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Tutorial Letter 101/3/2017

Introduction to nutrition and energy-

yielding nutrients

Semesters 1 and 2

Department of Life and Consumer Sciences

This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.


Open Rubric


1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS ................................................................................... 4
3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 4
4 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................... 5
4.4 Library services and resources information ................................................................................... 5
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................ 6
6 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................... 6
7 PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING ..................................................... 7
8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 7
8.1 Assessment criteria....................................................................................................................... 7
8.2 Assessment plan........................................................................................................................... 7
8.3 Assignment numbers .................................................................................................................... 8
8.3.1 General assignment numbers ....................................................................................................... 8
8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers......................................................................................................... 8
8.4 Assignment due dates..8

8.5 Submission of assignments .......................................................................................................... 8

8.6 The assignments........................................................................................................................... 9
8.7 Other assessment methods ........................................................................................................ 10
8.8 The examination ......................................................................................................................... 10
9 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 10
10 SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 10
11 IN CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 10
12 ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................................... 10


Dear Student

Dear Student
We would like to welcome you as a student of this module in nutrition (NUT1501)! We hope that
you will have a pleasant and fruitful academic year.
The purpose of this tutorial letter is to convey important information pertaining to NUT1501. It is
very important that your first assignment reaches Unisa on or before the due date. This is
the assignment on which Unisa receives its subsidy from the Department of Education.
Students who have not submitted this assignment by the due date will not be allowed to write
the examination.


2.1 Purpose

Students who have worked through this module should be able to know, understand and apply
the principles and theory necessary to promote sound nutritional practices in order to maintain
good health. They should be able to demonstrate the ability to apply basic nutrition information
as well as to recognise, identify and rectify nutrition deficiencies.

2.2 Outcomes

The student should be able to:

discuss the concepts of nutrition, food groups, nutritional goals and the importance of
good nutrition

adopt a critical approach to contemporary topics in nutrition

classify foods according to their functions into main groups and recommend portions

adapt the portions from each food group for different age groups and circumstances

discuss the relationship among major nutrient groups and the main functions of

discuss the composition, classification, quality, functions, requirements, affecting

requirements, food sources, excess and deficiencies of energy yielding nutrients

describe and explain the symptoms, prognosis and treatment of energy yielding
nutrient deficiency diseases

identify risk factors in individuals for nutrient deficiency diseases, and make
recommendations for the treatment of energy yielding nutrient deficiency diseases in
order to improve the health status of the individual

3.1 Lecturer(s)

Your lecturer for this module is Dr Tertia S van Eeden.

Telephone number +2711 471 2171

Postal address NUT1501 Lecturer
Department of Life and Consumer Sciences
Private Bag X6
E-mail address
Go to:
Log in and click on:
myUnisa webpage
NUT1501-17-S1 (for semester 1) or
NUT1501-17-S2 (for semester 2)

Follow the procedures given in the Study @ Unisa brochure<Author: This is the new name of
this brochure from 2-17.akb> to become a user of myUnisa. You will find the option course
contact on the grey bar on the left-hand side. You will be able to e-mail your lecturer via the
course contact option. Please have your study material and student number ready when
contacting your lecturer with queries concerning the course.
3.2 Department

The Department of Life and Consumer Sciences is located at the Unisa ScienceCampus

Secretarys telephone number +2711 471 2230

Departmental fax number +2711 471 2796
College administrators email address

3.3 University
You can use the following methods to contact the university:
Unisa website: &
myUnisa: &
SMS: 32695 (only for students in South Africa)
Fax: 012 429 4150

You will find general Unisa contact details in the Study@ Unisa brochure.

4.1 Prescribed books

The titles of your prescribed textbooks are:

Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition,


International Student Edition, 10th edition, Rolfes/Pinna/Whitney -

| 9781285458762
1/31/2014 2015
The South African Glycemic Index & Load Guide,
Author: Steenkamp G & Delport L, 2013-2015
Publishers: GIFSA
ISBN: 9780620291798

Please refer to the list of official booksellers and their addresses in the Study @ Unisa brochure.
Prescribed books can be obtained from the universitys official booksellers. If you have difficulty
in locating your book(s) at these booksellers, please contact the Prescribed Book Section at
telephone number: 012 429-4152 or email

These books should also be available at any of the official Unisa booksellers. If not, you can
order it on the internet at or Second-hand
books are available at the following websites: or
4.2 Recommended books

There are no recommended books for this module.

4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

There are no e-reserves for this module. Announcements will be posted on myUnisa as and
when, required.
4.4 Library services and resources information

For brief information, go to

For detailed information, go to the Unisa website at and click on


For research support and services of personal librarians, go to

The library has compiled a number of library guides:

finding recommended reading in the print collection and e-reserves
requesting material
postgraduate information services
finding, obtaining and using library resources and tools to assist in doing research
how to contact the library/finding us on social media/frequently asked questions

5.1 The Directorate for Counselling, Career and Academic Development (DCCAD)

The DCCAD supports prospective and registered students before, during and after their Unisa
studies. There are resources on their website, and also printed booklets available to assist you
career advice and how to improve your employability
study skills
academic literacy (reading, writing and quantitative skills)
assignment submission and exam preparation

Contact details

Website http;//
E-mail for counselling
E-mail for academic literacy
Further important information appears in the brochure Study @ Unisa.

The following is a detailed study plan for this module. Please note that this is merely a guideline
and you can still work at your own pace although, by following the plan for the semester, you
can be assured that your assignments will reach us on time and that your will be prepared for
the exam. Use the Study @ Unisa brochure for general time management and planning skills.
The Study and Assessment Plan for 2017 is as follows:


Study and Assessment Plan for 2017 Semester 1 and 2.
Week Date Comments

1 S1: 30 Jan o Make sure you have received all the study material.
S2: 17 July o Purchase the prescribed textbook.
o Read through Tutorial Letter 101 carefully.
o Familiarise yourself with the assignments provided in Tutorial
Letter 101 for the semester for which you are registered.
o Register on
o Read through the preface to the study guide carefully.
o Browse the rest of the study guide to get an idea of the
o Browse Tutorial Letter 301 note any information that is important
for your assignments.
2 S1: 6 Feb o Prepare for Assignment 01.
S2: 24 July o Work through study units 1 & 2.
3 S1: 13 Feb o Start working on Assignment 01.
S2: 31 July o Work through study unit 3.

4 S1: 20 Feb o Work on Assignment 01.

S2: 7 Aug o Work through study unit 4.
5 S1: 27 Feb o Complete Assignment 01.
S2: 14 Aug o If submitting via ordinary post: post Assignment 01 no later this

o Work through study unit 5.

6 S1: 6 Mar o If submitting via myUnisa: complete assignment no later than this
S2: 21 Aug week (
o Start working on Assignment 02.
o Work through and revise study units 1 & 2.
7 S1: 13 Mar o Work on Assignment 02.
S2: 28 Aug o Work through and revise study unit 3.
8 S1: 20 Mar o Work on Assignment 02.
S2: 4 Sept o Work through and revise study unit 4.
9 S1: 27 Mar o Work on Assignment 02.
S2: 11 Sept o Work through and revise study unit 5.
10 S1: 3 April o Complete Assignment 02.
S2: 18 Sept o If submitting via ordinary post: post Assignment 02 no later than
this week.
11 S1: 10 April o Complete Assignment 02.
S2: 25 Sept o If submitting via myUnisa: complete Assignment 02 no later than
this week (
o Revise study units 1 & 2
12 S1: 17 April o Work through returned Assignment 01.
S2: 2 Oct o Revise study unit 3.
13 S1: 24 April o Work through the returned Assignment 02.
S2: 9 Oct o Revise study unit 4.
14 S1: 1 May o Work through the returned Assignment 02.
S2: 16 Oct o Revise study unit 5.
15 S1: 8 May o Work through examination guidelines posted on myUnisa.
S2: 23 Oct o Work through previous exam papers (see myUnisa).
o Prepare for the exam.
Examination cycle starts


There is no practical work for this module.

8.1 Assessment criteria

Assignments are seen as part of the learning process for this module. As you do the
assignments, study the reading texts, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow
students or do research, you should be actively engaged in learning. The assessment criteria
given for each assignment will help you to understand more clearly what is required of you.

8.2 Assessment plan

There are TWO assignments for NUT1501 for each semester. You will find the assignments in
this tutorial letter in Appendix A and Appendix B.

Assignment 01 is compulsory and must be submitted in order for you to obtain admission to the
examination. The second assignment is not compulsory. However, if you do not submit this
assignment, your year mark will be very low and you might fail the module, even if you pass the
examination. Thus, both assignments are important.

Summary of how your final mark will be calculated

Formative assessment:
Assignment 01 (10% of year mark) Year mark (30% of final mark)
Assignment 02 (90% of year mark)

Final mark
Summative assessment: Examination mark
Examination (70% of final mark)

8.3 Assignment numbers

8.3.1 General assignment numbers

Assignments are numbered consecutively per module, starting from 01. There are TWO
assignments for NUT1501 for each semester. You will find the assignments in this tutorial letter
in Addendum A (01) and Addendum B (02). Make sure that you complete the appropriate
assignment for the specific semester for which you are registered for by checking the due date
for submission.

8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers

Assignment number Semester 1 Semester 2

Unique number Unique number
01 647985 739358
02 688557 773913

8.4 Assignment due dates

Assignment Number Semester 1 Semester 2

Due date Due date
01 6 March 2017 28 August 2017
02 10 April 2017 26 September 2017

8.5 Submission of assignments

The assignments that you are required to submit during the semester must reach Unisa before
or on the due date stipulated. Please complete and submit the assignment at least a week
before the due date to ensure that we receive them in good time.
In exceptional circumstances such as a long-term illness, a valid medical certificate stipulating
the illness will be considered as a reason for submitting an assignment late. Notify the lecturer
well in advance. If no arrangements are made, the assignment will not be marked. Please
attach the medical certificate to your assignment.
How to receive quicker online feedback and comments on your assignments


Unisa is implementing the onscreen marking of assignments to help you receive quicker
feedback. We strongly encourage you to submit your assignments using this submission
method instead of via the postal service.

Please submit your electronic assignment as a PDF document and not in another format
(e.g. MS Word or Excel). By doing this you will facilitate the marking process and ensure that
we receive your document. If you submit as a Word document there is also the likelihood that
unintended changes could be made once it has been submitted; however with a PDF document
no changes can be made to the content (you will only receive marks and comments).
To allow us to mark your assignment onscreen, you need to do the following:

1. Convert your electronic assignment into PDF format.

How do I create a PDF document from any other document format (eg MS Word, MS Excel

By downloading free software (i.e. PrimoPDF), you can create a printable PDF document
from any type of document. Follow these easy steps:

i. Go to the internet to the following website:

ii. Download the PrimoPDF software by clicking on the DOWNLOAD FREE prompt.
Follow the instructions for installing the software.
iii. In order to create a PDF document from your assignment, go to your assignment on
your PC and, instead of printing your assignment to an actual printer, choose
PrimoPDF as printer. To do this, click on the Microsoft Office Button (or File
button for older versions of Microsoft), and then click Print. Then, choose the printer
from the drop-down list, which in this case should be PrimoPDF).
iv. You will now receive a pop-up message. Click the Create PDF button. Indicate in
the Save as: pop-up where you want to save the PDF assignment on your PC.
v. The PDF version of your assignment will now appear for you to view.

2. Submit the PDF document (your assignment) via myUnisa (online). For guidance on
how to submit an assignment via myUnisa, consult the Study @ Unisa brochure.

8.6 The assignments

Assignments are seen as part of the learning process for this module. As you do the
assignments study the reading texts consult other resources discuss the work with fellow
students or tutors or do research, you are actively engaged in learning. Looking at the
assessment criteria given for each assignment will help you to understand what is required of
you more clearly.

There are two assignments for this module for each semester. You will find the assignments in:
Addendum A: Assignment 01 Semesters 1 and 2
Addendum B: Assignment 02 Semesters 1 and 2 in this tutorial letter.
The due dates for each assignment are given in Addenda A and B.

The first assignment of each of your courses is compulsory. You will qualify for examination
admission for a course only if you submit the first assignment by the due date. If more than one

assignment is set for a course, all the assignments for that course will be taken into
consideration when calculating your year mark. Thus, to ensure a good year mark that can
improve your final mark, submit all your assignments in time.

8.7 Other assessment methods

Not applicable
8.8 The examination

8.8 The examination

Consult the Study @ Unisa brochure for general examination guidelines and examination
preparation guidelines.

This module is offered in a semester period of fifteen weeks. This means that if you are
registered for the first semester, you will write the examination in May/June 2017 and the
supplementary examination will be written in October/November 2017. If you are registered for
the second semester you will write the examination in October/November 2017 and the
supplementary examination will be written in May/June 2018.

For examination admission it is compulsory to hand in the first assignment for this module. It will
also be to your advantage to do the assignments in order to test your understanding of the
subject, and to establish how well prepared you are for the examination. You need to obtain a
minimum of 40% in your examination to pass. If you do not obtain at least 40% in the
examination you will fail, even if the combination of year and examination marks is more than
50%. You will also need a minimum of 40% in the examination to obtain admission to a
supplementary examination.

You will have the opportunity to give account of your studies in a two-hour examination paper
(per module). You will receive a letter containing the date, place and examination venue. The
examination guidelines posted on myUnisa will give you pointers on how to prepare for the
examination. Revision should be done thoroughly before the examination. Contact us
immediately if you encounter any problems. Students can also refer to the Study @ Unisa
brochure for general examination guidelines and examination preparation guidelines.

The duration of the examination is two (2) hours and the paper will consist of questions such as
those requiring you to provide definitions of terms, draw labelled diagrams as well as answer
short and longer essay-type questions.
The Study @ Unisa brochure contains an A-Z guide of the most relevant study information.
Study @ Unisa brochure

We hope that you will enjoy this module.




NUT1501 Assignment 01
Assignment Semester 1 Semester 2
number Due date Unique Due date Unique
Number Number
01 6 March 2017 647985


1) Assignment 01 consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQ).

2) Make sure that you include the semester specific unique number and use the mark-
reading sheet provided to answer the questions.

3) Fill in all your personal details on the mark-reading sheet. This mark reading sheet
must be submitted to Unisa for assessment in a Unisa envelope.

4) Indicate the correct answer clearly by shading in the appropriate number on the mark-
reading sheet with an HB pencil. If more than one number is shaded in any answer,
no marks will be awarded for that question.

5) Consult the Study @ Unisa brochure for more detailed information on filling in mark-
reading sheets.

QUESTION 1: Multiple-choice questions 1 x 25 = [25]

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarise you with the contents of the study material
using techniques designed to improve your study skills. Note that although Assignment 01
focuses on the content of the study guide, you will have to consult both the textbook and the
study guide to answer Assignment 02.

Read the relevant sections in your study guide, and then answer the questions below by
shading the answer next to the corresponding number on the mark-reading sheet.
1.1 A fat that is less likely to become rancid can also be described as
1. saturated.
2. monounsaturated.
3. polyunsaturated.

4. sensitive to the effects oxygen.

1.2 What is the chief reason people choose the foods they eat?
1. Cost
2. Convenience
3. Taste
4. Nutritional value

1.3 An empty-kilojoule (kcalories) food is one that contains

1. an abundance of vitamins, but little or no minerals.
2. an abundance of minerals, but little or no vitamins.
3. energy and little or no protein, vitamins or minerals.
4. no kilojoules (kcalories).

1.4 In food exchange lists, to what group are olives assigned?

1. Fat
2. Fruit
3. Carbohydrate
4. Vegetable


1.5 When polyunsaturated fatty acids go through the process of hydrogenation ais formed.
1. triglyceride
2. omega-3 fatty acid
3. linoleic acid

4. trans fatty acid

1.6 If equal amounts (50g) of each of the following should be consumed, which would
provide the most energy?

1. Carbohydrates
2. Fat
3. Protein
4. Alcohol

1.7 Calculate how many of the 650kJ provided by a 360ml can of beer come from alcohol, if
the beer contains 1g protein and 14g carbohydrates.
1. 101kJ
2. 256kJ
3. 395kJ

4. 92.4kJ

1.8 How many grams of alcohol are in the 360ml can of beer that is mentioned in question

1. 12g
2. 13.5g
3. 21.5g
4. 17g

1.9 Which of the following statements on dietary lipids is incorrect? Dietary lipids

1. are the only source of essential fatty acids.

2. provide more than double the amount of energy when compared to protein per gram.
3. are carriers of vitamin A, D, E and K.
4. are consumed mainly in the form of chylomicrons.
1.10 Jane is a 28-year-old female who weighs 60kg. How many of the kilograms of her weight
consist of water?
1. 15
2. 36
3. 40

4. 45

1.11 A 24-year-old man consumes 2500 kCal energy per day. Convert this value into the
correct SI unit and choose the correct answer.

1. 2500000 calories
2. 595 Joules
3. 1042 kJ
4. 10500 Kj

1.12 How much energy is in 35g of protein?

1. 1015 kJ

2. 595 kJ

3. 1330 kJ

4. 102 kJ

1.13 The back-up energy during fasting and starvation is released through the metabolic
processes of and respectively.
1. glucogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
2. lipolysis and glycogenolysis
3. gluconeogenesis and lipolysis

4. proteolysis and lipolysis

1.14 A meal consisting of chips and coke can be labelled as

1. nutrient dense.
2. low in empty-kilojoule foods.
3. balanced.

4. energy dense.


1.15 Anthropometric measurements with the aim of assessing a persons nutritional status,
include all of the following, except

1. waist circumference.
2. skin-fold measurements.
3. height/length.
4. fingernails.

1.16 Which of the following statements regarding the South African Food Based Dietary
Guidelines are incorrect?
1. They provide a standard for healthy eating for South Africans
2. They promote good health and prevent the development of chronic diseases
3. They are suitable for all ages

4. They were specifically developed for South Africans

1.17 Which one of the following statements is true?

1. The heart mark on food products indicates that a food is low in kilojoules.
2. South African food labelling is similar to the American.
3. Food labelling increases health awareness and encourages improved lifestyle
4. Food labelling legislation is well established in South Africa.

1.18 The AMDR for protein in a day is of our total energy intake?

1. 4565%
2. 1035%
3. 2535%
4. 1540%

1.19 Which one of the following foods is considered to be an example of a food that contains
soluble fibre?
1. Bananas
2. Apple peel

3. Carrots
4. All Bran flakes

1.20 The difference between essential and non-essential amino acids is that
1. tyrosine is essential and threonine is non-essential.
2. the body must get essential amino acids from the diet, but can synthesise non-essential
amino acids.
3. essential amino acids can become non-essential under certain circumstances.
4. the body needs essential amino acids, but can survive without non-essential amino

1.21 Which of the following is an expression of the nutrient density of a food?

1. 0.01 mg iron per kcalorie
2. 110 kcalories per cup

3. 0.5 mg iron per serving

4. 110 kcalories per serving

1.22 Which of the following statements describes the glycaemic index of foods?
1. A measure of the percentage of digestible carbohydrates in relation to total energy
content of the food.
2. A way of ranking foods according to their potential to increase blood glucose.
3. The newest, most practical means for planning diets for people with diabetes.
4. A well-utilised, highly valued mechanism for controlling the intake of simple sugars


1.23 One medium fat meat exchange provide:

1. 0g carbohydrate, 7g protein and 5g fat
2. 5g carbohydrate, 7g protein and 3g fat
3. 12g carbohydrate, 8g protein and 8g fat

4. 15g carbohydrate, 8g protein and 5g fat

1.24 Which of the following foods is both high in nutrients and energy?
1. Carrots
2. White bread
3. Potato crisps

4. Almonds

1.25 All of the following are sources of dietary carbohydrates, except

1. fresh cream.
2. lettuce.
3. fruits.

4. black beans.



NUT1501 Assignment 01
Assignment Semester 1 Semester 2
number Due date Unique Due date Unique
number number
01 28 August 2017 739358


1) Assignment 01 contains multiple-choice questions (MCQ).

2) Make sure that you include the semester specific unique number and use the mark-
reading sheet provided to answer these questions.

3) Fill in all your personal details on the mark-reading sheet.

4) Indicate the correct answer clearly by shading in the appropriate number on the mark-
reading sheet with an HB pencil. If more than one number is shaded in any answer,
no marks will be awarded for that question.

5) See the Study @ Unisa brochure for more detailed information on filling in mark-
reading sheets.


QUESTION 1: Multiple-choice questions 1 x 25 = [25]

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarise you with the contents of the study material
using techniques designed to improve your study skills. Note that although Assignment 01
focuses on the content of the study guide, you will have to consult both the textbook and the
study guide to answer Assignment 02.

Read the relevant sections in your study guide, and then answer the questions below by
shading your answer next to the corresponding number on your mark-reading sheet.

1.1 Which lipoprotein contains the least cholesterol?

1. Low density lipoprotein
2. High density lipoprotein
3. Chylomicron
4. Very low density lipoprotein

1.2 When a particular food label features a heart mark it means that the product is
1. high in fibre.
2. low in cholesterol, saturated fat and trans fat.
3. low in sodium and added sugar.
4. all of the above.

1.3 In food exchange lists, to what group are nuts assigned?

1. Fat
2. Fruit
3. Protein
4. Vegetables

1.4 Which of the following is a feature of the exchange list system?

1. Foods are grouped according to their source

2. Adequate intakes of minerals and vitamins are guaranteed
3. A fat exchange provides about twice the energy of a carbohydrate exchange
4. All foods are grouped according to their carbohydrate, protein and fat content.

1.5 A meal consisting of chips and coke can be labelled as

1. nutrient dense.
2. energy dense.
3. low in empty-kilojoule foods.
4. balanced.

1.6 In South Africa all of the following are examples of practical ways to explain portion sizes
in simple terms, except
1. one small matchbox equals 30g of cheese
2. the palm of a womans hand equals a 150g protein portion
3. one fist equals a cup of maize-meal porridge

4. one tennis ball equals a cup of fruit or vegetables

1.7 Jane consumes a total of 7200kJ per day and her diet consists of 30% fat. Calculate the
quantity of fat that her diet provides per day in grams, choosing the correct option below.

1. 9120g
2. 127g
3. 57g
4. 120g

1.8 A food label ingredient list reads in the following order: Wheat flour, sugar, corn starch,
and salt. What item would be found in the second largest amount in this food product?
1. Corn starch
2. Wheat flour
3. Sugar

4. Salt

1.9 What type of fibre is readily digested by bacteria in the colon?

1. Fermentable
2. Lignans
3. Cellulose

4. Phytates


1.10 The amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of about 98% of the population is termed

1. estimated average requirement

2. recommended dietary allowance
3. adequate intake
4. tolerable upper intake level

1.11 In which of the following food groups are legumes found?

1. Grain
2. Dairy
3. Meat
4. Fruit

1.12 Legumes and grains in combination are effective complementary proteins because
1. have adequate sources of lysine and tryptophan.
2. have the same strengths.
3. taste good when eaten together.

4. contribute towards fibre intake.

1.13 When consuming a diet that contains 30% carbohydrates, 40% protein and 40% fat, the
1. will have to convert protein to glucose, or break down lean body tissue to make glucose.
2. will build lean body mass in the form of muscles.
3. will lose weight in a sustainable manner over a long period of time.
4. will have sufficient stores of glucose to fuel the activities of the central nervous system
and red blood cells.

1.14 The human body stores carbohydrates as

1. glucose

2. sucrose
3. glycogen
4. fructose
1.15 In food exchange lists, to which group is peanut butter assigned?

1. Protein
2. Vegetable
3. Fruit
4. Fat

1.16 The hormone that lowers blood glucose by moving the blood glucose to the body cells is
1. adrenaline
2. insulin
3. glucagon

4. cortisol

1.17 What element is found in proteins but not in carbohydrates and fats?

1. Carbon
2. Oxygen
3. Calcium

4. Nitrogen

1.18 The energy density of a 30g packet of mixed nuts that supply 879kJ is
1. 849
2. 263.7
3. 0.034

4. 29.3

1.19 A desirable blood lipid profile would be

1. a low LDL and low HDL cholesterol concentration.
2. a low total cholesterol and high HDL cholesterol concentration.
3. a low LDL cholesterol and high triglyceride concentration.

4. a low total cholesterol and low HDL cholesterol concentration.


1.20 A food that is not an example of a source of cholesterol:

1. Shrimps
2. Meat
3. Avocados

4. Hamburger

1.21 Among the following strategies, which would be the least effective to help control blood
cholesterol levels?

1. Control body weight within a healthy BMI range

2. Consume less saturated fat
3. Eat more insoluble fibre
4. Exercise intensely and frequently

1.22 The following characteristics of sugar alcohols (typically found in sugar free chewing
gum) are all true, except that

1. they still yield kJs.

2. they evoke a low glycaemic response.
3. they contribute to dental caries.

4. they may cause abdominal discomfort and diarrhoea if consumed in excess.

1.23 What is the usual state of nitrogen balance for healthy infants, children, and pregnant

1. Equilibrium
2. Metabolic
3. Negative
4. Positive

1.24 What type of protein would the body make in order to heal a wound?

1. Collagen
2. Albumin
3. Ferritin
4. Haemoglobin
1.25 Chronic protein-energy malnutrition in children is characterized by

1. hyperactivity.
2. shrunken liver.
3. short height for age.
4. low weight for height.





NUT1501 Assignment 02
Semester 1 Semester 2
Due date Unique number Due date Unique number
10 April 2017 688557

1) To complete Assignment 02, carefully study ALL the study units in study guide 1
together with the prescribed textbooks. You will find that the questions in this
assignment relate mainly to the application of your theoretical knowledge.

2) Type your assignment on a computer. Use the font Arial, size 11 with 1.5 line spacing.
If you are not able to type up your assignment on a computer, use a black or blue pen
to complete the assignment.

3) Number your answers correctly.

4) Try to formulate the answers in your own words. Refer to Tutorial Letter 301 for
guidance on citing the sources referred to and guidelines on avoiding plagiarism.

5) If you wish to submit your assignment online, please go to section 8 in this tutorial
letter and follow the instructions given in section 8.5.

6) If you wish to post your assignment, please use the assignment cover and envelope
provided. When stapling your answers inside the cover, staple only in the top left-
hand corner.

7) Create a cover page for this assignment that contains the following information:
a. Name
b. Student number
c. Unique assignment number
d. Module code

Remember metric units and units of measurements. No marks will be awarded if the incorrect
metric unit is used or if units of measurement are omitted from answers.

Question 1: [37]

1.1 Discuss the way in which peoples body composition differs by referring to the factors
known to influence body composition. (10)

1.2 Calculate the body composition of a young, healthy female weighing 59 kg. (10)

1.3 Discuss the different ways that fat can be distributed on the body and how this can be
used to predict a persons risk for certain diseases. (12)

1.4 Which anthropometric measurement can be used to assess a persons abdominal

fat? (1)

1.5 Give the cut-off values for men and women for the anthropometric
measurement mentioned above, that will indicate an increased risk for disease (2)

1.6 Describe the interesting trend seen among smokers in terms of their
body fat distribution and BMI? (2)

Question 2 [30]

2.1 Describe in your own words what an exchange list is and how it works (5)

2.2 Explain how the exchange list can be used as an effective tool to help people lose
weight (10)

2.3 Give the food group within which each of the following food types fall in the
exchange list: (10)

2.3.1 Cheese
2.3.2 Sweet potatoes
2.3.3 Mixed vegetables
2.3.4 Olives
2.3.5 Nuts
2.3.6 Peanut butter
2.3.7 Avocado
2.3.8 Legumes
2.3.9 Corn
2.3.10 Potatoes

2.4 Explain why alcohol intake should be limited in a healthy, balanced diet? (5)


Question 3 [33]

The link between good health and the traditional Mediterranean diets that were followed in the
mid-1900s is well known. Even though each of the many countries that border the Mediterranean
Sea has its own culture and traditions, there are still many similarities in their dietary habits.

3.1 Research has shown that the association between good health and the Mediterranean diet
only holds true when the overall diet pattern is present, because each of the foods
contributes small benefits that harmonise to produce a substantial cumulative or synergistic
effect. Summarise the food generally included in the Mediterranean diet under the
categories of the South African food groups? (10)

3.2 Summarise the broad dietary characteristics (e.g. low in saturated fat) of the
Mediterranean diet. (5)

3.3 What is the effect of the Mediterranean diet on a persons risk for heart disease? (3)

3.4 State whether each of the following categories of fatty acids are healthful or harmful
and list two (2) food sources of each. (15)

3.4.1 Trans-fatty acids

3.4.2 Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids
3.4.3 Monounsaturated fatty acids
3.4.4 Saturated fatty acids
3.4.5 Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids



NUT1501 Assignment 02
Semester 1 Semester 2
Due date Unique number Due date Unique number
26 September 2017 773913

1) To complete Assignment 02, carefully study ALL the study units in study guide 1
together with the prescribed textbooks. You will find that the questions in this
assignment relate mainly to the application of your theoretical knowledge.

2) Type your assignment on a computer. Use the font Arial, size 11 with 1.5 line spacing.
If you are not able to type up your assignment on a computer, use a black or blue pen
to complete the assignment.

3) Number your answers correctly.

4) Try to formulate the answers in your own words. Refer to Tutorial Letter 301 for
guidance on citing the sources referred to and guidelines on avoiding plagiarism.

5) If you wish to submit your assignment online, please go to section 8 and follow the
instructions given in section 8.5.

6) If you wish to post your assignment, please use the assignment cover and envelope
provided. When stapling your answers inside the cover, staple only in the top left-
hand corner.

7) Create a cover page for this assignment with the following information:
a. Name
b. Student number
c. Unique assignment number
d. Module code

Remember metric units and units of measurements. No marks will be awarded if the incorrect
metric unit is used or if units of measurement are omitted from the answers.


Question 1 [12]

1.1 There are various nutrition assessment methods that can be used to determine the
nutrition status of a person. Refer to the stages in the development of a nutrient
deficiency to demonstrate which assessment method would reveal each of the stages.
1.2 Which two aspects/factors do you think are important to consider when taking a
dietary history? (2)

Question 2 [51]

Sales of unproven and dangerous nutritional products have always been a concern, but the
Internet now provides merchants with an easy and inexpensive way to reach millions of
customers around the world. Because of the difficulty in regulating the Internet, fraudulent and
illegal sales of nutritional and medical products have hit a bonanza.

2.1 List eight (8) red flags that can be used to identify nutrition quackery and help the
general public to avoid being misled by advertisements. (8)

2.2 Would you support a supplement stating that it contains enzyme A to help digest
your food. Give reasons for your answer. (4)

2.3 Evaluate the use and effectiveness of whey protein powders to build muscle
and enhance athletic performance when compared to drinking regular cows milk. (10)

2.4 Discuss why you would, or would not recommend the routine supplementation
of omega-3 fatty acids in capsules of fish oil. (5)

2.5 Briefly discuss why it is important to consume more omega-3 than omega 6 to
best support cardiovascular health. (4)

2.6 What are the beneficial effects of the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in reducing
the risk of heart disease and stroke? (5)

2.7 State whether each of the following categories of fatty acids are healthful or harmful
and list 2 food sources of each. (15)

2.7.1 Trans-fatty acids

2.7.2 Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids
2.7.3 Monounsaturated fatty acids
2.7.4 Saturated fatty acids
2.7.5 Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

Question 3 [37]

You are asked to plan a menu for a kindergarten with 8 toddlers aged between 1-3 years old.
Their daily energy needs are 5000 kJ but they only spend 5 of their 12 waking hours at school.

3.1 Calculate how much energy should be consumed by the toddlers at school to meet
their daily energy needs. Show your calculations and round off to the nearest
0.5 decimal. (3)
3.2 Use the AMDR for children aged 1to 3 years (page 27 of your study guide) to calculate
how many grams of each of the macronutrients should be provided at school. Show
all of your calculations and round off to the nearest 0.5 decimal. (18)

3.3 Evaluate the given meal plan (which covers two meals and a snack) in the table
below: {16}

3.3.1 Fill-out the blank spaces in the table (18 x )

3.3.2 Compare the totals at the bottom of the table with your answer in question
3.2. (6)
3.3.3 Would this meal plan be appropriate for use as a reference for a menu for the
kindergarten? (1)

Food Exchange CHO (g) Protein (g) Fat (g)

Full cream milk 1

Vegetables 1

Fruit 1

Bread / starch 2

Medium fat meat 1

Fat 2

Total -




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