SPEECH Teacher's Day Pt3

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On Teachers day, you as the head prefect of the school have been
asked to give a speech. With the help of the notes below please
write out your speech:

the purpose of Teachers day we must appreciate their

efforts, service and their dedication
teachers give knowledge, moral values of life, skills for
examination, advising us what is wrong and correct our
programme of the Teachers day teachers are invited to
attend a concert, organise lot of games and activities and lunch
is served.
A very good morning to our respected and honourable principal,
teachers and my fellow friends. In conjunction with Teachers day, I
as the head prefect of our school have been asked to give a speech.

On 16th May, Teachers Day is celebrated by all of us to

appreciate teachers efforts, service and dedication. Time and energy

may have been sacrificed by the teachers to bring up and give the
best outcomes to the pupils.

Teachers also give us knowledge, moral values of life and skills

for examination. They are good listeners and the one who will advise
and correct us if we do wronged.

Today, we have lined up a few programmes and activities. First

, teachers are invited to attend a concert. In the concert there will be
many performances. Teachers and students also are been prepared
to have few games and activities together. Before we leave, the
teachers would be prepared with a special lunch.

Lastly, I would like to share this quote A teacher is like a

candle it consumes itself to light the way for others.

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