Homophones Matching Game 2017 Creative

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Match the words that have the same pronunciation:

1. four A. won't
2. eye B. would
3. air C. wait
4. two D. sun
5. flour E. witch
6. rap F. eight
7. want G. know
8. not H. guessed
9. scene I. fined
10. birth J. here
11. there K. for
12. son L. heir
13. why M. hare
14. guest N. berth
15. rain O. I
16. tail P. piece
17. which Q. there
18. pair R. seen
19. ant S. rows
20. wood T. paws
21. hear U. wrap
22. hair V. pear
23. weight X. bored
24. find Y. too
25. peace Z. reign
26. no AA. aunt
27. knew BB. there
28. their CC. tale
29. pause DD. knot
30. board EE. flower
31. rose FF. new
32. ate GG. Y

Created by Miriam Vanzo

Answer sheet
1K four, for
2O eye, I
3L air, heir
4Y two, too
5 EE flour, flower
6U rap, wrap
7A want, won't
8 DD not, knot
9R scene, seen
10 N birth, berth
11 BB there, their
12 D son, sun
13 GG why, Y
14 H guest, guessed
15 Z rain, reign
16 CC tail, tale
17 E which, witch
18 V pair, pear
19 AA ant, aunt
20 B wood, would
21 J hear, here
22 M hair, hare
23 - C weight, wait
24 - I find, fined
25 - P peace, piece
26 - G no, know
27 - FF knew, new
28 - BB their, there
29 - T pause, paws
30 - X board, bored
31 - S rose, rows
32 - F ate, eight

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