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PIP 400, ‘s Manual T.P.A. Information in this document is subjet to change without notice on the part of T.P.A, Spa — Tecnolegie Prodotti per 1’Automazione ~. No part of this manual may be reproduced without the permission of T.PLA. SpA. This document is related to release SW 5.0. Tecnolagie Prodotti per 1’Automazione SpA 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI) - Via Carducci, 221 - Tel. (@2) 26223139 = Fax 2486201 PTP4@@ user’s manual TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL FEATURES AND STARTUP IDENTIFICATION ..... PTP490’S HARDWARE STRUCTURE - CENTRAL UNIT’S HARDWARE STRUCTURE ... PTP2QON .. ESPAS INOUTR POWER FEEDER RACKS .... CONFIGURATION OF THE CENTRAL UNT SUPPLY OF THE SYSTEM PTP4G0 . INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE . PTP490’S CONFIGURATION SETTINGS . Selecting the language .. Selecting the measure unit ...... Selecting the type of system XY . CONFIGURATION OF MACHINE CYCLES . CONFIGURATION OF LOCAL NETWORK .. STARTING SYSTEM .. TURNING THE SYSTEM OFF .. NOTES ABOUT USING DISKS ..... NUMBERING THE INPUT/QUTPUT PORTS. PTP499’S MAIN FEATURES MAIN MENU ...-.. Programs’ edit . Functions’ edit .. Machine control made .. Parameters (settings) . Formatting program disks Make directories . Programs’ backup . System’s auxiliary Debug’s auxiliary Qperatar identification . Enter data and time .....+ Make labels (barcode) .... Version of PTPaaD User’s auxiliary . MS-DOS video file editor Run MS-DOS commands ... Restart PTP4GB ... Exit on MS-DOS commands . table of contents - 1 ~ Rees 1 1 1 i= 1 1 —— PTP40® user’s manual —————H—— 2. MACHINE CONTROL MODE AUTOMATIC (Machine control mode) ..- DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF MACHINE PERFORMANCES - Fil = AUTO .. Repetitions .... article ... EXECULE veeeeeee Extemeeeeeeeriee Displays duriny F3 - END. F2 - START F4 ~ SET POINT .... FS — MANUAL .. pene EX nee niemee ets HANDLING THE EXECUTION COUNTERS SYSTEM OF REFERENCE XY .. DEFINITION OF WORK AREAS EXECUTION MODES IN WORK AREAS . Execution mades N and N/ .. Execution modes $ and S/ Execution modes T and T/ Execution modes M and M/ Execution modes R and R/ Execution modes @ and A/ seseeeeeeeeeee EXECUTION MODALITIES IN OPTIONAL MODE " programs DBZAGZ MANUAL MODE AND DIAGNOSTIC . Fl = JOG-STEP F3 - axIS F4 ~ SPEED SS o- PITCH wee Fe - 10 CODE.. : F7 - SET. Fea - RES . FQ - INPUT F2 - Dacu F1@- EXIT table of contents — 2 - —— PIP4@0 user’s manual MACHINE PARAMETERS PARAMETERS MENU . KEYBOARD AND FUNCTION KEYS... MEASURE UNIT .. REMARKS WHEN DEALING WITH PARAMETERS PARAMETERS DESCRIPTION ....... Number of tools ... Head configuration MALLS Cadid seccceeer seen ee Tools correctors on axes X,Y, Z Parameters of fitting tools and an Work fields’ reference points .. @ir values and offsets . Depth of horizontal holes .. Processing speed - Mandrels’ rotation velocity Selected axes . Axes’ parameters . Input test for manual Head’s features ... Parameters of horizontal tools’ rai Axes limits ... Parameters of linearity correctors Linearity correctors .. Interpolation parameters . Machine emergencies ... ERRORS DISPLAYED WHEN HANDLING PARAMETERS 1 3-3 3-6 37 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-13 3-13 3-16 x17 3-18 321 3-22 3-24 3-25 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-28 3-29 3-29 3-31 3-32 3-34 table of contents - 3 ~ PTP4Q@ user’s manual PROGRAMS CREATION AND RUNNING PROGRAMS ORGANIZATION ... FORMAT PROGRAM DISK . MAKE PROGRAMS’ DIRECTORIES ... PROGRAMS’ BACKUP... eee Menu 1° (selection modes) .. Menu 2° (selection connections) Menu 3° (run selected operations) .. Messages when handling recordings .. PROGRAMS’ EDIT ...... Working procedures Special keys .....+- Mode -"wait command" Commands programmed on function keys Insert . Revise . Delete . Merge .. Line « List . Dimensions Graphic Kill... Store .. Directory . Rename . New End peeeet eet eereertcce Crtl +7 (head’s description) .. Errors displayed when handling the edit PTP499’S MILLING AND BORING COMMANDS . Description of the functions ... Freparatory functions (Gan) . Axes co-ordinates (Xx, Y, Z) « : Co-ardinatee of the circumference center (1, J, K) .++ Circumference radius (I) .. Circumference point of intermediate passage (1, J). Function of plane selection when milling (P) ..+ Function of tool selection (T) . User’s functions (F) .. Velocity (VX VY VZ) . Mandrel’s rotation velocity Function -"mill radius" (R ) Function (A) sss... Functone “origin" (0) . Function “sub-program" (5) ... Function “rotation” (D) .. PRPRERAR PR PARE REE PERE E EEE RE REL mem COOP UDA IEE cum) table of contents - 4 — —— PTP48 user ’s manual — Description of commands display Vertical boring command . Command "load Sub-pragram" ...... Horizontal boring commands .. Milling commands ... Blade grouving commands . Fitting commands Pragrammed Stop commands Inserting user’s functions .. Inserting the special function 693 .. GENERAL EXAMPLES OF PROGRAMS’ LAYOUTS SPREADINGS AND AUTOMATIC SELECTIONS. .. Automatic spreading of the values .. Automatic spreading of the milling plane Automatic spreading of origins .......+...+) Automatic selection of the tool (special tools) Automatic selection of velocities .. Automatic preservation af a programmed velocity USE OF DRILLING COMMANDS FUNCTION "VERTICAL BORING" ... FUNCTION “FITTING .. fitting with a fixed single head. fitting with indipendent mandrels ...... fitting with two parallel heads automatic calculation of the fitting ref.points ERRORS DISPLAYED WHEN EDITING THE FITTING .. FUNCTIONS OF HORIZONTAL BORINGS .. EXAMPLES OF BORING PROGRAMS .. gauagaaaa VOIS GUNN 6. USE OF MILLING COMMANDS LINEAR MILLING FUNCTIONS ..... aes ecei ont CIRCULAR MILLING FUNCTIONS ... eats ti) ee HELICOIDAL MILLING FUNCTIONS. . steer) tonal PROGRAMMING OVALS ......-- eee eee 6-5 REMARKS ABOUT THE USE OF MILLING COMMANDS cee ee ota ERRORS DISPLAYED WHEN EDITING MILLINGS ... eee 6-18 EXAMPLES OF MILLING PROGRAMS ....-.... : ‘i 6-28 table of contents - 5 — —— PTP4@@ user’s manual SIMPLIFIED PROGRAMS ON ARCS PROGRAMMING AN ARC ON THE RADIUS ... PROGRAMMING AN ARC PASSING TROUGH THREE POINTS . PROGRAMMING AN ARC ON THE INITIAL TANGENT ... PROGRAMMING CONNECTIONS errors of geometry .. ERRORS DISPLAYED WHEN EDITING. EXAMPLES OF PROGRAMS... PROGRAMMING ORIGINS ORIGIN’S SELECTION 20 7 e-1 ORIGIN’S PROGRAMMING. = : 8-5 EXAMPLES .---.--++- eee 7 B19 REMARKS CONCERNING THE EXECUTION IN OPTION : e-14 2. MILL RADIUS CORRECTION PROGRAMMING MODES ......... orescence gt MILL RADIUS CORRECTION ON CLOSED FIGURES .... 9-6 CONDITIONS OF GEOMETRIC ERROR....... : 9-15 ERRORS DISPLAYED WHEN EDITING .. 19 19. CONTOURING PERFORMING CONTOURING . AUTOMATIC RUNNING MODE . PROGRAMMED RUNNING MODE ( function C) EXAMPLES OF AUTOMATIC RUNNING .. EXAMPLES OF USING FUNCTION "Cc" 11. PROGRAMMING PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING MODES . EXAMPLES .. 12. SUBPROGRANS PROGRAMMING MODES . LAYOUTS OF SPECTAL FUNCTIONS EXAMPLES .. ERRORS DISPLAYED WHEN EDITING - table of contents — 6 -

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