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The world is getting smaller day by day. As trade barriers

among nations get reduced, communication, travel and transport
-becomes more easy customer needs across the world are gelling
homogenized Global marketing is the only way to satisfy these
needs. _ After the opening of the Indian Economy in 1991 several
Multi National Corporations have been entering the Indian market.
This time the situation is different from the one that existed in the
pre-1977 period and MNCs known it. There is competition between
all these companies. The battle field there is customers mind and
the rival forces one competitor firms different promotional tools are
used by them to effectively communicate with their target groups.

India with a vast population of 100 crores is the second most

populated country in the world with rapid urbanization and
development of economy, tastes and interests of people are
changing fast. So India has a potential to grow as one of the largest
consumer market in the world. No MNC can offer to alienate itself
from tapping this market.

Marketing is about winning in this new environment, it

concerns itself with the whole combination of consumer satisfaction,
which deals with the choice of one brand in preference to another. In
other words, Marketing is an art of winning the best heart of

But today the Indian fruit soft drink market is floating with a
variety of soft drinks provided by companies. Mainly two fruit soft
drinks giants Sunfill and Rasna. Are vying with each other to tap the
Indian Market.

And the existing soft drink channel profile in Hindustan Coca-Cola
Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Patna unit is such that 100% of the volume comes
through different channels i.e.

Sr. No. Channel Percentage

1. Eating and drink channel [48%]

2. Pan Dukan channel [15%]

3. General store channel [5%]

4. Grocerry channd [25%]

5. Others [7%]

The Coca-Cola company pushed its product Sunfill, through these

channels in the market in order to attract the consumers. It produces
its product in different size, pack and different flavors like orange,
mango, lemon, & pineapple.


The propose of study is to bridge the gap between theoretical
knowledge and practical knowledge and to learn some practical
knowledge in course of doing the project study. As we know that there
is a little use or importance of theoretical knowledge without its
practical implementation.

This study has been undertaken to analyze the consumer

behavior about the product of Coca-Cola in Patna. In India Soft drink
market is past few years are flooded with different flavors and there
are two major factor during preferring a soft drink with much
competition among different entrepreneurs producing similar products.
The study is aimed about to know consumers creation what they feel
after consume the product of coca-cola, how they react.


The study has been conducted to have comparative view of the
consumers buying behavior in the products of Coca- Cola. The specific
objectives for which I have undertaken my study are ;-

(i) To Search out the main consumers or buyers of Coca-Cola

range of products and their preference.
(ii) To find out the present and potential consumers / buyers.
(iii) To find out consumer preference for package size, varieties
of soft drink and Brand.
(iv) To find out the frequency of purchasing power.
Although this study has been conducted at small level yet the
findings and suggestion of it will help the management of the
organization in producing soft drinks buyers decisions arc strongly
influenced by variables like cultural influence traditions or beliefs,
social· factor, and personal factors like demographic, self-concept, life
style personality which guide the individual's behavior.

Today a theory without practical is of very little use. Theory

provides only the foundation stone of truth lying in theory. Any
Knowledge 'cannot be claimed as perfect unless and until there is
healthy synthesis of theory and practical. In order to ascertain the
sales and market share of the company we must need practical work.
The course doesn't answer to all problems which arises in practical
field. A right decision at the right lime itself helps the organization to
run smoothly.

So finding the solution of the problem, right decision making and

Knowledge of different types of marketing activities gives much
importance to the study.

The study will be very helpful for the company in the form of
increase its sales and grab more market shares through knowing about
consumers reaction towards the product and consumer needs and
wants. Company can mend itself according to buyers choice.
As civilian grown, the taste and need of people also changes.
India is not an exception to it. It is one of the largest common market
in the4 world with a population of nearly one billion. The tastes, need
and attitude of the people have changed with the advancement in the
standard of living.

Soft drink is a typical common product which in generally

purchased by consumers for quenching thirst in summer and also to
have cooling refreshment. As far as the market of soft drink is
concerned is facing cut throat competition because of large number of
soft drink is viable in the market.

Marketing as a concept, is being utilized to win as a king in this

kind of competitive situation, it is about understanding the consumer’s
need and want and then supplying one’s product more effectively and
efficiently than the competitors. Marketing can be called both as a
philosophy and technology. As a philosophy it provides concept of
various Marketing activity and as a technology it suggest to fulfill the
maximum satisfaction level of the consumers.

There is very keen competition between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-

Coca-Cola range of products has a good market in Patna. It is preferred
by all age groups than the other brands.
The basic need of any research is to analyse data and the
methods of collecting it. Data, an information on the basis of which
inferences are drawn, therefore data becomes a very important factor
in research study.

The main purpose behind framing a methodology is to describe

the research procedure which includes research design, Data source}
Data collection method, Research instruments and sampling plan .

This is a comprehensive master plan of the study undertaken, .
giving a general statement of the method used and procedure
followed. It helped the researcher to ensure that the requisite data in
accordance with the topic in hand was collected accurately and

The topic of the study" A market survey of consumer behavior/

preference for soft drinks with special reference to pepsi and coca- cola
at Patna Central. " was descriptive in nature. It is a kind of study which
is undertaken when the researcher is interested in knowing the
characteristics of certain" groups such as sex, educational level,
occupation, income etc. The purpose of such a study is to ensure the"
Who, what, when, where, and how" of the subject undertaken.

Thus the Research design used for study was Descriptive

research design.
The various source of formation can be broadly divided into two

(i) Primary Source (ii) Secondary Source


Source From where first-hand information are gathered directly

are called primary source and information thus collected is called
PRIMARY DATA. In case of the above study the primary source was -


The source of informations, already gathered for purposes are

available is called secondary sources, and such data already collected
earlier are called SECONDARY DATA. With regard to my study
secondary sources were record of the company, magazine and papers.


The following methods are widely used for collecting data :

1. Survey method

2. Observation method

3. Experimental method

In the above mentioned methods, survey and observation

method were mainly used for the undertaken topic. Keeping in mind
the limitation of experimental and mailed questionnaire method,
survey method was mostly used for collecting data through personal
interview with the help of a framed questionnaire in case of


Marketing as a functional area of measurement is becoming
increasingly important as compare to other fields . All decisions in
modern business organization revolve around the marketing
information. This information can be collected and utilised . using
marketing research techniques. Marketing research includes all the
activities that enable an organisation to obtain the information. It
needs to make decisions about its environment, its marketing mix
(Price, Product, Place, and Promotion. People, Physical evidences
process) and its present and potential customers and consumers. More
specifically, marketing research is the development, interpretation and
communication of decision oriented information to be used in the
strategic marketing process.

The most valid and complete definition of marketing research is

given by American Marketing Association is as follows.

“Marketing research is the function which links the common

customer and public to the marketer through information used to
identify and define marketing opportunities and problems, generate,
refine and evaluate market action, monitor marketing performances
and improve understanding of marketing as a process"
"Marketing research specifies the information required to
address these issues, design, the method for collecting
information, manages and implements the data collection
process, analyses the results and communicate the findings and
their implications".

Marketing Research has become most important tool for

decision making in marketing due to the following reasons:

(i) Marketing Research is a media to fill the gap between

producers and consumers.

(ii) It provides correct and reliable information about

customers, competitors and one's own activities to manage,
so that huge amount spent on marketing activities be
utilised properly.

(iii) Since modern business is customer-oriented, It provides the

producer a systematic and analytical approach based on an
assessment of customer requirements, which helps the
producer in the maximisation of net profit by producing
such product that ful-fil the customer's utmost level of

Thus marketing research is a systematic, gathering

recording and analysis of data about the problem facing the
company. It helps the marketing manager develop and analyse
new informations which is further helpful in developing marketing
strategies. Now it can be said that marketing research covers a
very wide variety of activities ranging from analysis of market
potential and market share to study the customer satisfaction
and purchase intention.
As far as retailers are concerned besides survey,
observation method was also used to get some data by watching
the preferences of both the consumers and the dealing of
In this regard and instrument refers to the means by which
research is conducted, in the given study the means were
questionnaire. In the case of all the respondents i.e. Consumers
were used. It contains both open and closed type (Di-chotomous,
multiple type choice) questions. A sample of blank questionnaire
is attached with this report in the appendix.
The sample was choosen at random. It was stratified
random sampling. A sample size of 50 respondents were taken.
They were divided into different age groups. The sampling unit in
Patna Central for which this sample size was considered a fair
representative for this urban inhabitants. The sample was
consisted of sub-samples drawn from different income groups,
professions, sex and age group etc.
The following formula for data analysis & Interpretation the
researchers use.
% (per centage) = No. of Respondents x 100
Total No. Of respondents
It is a common knowledge that there is no human effort
without its drawbacks. Each and every project has limitations.
Although I have tried to collect the data with full sincerity and
best ability without any bias or prejudices, yet this project has
some limitation. The purpose of mentioning these limitations is
not to diminish the quality of the rep0l1 but to enable the readers
to form a more accurate interpretation of the result than they
would otherwise do. It has the added advantages of giving
confidence in the result present.
The whole, work is based among custmer of Patna Central
and Patna South (Maurya Lok, Kankarbagh, Rajendranagar,
Gandhi Maidan, S:K. Puri e.t.c.) areas.
The surveyed area is just a central pat1 of Patna, So it
cannot be generalized on the state or national level The surveyed
area is just a small division of the large market.
The other limitations of the study are:
* Sample size was limited to 50 in Patna Central reason
due to some constraints.
* Duration of study also limited further study field wise.
* Finding of the study which was done only at Patna
Central may not be applicable to all pat1S because of
consumer's preference / behaviour vary from place to
place depending upon socio Economic and educational
* Some consumers presented their baised opinion which
put hindrance in the interpretation.
But the limitation has been judiciously counted balance as
far as practicable however the research of this type cannot be
absolutely fixed is a perpetual frame work of item inspite of some
inherent limitation I think that the report is useful and

The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s largest beverage

company and is the leading producer and market of soft drinks.
The company markets four of the world’s top five soft drink

Coca-Cola (the world’s number one soft drink and best-

known trademark), diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Through the
world’s largest and, most pervasive distribution system,
consumers in nearly 200 countries enjoy the company’s products
at a rate of more than 834 million servings a day.

By contract with the Coca-Cola company or its local

subsidiaries, bottling companies are authorized to package and
sell our soft drinks within certain territorial boundaries and under
conditions that ensure the highest standards of quality and

The Company takes great pride in being a worldwide

business that is always local. Bottling and canning plants are,
with some exceptions, locally owned and operated by
independent business people who are native to the countries in
which they are located.

The company supplies bottlers with syrups, concentrates

and beverage bases and actively engages in management
assistance to help ensure the profitable growth of the bottler’s
business. Bottlers are offered a broad range of business support
services from the company, in such areas as product quality
control, marketing, advertising, engineering, finance and
personnel training.

That happens to be headquartered in the United States.

With decades of experience in international business, the

Company has mastered the challenges of marketing and
advertising to a vast world population. The messages are not
simply translated but tailored to suit local cultures. Even within a
single country, like the United States, the Company reaches
different audiences in different ways, to make sure that no
segment of the population misses the message that company
products are special, different and better.

More than 100 years have passed since the first glass of
Coca-Cola was served in an Atlanta Pharmacy. Today the Coca-
Cola company still offers consumers a simple moment of
pleasure- a “pause that refreshes” people across the globe
hundreds of millions of times a day.

The history of the world’s largest beverage company is

more than a century. The Coca-Cola Company’s world
headquarter is in Atlanta, Georgia.

On 8th May 1886 was particular day when the pharmacist

Dr. John Styth Pemberton made the world’s favorite soft drink. He
stirred the fragrant caramel colored syrup in a three-legged brass
kettle and carried a jug of his formulation down the street to
Jocobs ‘Pharmacy’. That same day the new product made its
debut as a soda fountain drink for five cent a glass. At same point
by accident or design, carbonated water was mixed with the
syrup to create what be would becomes the world’s favorite soft
drink. Dr. Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper Frank M.
Robinson, suggested the nasyw Coca-Cola, it has two c’s that
look well in advertising an they penned the famous trademark in
his familiar script.

After making soft-drink, he began to advertise and first

he hung a simple oilcloth sign on the pharmacy’s awning
encouraged passers by to drink coca-cola, on May 29 1886 the
first advertisement appeared in the; newspaper “the Atlanta
Journal” pronounced Coca-Cola “Delicious and refreshing”. Now a
day this theme has got popular. In 1886 the average sale was 9
drinks per day.

Dr. Pemberton had never thought about the potential of

the beverage, which he has created. After the demise of
Pamberton in the year 1888, an Atlanta druggist and
businessman. Asa G. Dandier heavily purchased the outstanding
shares of the Coca-Cola an in 1891; he invested $2300 and
acquired Complete control.

Mr. Cadler has a lot of Knowledge about marketing. He

pioneered the concept of couponing by distributing
complementary glasses of Coca-Cola. He also aggressively
promoted the beverage on such items as calendars, outdoor
posters, painted walls, serving; trays, soda fountain urns; an
clock, sales increased; ten folds. The trademark Coca-Cola was
first registered in the United State Patent office on January
30,1883 and has been renewed periodically. In 1884,the
company opened its first syrup manufacturing plant outside
Atlanta in Dallas, Texas. The following year plant opened in
Chicago and Los Angeles. And three years after the Coca-Cola
Company’s incorporation, Cadler announced in the annual report
Coca-Cola is now drunk in every state and territory in the United
States. In 1884, Merchant joseph A. Bie Denham of Vicksburg,
Mississippi, becomes the first bottle manufacturer of Coca-Cola.
When he installed bottling machinery in his candy store. In 1899,
large scale bottling began when Benjamin F. Thomas and joseph
B.Whitehead of Chattanooga, Tennessee, secured from Cadler,
for $1, exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola nearly
everywhere in he United States.

Their first bottling plant opened in Chattanooga, that

same year with the assistance of john T. Lupton. They than
contracted with other entrepreneurs to establish community
bottling; operation and exclusive territories to market Coca-Cola.

In 1919, the owner of the company again changed,

Cadler sold the Coca-Cola Company for $25 million to Atlanta
banker Ernest Woodruff. Four years hence, Ernest Woodruffs 33
years old son, Robert was elected president of the Coca-Cola
Company. He reincorporated the business as Delaware
Corporation and 500,000 shares of common stock were sold
publicity for $40 share.

In 1960, the Coca-Cola Company purchased Minute Maid

Corporation, adding frozen citrus juice concentrates and adds
along with trademarks Minute Maid an Hie, into the Company’s
beverage line.

In 1967 Duncan foods, a coffee product was acquired by

the company and Coca-Cola company’s food division was formed.
Which was known as the minute Maid Company. From 1977 to
1983 the company produced a new product wine, and marketed
wine in the united State. In 1982 the company purchased
Belmont springs water corporation Inc. in the same year the
company pictures Entertainment, Inc. the company sold
belmount springs water corporation Inc. in 1989 and formed a
new subsidiary, Coca-Cola Refreshment, to manage the Brea
Mate compact soft drinks Dispenser business in United States.

In 1991, the company and Nestle S.A. formed a joint

venture company. It was established primarily to manufacture,
market and distribute ready to serve tea and coffee beverage
under the trademark Nestea and Nescafe respectively. This joint
venture was established on a worldwide basis with the exception
of Japan.

The Coca-Cola beverage was found in very simple way

but today presence is worldwide. It has a wonderful history on
which to build an exciting future, despite having many ups and
downs in its way, it went on performing a touched the life of
consumers. The consumers around the world enjoy it, and thus its
remarkable success leads it to become a worldwide beverage.

The Coca-Cola Company began building its global

network in the 1920’s. Now operating in nearly 200 countries and
producing hundred’s of millions of serving a day, the Coca-Cola
system has successfully applied a simple formula on a global
scale provide a moment of moment of refreshment for a very
small amount of money hundred of millions of times a day.

The Coca-Cola system and its network of bottlers

comprise the most sophisticated, a pervasive production and
distribution system in the world. More than anything. that system
is dedicated people working long and hard to sell Coca-Cola Diet
Coke, Sprite, Fanta and other company’s products. It is an
Australian father and son team who each week drives seven
thousand kilometers through “Down under” wilderness, delivering
Coca-Cola to isolated pockets of consumers. It is a 73-year old
Filipino who sells cold Coca-Cola in his town’s market every day.
Refusing to leave until he sold at least 50 cases.

This unique worldwide system has made, Coca-Cola

company the world’s premier soft drink enterprise. The company
sells nearly half of all drinks consumed around the world. No
other company sells even half as much. As the system continues
to create a soft drink industry in developing markets, the
company’s position of leadership will continue to grow.

From Boston to Beijing from Detroit to Delhi, from

Portland to Pune & from Montreal to Moscow,Coca-Cola more that
any other consumer product, has brought pleasure to thirsty
consumers around the globe. For more than a century, Coca-Cola
has created a special moment of pleasure for hundred of millions
of people every day.


Coca-Cola “the world’s favorite soft drink”, returned to
India after 16 year absences, on October 26th,1993, with its
launch in Agra. An agreement in March 1993, with the Parle
Group gave the Company instant ownership of Nation’s to soft
drinks brands, with access to Parley’s 53-plant bottling network
an base for the rapid introduction of the Company’s international
brands. This network remains out in Indian’s largest soft drink
bottling and distribution infrastructure reaching out in Indian
consumer through a universe of over 3,00,000 retail outlets
spread across the company.

As the leading producer and marketer of soft drink in

India the company leads the flavored carbonated soft drink
market. The Coca-Cola company’s products in India include Coca-
Cola Fanta; Thums-up, Citra, and Maaza and now it has also
entered into mineral water industry with it product Kinley, giving
tough times to market leader Bisleri.

With a work force of ever 15,000 complemented by vast

network of indigenous suppliers, the company not only
contributes to the development of the Soft Drink industry, But to
the development of related industries and the economy as a

Over the last 5 years, Coca-Cola India has led the Indian
Soft Drink Industry through a series of innovative industry
initiatives. These include up gradation of technical infrastructure
and talent enhancement of quality standards, improvements in
distribution system an stimulation of local entrepreneurs in the
market place for the benefit of the consumers.


The soft drink market in India is quite wide, the
production of soft drinks was stared on 27 the march with the
installation of Coca-Cola bottling plant of Jamshedpur under the
auspicious guidance of late industrialist Shree Dharm Chand
Karmani named as steel city Beverage Ltd. The company
controlled the lion’s share in the soft drink market for nearly 12
years. Parle also entered in this field in Bihar with the installation
of a bottling unit in collaboration Mr. Rajendra Poddar in the
name of orient Beverages Ltd. In the year 1973, in 1979 with the
advent of Janta Party govt. it created trouble for coca-cola which
led to the withdraw of its operation from India.

After the withdrawn of Coca-Cola from India, the parle

monopolized the soft drink market in Bihar and took a lions share
of the market from the industry, even after Mc Dowel’s pure drink
and local drink enter into the market they could not compete
with parle.

Once again with the liberalization of economy in 1991

pepsi foods Ltd. Entered in the Indian market.It started bottling
its products in Bihar by steel City Beverages (Now in Jharkhand)
on 24 March 1991
Coca-Cola has purchased the Oriental Beverages and
renamed as Hindustan coca-cola Beverages to meet the cola
range of products. Thus coca cola has only one bottling plant in

The company has pioneered the introducing of image-

enhanced graphics and trademarked stackable, full depth plastic
crates and palletized loading for efficient distribution. Other
innovation include:

Date conding on returnable glass bottles.

• Single and Multiserving Cans; PET and Glass


• Child safe plastic closures.

• Backpack Dispensers a can vending Machine.

• Leading edge merchandising

equipment, including ice box coolers for small retail outlets

• Training for retailers in

merchandising techniques.

Training for retailers in merchandising techniques.

Company Setup

The Coca-Cola Company Atlanta

The The The The The

North Africa Middle Latin Greater
American Group & Far American Europe
Business East Group Group

The Coca-Cola Company exists as 5 groups. Each group

is further classified into division, each of which directly report into
the Atlanta head quarters.

The Middle & Far East Group


Till 1994 Coca-Cola India was a part of the SCW division, under
the middle & East group. In 1998, Coca-Cola India (CCI)
Progressed to become a division, which is directly reporting to

The Government of India given permission to the Coca-

Cola Company to invest US $830 million in India. This investment
will be used to build new infrastructure for strengthening existing
infrastructure. As part of this agreement, the company was asked
to have a 3:1 export’/ import ratio or a surplus of US $65 million.

The Coca-Cola system has invested over US $250 million

in India. In addition, Coca-Cola bottler, in upgrading production
and distribution facilities, has invested more than US $45 million.

Virtually all the goods and services required to produce

and market Coca-Cola locally, are made in India, Wherever
needed, assistances is provided to local suppliers, enabling them
to meet the company’s rigorous quality standards. Contemporary
technology and internationally available know-how has also been
made available to bottlers and suppliers. In this way the company
contributes no only to the development of the soft drink industry,
but also to the development of related industries and to the
whole economy.

As the leading edge of the beverage industry for over a
century, the coca-cola company and its India Partners introduced
a series of innovations in areas of production, distribution &
Marketing, never seen before in India.
We are the

• First to introduce canned and PET soft drinks in India.

• First to introduce vending machines in India.

• First to introduce backpack-dispensing system for in

stadium beverages to cricket spectators.

• Image Enhanced graphics on signage, retail outlet walls and

delivery vehicles.

• Image Enhanced graphics on signage, retail outlet walls and

delivery vehicles.

• Leading edge merchandising equipment, including icebox

cullers that allow small retailers to serve ice-cold soft

• Pioneers in training for retailers in merchandising

techniques, such as product placement.

• Larger single and refillable glass bottles offering consumer

more value.

Consumers are the king of the markets. All economic activity in

the market namely production, exchange, consumption are
governed, regulated and adjusted in accordance with the needs
and wishes of the consumers. Analysis of consumers behavior
has considerable importance in marketing management with the
changes up its Philosophy. In the early day.- there was basically
sellers market, very few products concentrated on quality and
reasonable price structure. With the emergence of more
competitors market started flooding with goods and services. So
each producer found it quite difficult to sell the goods in absence
of proper communication, convincing power along with the
quality & reasonable price.

Major factors affecting buying behavior: the buying behavior of a

product is influenced by a number of factors which are as

1. CULTURAL FACTOR - Cultural factor exert the broadest

and deepest influence on consumer behavior. The growing child
acquires a set of values perceptions, preference and behaviors
through his or her family and other key institutions.

a) CULTRE- It is the most fundamental determination of

a person’s want & behavior. The growing child
acquires a set of value perceptions, preference and
behaviors through his or her family and other key
b) SUB CULTURE – It includes nationalities, religions,
racial groups and geographical regions and provide
more specific identification and socialization for its

c) SOCIAL CLASS- Social Classes are relatively

homogeneous and enduring, division of a society
which allow distinct product and brand preferences, in
many areas.

2. SOCIAL FACTORS: Social factors includes the


a) REFERENCE GROUP:- It consists of all the groups

that have a direct or indirect on the person’s attitude
or behavior, his life style and brand choice.

b) FAMILY:- Family member constitute the most

influential primary reference group. Market used to
determine which member normally has the greater
influence in choosing the various products.

c) ROLES & STATUS:- A person’s position in very group

i.e. family club, a person is organization can be
defined in terms of sale & status. A role consists of the
activities that expected to perform. Each role carries a
status, people choose products that communicate
their role and status in a society

3. PERSONAL FACTOR:- Personal characteristics of

person also affects the behavior to a large extent.
The sub factors which comes under personal factor are as

A) Age & STAGE IN THE LIFE CYCLE – The taste of

people varies according to the age and life cycle.
Marketers always choose life cycle groups as their
target market. Some recent work has identified
psychological life cycle stages. So it becomes an
important point for the marketer to concentrate on
changing life circumstances- divorce widowhood,
remarriage and their effect on consumption behavior.

B) OCCUPATION – Occupation plays a major role on

consumption pattern. Marketers try to identify three
occupational groups that have above average interest
in their products and services.


circumstances which consists of spending income
savings and assets, debts borrowings power and
attitude towards spending versus saving the products
choice to a large extent.

D) LIFE STYLE – Life Style of people is his/her pattern of

living in the world as expressed in his/her activities,
interest and opinion. Hence the marketers search for
relationship between their products and life style.

E) PERSONALITY & SELF CONCEPT – personality means

a persons distinguishing psychological characteristic
that lead to relatively consistent and enduring
responses to his or her environment. Related to
personality in a person’s self concept theory has had a
mixed record of successes in predicting consumer’s
respond to brand image.

4. PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS : A persons buying

choices are influenced by four major factors:

(a) MOTIVATION: There are many needs of person in a

given time. Some of them are bio-genetic which arises
from psychological states of tension, such need for
recognition, esteem or belonging. A need become
motive when it aroused to sufficient level of intensity.
A motive is a need that is sufficient pressing to drive
the persons to act. Many physiologist such as Freud,
Maslow and Hertzberg etc have given different
theories for motivation.

(b) PERCEPTION : It is a process by which an individual

selects, organized and interpreter information inputs
to create a meaningful picture of the world. Perception
depends not only on the physical stimuli but also on
the stimuli’s relation to the surrounding field and on
conditions with the individual.

(c) LEARNING : Learning involves changes in an

individual’s behavior arising from experience. People
learn more and more by action. Learning theory
teaches marketer that they can build up a demand for
a product.

(d) BELIEFS AND ATTITUDES : A belief is a descriptive

thought that a person holds about something. It is
acquired through doing and learning. Manufacturers
are much interested in the beliefs that people carry in
their products and services. An attitudes is a person’s
enduring favorable and unfavorable emulations,
emotional feelings, actions and tendencies towards
some object or idea. A company tries to fit its product
into existing attitudes rather than to change people’s


Consumer decision making varies with the type of buying
decision and basis of it there are four kinds buying

a) COMPLEX BUYING BEHAVIOR: When consumer are

highly involved in purchasing and aware of significant differences
among brands, it is called COMPLEX BUYING BEHAVIOR, It
involves three brands step process. First the buyer develops
beliefs about the products. Third he or she makes a thoughtful
purchase choice. The market needs to develops strategies that
assist the buyer in learning about the product attitudes and their
relative importance.

b) DISSONANCE : Sometimes there are very little

difference between the brands. Here also consumers are
highly. Involved. Their involvement is due to expensive,
infrequent and risky purchase. After the purchase the
consumer might experience dissonance that stems from
nothing certain disquieting feature of the bought product
or hearing favorable things about products of different

c) HABITUAL BUYING BEHAVIOR: There are some low

involvement products in the purchase of which consumer
behavior does not pass through the normal belief / attitude
/behavior sequence. Salt is the best example of this
category of product. Here the consumer go to the store
and reach for the brand. If they continuous for the same
brand, it is only due to habit not for brand loyalty. Here the
consumer do not search extensively for brand loyalty,
Here the consumer do not search extensively for
information about the brands, evaluate their characteristic
and make firm decision to buy which brand.


buying behavior is characterized by low involvement but
significant brand differences. Here a consumers do a lot of
brand switching which results out of freedom or a wish for
different taste and sake of variety rather than
This bying decision process is composed of five stage:-

Problem Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of

Alternative, Purchase Decision and post purchase behavior.
The arketer’s job is a understand the buyer’s behavior each
stages and what influence are operating.






Percentage (%) of respondents using soft, drink.

No of
% Total

Yes 45 90

No 5 10

Total 50 100

100 90


No of Repondent
60 50
45 % Total


20 10
Yes No Total

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above shows that out of 50 respondent 90%

of them using soft drink only 10% respondents still not using
soft drink. This suggest that vast majority of consumer using
soft drink but only a meager percentage of consumer using
other type of drink therefore Coca-Cola Company should give
incentive through promotional package to pursue to those who
do not drink. In this fashion company could manage to
increase consumption.

(%) Percentage of recepant who give their taste

No of
Company % Total

Coca-Cola 32 65

Pepsi 18 35

Total 50 100


100 Total, 100


Coca-Cola, 65 No of Respondent
% Total
Total, 50
Coca-Cola, 32 Pepsi, 35

20 Pepsi, 18

Coca-Cola Pepsi Total

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above graph shows that out of 50

respondents 65% says that brands of Coca-Cola have better
taste than Pepsi While 35% respondent says Products of Pepsi
have better taste of its. Therefore it is a duty of the Coca-Cola
Company to keep the taste of its product better and of course
it also need to give a perfect satisfaction to the consumer in
respect of taste, because consumer have the sovereign power
to decide which product is good for him and which is not.

Percentage (%) of Respondent preference in selling
product of particular brand.

No of
Brand % Total

Coca-Cola 38 75

Pepsi 12 25

Total 50 100

No of Respondent




Coca-Cola Pepsi Total

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above figure show that out 50 respondents 75% prefer
to sell the Product of Coca-Cola and 25% respondent prefer
to sell Pepsi product. It suggests that more than 70% of
market share of soft drink captured by Coca-Cola Company.
But this is not enough, company should give more emphasis
on promotional activities like incentive give to middle man
as well as benefits to prospect in terms of better quality ad
more economic to capture as a Lion’s share of soft drink

1. Percentage (%) of Respondent preference for Coca-
Cola Products

No of
Cause % Total

28 56

Brand Name 16 32

Earn More 06 12

Total 50 100


60 50

40 28 32
16 12
20 6
Consumer Brand Name Earn More Total

No of Respondent % Total
2. Percentage (%) of Respondent preference for Pepsi

No of
Cause % Total

14 28

Brand Name 13 26

Earn More 23 46

Total 50 100

60 46 50

40 28 26 23
14 13
Consumer Brand Name Earn More Total

No of Respondent % Total

Source : Field Survey

Analysis: The above graph show that in the context of product

of coca-cola 56% respondent care about consumer demand. 32%
respondent say the brand Name only 12% respondent care about
his earning on the other hand in respect of pepsi 46% respondent
care about his earnings only 28% and 26% care about consumer
demand and Brand Name. It means that consumer demand is
more important for the respondent than brand name work second
in Rank for Coca-cola product. But figure is just reverse in Pepsi
46% care abut his profit earning.

1. Respondent selling particular brand of Coca-cola

No of
Brand % Total
Sprite 29 50
Maaza 06 16
Thumsup 06 16
Fanta 04 09
Limca 02 04
Coke 03 05
Total 50 100

120 100
90 100
70 80
60 58
60 50 5050
40 40 29
30 20 10
20 6
16 4168 6
2 4 3 5
0 6 6 9
10 4 4 3 5
Sprite Maaja Thumsup Fanta
Limca Coke Total
Sprite Maaza Thumsup Fanta Limca Coke Total
No of Respondent % Total
No of Respondent % Total

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above figure shows that respondent who keep the
above brand Coca-cola to sell Sprite 50%, Maza 16%,
Thums-up 16%, Fanta 09%, Limca 04% and Coke 05%. It
means that Sprite brand play a lead role in soft drink
market of coca-cola. Maaza and Thums-up share the equal
volume. Company should concentrate and Improve the
quality and test or other brand coca cola except Sprite to
capture large share of soft drink market.
1. Respondent preference to buy package

No of
Pack % Total

200ml (RGB) 21 37

300ml (RGB) 10 20

06 17

1.5 Litre Pet 11 22

Maaza Tetra
02 04

Total 50 100
No of Respondent
No of Respondent
200ml (RGB)

16 300ml (RGB)

Mobile (600ml) 200ml (RGB)

10 300ml (RGB)
50 1.5 Litre Pet Mobile (600ml)
6 10 1.5 Litre Pet
Maaza Tetra Maaza Tetra Pack
11 6 Pack Total

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above data show that out of’ 50 respondents, 37%
prefer to buy 200 ml (R.G.B.), 20% prerefer to buy 300ml (R.G.B.)
17% prefer mobile (600), Maaza tetra pack and only
04%.Package wise the table suggest a high level concentration
preference for one package only (200ml). The preference for
other packages are very low.
1. Respondent preference to buy package

No of
Cause % Total

36 72

Earn Profit 14 28

Total 50 100

Demand, 36

Total, 50

Earn Profit,

Consumer Demand Earn Profit Total

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above data suggest that out of 50 respondent

72% are concerned with the consumer demand. Only
28% concerned with their profit. This is shown the
strength of consumers. Therefore strong promotional
strategy adopted by the producer shall influence on
the outlets to fall on the line with the dictate of the
modern concept of marketing.
1. Respondent preference for different brand of coke.

No of
Brand % Total
Sprite 24 48
Maaza 08 16
Thumsup 09 18
Fanta 03 06
Limca 02 04
Coke 04 08
Total 50 100

No of Respondent
Thums Up
24 Sprite
50 Limca
8 Maaza Maaza
Fanta Thumsup
50 Total Fanta
8 Limca
4 23
9 Total

4 23

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above data show that 64% respondent prefer cola
flavour (48% Sprite and 16% Maaza,) 18% Thumsup, 06% Funta,
04% Limca, and 08% prefer Coke. It means Sprite is the most
favourite soft drink among all type of brand of coca-cola flavour is
hot favourite among consumers. Sprite play a lead role in cola
flavour the Maaza is the next choice of consumer after Sprite.
Coke and Fanta share almost equal popularity. Limca have a
meager popularity.
Age wise Percentage of the respondents.
No of
Age % Total
5-12 yrs 02 04
12-20 yrs 07 14
20-35 yrs 30 60
35-45 09 18
Above 45 yrs 02 04
Total 50 100

2, 4%
2, 4%
, 7, 14%
9, 18%
5-12 yrs
12-20 yrs
20-35 yrs
Above 45 yrs

30, 60%

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above figure shows that out of total 50
respondent 04% were in the age group of 5-12 years. 14% of
them were in 12-20 years 60% were in the age group of 20-35
years, 18% were in the age group of 35-45 years. And 04% were
in the age group of 45 years and above. The conclusion from the
above figure is that age group of 20-35 years plays a vital role in
purchasing soft drink. The age group of 5-12 and years and
above shows little response towards soft drink. Therefore
company should design promotional package for these age group
to increase the consumption of soft drink. It is likely to increase
the market for soft drink as well as market share of the company.
TABLE - 10
Percentage of respondents selling keenly water or keenly soda
or Both.

No of
Response % Total

Yes 30 60

No 20 40

Total 50 100


20 No


No of Respondent % Total

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above data show that 60% respondent sell kinely
waters as kinley soda or Both from their outlet and 40%
respondent do not sale either of the product of Coca-cola
Company. Therefor Coca-Cola Company should penetrate outlet
who still do not Sale the products through incentives under a well
design sale promotion programe.
TABLE - 11
Respondent awareness about sunfil.

No of
Response % Total

Yes 25 55

No 25 45

Total 50 100

60 55

50 45

30 25 25


No of Respondent % Total

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above data show that out of 50 respondent only

25 (55%) know about sunfil and 25 (45%) still not aware about
surfil. This figure shows that promotional activity has been not
done well in respect to a new product sunfuil launched by Coca-
Cola company. Therefore it should give more emphasis and
compaign about the product for the awareness of the
TABLE - 12
Consumer response to purchase sunfil

No of
Response % Total

Yes 15 30

No 35 70

Total 50 100


80 70
No of Respondent
60 50 % Total
40 35

20 15

Yes No Total

Source : field survey

Analysis: The above figure shows that 30% consumer come to

purchase or enquire about the product but 70% still not
responds positively. It means that still a large number of
consumer either do not use the product or they do not
know about the product. Therefore it should be give more
emphasis on to awareness about the product though
print or electronic media by hectic ad campaign to
compete with other brand of same product who capture
the large market share and rule the roost.
TABLE - 13
Prospect of the Sunfil

No of
Response % Total

Yes 20 20

No 10 50

Can’t Say 20 30

Total 50 100


50 10
Can’t Say


Source : field survey

Analysis: The above figure shows that 20% respondent say that
prospect of sunfil is good while 50% of respondents say
that prospect of sunfil is not good because of some
reason and 30% respondents are unable to give their
response. It means that majority of respondent say that
prospect of sunfil is good.
TABLE - 14
% of occupational group as customer of particular outlet.

Occupation No of
% Total
al Group. Respondent
Service 19 38
Business 14 28
Student 09 18
Others 08 16
Total 50 100

50 56 No of Respondent
60 50
40 38 % Total
3040 28
19 24 28
20 18 16
9 8
1020 12
0 0
Service Business Student Others Total
Service Business Student Others Total

No of Respondent % Total

Source : Field Survey

Analysis: The above Data show that 38% consumers whose
occupational group is service come to purchase goods, 28%
is business group, 18% Student group and 16% is the
occupational group that come to purchase goods from a
particular outlet. These show that majority of service
occupational group who come to purchase of goods from a
particular outlet then Business occupational group then
student & then others.
TABLE - 15
% of Occupational group as a purchaser of soft drink.

Occupation No of
% Total
al Group. Respondent
Service 12 24
Business 06 12
Student 28 56
Others 04 08
Total 50 100
90 100
60 56 No of Respondent
56 50
60 50
50 % Total
28 28
30 24
20 12 12
20 12 6 12 8
10 0 6 8
0 Service Business Student Others Total
Service Business Student Others Total

No of Respondent % Total

Source : Field Survey

Analysis: The above data show that different Occupational come
to purchase soft drink are 24% service occupational group, 12%
Business group, 56% student group and 8% others occupational
group. It shows that soft drink is most popular among student
group soft drink is the second in rank is popularity among service
holder and it is less popular among business occupational group.
Therefore on Business and other occupational group to peruse to
purchase and Drink the soft drink students groups are all time
high % of consumer among other occupational group consumer.

TABLE - 16
Respondents awareness about the products of Coca-Cola

No of
Response % Total

Yes 41 82

No 09 18

Total 50 100


No of Respondent
60 50 % Total

20 9

Yes No Total

Source : Field Survey

Analysis: The above figure shows that among 50 respondents.

There are 82% respondents who are well aware about the
all bands of coca-cola. There are still 18% responder’s who
do not know about all brands of coca-Cola. It means that
inspite of company spends huge amount on advertisement
18% of people still not known about all product of coca-cola
company therefore it should be duty of the company to
make aware about all its products through any means.
TABLE - 17
Respondents like to keep Quantity of soft drink (300 ml

No of
Brand % Total
No of
Quantity % Total
1-2 case 21 42
2-5 case 19 38
More than 5
10 20
Total 50 100


1-2 case
2-5 case
More than 5 case
19 Total


Source : Field Survey

Analysis: The above figure depicts that majority of respondent’s

who wants to keep 1-2 case 38% of respondents wants to
purchase 2-5 case to 300 ml (R.G.B.) And 20% of
respondent like to keep more than 5 cases of soft drink. It
means that responded who like to purchase 1-2 case, is
more than who would like to purchase 2-5 case therefore
company should give more incentive to daily purchaser or
lease 1-2 case daily. These are the outlet where maximum
state are found.

TABLE – 18
(%) Percentage of respondent fall under following Income

No of
Income Group % Total

Up to Rs. 5000 03 06

Rs. 5000 –
09 18

10,000 – 20,000 21 42

Above Rs 20,000 17 34

Total 50 100

No of Respondent


Up to Rs. 5000
Rs. 5000 – 10,000
50 10,000 – 20,000
Above Rs 20,000


Source : Field Survey

Analysis: The above figure shows that there are only 6%
respondents whose income comes under 5000, consume
soft drink, 18% responds comes under Rs. 5000-10,000,
42% comes between Rs. 10,000- to 20,000, and 34%
respondents are above Rs 20,000 income group who
consume soft drink. It means that Income plays an
important role in influencing the frequency of consumption.

All products for Coca cola are receiving a great response
than the products of Pepsi. I have surveyed 150 respondents in
Patna Central and Patna South. There are more than 80%
respondents who know almost all brands to Coca-cola. Among all
brands of coca- cola, Thums up plays a vital role in the popularity
of Coca-Cola . Sprite is the next brand after Thums up, receiving
greater response. Thums up is miles ahead than any other
brands. Resplendent don't respond positively about the taste of
Fanta, Limca and Maaza, Why these have been keeping its pace
among consumers popularity. Kinley water is also amazing,
Kinley water is now in a position to capture more than 35%
market shares of bottled water. Kinley soda is not behind in the
popularity. The taste of Coke, FANTA, LIMCA and MAAZA has been
keeping its pace among consumer. Kinley soda is not behind in
the popularity. Sunfil, a concentrated powder drink which has
been launched recently in three flavour is also gaining
momentum but it has to compete with its competitor Rasana in
respect of taste.

But some negligence has also been found from the

company like garbage found in the packed bottled in Fanta. Some
counterfeit also found in Thumsup and coke, which is most
popular brand. This may repudiate the image. of most reputed
company COCA-COLA. Therefore these type of problem should be
quickly sorted out to maintain company name and brand.
Keeping in mind the present level of competition in the
soft drink market and from the data analysis & Findings , The
following suggestions can be put forward to the management of
Hindustan Coca-cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd Patna Soft drink is
regarded as a non-essential product by the consumer but it
become a necessary during summer season and winter too. So
more attention should be given to taste and quality as these two
attributes have been considered by almost all of the consumers.
Only some of the consumers have considered satisfaction which
is also the result of a good quality rather improve it in order to
cover larger section or the consumer.

Following are the recommendations & suggestions :-

1. During the course of interview with the consumers, the

researcher also came to know about a severe complain i.e.
the existence of dirt and filth in the bottles especially in
Fanta .There is also a suspicion in the Consumers about the
purity of other brands of Coca-cola range of products. So,
the management must keep strict vigil on the cleaning of
the bottles, So that the image of Coca-Cola range of
products, may run smoothly.

2. The availability of Coca-Cola range of products at Patna

Central (Maury a Lok, Rajendra Nagar, Kankarbagh etc.) is
good in compression to its competitors products. But it
should be made more available during the summer season
(peak season so that even non drinkers consume because
of its easy availability.
3. The advertisement undertaken by Coca- Cola can be said to
be fair as it stand in the first position followed by pepsi,
Which stands on second position. On the basis of interview it
can be suggested that the advertisement of Thums Up
which contributes a large market should be made more
widen in its approach. The recent advertisement by cinestar
Amir Khan, Akshaya Kumar, Aishwarya Rai, Raima Sen etc.
doing good in this regard.

4. It should concentrate more, and more on Audio-visual media

to influence the consumers. The Hindustan Coca-Cola
Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Patna, should put up more hoardings
in the rural part of Patna, to create awareness as to
influence people towards consumption.

5. Friends also play a major role in influencing the choice

among different age groups. The company should identify
those demographic and psychographic characteristics and
by identifying the media read or use by them and then
conveying the massage.

6. The pricing policy of the company should be improved in

such a way that uniform price prevails in all parts of the city.
Some retailers were selling the products at a slightly higher
rate than that fixed by the company i.e. M.R.P. this variation
will surely affect the sale of the Coca-Cola drinks and also
the image, so the company should be socially oriented as
well as profit oriented to have an excellent reputation in the
soft-drink market.
7. The company has concentrated its marketing activities
mainly in the urban areas where the purchasing power of
the consumer is high. But the company should think to
explore rural markets also with a little decreased price, to
capture larger market share.

8. As far as the preference for consumption place is concerned

restaurant is the most preferred followed by soft drink
parlor. So the company is advised to concentrate for
adequate supply of the product in the above mentioned
place to aviod any shortage and to give utmost satisfaction
to the consumers.

9. Home as a place of consumption is also preferred mostly by

old & females. therefore the selling of soft drinks through
these key people should be made more popular to meet the
demand of this section of con summers .

10. The marketing strategy and advertisement should be

targeted to the age group of 12-20 years and 20-35 years
because they constitute the largest market for soft drink.

11. From time to time low price scheme should be lunched for
the consumers because competition is; getting tougher by
the day an these schemes comes hand specially in the off
season Display of the product on the counter should be
attractive to attract the customers.
M arketing Managem ent : Philip Kotler
The Twelve Edition.

M arketing Reaserach : Dr. S.R. Bajpai

Del I. Hawkings

News paper : The Econom ic Tim es

Hindustan Tim es

M agazines : Business Magazine

W eb site of the Coca-Cola :

Study on Purchase decision of Buyer’s with special reference

HCC BPL in Patna.

Name :--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Address :-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Contact No :-------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Age Group-

5-12 yrs 12-20 20-35 yrs

35-42 above 45 yrs

3. Income-

Less than 5000 5000-10,000

10000-20000 above 20,000

4. From which group you belongs to-

Student Service

Business Other

5. Do you use soft Drink.

Yes No

6. If yes than which of the following of the Product you use ?

Pepsi Coca-cola

Other (specify)--------------------

7. Are you aware of all Products of Coca-cola.

Yes No

8. Which of the Product you like most.

Coke Thumps Up Sprite

Fanta Maaza Limca

Maaza Tetrapack

9. Why you prefer to buy the Product of such Brand.

Maxm satisfaction Peer Behaviour

Brand Name Celebrity Endorsment

10. Which Package would you prefer to Buy ?

300 ml (RGB) 200ml (RGB)

Mobile (600ml) 1.5 liter (PET)

11. Which sales Promotion Activities attracted you more.

Advertisement Personnel activities

12. How many bottle do you drink daily.

One-Two Three-four

Four- five more than five

13. which company product have better Taste ?

Coke Pepsi

What’s your valuable suggestion__________________________________________


Place :

Date : (Signature)
The knowledge that is applied in the practical field, it can
not attain perfection and maturity. A project work is the scientific
and systematic study of real issue of problems with the
application of management principles, concept and skills. It is
good to practice what has been learnt. The essential ingredient of
a project work is that it should contain scientific collection of
Data, its analysis and interpretation that lead to the conclusions
and feasible suggestions.
Project work is an essential part for the partial fulfillment of
the syllabus of M.B.A.
I have prepared this project during my summer training at
‘Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Patna unit. This study
has given me a real exposure to soft drink market and the
confidence to take the real marketing world.
I have conducted my study under the heading “Study On
Purchase Decision of Buyer’s With Special Reference to
Coca-Cola” Patna.
The whole report is concerned with different aspects of the
study. The report is written in very comprehensive way with a
suitable heading for each chapter. So that it enables the busy
executive to have a quick glance of the contents.
The last chapter deals with some recommendations which
will be helpful for the company in containing its countering its
competition as well as edge over them. It will be helpful to know
about consumer behaviour.
Any valuable comments and suggestions are welcome.

Md. Shamshad Alam

I wish to express my deep sense of appreciation and
gratefulness to all those person whose help and guidance
contributed a lot in accomplishing this project report.
I am grateful to Dr. Chandra Singh, Faculty Member
L.N.M.I., Patna for his able guidance. I would like to thanks him
for the constant encouragement in doing this project study.
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude of Mr
C.D. Lakra, Area Manager (Human Resources), Subir
Chatterjee, (Marketing Manager) and Md. Imteyaz (ASM), for
their expert guidance.
I also with to thanks Mrs. Chandana Roy & Mr. Ajay Kumar,
Narayanee Enterprises (Coca-Cola) and all of my friends for their
full cooperation without which the smooth completion of project
would have not been completed.


ROLL NO. : 06065
SESSION : 2006-08
My Parents
Purpose of the study
Objective of the Study
Importance of the study
Scope of the study
Chapter �I
Coca-Cola :
Organizational Profile
A Brief Profile of World-Wide Business
Facts about the Coca-Cola
Facts about the Coca-Cola, India
Facts about the Coca-Cola, Bihar
Company Set-up
Chapter �II
Purchase Dicision of
Buyer 뭩 :
Conceptual Study
1. Theoretical
Prespective of the Study
Chapter �III
Chapter �Iv
Chapter �V

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