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Household Wt. in Household Wt. In PURE
Measure Grams Measure Grams 1. Select good quality raw materials.
2. Trim and weigh the meat.
I. Meat Material: 3. Slice meat inch thick.
Chicken, fillet 1,000.0 1,000.0 4. Measure/weigh all the ingredients.
5. Mix the curing ingredients with the meat.
II. Extenders: 6. Add the seasonings and spices.
Isolated soy protein (ISP) 2 Tbsp 6.0
7. Mix until well blended.
Water for hydration cup 24.0
8. Cure either at room temperature for 8-10 hours or refrigerator
Chilled water cup 200.0
temperature for 1-2 days.
III. Curing Mix: 9. Package in polyethylene bags into desired weight. Store in freezer.
Salt, refined 1 Tbsp 12.0 1 Tbsp 12.0 10. To cook, add a small amount of water and cooking oil to the tocino. Allow
Curing salt (94%refined salt, water to evaporate and fry in oil; or store packaged product in freezer for
6% sodium nitrite) tsp 2.0 tsp 2.0 2-4 months.
Phosphate 1 tsp 3.0 1 tsp 3.0
Water (to dissolve cup 62.5 cup 62.5 EXTENDED
phosphate) 1. Select good quality raw materials.
2. Slice meat materials inch thick.
IV. Seasonings/spices:
3. Hydrate ISP powder in water. Mix until smooth and glossy, set aside.
Sugar, refined 9-12 Tbsp 90.0 -120.0 9-12 Tbsp 90.0 -120.0
4. Measure/weigh curing mix and seasonings.
Garlic, chopped 1 Tbsp 11.0 2 Tbsp 22.0
Anisado wine 2 Tbsp 18.0 2 Tbsp 18.0
5. Add curing mix and blend well.
Pineapple juice cup 34.0 cup 68.0 6. Mix hydrated ISP with the meat until well blended.
Food color* as desired as desired 7. Add the seasonings and continue mixing until thoroughly blended.
(MSG) Monosodium glutamate tsp 2.0 tsp 2.0 8. Cure mixture either at room temperature, 8-12 hours or refrigerator
temperature, 1-2 days.
V. Packaging Materials: 9. Package in polyethylene bags into desired weight.
Polyethylene bag, 6x8 (for kg. package) 10. To cook, add a small amount of water and cooking oil to the tocino. Allow
Ordinary plastic 8x11 water to evaporate and fry in oil; or store packaged product in freezer for
* 1 cup cooled, boiled water plus 1 teaspoon food color powder 2-4 months.

VI. Yield: 1.2 kg. 1.4 kg.

Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Animal Industry
A. Fernando St., Marulas, Valenzuela City
tel. nos.: 293-5489 ; 293-8402 ; 293-8401
tele/fax no.: 291-6834 / e-mail address:

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