Realyn Austria June 21, 2017 Book Review Chapter 2: Woburn Summer 1966

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Realyn Austria June 21, 2017

Book Review
Chapter 2: Woburn Summer 1966

In this chapter, the place of Woburn was described then and now. How people
emerged into a community, how the economy boosted from small to a large scale of
tannery industry, and much of the highlight was to the environment. That how in 4 years,
from 1961 to 1965, the quality of water and air deteriorated so rapidly.

More characters were introduced in this subsequent chapter. Prominent was the
story of the Andersons. They came in as a healthy family and through time, the youngest
of their family unfortunately suffered leukemia. Unusual to the community is that there is
not only one case but of a greater number. It sounds odd to Anne Anderson and two of
her neighbors namely, Carol and Kay Bolster. Rev. Young eventually supported her
claim while his husband has been so skeptical at first. Due to the succeeding turn of the
events, more cases of leukemia arose which strengthen Annes theory, that is was about
the contaminated water in their area due to tannery business. They can easily isolate the
cause to water contamination because it is evident that since people consume the water
from the well for drinking, it goes within the system of the people and could possibly
weaken the immune system of the residents especially the young ones.

I was disheartened the way the City Mayor and the Woburn government reacted
when the cases of leukemia was publicized. They were more concern about the impact
against the trade industry and realty and not for their peoples welfare and safety. At the
first part of the chapter, it was made known to the local officials that deep wells
contained contaminated water and yet they continued to operate it. Never did they
consider finding ways to resolve the sudden rise of leukemia cases but instead, attacked
Rev. Youngs action when he raised the issue to the media. It was only then when the
issue was given appropriate and necessary actions. It may not have been from the
initiative of the local government but at least there is someone whom these desperate
people can turn to help resolve the puzzle in their community. Why there is a sudden rise
in numbers of leukemia? What are the contributing factors? Could it be the water? How
big was the damaged by now? All these questions seem to have left the community in
vague, still. As the researches still failed to link the leukemia to anything from their

I was impressed by the turn of events in this chapter. It contains spoonful of

happenings and incidents. I cannot deny that at this stage, I am already emotionally
attached on how the events will lead me to the resolution of the contaminated water
linking to the leukemia. As a mother, I am responsible for everything that I give to my
children. But in the case of Anne and the rest, they were caught in a situation that while
they know that there is something wrong, they couldnt do anything about it. They cannot
even fight for the right of their children to a healthy environment because even the
authority that they expect that would be their first line of defense have their own interest
adverse to their welfare, safety and security.

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