03 A Simple and Universal Method For Making Up Buffer Solutions

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publisher's indignation, I discovered that they were all this solution, it will be necessary to titrate it with a base, to
pirated copies. The forgery was complete, and since the a pH closer to the pKa. N a O H is a suitable base because it
binding is an extremely high quality West German maintains sodium as the cation:
product, they probably had to work extra hard at it. I
cannot restrain a certain admiration; but we all look NaH2PO4 + NaOH--+ Na2HPO4 + H20.
forward to the time, long overdue, when these countries
sign the international copyright agreement. Once the solution has been titrated to the correct pH, it
Meanwhile, in anticipation of a third edition, we are may be diluted (at least over a small range, so that
keeping a weather eye on progress in all fields of deviation from ideal behaviour is small) to the volume
biochemistry, and we should be grateful to continue which will give the desired molarity. The Henderson-
receiving criticisms and suggestions from teachers and Hasselbalch equation states that it is the ratio of salt to
research workers. Even without the prospect of a third acid, rather than their absolute concentrations, which
edition, it would be difficult to break the habit of determine the pH. Note that (i) in this reaction the only
collecting and classifying new material, an exercise involv- by-product is water, (ii) the molarity of the buffer is
ing the library, the international conference, and the determined by the mass of the acid, NaH2PO4, which is
shameless exploitation of colleagues. Many of the latter weighed out, and the final volume to which the solution is
generously provided material and/or gave their expert made up (for this example 15.60 g of the dihydrate would
opinions on written entries. On behalf of myself, Dr be required per litre of final solution), (iii) the concen-
Eagleson and the publishers, I should like to take this tration of the N a O H is of no moment, and so any arbitrary
opportunity of thanking them all. concentration can be used (it should, of course, be
T A Scott concentrated enough to effect the required pH change in
the available volume), and (iv) the reaction implies that
only a simple calculation of molarity and a single weighing
A Simple and Universal Method for Making up is required: only one solution needs to be made up and all
Buffer Solutions of the material weighed out is used in the buffer, ie there
is no waste.
It should be pointed out that it is not correct to weigh
Department of Biochemistry out the 'salt', NazHPO4, in the first instance, as this gives
University of Natal an unwanted by-product. If a solution of the salt is made
PO Box 375, Pietermaritzburg 3200 up, its pH will be above the pKa and it will require
South Africa titration with an acid to lower the pH. If HC1 is used, the
reaction will be:
In the making up of buffers, there is a simple and Na2HPO4 + HC1--+ NaH2PO4 + NaC1,
universally applicable approach which I am surprised is
not more widely used. The method involves weighing out yielding NaC1, of an indeterminate concentration, which
an amount of the appropriate weak acid or base, sufficient is not wanted in the buffer.
to give the required final molarity, dissolving this in an Sometimes, for example in ion exchange ionic-strength
amount of distilled H20, close to the intended final gradient elution, it is required to have a gradient of, say,
volume, and titrating to the desired pH with a fairly [NaC1] superimposed on the buffer. Two buffers are then
concentrated solution of an appropriate strong acid or required, for the two chambers of the gradient generator:
base, before diluting to the final volume. Ingredients in the starting buffer (ie the equilibration buffer, without
addition to the buffer salts should be added before added NaC1, or with the starting concentration of NaC1)
titration. Perhaps the rationale of the approach is best and the finishing buffer, which is the same as the starting
explained by reference to some examples. buffer but which additionally contains the finishing con-
centration of NaC1. In making up the finishing buffer,
Example 1 common ion effects (due to the sodium ion) must be taken
The requirement is for a 0.1 M Na-phosphate buffer, pH into account.
7.6. In the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, pH = pKa +
log ([salt]/[acid]), the salt is Na2HPO4 and the acid is Example 2
NaHzPO4. A buffer is most effective at its pKa, which is The requirement is for an ionic-strength gradient finishing
the point where [salt] = [acid]. From the equation it is buffer, 0.1 M Na-phosphate buffer, pH 7.6, containing
clear that if the [salt[ > [acid], the pH will be greater than 1.0 M NaCl. In this case the NaC1 is weighed out and
the pKa, and if [salt] < [acid], the pH will be less than the made up together with the NaHEPO4; common ion effects
pKa. Therefore if we were to make up a solution of the are accounted for in the titration and complex calculations
acid, NaH2PO4, its pH will be less than the pKa, and are thus avoided. For 1 litre of buffer, NaH2PO4.2H20
therefore will also be less than the pH at which the (15.60 g) and NaC1 (58.44 g) are dissolved in about
solution will function as a buffer. To make a buffer from 950 ml of distilled H20, titrated to pH 7.6 with a fairly



concentrated N a O H solution (but of arbitrary concen- I = 1/2~.,CiZi 2, where Ci is the concentration of each type
tration) and made up to 1 litre. of ion (in mol dm -3) and Zi is its charge. It follows from
this that for a buffer comprising a weak monobasic acid
Example 3 and its alkali metal salt, the ionic strength is equal to the
The requirement is for a 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer, p H 8.0. concentration of the salt (protons and hydroxyl ions can
The first requirement is to identify the buffer components, be ignored between pH 4 and pH 10). Similarly for a
ie the salt and its parent acid or base. In this case Tris is weak base (Tris, glycine) and its salt with an acid (HCI)
the base and Tris-HCl is the salt. The relevant reaction, the ionic strength is again equal to the salt concentration,
therefore, is: ie

ll2 OH CH2OH I = [salt] (1)

HOH2C--C--NH2 + HC[ ~,
H O H 2 C - - C - - N H 3 Ct
The molarity, M, of the buffer is defined as:
M = [salt] + [base] (2)
For 1 litre of buffer, Tris base (12.11 g) is weighed out,
dissolved in about 950 ml distilled HaO, titrated to pH 8.0 and therefore,
with HC1 of arbitrary concentration, and made up to
1 litre. [base] = M - [salt] (3)

Comments Substituting eqn 3 into the Henderson-Hasselbalch

This conceptual approach can be applied to almost any equation gives,
buffer; for an acetate buffer, acetic acid could be weighed
out and titrated with NaOH. Some people seem to have pH = pKa - log [salt] + log (M - [salt]). (4)
inhibitions about weighing out liquids. If this is bother-
some, the mass can always be converted to a volume from Or, substituting eqn
the density.
A brief scan of some elementary textbooks revealed pH = pK a - log I + log (M - I) (5)
that few of these presented the above practical approach
to making buffers. Boyer 1 presents this approach for Tris Using similar arguments, it may be shown that in the case
buffers but does not explicitly state that the same of a buffer made from a weak acid, the relationship is:
conceptual approach can be used with nearly all buffers.
The common impression conveyed to students - - perhaps pH = pKa + log I - log (M - I) (6)
unwittingly - - by Bohinski, 2 Lehninger, 3 and SegeP is
that it is necessary to calculate the amounts of both The variables in eqns 5 and 6 are pH, ionic strength and
components of the buffer. Plummer 5 and Stenesh 6 re- molarity and if any two of these are defined, the third is
inforce this impression by giving tables of the volumes fixed and can be calculated. For example, if the pH and
required of both components of a known molarity. the ionic strength are first defined, the molarity of the
However, to be fair, Stenesh 6 does, in a sentence, state buffer required can be calculated. Once the molarity and
that it is possible to make buffers as suggested above. the pH are known, the buffer can be made up following
None of these authors suggests a way of overcoming the titration procedure outlined above and the ionic
common ion effects, a common enough requirement in strength will 'automatically' be correct. For a more
buffers for ion-exchange, for example, which may require detailed discussion of buffers of defined ionic strength, the
high salt concentrations. reader is referred to Perrin and Dempsey. 7
Many people are aware of the approach to making
buffers outlined above and yet in laboratories in different References
parts of the world I have seen others searching for data tBoyer, R F (1986) 'Modern Experimental Biochemistry', Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co, Reading, MA
tables or doing complex calculations before making up
2Bohinski, R C (1983) 'Modern Concepts in Biochemistry', fourth
two solutions, titrating them (hopefully the right way edition, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA
around) and then discarding the excess of the one 3Lehninger, A L (1982) 'Principles of Biochemistry', Worth Publishers,
solution. My objective in drawing attention to the above New York
method is to eliminate this fruitless effort and waste of 4Segel, I H (1976) 'Biochemical Calculations', Second edition, John
reagents and to make a plea for authors of textbooks to Wiley and Sons, New York
emphasize the simple, practical, approach to making 5Plummer, D T (1978) 'An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry',
Second edition, McGraw-Hill, London
buffer solutions.
6Stenesh, J (1984) 'Experimental Biochemistry', Allyn and Bacon,
In buffers intended for electrophoresis, it might be Boston, MA
necessary to prepare a buffer of defined ionic strength. 7perrin, D D and Dempsey, B (1974) 'Buffers for pH and Metal Ion
The ionic strength, I, of a solution is defined by Control', Chapman and Hall, London


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