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Velocity Series

Working in both traditional

and synchronous mode
while using Solid Edge

white paper

Synchronous technology from Siemens PLM Software now enables CAD

designers to combine the power and precision of history-based modeling with the
ease of use of direct modeling. This white paper describes a methodical way for
designers to leverage and mix parts created with both traditional and
synchronous modeling techniques.

PLM Software
Answers for industry.
Working in both traditional and sychronous mode while using Solid Edge

Table of contents
Executive summary 1
Modeling choices for the
design engineer 2
The Solid Edge alternative
and its advantages 4
Implementing Solid Edge with
Synchronous Technology 2 8
Further reading 12
Conclusion 12
Glossary 13
Executive summary

The CAD industry continues to push the envelope offering better ways to design products. While many
applications promise productivity, the end user is often left to figure out the best way to implement new
offerings. Generally, CAD vendors offer software based on one of two technologies: history-based
modeling or explicit modeling. A few vendors offer both technologies, but only as separate systems.
However, there is a new way to combine the best of both approaches. Synchronous technology from
Siemens PLM Software provides the power and precision of history-based modeling with the ease of use
of direct modeling; it is now available in Solid Edge software. In addition, history-based design (which
this white paper will also refer to as traditional design) is still available. The difference is that both
technologies are conveniently packaged in Solid Edge as a single system. This combined packaging lets
existing users work without interruption, while leveraging new capabilities at a convenient rate. New
users can adopt either technology on the basis of their background and design process.
This white paper first reviews todays current CAD technologies and then provides an overview to
Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2, explaining how both new and existing users can
leverage this software by mixing synchronous and traditional parts in the same 3D CAD assembly.
The details in this white paper can be used by companies that already are using Solid Edge or by new
customers with 2D or 3D background.

Modeling choices for the design engineer

Two modeling choices

Until only recently, mechanical designers had to choose between history-based and explicit
modeling. The most common history-based modeling systems capture design steps in
chronological order as features. Operations or features include holes, blends, bosses and
cutouts. When a change is needed, the user simply selects the desired feature and edits its
definition. Afterwards, all subsequent operations must regenerate. To get the correct results, all
features must be carefully built and tied down so that they dont go astray when some
upstream feature changes.
This process of tying down or constraining the features limits the types of allowable edits and
often leads to complete remodeling. This methodical design process enables history-based
systems to provide a high degree of design automation. However, getting predictable results
during the edit process requires a tremendous amount of pre-planning the nemesis to
history-based systems.
The other technology type is called explicit modeling. In explicit modeling, only the result of
an operation is captured; modeling steps are not. As a result, edits are made by manipulating the
3D body directly, since there are no features to choose and edit. But a lack of features can be
troublesome. For example, changing the instance count of a pattern generally requires delete
and recreate operations. While that is a tremendous obstacle, simpler edits can be made very
quickly and flexibly.
Some CAD vendors try to offer one modeling system or the other. In a few cases, vendors
offer both. The challenge is deciding what system to choose and then deciding how to
implement the system so that its benefits can be realized. Figure 1 shows todays competing
technologies with their positive and negative contributions. The peak of the desirability curve
includes the best attributes of each; this is the foundation of synchronous technology found in
Solid Edge. This new technology from Siemens PLM Software uniquely offers the best of both
worlds. Synchronous technology is neither a history-based nor explicit modeling system.
Instead, it is a feature-based, history-free, 3D CAD technology that combines the speed and
flexibility of explicit modeling with precise control of parameterized design. A simple example of
the difference is presented later in this white paper.

History-based Synchronized Explicit
modeling solve Flexible modeling
Dimension- Procedural editing
Pre-planning features
required driven Fast edits Feature-less

Highly Live Rules with many

Inflexible when automated featured Little dimension-
changes outside Driving 3D parts driven editing
designs are Feature- dimensions Easy-to-use,
needed based direct Little design
More... interaction automation
Slow, fragile
edits on many-
featured parts


Figure 1: Synchronous technology

Offering something from each modeling choice
Most CAD vendors recognize the positive attributes of each modeling system and try to offer
comparable functionality within the confines of their chosen core technology.
The most notable feature set offered by history-based systems is direct editing (but this
capability is not necessarily available from all vendors of traditional CAD). This editing method
lets users directly edit the body or B-REP, capturing that step as another operation. While this
offers a certain degree of flexibility, the edit process sometimes becomes slower and more
complicated as edits can be made from multiple places: the original and the direct edit step.
In addition, direct editing doesnt solve all problems. For example, take a look at Figure 2.
Notice how only selected faces are moved. While this works fine for the example on the left,
the model on the right is destroyed. This bad result occurs because direct editing cant walk
around a model and solve unrelated geometry to preserve intent. It only moves whats been
selected and only can extend adjacent faces.
On the other hand explicit design systems crave parameterized design, and the best attempts
offer some dimensional edit control, but the lack of persistent dimensions and features make
edits to patterns, shells, holes and other previously defined geometry impossible. In many of
these cases, delete-then-recreate is a common practice.
A few of the more popular CAD companies are offering both technologies, but in completely
separate packages. While CAD systems are built upon a single core competency (history or
explicit), some make attempts to offer a taste of the other. The end result is that a choice still
has to be made as there is no way to work easily with both.

Figure 2: Limitations of direct modeling1

Some history-based CAD systems offer direct editing, a concept that appends operations to a history
tree that allows edits to be made directly to geometry. Direct editing only moves whats selected, as
shown in the left image, and gives the desired answer. But it fails on slightly different designs. For
example, the unselected tangent faces in the right image need to be solved in order to preserve the
design intent.
The Solid Edge alternative and its advantages

Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2 has found a unique way to offer the best of both worlds
through a combination of synchronous technology and traditional modeling. Figure 3 shows
how Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2 handles the design change shown in Figure 2.
Designers simply choose the primary design element (the mounting hole) and its concentric
outer face and tangent faces are preserved with or without design constraints. Solid Edge also
provides a history-based application.
Synchronous technology helps the user by reducing the need to pre-plan designs to
accommodate future use. This offers unbounded editing flexibility and performance when
adapting old designs to new requirements and it promotes data re-use by enabling designers
to edit imported parts or sheet metal models. Users get the added benefit of being able to
work with traditional history-based CAD, thereby enabling existing designs and processes to be
preserved until a switch is made. Supplying both technologies, Solid Edge enhances overall
capability and throughput. The following subsections describe how this is accomplished.

Figure 3: Overcoming the limits of direct editing 2

Single application with both modeling technologies

Lets start with the basics. Solid Edge provides one single CAD system that includes both
technologies: synchronous technology and traditional modeling. The user interface is the same
in each, only differing in how certain commands are implemented. The interface is based on
Microsoft Fluent, which is the foundation for Microsoft Office 2007. Assemblies, parts or sheet
metal models created in either technology share the same file extensions respectively, which
means that the system knows what environment to launch upon performing a File | Open.
Unless the user knows what small differences to look for, the interface for traditional or
synchronous will look and feel the same. Performance, flexibility and usability are where the
differences become obvious.

Taking the same example as shown in Figure 2, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2 lets users
grab just the key design elements while automatically holding the design intent. Notice the adjacent
faces tip to preserve tangency. These werent selected but are automatically modified. An option is
available to break tangency if desired.

Figure 4 shows the interfaces for both Microsoft Word (Office 2007) and Solid Edge
(synchronous and traditional). While the applications are different in nature, menu navigation
and overall structure are virtually the same.

Figure 4: Comparing Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2 and Microsoft Word 3

The similarities aid experienced Solid Edge users because they adopt synchronous technology
easier once they understand the Fluent interface. Also, new users can transition into Solid Edge
faster because the user interface mimics Office 2007, which most users are already understand.

Free to use either technology

Because of the similarity of the user interface in both technologies, engineers should feel
comfortable in designing in either synchronous or traditional mode. In fact, many design
scenarios support various model types, design process or company roll-out plans. Existing users
can easily work in traditional mode and migrate to synchronous when it is convenient to do so.
This presents the user with options that help reduce implementation time and speed new
adoption. For existing users, there are no changes to how traditional parts or assemblies are
created or edited, so current users can expect no downtime after installing and using the latest
version. Users can continue to work in traditional mode without interruption, and build new
parts or assemblies using either modeling mode. Users also can convert traditional documents
to synchronous to take advantage of faster, more-flexible edits, but this is purely optional.
Alternatively, users can to start in synchronous today and continue on as the application

The upper image shows the tabbed user interface found in Microsoft Word; the middle image shows
Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2. The lower image is Solid Edge in traditional mode. All
are based on the Fluent style. Notice the similarities.
Finally, traditional and synchronous parts can be mixed and matched within assemblies to
optimize the overall design experience.

Mixing and matching both technologies

Both new and existing Solid Edge users can create parts or assemblies in either synchronous or
traditional mode and add them to existing synchronous or traditionally created assemblies.
There are no limitations as to how parts or assemblies from differing technologies are
combined. Assembly design can be top down, where parts are designed using the geometry
of existing parts as a guide or bottom up, where parts are made out of the assembly
context and added to the assembly later.
Regardless whether a document is created from scratch using synchronous, migrated from
traditional, or left alone, parts created with either technology can be mixed in the same top-
level assembly. Figure 5 provides an example in the form of a block diagram of an assembly with
a mixture of traditional and synchronous document types. The actual representation of this
assembly as the user would see it in Solid Edge is shown in Figure 6. Notice how seamless
parts from both technologies are displayed in the parts list (called the PathFinder).


Synchronous Traditional Synchronous

part part assembly

Traditional Traditional Synchronous

assembly part part

Traditional Synchronous
part part

Figure 5: Assembly with a mix of synchronous and traditional document types 4

This flow chart shows how a Solid Edge assembly can be constructed from parts or subassemblies
from either traditional or synchronous technology. While this top-level assembly is based on
traditional modeling, an assembly based on synchronous modeling could have also been used.

Figure 6: Assembly shown in Solid Edge 5

When edits are made to parts or subassemblies during routine assembly modeling, the user
simply opens the part, and the software automatically launches the appropriate modeling
environment. This is very convenient for existing users working with traditional assemblies, as Figure 7:
Comparing before and after feature lists 6
there are virtually no changes to current methods of working. Most users are familiar with the
process: double-click a component and it opens in the modeling environment.
Being able to mix and match documents from either technology lets users continue to work on
existing projects using known methods and to migrate components to synchronous technology
Notice the feature tree for a traditional part
(upper image) and the equivalent after it is
when convenient. In many cases, users are encouraged to leave traditional parts and assemblies
migrated to a synchronous part. The sorting of
alone and only consider modeling new components in synchronous technology as needed.
the new feature collection puts the Hole at the
top of the list. Deleting selected features also
Bringing parts forward happens instantly.
In some cases, it makes sense to migrate existing traditional parts into synchronous technology.
Solid Edge includes a handy utility that will migrate a traditional part and its associated features
into its synchronous counterpart. For example, the feature tree becomes a feature collection
(allowing instant sorting) and certain features map to an equivalent. Similarly, holes remain
holes, but 2D dimensions found on underlying feature sketches become editable 3D driving
dimensions that are connected directly to the model.
In cases where components are migrated to synchronous mode, any associative links to the
part are maintained. A clever naming scheme used to help parts refer to one another is
preserved, so assembly relationships, such as mates and aligns, are kept, and most importantly,
dimensions applied to 2D drawings are maintained. The same document file name extensions
are retained during the migration, thus preserving any links managed by a PDM system. Also,
after the conversion, a user who opens a drawing will not see any changes, but edits to the
views (by means of its 3D sibling) can be made much faster. Figure 7 shows the before and after
of the feature list. Notice that the feature collection in synchronous technology can be sorted
by name (placing a hole operation at the top), helping users organize data however they want.

This is a synchronous assembly listing a mix of both traditional and synchronous components in
PathFinder. If and when a part is to be edited, a simple double-click launches the component in the
appropriate modeling environment. The software chooses the appropriate environment for the user.
Implementing Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2

To help govern the rate of adoption of synchronous technology, the template documents
(traditional or synchronous) can be hidden from use. When Solid Edge is installed at existing
customer sites, by default it shows both traditional and synchronous modeling templates, but
new users only see synchronous templates. While this was done to promote the use of the
new methods, showing both types is simple to set: click the Solid Edge start button to access
Solid Edge Options.
At the end of the day, users have total flexibility with respect to the technology they use when
developing models because both technologies can be added to the same assembly. The next
question to address is how to best implement synchronous technology.
As with any new product or version level, most companies employ an implementation plan to
smooth the process. Plans can differ significantly from company to company. This section of
the white paper discusses what product designs are best suited for traditional technology,
synchronous technology or both. It also identifies best practices for implementation.
Taken together, these considerations can be leveraged to formulate the foundation for an
implementation strategy.

Selecting the right modeling technology

When deciding to use traditional or synchronous modeling methods, companies can gate their
decision by determining where the design component will be used. Machines tend to have more
prismatic parts, while parts in consumer products often have more stylized surfaces. Some
consumer products that are highly stylized on the outside can be very straightforward and
prismatic on the inside. Solid Edges traditional (or history-based) methods are best suited for
developing aesthetic parts commonly found in the consumer products industry, primarily
because years have been spent developing and using their surfaces.
In contrast, the synchronous modeling tool set offers significant advantage for machine design;
right now, it is less suited for stylized product design. Figure 8 shows a graph of optional
technology usage and when its best to use which technology. In most cases, the top-level
assembly can be either traditional or synchronous based, but parts or subassemblies can be a
mix of either. The blue area represents the amount of synchronous parts, where green is
traditional. As the part type shifts in usage, so does the amount of technology type.
The more stylized a product, the more traditional modeling methods should be used.
Conversely, because of its strong create and edit capabilities for machine-type parts,
synchronous technology can be used exclusively for machine design. Its difficult to define exact
rules for what to use and when, but the key point is that traditional methods can always be
used and the mix and match strategy lets users adopt synchronous technology at a rate
consistent with their engineering needs.

Optimal technology usage
Technology usage ratio





Machines Component usage Products

Traditional Synchronous

Figure 8. When to use traditional or synchronous technology 7

Implementation best practices

Get fluent with the interface by using Microsoft Office 2007. For new users, the
interface used by Solid Edge generally doesnt pose any real learning challenge. For experienced
users, its a change from previous versions and, as with any amount of change, the new interface
can initially be a barrier. Given a chance, however, it does add some productivity to the design
process. As indicated previously, the user interface is based on the Microsoft Fluent style used
by Office 2007, so its prudent to install Microsoft Office 2007 first, if you have not already
done so. This lessens user impact during the initial exposure to Solid Edge with Synchronous
Technology 2 since using a new interface to type a report is much easier than using it to create
an engineering design.
Upgrade Solid Edge to the latest version. Whether you plan on adopting synchronous
technology immediately or not, its best to at least upgrade to the latest version of Solid Edge.
Traditional modeling is continuing to be enhanced for more functionality and the Fluent user
interface actually provides a productivity boost. Since the same basic user interface is used for
both traditional and synchronous modeling, making the transition to synchronous later is much
easier once users master the basics of interacting with the software. This is the pathway most
customers are taking and is proving to be an effective route.
Designers already using Solid Edge should continue to work on existing projects in traditional
mode and consider adding new parts using synchronous technology in a mixed mode scenario.
New users can start new projects in either traditional or synchronous mode, depending on the
type of part and their CAD background. 2D users should strongly consider bypassing learning
history completely, moving right to synchronous design and only designing in traditional
methods when necessary.

Companies can adopt general guidelines when deciding whether traditional or synchronous
technology should be used. These guidelines should be based on whether the assembly being
designed is for a machine or consumer product.

Getting your feet wet. To help users learn and understand synchronous modeling, several
built-in tutorials are available that let engineers build parts, sheet metal models and assemblies.
These tutorials are not general help files. Instead, they walk the user through the modeling
process using step-by-step immersion with the software. Synchronous technology is very
different from traditional methods, as it lets the user interact with the model directly. Some
modeling de-programming will be needed to learn this much simpler approach. The following
basic concepts should be mastered first; once understood, the rest of synchronous modeling
becomes quite natural.
The steering wheel: This graphic handle provides users with a mechanism for moving and
rotating faces, as well as dragging 2D regions into 3D features. After selecting a face or region,
the steering wheel appears and waits for the user to grab-and-move it. Users should spend
time getting to understand this capability since it is the primary way 2D and 3D geometry is
Live Rules: Perhaps the most different concept for existing users to understand is the Live
Rules feature. Live Rules automatically find and maintain strong geometric conditions during
a move, even in the absences of implied relationships. Users should start with some simple
test cases and experiment with various options.
3D driving dimensions: Another unique concept is that important design dimensions can
be applied directly to the completed geometry, as opposed to feature dimensions that are
only applied at a specific point in time. The power of 3D driving dimensions is immediately
understood, but being able to drive operations created early in the process is a new concept.
Consider moving supplier data to synchronous first. After the above considerations have
been mastered, users will be ready for some production work. Engineers can begin working
immediately in synchronous mode, which is very applicable to 2D. It may be easiest to start
with supplier or legacy parts. Most engineers working in 3D arent able to manipulate supplier
parts but need to, so this step can provide immediate value.
Because Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2 is well suited in this area, its a natural place to
start and has the least impacts on any design process. These parts can be added to a traditional
assembly using standard assembly relationships, and automatic drawings can be created. Should
an edit to the supplier part be needed, simply open it and drag geometry using the steering
wheel, or apply 3D driving dimensions to the model to change it. Meanwhile, Live Rules keep
the model looking like it should.
New users can begin working in synchronous or traditional modes, and mix and match parts
created for either technology as needed. Users coming from a history-based-system may
naturally want to work with history, but new users coming from a 2D system will most likely
want to begin modeling in synchronous technology immediately, skipping the process of
learning how to manipulate a constraint system inherited with history-based design.

Synchronous technology for part creation and editing. The following general guidelines
can be helpful in using synchronous technology when editing and creating parts.
The 75/25 rule. When it comes to production design and determining how much of which
technology to use, the graph in Figure 8 gives a good distribution of when to use what. If the
majority of components (75 percent or more) can be modeled and edited in synchronous
mode, then use it and use traditional methods for the remainder of the parts. Engineers
developing parts for machines are prime candidates for this category. Also, some consumer
products can fit nicely here, as often only the outside of a product is stylized (representing 25
percent or less of the parts count), and the interior components look and act like a machine.
Here, the top-level assembly and the majority of the parts can be synchronous-based. Supplier
data should always be opened in synchronous mode. Even if edits arent expected, there
should be room for exceptions and what-if scenarios. The key capability in this scenario is
being able to work in a mixed mode.
The 25/75 rule. On the other hand, if the majority of the parts are stylized, traditional
modeling methods should be used for the bulk of the parts and the remainder should be
created in synchronous technology. Here, the top-level assembly can be either synchronous
or traditional, and the rest of the parts will be traditional. Users can pen any supplier data in
synchronous mode, as edits are welcomed with this technology. Again, being able to work in
mixed mode makes this design scenario relatively seamless.
On the fence. Lastly, if the parts best suited for synchronous technology are roughly half,
synchronous modeling should be considered, but its perfectly acceptable to work in
traditional mode. Again, depending on the user persona, migrating 2D users may be better off
starting in synchronous and using traditional mode as needed. Figure 9 shows the general
makeup of an assembly based on the primary modeling usage, where the part type is the
gating factor for the modeling technology. Mixed mode combines the two in a single assembly

Modeling technology based on usage

Makeup of assembly components





Synchronous Traditional Either
Primary modeling technology

Mainly traditional parts Mainly synchronous parts

Figure 9: Modeling technology base on component usage 8

Evaluating a modeling technology on the basis of its ability to best support the assemblys majority
of components enables designers to identify what primary modeling technology they should use. In
any case, the top-level assembly can be either traditional or synchronous.
Further reading

Aberdeen Group: Best practices in moving from 2D to 3D white paper:
Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology:
Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2:
Get started by watching some tips and tricks from the experts:


This is indeed a new day for implementing exciting new CAD modeling technology.
In the past, users had to choose one technology and use it exclusively. Solid Edge with
synchronous technology provides companies with a wide variety of options for how to utilize
the best of todays modeling worlds right now, while preserving the opportunity to implement
the new technology for the future. By letting companies work in a mixed mode while building
out all of its design capabilities in synchronous technology, Solid Edge enables existing users
to work without interruption and to migrate to synchronous modeling when convenient.
Conversely, new users can start directly in synchronous technology and use traditional methods
only when needed. Working in mixed mode, where documents from both technologies can be
seamlessly combined in the same assembly, lets all users leverage synchronous technology
at a comfortable rate.


CAD application Explicit modeling A modeling concept Synchronous technology

A software product used to design parts and where operations and their associated history A new design paradigm based on a history-
assemblies in either 2D or 3D. CAD of creation are not captured. Edits are only free, feature-based approach that combines
applications differ by technology type made directly to the resulting B-REP. Due to the speed and flexibility of explicit modeling
(history-based or explicit modeling). lack of features, edits such as pattern with parameterized design. Features can
instance count change can only be made by control each other regardless of creation
delete and re-create operations. order.
The resulting object to which operations are
applied. In most cases, bodies are solids, but Fluent interface Top-down assembly design
they can be sheets (surfaces only) or wires Name that Microsoft gave to its user interface A method in 2D or 3D modeling where parts
(curves). Bodies do not capture any history of style. This style is found in Office 2007 and are created in the context of the top-level
operations or defining constraints to ensure the rights to use the Fluent interface must be assembly, and where geometry is created
intent. The CAD application is responsible for licensed. using other parts as a guide to guarantee fit
tracking feature definition. and position.
Features An industry term that refers to
Bottom up assembly design how 3D CAD operations are stored. Stored Traditional modeling
A method in 2D or 3D modeling where parts feature definitions tend to include 2D A term coined by Siemens PLM Software to
are created discretely outside the context of sketches and parameters. In most cases, refer to history-based 3D CAD systems and
the top-level assembly but not by using other features are the primary mechanism for the methodology used to build or program
assembly components as a guide to define making edits. Edits to one feature trigger a parts using a system of constraints. This is
part features, such as holes or faces. regeneration sequence that must delete and necessary for parts to regenerate correctly
recreate any subsequent operation. after a change in any feature definition.
Acronym for boundary representation, which History A technology invented in the 1980s
is a 3D solid body. It does not capture or in which operations are stored as features in
track any operations and is the primary chronological order, where each feature builds
object translated between different CAD on the previous one. Edits are made by
systems. adjusting a features parameters and
subsequent operations delete and rebuild.
Direct editing
A feature used in history-based systems that Mixed mode Coined by Siemens PLM
operate directly on a B-REP model. Direct Software to refer to the capability for parts
edit commands typically include move and modeled in different technologies to be
rotate operations and act only upon a created and edited in the same assembly.
selected face. In general, direct edit This method is only available in Solid Edge.
operations are captured as features, adding
regeneration cycles to the overall process.
Originally invented by PTC to refer to a
Document method for controlling an update process
A container of data in the form of a file. Parts, by relating features through a series of
drawings and assemblies are typically stored constraints. When a feature is edited, all
in documents with different file name subsequent operations are deleted and
extensions. Documents also tend to contain regenerated in a cascading order.
property data, such as part numbers, materials
and authors.

About Siemens PLM Software
Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry
Automation Division, is a leading global provider of product
lifecycle management (PLM) software and services with nearly
six million licensed seats and 56,000 customers worldwide.
Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens PLM Software works
collaboratively with companies to deliver open solutions that
help them turn more ideas into successful products. For more
information on Siemens PLM Software products and services,

2009 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management

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