Tuan Vo

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Writing assignment 6 - Vo Hoang Tuan - SO11

The given diagram illustrates how beer is manufactured (good). Overall, this is a linear
man-made process which starts with malted barley and ends with packaged beer. There
are ten distinct stages, namely milling, mashing, lautering, boiling, whirling, cooling,
fermenting, maturing, filtering and packaging.

First of all, malted barley is poured into a mill, the output is then added with water
before being mashed. Afterwards, this mixture is sent to another chamber for lautering;
in this stage, spent grain from malted barley is taken out and then collected to feed
animals. Next, the lautered liquid is mixed with sugar and hops before being boiled.

In the next step, this mixture is transferred to a whirlpool for mixing and then cooled.
Subsequently, yeast is added to the cooled mixture for fermenting; as a result, this step
produces yeast and carbon dioxide as by-products (good). Afterwards, the fermented
liquid is poured into tanks for maturing and matured beer is sent to a filter for filtering.
Finally, the beer is packed in three different types (bottle and kegs) to deliver.

Good job. C phong th ny vi task 2 th anh Tun chc phi t c 7 im vit.

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