary is expressly provided.
Sec. 20. Interpretation of Laws and Administrative Art. 4 Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless
Issuances. - In the interpretation of a law or the contrary is provided.
administrative issuance promulgated in all the official
languages, the English text shall control, unless Art. 5 Acts executed against mandatory or
otherwise specifically provided. In case of ambiguity, prohibitory laws shall be void, except when the law
omission or mistake, the other texts may be consulted. itself authorizes their validity.

Sec. 21. No Implied Revival of Repealed Law.- When

a law which expressly repeals a prior law itself
repealed, the law first repealed shall not be thereby cf. NCC 2252 2269
revived unless expressly so provided.
Art. 2252. Changes made and new provisions and
Sec. 22. Revival of Law Impliedly Repealed. - When a rules laid down by this Code which may prejudice or
law which impliedly repeals a prior law is itself impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with the
repealed, the prior law shall thereby be revived, unless old legislation shall have no retroactive effect.
the repealing law provides otherwise.
For the determination of the applicable law in cases
Sec. 23. Ignorance of the Law. - Ignorance of the law which are not specified elsewhere in this Code, the
excuses no one from compliance therewith. following articles shall be observed: (Pars. 1 and 2,
Transitional Provisions).
Sec. 24. Contents. - There shall be published in the
Official Gazette all legislative acts and resolutions of a Art. 2253. The Civil Code of 1889 and other previous
public nature; all executive and administrative laws shall govern rights originating, under said laws,
issuances of general application; decisions or from acts done or events which took place under their
abstracts of decisions of the Supreme Court and the regime, even though this Code may regulate them in
Court of Appeals, or other courts of similar rank, as a different manner, or may not recognize them. But if
may be deemed by said courts of sufficient importance a right should be declared for the first time in this
to be so published; such documents or classes of Code, it shall be effective at once, even though the act
documents as may be required so to be published by or event which gives rise thereto may have been done
law; and such documents or classes of documents as or may have occurred under prior legislation, provided
the President shall determine from time to time to have said new right does not prejudice or impair any vested
general application or which he may authorize so to be or acquired right, of the same origin. (Rule 1)
Art. 2254. No vested or acquired right can arise from
The publication of any law, resolution or other official acts or omissions which are against the law or which
documents in the Official Gazette shall be prima facie infringe upon the rights of others. (n)
evidence of its authority.
Art. 2255. The former laws shall regulate acts and
E.O. 200, Secs. 1 2 contracts with a condition or period, which were
Sec. 1. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days executed or entered into before the effectivity of this
following the completion of their publication either in Code, even though the condition or period may still be
the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general pending at the time this body of laws goes into effect.
circulation in the Philippines, unless it is otherwise (n)
Art. 2256. Acts and contracts under the regime of the
Sec. 2. Article 2 of Republic Act No. 386, otherwise old laws, if they are valid in accordance therewith,
known as the "Civil Code of the Philippines," and all shall continue to be fully operative as provided in the
other laws inconsistent with this Executive Order are same, with the limitations established in these rules.
hereby repealed or modified accordingly. But the revocation or modification of these acts and
contracts after the beginning of the effectivity of this
Code, shall be subject to the provisions of this new
B. Ignorance of the law body of laws. (Rule 2a)

NCC 3 Art. 2257. Provisions of this Code which attach a civil

sanction or penalty or a deprivation of rights to acts or
Art. 3 Ignorance of the law excuses no one from omissions which were not penalized by the former
compliance therewith. laws, are not applicable to those who, when said laws
were in force, may have executed the act or incurred
in the omission forbidden or condemned by this Code.
C. Retroactivity
If the fault is also punished by the previous legislation,
NCC 4, 5 the less severe sanction shall be applied.

If a continuous or repeated act or omission was

commenced before the beginning of the effectivity of
this Code, and the same subsists or is maintained or includes those things which came into the creditor's
repeated after this body of laws has become possession before said date. (n)
operative, the sanction or penalty prescribed in this
Code shall be applied, even though the previous laws Art. 2266. The following shall have not only
may not have provided any sanction or penalty prospective but also retroactive effect:
therefor. (Rule 3a) (1) Article 315, whereby a descendant cannot be
Art. 2258. Actions and rights which came into being compelled, in a criminal case, to testify against his
but were not exercised before the effectivity of this parents and ascendants;
Code, shall remain in full force in conformity with the (2) Articles 101 and 88, providing against collusion in
old legislation; but their exercise, duration and the cases of legal separation and annulment of marriage;
procedure to enforce them shall be regulated by this
Code and by the Rules of Court. If the exercise of the (3) Articles 283, 284, and 289, concerning the proof of
right or of the action was commenced under the old illegitimate filiation;
laws, but is pending on the date this Code takes effect,
and the procedure was different from that established (4) Article 838, authorizing the probate of a will on
in this new body of laws, the parties concerned may petition of the testator himself;
choose which method or course to pursue. (Rule 4) (5) Articles 1359 to 1369, relative to the reformation of
Art. 2259. The capacity of a married woman to execute instruments;
acts and contracts is governed by this Code, even if (6) Articles 476 to 481, regulating actions to quiet title;
her marriage was celebrated under the former laws.
(n) (7) Articles 2029 to 2031, which are designed to
promote compromise. (n)
Art. 2260. The voluntary recognition of a natural child
shall take place according to this Code, even if the Art. 2267. The following provisions shall apply not only
child was born before the effectivity of this body of to future cases but also to those pending on the date
laws. (n) this Code becomes effective:

Art. 2261. The exemption prescribed in Article 302 (1) Article 29, Relative to criminal prosecutions
shall also be applicable to any support, pension or wherein the accused is acquitted on the ground that
gratuity already existing or granted before this Code his guilt has not been proved beyond reasonable
becomes effective. (n) doubt;

Art. 2262. Guardians of the property of minors, (2) Article 33, concerning cases of defamation, fraud,
appointed by the courts before this Code goes into and physical injuries. (n)
effect, shall continue to act as such, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 320. (n) Art. 2268. Suits between members of the same family
which are pending at the time this Code goes into
Art. 2263. Rights to the inheritance of a person who effect shall be suspended, under such terms as the
died, with or without a will, before the effectivity of this court may determine, in order that compromise may
Code, shall be governed by the Civil Code of 1889, by be earnestly sought, or, in case of legal separation
other previous laws, and by the Rules of Court. The proceedings, for the purpose of effecting, if possible,
inheritance of those who, with or without a will, die a reconciliation. (n)
after the beginning of the effectivity of this Code, shall
be adjudicated and distributed in accordance with this Art. 2269. The principles upon which the preceding
new body of laws and by the Rules of Court; but the transitional provisions are based shall, by analogy, be
testamentary provisions shall be carried out insofar as applied to cases not specifically regulated by them.
they may be permitted by this Code. Therefore, (Rule 13a)
legitimes, betterments, legacies and bequests shall be
respected; however, their amount shall be reduced if
in no other manner can every compulsory heir be RPC 22
given his full share according to this Code. (Rule 12a)
Art. 22. Retroactive effect of penal laws. Penal
Art. 2264. The status and rights of natural children by Laws shall have a retroactive effect insofar as they
legal fiction referred to in article 89 and illegitimate favor the persons guilty of a felony, who is not a
children mentioned in Article 287, shall also be habitual criminal, as this term is defined in Rule 5 of
acquired by children born before the effectivity of this Article 62 of this Code, although at the time of the
Code. (n) publication of such laws a final sentence has been
pronounced and the convict is serving the same.
Art. 2265. The right of retention of real or personal
property arising after this Code becomes effective,
D. Waiver of Rights G. Applicability of Custom

NCC 6 NCC 11, 12

Art. 6 Rights may be waived, unless the waiver is Art. 11 Customs which are contrary to law, public
contrary to law, public order, public policy, morals, or order or public policy shall not be countenanced.
good customs or prejudicial to a third person with a
right recognized by the law. Art. 12 A custom must be proved as a fact,
according to the rules of evidence.
cf. NCC 301
Art. 301. The right to receive support cannot be cf. 1987 Constitution, Art. XII, Sec. 5
renounced; nor can it be transmitted to a third person. Section 5. The State, subject to the provisions of this
Neither can it be compensated with what the recipient Constitution and national development policies and
owes the obligor. programs, shall protect the rights of indigenous
cultural communities to their ancestral lands to ensure
their economic, social, and cultural well-being.
E. Repeal of Laws
The Congress may provide for the applicability of
NCC 7 customary laws governing property rights or relations
Art. 7 Laws are repealed only by subsequent ones, in determining the ownership and extent of ancestral
and their violation or non-observance shall not be domain.
excused by disuse, or custom or practice to the
contrary. Rules of Court Rule 129 (2) (3) What Need Not Be
cf. 1987 Constitution, Art. XVIII, Sec 3. Section 2. Judicial notice, when discretionary. A
Section 3. All existing laws, decrees, executive orders, court may take judicial notice of matters which are of
proclamations, letters of instructions, and other public knowledge, or are capable to unquestionable
executive issuances not inconsistent with this demonstration, or ought to be known to judges
Constitution shall remain operative until amended, because of their judicial functions. (1a)
repealed, or revoked.
Section 3. Judicial notice, when hearing necessary.
During the trial, the court, on its own initiative, or on
F. Duty to Render Judgment request of a party, may announce its intention to take
judicial notice of any matter and allow the parties to be
NCC 9 heard thereon.
Art. 9 No judge or court shall decline to render
judgment by reason of the silence, obscurity or
insufficiency of the laws. H. Legal Periods

cf. RPC 5 NCC 13

Art. 5. Duty of the court in connection with acts which Art. 13 When laws speak of years, months, days or
should be repressed but which are not covered by the nights, it shall be understood that years are of three
law, and in cases of excessive penalties. Whenever a hundred sixty-five days each; months, of 30 days;
court has knowledge of any act which it may deem days, of twenty-four hours; and nights, from sunset to
proper to repress and which is not punishable by law, sunrise.
it shall render the proper decision, and shall report to
the Chief Executive, through the Department of If months are designated by their name, they shall be
Justice, the reasons which induce the court to believe computed by the number of days which they
that said act should be made the subject of legislation. respectively have.

In the same way, the court shall submit to the Chief In computing a period, the first day shall be excluded,
Executive, through the Department of Justice, such and the last day, included.
statement as may be deemed proper, without
suspending the execution of the sentence, when a Rules of Court, Rule 28
strict enforcement of the provisions of this Code would Physical and Mental Examination of Persons
result in the imposition of a clearly excessive penalty, Section 1. When examination may be ordered. In
taking into consideration the degree of malice and the an action in which the mental or physical condition of
injury caused by the offense. a party is in controversy, the court in which the action
is pending may in its discretion order him to submit to
a physical or mental examination by a physician.
RAC, Sec 1. codes, the Rules of Court, and in special laws.
Sec. 31. Legal Periods. - "Year" shall be understood Capacity to act is not limited on account of religious
to be twelve calendar months; "month" of thirty days, belief or political opinion.
unless it refers to a specific calendar month in which A married woman, twenty-one years of age or over,
case it shall be computed according to the number of is qualified for all acts of civil life, except in cases
days the specific month contains; "day," to a day of specified by law. (n)
twenty-four hours; and "night," from sunset to sunrise.

B. Commencement and Termination of Personality

I. Binding Effect
1. Natural Persons
NCC 15
Art. 15 Laws relating to family rights and duties, or NCC 40 41
to the status, condition and legal capacity of persons Art. 40. Birth determines personality; but the
are binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even conceived child shall be considered born for all
though living abroad. purposes that are favorable to it, provided it be born
later with the conditions specified in the following
article. (29a)
J. Human Relations
Art. 41. For civil purposes, the fetus is considered
NCC 19 21 born if it is alive at the time it is completely delivered
Art. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his from the mother's womb. However, if the fetus had an
rights and in the performance of his duties, act with intra-uterine life of less than seven months, it is not
justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty deemed born if it dies within twenty-four hours after
and good faith. its complete delivery from the maternal womb.(30a)

Art. 20. Every person who, contrary to law, wilfully or 1987 Constitution, Art. II Sec. 12
negligently causes damage to another, shall Section 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of
indemnify the latter for the same. family life and shall protect and strengthen the family
as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall
Art. 21. Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury equally protect the life of the mother and the life of
to another in a manner that is contrary to morals, the unborn from conception. The natural and primary
good customs or public policy shall compensate the right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth
latter for the damage. for civic efficiency and the development of moral
character shall receive the support of the


Article 5. Commencement of Civil Personality. - The
A. Persons and Personality civil personality of the child shall commence from the
time of his conception, for all purposes favorable to
NCC 37 39 him, subject to the requirements of Article 41 of the
Art. 37. Juridical capacity, which is the fitness to be Civil Code.
the subject of legal relations, is inherent in every
natural person and is lost only through death. RPC Arts. 256 259
Capacity to act, which is the power to do acts with Art. 256. Intentional abortion. Any person who
legal effect, is acquired and may be lost. (n) shall intentionally cause an abortion shall suffer:
1. The penalty of reclusion temporal, if he shall use
Art. 38. Minority, insanity or imbecility, the state of any violence upon the person of the pregnant
being a deaf-mute, prodigality and civil interdiction woman.chanrobles virtual law library
are mere restrictions on capacity to act, and do not 2. The penalty of prision mayor if, without using
exempt the incapacitated person from certain violence, he shall act without the consent of the
obligations, as when the latter arise from his acts or woman.chanrobles virtual law library
from property relations, such as easements. (32a) 3. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium
and maximum periods, if the woman shall have
Art. 39. The following circumstances, among others, consented.
modify or limit capacity to act: age, insanity,
imbecility, the state of being a deaf-mute, penalty, Art. 257. Unintentional abortion. The penalty of
prodigality, family relations, alienage, absence, prision correccional in its minimum and medium
insolvency and trusteeship. The consequences of period shall be imposed upon any person who shall
these circumstances are governed in this Code, other cause an abortion by violence, but unintentionally.
Art. 258. Abortion practiced by the woman herself of cohabited with the other and both lived together as
by her parents. The penalty of prision correccional husband and wife;
in its medium and maximum periods shall be (2) That either party was of unsound mind, unless
imposed upon a woman who shall practice abortion such party after coming to reason, freely cohabited
upon herself or shall consent that any other person with the other as husband and wife;
should do so. (3) That the consent of either party was obtained by
fraud, unless such party afterwards, with full
Any woman who shall commit this offense to conceal knowledge of the facts constituting the fraud, freely
her dishonor, shall suffer the penalty of prision cohabited with the other as husband and wife;
correccional in its minimum and medium periods. (4) That the consent of either party was obtained by
force, intimidation or undue influence, unless the
If this crime be committed by the parents of the same having disappeared or ceased, such party
pregnant woman or either of them, and they act with thereafter freely cohabited with the other as
the consent of said woman for the purpose of husband and wife;
concealing her dishonor, the offenders shall suffer (5) That either party was physically incapable of
the penalty of prision correccional in its medium and consummating the marriage with the other, and
maximum periods. such incapacity continues and appears to be
incurable; or
Art. 259. Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife (6) That either party was afflicted with a sexually-
and dispensing of abortives. The penalties transmissible disease found to be serious and
provided in Article 256 shall be imposed in its appears to be incurable. (85a)
maximum period, respectively, upon any physician or
midwife who, taking advantage of their scientific NCC 1327, 1328
knowledge or skill, shall cause an abortion or assist Art. 1327. The following cannot give consent to a
in causing the same. contract:
(1) Unemancipated minors;
Any pharmacist who, without the proper prescription
from a physician, shall dispense any abortive shall (2) Insane or demented persons, and deaf-mutes
suffer arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 1,000 who do not know how to write. (1263a)
pesos. Art. 1328. Contracts entered into during a lucid
interval are valid. Contracts agreed to in a state of
NCC 42, 43 drunkenness or during a hypnotic spell are voidable.
Art. 42. Civil personality is extinguished by death. (n)

The effect of death upon the rights and obligations of RPC 12 (1)
the deceased is determined by law, by contract and Art. 12. Circumstances which exempt from criminal
by will. (32a) liability. the following are exempt from criminal
Art. 43. If there is a doubt, as between two or more 1. An imbecile or an insane person, unless the latter
persons who are called to succeed each other, as to has acted during a lucid interval.
which of them died first, whoever alleges the death of When the imbecile or an insane person has
one prior to the other, shall prove the same; in the committed an act which the law defines as a felony
absence of proof, it is presumed that they died at the (delito), the court shall order his confinement in one
same time and there shall be no transmission of of the hospitals or asylums established for persons
rights from one to the other. (33) thus afflicted, which he shall not be permitted to
leave without first obtaining the permission of the
same court.
2. Insanity 2. A person under nine years of age.
3. A person over nine years of age and under fifteen,
FC 45 (2) unless he has acted with discernment, in which
Art. 45. A marriage may be annulled for any of the case, such minor shall be proceeded against in
following causes, existing at the time of the accordance with the provisions of Art. 80 of this
marriage: Code.
(1) That the party in whose behalf it is sought to
have the marriage annulled was eighteen years of When such minor is adjudged to be criminally
age or over but below twenty-one, and the marriage irresponsible, the court, in conformably with the
was solemnized without the consent of the parents, provisions of this and the preceding paragraph, shall
guardian or person having substitute parental commit him to the care and custody of his family
authority over the party, in that order, unless after who shall be charged with his surveillance and
attaining the age of twenty-one, such party freely education otherwise, he shall be committed to the
care of some institution or person mentioned in said Section 5. Assistance of fiscal in the
Art. 80. proceeding. It shall be the duty of the provincial
4. Any person who, while performing a lawful act fiscal or in the City of Manila the fiscal of the city, to
with due care, causes an injury by mere accident prepare the petition for the Director of Health and
without fault or intention of causing it. represent him in court in all proceedings arising
5. Any person who act under the compulsion of under the provisions of this rule.
irresistible force.
6. Any person who acts under the impulse of an
uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury. 3. Deaf
7. Any person who fails to perform an act required
by law, when prevented by some lawful insuperable NCC 1327, 807, 820
cause. Art. 1327. The following cannot give consent to a
ROC, Rule 101 Proceedings for Hospitalization
of Insane Persons (1) Unemancipated minors;

Section 1. Venue, Petition for commitment. (2) Insane or demented persons, and deaf-mutes
A petition for the commitment of a person to a who do not know how to write. (1263a)
hospital or other place for the insane may be filed Art. 807. If the testator be deaf, or a deaf-mute, he
with the Court of First Instance of the province must personally read the will, if able to do so;
where the person alleged to be insane is found. The otherwise, he shall designate two persons to read it
petition shall be filed by the Director of Health in all and communicate to him, in some practicable
cases where, in his opinion, such commitment is for manner, the contents thereof. (n)
the public welfare, or for the welfare of said person
who, in his judgment, is insane and such person or Art. 820. Any person of sound mind and of the age of
the one having charge of him is opposed to his being eighteen years or more, and not bind, deaf or dumb,
taken to a hospital or other place for the insane. and able to read and write, may be a witness to the
execution of a will mentioned in Article 805 of this
Section 2. Order for hearing. If the petition Code. (n)
filed is sufficient in form and substance, the court,
by an order reciting the purpose of the petition, shall
fix a date for the hearing thereof, and copy of such
4. Prodigality
order shall be served on the person alleged to be
insane, and to the one having charge him, or on
ROC, Rule 92, Sec. 2
such of his relatives residing in the province or city
Section 2. Meaning of word "incompetent."
as the judge may deem proper. The court shall
Under this rule, the word "incompetent" includes
furthermore order the sheriff to produce the alleged
persons suffering the penalty of civil interdiction or
insane person, if possible, on the date of the
who are hospitalized lepers, prodigals, deaf and
dumb who are unable to read and write, those who
are of unsound mind, even though they have lucid
Section 3. Hearing and judgment. Upon
intervals, and persons not being of unsound mind,
satisfactory proof, in open court on the date fixed in
but by reason of age, disease, weak mind, and other
the order, that the commitment applied for is for the
similar causes, cannot, without outside aid, take care
public welfare or for the welfare of the insane
of themselves and manage their property, becoming
person, and that his relatives are unable for any
thereby an easy prey for deceit and exploitation.
reason to take proper custody and care of him, the
court shall order his commitment to such hospital or
other place for the insane as may be recommended
by the Director of Health. The court shall make 5. Civil Interdiction
proper provisions for the custody of property or
money belonging to the insane until a guardian be RPC 34, 41
properly appointed. Art. 34. Civil interdiction. Civil interdiction shall
deprive the offender during the time of his sentence
Section 4. Discharge of insane. When, in of the rights of parental authority, or guardianship,
the opinion of the Director of Health, the person either as to the person or property of any ward, of
ordered to be committed to a hospital or other place marital authority, of the right to manage his property
for the insane is temporarily or permanently cured, and of the right to dispose of such property by any
or may be released without danger he may file the act or any conveyance inter vivos.
proper petition with the Court of First Instance which
ordered the commitment. Art. 41. Reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal;
Their accessory penalties. The penalties of
reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal shall carry news, and five years in case the absentee has left a
with them that of civil interdiction for life or during the person in charge of the administration of his property,
period of the sentence as the case may be, and that his absence may be declared. (184)
of perpetual absolute disqualification which the
offender shall suffer even though pardoned as to the Art. 385. The following may ask for the declaration of
principal penalty, unless the same shall have been absence:
expressly remitted in the pardon. (1) The spouse present;
(2) The heirs instituted in a will, who may present an
authentic copy of the same;
6. Family Relations (3) The relatives who may succeed by the law of
FC 150, 87 (4) Those who may have over the property of the
Art. 50. Family relations include those: absentee some right subordinated to the condition of
(1) Between husband and wife; his death. (185)
(2) Between parents and children;
(3) Among brothers and sisters, whether of the full or Art. 386. The judicial declaration of absence shall not
half-blood. take effect until six months after its publication in a
newspaper of general circulation. (186a)
Art. 87. Every donation or grant of gratuitous
advantage, direct or indirect, between the spouses Art. 387. An administrator of the absentee's property
during the marriage shall be void, except moderate shall be appointed in accordance with Article 383.
gifts which the spouses may give each other on the (187a)
occasion of any family rejoicing. The prohibition shall Art. 388. The wife who is appointed as an
also apply to persons living together as husband and administratrix of the husband's property cannot
wife without a valid marriage. (133a) alienate or encumber the husband's property, or that
of the conjugal partnership, without judicial authority.
7. Alien age
Art. 389. The administration shall cease in any of the
8. Absence following cases:
(1) When the absentee appears personally or by
NCC 381 396 means of an agent;
Art. 381. When a person disappears from his (2) When the death of the absentee is proved and his
domicile, his whereabouts being unknown, and testate or intestate heirs appear;
without leaving an agent to administer his property, (3) When a third person appears, showing by a
the judge, at the instance of an interested party, a proper document that he has acquired the absentee's
relative, or a friend, may appoint a person to property by purchase or other title.
represent him in all that may be necessary. In these cases the administrator shall cease in the
This same rule shall be observed when under similar performance of his office, and the property shall be
circumstances the power conferred by the absentee at the disposal of those who may have a right thereto.
has expired. (181a) (190)

Art. 382. The appointment referred to in the Art. 390. After an absence of seven years, it being
preceding article having been made, the judge shall unknown whether or not the absentee still lives, he
take the necessary measures to safeguard the rights shall be presumed dead for all purposes, except for
and interests of the absentee and shall specify the those of succession.
powers, obligations and remuneration of his The absentee shall not be presumed dead for the
representative, regulating them, according to the purpose of opening his succession till after an
circumstances, by the rules concerning guardians. absence of ten years. If he disappeared after the age
(182) of seventy-five years, an absence of five years shall
be sufficient in order that his succession may be
Art. 383. In the appointment of a representative, the opened. (n)
spouse present shall be preferred when there is no
legal separation. Art. 391. The following shall be presumed dead for all
purposes, including the division of the estate among
If the absentee left no spouse, or if the spouse the heirs:
present is a minor, any competent person may be (1) A person on board a vessel lost during a sea
appointed by the court. (183a) voyage, or an aeroplane which is missing, who has
not been heard of for four years since the loss of the
Art. 384. Two years having elapsed without any news vessel or aeroplane;
about the absentee or since the receipt of the last
(2) A person in the armed forces who has taken part government-owned or controlled corporation, or
in war, and has been missing for four years; institution, the administration of which has been
(3) A person who has been in danger of death under intrusted to them; this provision shall apply to judges
other circumstances and his existence has not been and government experts who, in any manner
known for four years. (n) whatsoever, take part in the sale;

Art. 392. If the absentee appears, or without (5) Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks of
appearing his existence is proved, he shall recover superior and inferior courts, and other officers and
his property in the condition in which it may be found, employees connected with the administration of
and the price of any property that may have been justice, the property and rights in litigation or levied
alienated or the property acquired therewith; but he upon an execution before the court within whose
cannot claim either fruits or rents. (194) jurisdiction or territory they exercise their respective
functions; this prohibition includes the act of acquiring
Art. 393. Whoever claims a right pertaining to a by assignment and shall apply to lawyers, with
person whose existence is not recognized must respect to the property and rights which may be the
prove that he was living at the time his existence was object of any litigation in which they may take part by
necessary in order to acquire said right. (195) virtue of their profession.0

(6) Any others specially disqualified by law. (1459a)

Art. 394. Without prejudice to the provision of the
preceding article, upon the opening of a succession
to which an absentee is called, his share shall accrue
to his co-heirs, unless he has heirs, assigns, or a V. DOMICILE AND RESIDENCE
representative. They shall all, as the case may be, Juridical Person - NCC 51
make an inventory of the property. (196a)
Art. 51. When the law creating or recognizing them, or any
Art. 395. The provisions of the preceding article are other provision does not fix the domicile of juridical
understood to be without prejudice to the action of persons, the same shall be understood to be the place
petition for inheritance or other rights which are where their legal representation is established or where
vested in the absentee, his representatives or they exercise their principal functions. (41a)
successors in interest. These rights shall not be
extinguished save by lapse of time fixed for
prescription. In the record that is made in the Registry
Natural Persons NCC 50, FC 68 & 69
of the real estate which accrues to the coheirs, the
circumstance of its being subject to the provisions of Art. 50. For the exercise of civil rights and the fulfillment of
this article shall be stated. (197) civil obligations, the domicile of natural persons is the
place of their habitual residence. (40a)
Art. 396. Those who may have entered upon the
inheritance shall appropriate the fruits received in FC 68, 69
good faith so long as the absentee does not appear,
Art. 68. The husband and wife are obliged to live together,
or while his representatives or successors in interest
observe mutual love, respect and fidelity, and render
do not bring the proper actions. (198)
mutual help and support. (109a)

Art. 69. The husband and wife shall fix the family domicile.
9. Insolvency Trusteeship In case of disagreement, the court shall decide.
NCC 1491, 1381 The court may exempt one spouse from living with the
other if the latter should live abroad or there are other valid
Art. 1491. The following persons cannot acquire by
and compelling reasons for the exemption. However, such
purchase, even at a public or judicial auction, either
exemption shall not apply if the same is not compatible
in person or through the mediation of another:
with the solidarity of the family. (110a)
(1) The guardian, the property of the person or
persons who may be under his guardianship;

(2) Agents, the property whose administration or sale

may have been entrusted to them, unless the
consent of the principal has been given;

(3) Executors and administrators, the property of the

estate under administration;

(4) Public officers and employees, the property of the

State or of any subdivision thereof, or of any

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