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How realistic is RoboCup Soccer?

Is it possible to model the orginal

soccer game to the Robocup Soccer? We have to compare the area covered
in the field to find a solution to this problem.

Soccer field dimensions are 105 m long and 68 m wide. A soccer player
fits in a Ø 80.66 cm circle while running and Ø 68.32 cm while standing. We
are trying to fit the player in a circle because our robots are in
cylinderical shape.

To be honest we didn' t find any information about the projection to the

ground of a running human. What came into our mind while determining the circular
area under a running player is to get help from the painters drawing books to
learn the human body ratios.

A human reaches fully grown size at the age of 25. Human body is full

length. The length of a human helps us to determine ê estimate many

of ratios. Most of the body parts are directly proportional to the

things. A human body can be devided into 8 pieces and every piece has the
length of the head. The picture below shows the different ratios of a human
from new born baby to the age of 25.

So the first thing to do is to find out the average height and age of
soccer players. We didn' t want to just check the players of a specific
league or just one team. The best players of a country play in their
national teams and the best national teams play in the FIFA World Cup. The
table below shows us the average height and age of the teams in FIFA World Cup 2010.

which is just above 25. Although there are very young players H18L and
The average age of the soccer players in FIFA World Cup 2010 is 26.975

older players H39L played, they aren' t many in numbers. Since we are making an
estimation here, the average age is acceptable for us.
2 Modelling RoboCup Soccer.nb


SERBIA 186 26.0
GREECE 185 27.7
DENMARK 185 27.7
NEW ZEALAND 185 27.3
GERMANY 184 25.0
NIGERIA 184 27.7
SLOVAKIA 184 26.1
SLOVENIA 184 26.7
AUSTRALIA 184 28.4
CAMEROON 183 25.2
BRAZIL 183 28.6
NORTH KOREA 182 27.1
ALGERIA 182 27.2
FRANCE 182 27.4
ENGLAND 182 28.7
PORTUGAL 181 27.7
ITALY 181 28.2
USA 181 26.9
IVORY COAST 181 26.7
PARAGUAY 181 28.1
SPAIN 181 25.9
URUGUAY 181 26.7
JAPAN 179 27.8
GHANA 178 24.1
ARGENTINA 178 27.1
HONDURAS 178 28.1
MEXICO 178 27.1
SOUTH KOREA 178 24.8
CHILE 176 25.9

A soccer player doesn' t run like a sprinter. Sprinters body become more parallel
to the ground, but that is an explosive run. Soccer players, they do sprint but not
like a sprinter. We can ' t take a jogger as a model as well, because soccer players
run a little more faster than a jogger.

The way a human runs differ from one to another. The difference basicly comes
from the height. The height of a human direclty effects the difference between the
feet while running. The pictures below shows different types of running styles.
Modelling RoboCup Soccer.nb 3

After a talk with a painter, we learnt that to keep the balance while running
the foot on the very back is 1.5 times the length of the head. The projection
to the ground of a running man is as wide as the width of the shoulders
and long as the 2.5 times the length of head.

radius added to the other is the longest part of a human head.

4 Modelling RoboCup Soccer.nb

picture shown below; there is a circle and 1 ê 3 of another circle with the same
The face of a fully grown man is basically made up circles. The last figure in the

radius added to the other circle. That is the longest part of a human head.

Since we found out that the average height of the FIFA World Cup 2010 is 181 cm. We
need to determine the shoulder width of a man with that height, and the distance
between the feet while runnning. After checking with anathomy books we figure out
that the shoulder width is 51 cm for 181 cm man. Approximately 25 cm is the length
of the head.

Length of Head = 25 cm

Length of Projection = 2.5 * Length of Head

= 2.5 * H25L

Length of Projection = 62.5 cm

Modelling RoboCup Soccer.nb 5

A standing players projection to the ground has 1.5 times the feet and width of
shoulders in dimensions. In criminalogy the height and foot size ratio is a
critical factor while determining the criminals. Researches shown that the
realation between the height and foot size is in between 13.9 % to 16.7 % of the
height. Since the atheletes are at the limits of their bodies taking 16.7 % will be a
more accurate estimation.
Length of Feet = 181.53 *
Length of Feet = 30.316 cm

H1.5L * HLength of FeetL

H1.5L * H30.316L = 45.47 cm

How much area is covered by single running player;

AreaQPlayerRunning U = p * r2
= p * H40.33L2

AreaQPlayerRunning U = 5109.83 cm2

1m 1m
AreaQPlayerRunning U = 5109.83 cm2 * * = 0.5110 m2
100 cm 100 cm

How much area is covered by a single standing player;

AreaQPlayerStandingU = p * r2
= p * H34.16L2

AreaQPlayerStandingU = 3665.94 cm2

1m 1m
AreaQPlayerStandingU = 3665.94 cm2 * * = 0.3666 m2
100 cm 100 cm
6 Modelling RoboCup Soccer.nb

How much area is covered by one team;

Not all of the soccer players run at the same. We can devide a soccer game into two;
attacking and defending. When the team is attacking the goalkeeper and at least 3 of
the defenders stay. When the team is defending, again the goalkeeper and 3 of the
attackers stay. So while calculating the total area covered by a team, we have to
pick 4 of the players from AreaQPlayerStandingU and the rest 7 from AreaQPlayerRunning U .

AreaPTeam1 T = 4 * AreaQPlayerStandingU

= 4 * H0.3666L

AreaPTeam1 T = 1.4664 m2

AreaPTeam2 T = 7 * AreaQPlayerRunning U

= 7 * H0.5110L

AreaPTeam2 T = 3.5770 m2

AreaPTeamT = AreaPTeam1 T + AreaPTeam2 T

AreaPTeamT = H1.4664L + H3.5770L

AreaPTeamT = 5.0434 m2

How much area covered by two teams;

AreaPTeamsT = 2 * AreaPTeamT

AreaPTeamsT = 2 * H5.0434L

AreaPTeamsT = 10.0868 m2

The total area of soccer field;

AreaPSoccer FieldT =  * 

= H105L * H68L

AreaPSoccer FieldT = 7140 m2

The percantange of a running player covers in a field;

AreaQPlayerRunning U
AreaPCoveredT % = * 100
AreaPSoccer FieldT

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100

AreaPCoveredT % = 0.0072 %
Modelling RoboCup Soccer.nb 7

The percantange of a standing player covers in a field;

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100
AreaPSoccer FieldT

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100

AreaPCoveredT % = 0.0051 %

The percentage of a team covers in a field;

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100
AreaPSoccer FieldT

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100

AreaPCoveredT % = 0.0706 %

The percantage of a area covered by both of the teams in a field;

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100
AreaPSoccer FieldT

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100

AreaPCoveredT % = 0.1413 %

The percentage of empty space in a field;

Refree is also on the field and keeps running all the time like a
running player so while calculating, we have to add that to our calculations.

AreaQPlayerRunning U = AreaPRefreeT

AreaPRefreeT = 0.5110

AreaPSoccer FieldT - HAreaPTeamsT + AreaPRefreeT L

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100
AreaPSoccer FieldT

H7140L - H10.0868 + 0.5110L

AreaPCoveredT % =

AreaPCoveredT % = 99.8516 %
8 Modelling RoboCup Soccer.nb

The RoboCup soccer field is 6050 mm long and 4050 mm wide. The robots
must have Ø 180 mm according to the RoboCup F180 Rules.

How much area is covered by single player;

AreaPPlayerT = p * r2
= p*
AreaPPlayerT = 25 446.9 mm2

How much area is covered by one team;

AreaPTeamT = 11 * AreaPPlayerT

= H11L * H25 446.9L

AreaPTeamT = 279 916 mm2

How much area is covered by two teams;

AreaPTeamsT = 2 * AreaPTeamT

= H2L * H279 916L

AreaPTeamsT = 559 832 mm2

The total area of soccer field;

AreaPSoccer FieldT =  * 

= H6050L * H4050L

AreaPSoccer FieldT = 24 502 500 mm2

The percantange of a player covers in a field;

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100
AreaPSoccer FieldT
25 446.9
= * 100
24 502 500
AreaPCoveredT % = 0.1039 %

The percentage of a team covers in a field;

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100
AreaPSoccer FieldT

279 916
= * 100
24 502 500

AreaPCoveredT % = 1.1424 %
Modelling RoboCup Soccer.nb 9

The percantage of a area covered by both of the teams in a field;

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100
AreaPSoccer FieldT

559 832
= * 100
24 502 500

AreaPCoveredT % = 2.2848 %

The percentage of empty space in a field;

AreaPSoccer FieldT - AreaPTeamsT

AreaPEmptyT % = * 100
AreaPSoccer FieldT

24 502 500 - 559 832

= * 100
24 502 500

AreaPEmptyT % = 97.7152 %

To conclude all these calculations,

Ñ % Area Covered by % Area Covered % Area covered % Empty Space

a Single Player by one Team by 2 team in the Field
Real Soccer 0.0064 % 0.0706 % 0.1413 % 99.8516 %
RoboCup Soccer 0.1039 % 1.1424 % 2.2848 % 97.7152 %

Calculated the average AreaPCoveredT

H0.5110L * + H0.3666L *
7 4
= 0.4583
11 11

AreaPCoveredT % = * 100

AreaPCoveredT % = 0.0064 %

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