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To Whom It May Concern, This letter is in support of teacher candidate Taylor Masse obtaining a teaching position upon completion of her Bachelor of Education degree, Taylor was a student teacher in my classroom during her first year at the University of Windsor's Faculty of Education Taylor came in with a positive attitude and an eagerness to learn, She displayed many skills that will benefit her when she has her own classroom. Taylor researched all lessons she was expected to teach and used provided resources as well as many of her own found materials. Taylor found many ways to use available technology in the classroom and went above and beyond expectations when using this technology. She taught every subject offered in a grade one classroom and made a relevant connection with the Ontario Curriculum for each lesson. Taylor was respectful of each student when dealing with them relating to subject matter or behaviour. She was not shy to interact with adults in the building either. Every staff member who came in contact with Taylor commented on her positive attitude, She can often be seen helping out in the office and all the students remember Miss Masse. Taylor kept notes on all the students she worked with and these comments were very helpful when completing report cards. Taylor went above and beyond for every lesson she created, She put effort into everything she did and her lessons reflected this. Sincerely, bAvpwo Nicola Dennis

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