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2: Quick Check Answer Key istening Test Practice Test PRACTICE TEST 2 ANSWER KEY ‘The first answer given is the correct option. PART 1 4. (A) The woman in the picture is facing # board and holding @ pen. She appears to be writing, 80 (A) is correct. (8) ‘The womans standing besiae.a chair, not facing the chair She is not reading @ book She is holding a pan, not buying a pen. 2 (D) Aman is working in a building that is under ‘construction. There are tools around him and he is measuring something, 20 (0) is tha best description (A) “There is no tree inthe picture and his nat cutting nyihing (B) He is working near the ground, so he ie not hanging 2 picture tame. (©) Tools can be seen, but ne is net putting away his ®) 55 toa. ‘The picture shows a woman with a'box ia her hhand, 60 she's carrying a bex best describes the picture. (A) Shevis holding @ package, not wrapping @ package. (C) Sheis moving bares, not mowing some books. (D) Shes nolesng a paper, not folaing 4 pamper. 4. (C) Thore are many motortikes parked beside one nother, 30 (C}is the best description. (A) Thia s a parking place for motorbikes, 30 the motorbikes are parked, not stuck in traffic (8) There are no students waiting (0) There are same dulcings, but we cannot see whether thelr winciows have been opened. 5. (8) There is a table with a tablecloth, knives and forks, and glee, so the tae set fora mea beat deacrbes the picture. {A) The drawers mths cabinet are not being opened They ae close. {) Nebo i tin taken is not comect. {©} The rat inhe picture i nat beng sect 6. (6) Tho woman isin a large store. She's pushing a shopping cart best describes: what we see. (A) The woman ie not at the chackeut paying for hor food. (©) She is carying a bag on her shoulder, not canying asuitcase, (0) ‘She is pushing a shopping cert, not buying a car, the chairs, so the seats are at 48 Practice Test 2: Answer Key 7. {B) The picture shows some people crossing a road ‘and two of them are riding bicycles, $0 (B) is the best deseription. (A) There are no people sitting on benches. (C) Tho picture does not show people fixing a trafic, igh. (D) There are no people sitting on steps. 8. (C) The woman's arm is stretched out and itlooks: 2s if she is.going to pick something up, 80 ‘she's reaching to pick something up is the best description. (A) Shes not washing her hands. (B) There i not fan near har, so she is nat turning ‘ona fan ©) She's not writing anything down, 20 she is not recording information ona clipboard 8. (C) Aman is looking down at something in his hands, most likely a book, so the man is looking fata book best describes the picture, (A) He is standing next to a stone wall, not climbing & stone wa. B} There are no workers clearing ws rocks. AD} The picture does not show stones blocking trate 10. (C) The windows of the buildings look ante the harbor, so the buildings are facing tre harbor best describes the picture. 1A) The picture does nat show warkers bulng a road: {B) We cannot see people loading 2 cargo ship in the harboe. {0) There's water, but its not lowing down a hil PART 2 14. (A) The second woman wants leman with her tea, 30 she answers: Yes. A small slioa means 2 smal slice of iemon. (8) This is incorrect because the question aid not mention the time at which some people let (C) This contains the word feman but it arswers ‘question about where something is, not aout whether the woman warts Jeman with her tag 12. (A) The key question word is whose, asking to whom something belongs. in (A) that refers te the Jacket and Joan's means it belongs to Joan. (8) The first man di not ask if the weather required @ Jacket, so (Bis incorrect. ([C) This dos nat areiwer the question whose. 1 a 18 16 3 13, {C) This answers the question where, asking sbout ‘the location of something. The speakers are probably in a large store which has a number of aisles. 1A) This fsa responso'to a statement about something, ‘ths first womnar di in the past, not to/a question. (@) This answers a question about haw many ane ‘copies could not refer to printor cartridges. {B) The key question words are what time. (Byis the only response that gives a time. A) "This responds to a question about a.past event, not 2 queation in the present tense. (©) This is not a response to 2 question about the “starting time of the reception, (8) The woman offers the man a choice of two ‘asks. In (B), the man responds with a question to check what the woman wants him to do. (A) The woman mentioned unpacking supplies, Sha dt fot ask abou! the numberof tem in a pack (6) Tis does not answer a question asking someone to choose botwaon two things. {G) The man aaks the question with didn't we to ‘check whether itis true that they went to the ‘same university. The Yes answer in (C) confirms ‘that they went to the same university. (A) This does not answer a question about the past. {B) The man did not give his name, (6) The woman responds.to the man’s statement that he is leaving early with a polite question ‘about his health. (8) The man spoke about isaving, not about ieaves. {C) This is incorrect as it answers the question What time-are you leaving? ‘The woman is indirectly suggesting that the man should take an umbrella. In (Aj one refers to-an umbrati, {ic a response to a question or statement about something in the past This is not a response to a suggestion about taking an umbrella, (8) The pronoun it in (B) could refer to the mail, so this response confirms that the mail has been delivered and when. 14) Tha question was about tne © w ‘8 @ ail, not about a mea! This is about a perpon, he, but the question was not about a person, (A) Thirty answers the question how many. Staft ‘often have to sige up, oF put their name on a list, iW thay want to attend a training session. (8) The question was net about whether they haw ‘enough staf {C) This does not artswera question about haw many. (6) The secand woman is agreeing with the first woman's comment about finding a taxi and suggesting an alternative. This is rosponee to @ question or comment about fan amount, (8) This doss not respond to-s statement about finding a tax, Hava in the frst womans statement means nevi, not the opposite of sof ‘The second man answers the question when by giving an idea of the day whan he expects to Finke. (A) The question was about editing & report, not acing something, (C) This does not answer a question about wien someting wil baexpart iy the future (A) The first woman used a-question with should ‘we to suggest a particular restaurant. Sure in (A) means yes, of course and let me go get my ‘wallet implies that the second woman wants to go there. (@) This responds to a question asking far information, Perhaps whether a restaurant ls-open, not to.@ suggestion, (©) This is Incomect because order ane caulk not refer to anything inthe question. (A) The first man wants to know the reason why the fight was canceled. (A) gives a possibie reason. (B) This answers a question about how many, not the question ty (C) Ths answers a question about now long s journey \wil take or how fa away something is, 80 is not ‘correct here, (C) The woman's question Is @ request for the man to notify people of the change. In (C), MW take: care of it means [if notify everyone. (A) This responds to a question asking far information, not to a request for help, (6) This could be response ta a request for change, meaning coins. The woman did not ask for change. = (C) With his statement about having his car repaired, the man implies that he will not have his car tomorrow. In (6} the woman offers to take him to work, (A) This gives information about the number of something, The man dic not ask about tis, (©) Tho word repair is mentionad, but they are not talking about pair of something 49 m so (C} This is an appropriate response ta the question ‘about where the woman can get her computer fixed. The man’s cousin evidently fixes computers. (A) The woman cid not mention a person, 80 've never met him ig an inappropriate response. (8) This could anewera question about whether the Computer can be faxed, not wher it can ba fixed (8) The woman suggests buying new chairs. in (8) the man disagrees with the suggestion by giving the roason why they should not buy new ches (A) The-man is asking someone to sit own, not responding to 8 suggestion about buying chai (C) This responds to a question about the weight of something, nota susgestion ta buy chairs for a waiting room The woman is checking whether Susan is out on vacation. (C) implies that Susan's assistant probably knaws where Susan is. ‘She could rotor to Susan, but arena has one is Not a logical response ta the woman's question. 18 right cutside Could not refer to anything in the question. (8) The key question word is when and the ‘question Is about past time, so the response with wo sont out lo eoreet. An imvatce Is a Bill, 1) The question asked when a client was billed, not about a bull, This: response is abaut a sign, not about designs. This a a correct responae to the question about whether they have necelvad the concert tickets. No means we haven't received the tickets. The woman saya she needs to call the box office because the box office should send the tickets, (A) A group gives concerts, but no group ia mentioned in the question, (2) The question was not about how fong itis until ‘somthing happens, £0 this is not comet. (8) This gives a possible reason why the second man waa late to the moming sessian. (A) ‘This is a response to-an offer of breakiast. The first ‘man did not offer tha second man breakfast, (C) The frst man did not comment on haw the session ‘went, 80/ thaughit it wert wel, too is nat @ correct response, (A) This answers the question about who the slirector was talking to. (8) This answers the question when, not who, soils Incoerset. (©) The question is-about who the director was taking to, not about direction. 3 Practice Test 2: Anewer Key aa 36, 1A) By saying Please give it to me first, the woman implies that she would like to review the document before itis: sent out. ‘The man did nat ask if she received his e-mail, 20 this Is incorrect. ‘The question was about reviewing a document, not a view, 50 this is. incorect. Tho man asks what areas, perhaps of a factory, will be checked by the inspectors. Cutting and sowing roams are parts of a clothing factory, 20 this is the correct choles, (A) Manutacturing companies sometimes arrange factory tours, but the man's question was abaut an Jnspection, nat a tour. The man did not ask wiy the ingpectors will bo coming, (A) Tho first woman is taking about finding ‘Volunteers to help plan the picnic. In (A tho ‘second woman responds by suggesting that ‘Kathy wil probably help. {B) The woman is taking about a man, he. The fist ‘woman did nat mention &:man, 50 this is not correct. ‘A business pian, whichis created to introduce a ‘ew product service, would nat include information about « company picnic o recruting volunteers ‘The question is a polite invitation to dinner. (A) ls an enthusiastic response to an invitation, (8) Athough the woman invited the man to dinner, shee Was nat taking his order for dinner, (©) The dinnee wil be afior the boare! meeting, The woman did nal say the meeting was boning. Jn the question, the man expresses doubt ‘about whether they will be done, which means finished on time. (C) is an appropriate response the woman is alse doubtful, (A) Although a watch tells the tiene, the man does ot ask the woman about a watch or to watch ‘something. (B1_ This is about another person, she, but the question was nat abaut a woman () The key question words are Now often. The Dhrase every fow weeks says how frequeily ‘Something happens, so itis.correct. (A) The response (sti need ane does not refer ta how titer a group of people contact the man. (B) The question is about hearing tom toernce colleagues, as in getting lator or phone call fram thom, not about hearng something as indicated by te a (cr © tc) 40. (A) Tho woman is checking whether the man has brought his passport. in (A) Fl have to get it means get the passport, $0 the man has not brought his passport 1B) The question was about a passport, not a pesward. {C) The woman did not say that she had brought ‘something, nar does she mention a third person, PART 3 41. {G) The man asks if the woman is looking at « menu for the employees’ cafeteria and she tells him how to get today’s menu, so they are discussing a cafeteria manu. (A) They are not discussing the caleteria’s business hours. (8) They are talking about the cafetenia, not a food store, (D) ‘They do not mention a change in food prices. {0} They are looking at yesterday's menu, 30° the problem is that the man has outdated information (A) Hes nat tare for tuneh (6) They do nat say tha the man is mot hungry (6) The speskers do not mention money (8) Theman will probably visit 2 Wab site next because at the end of the conversation he says. he'll ge te the Web site and get today's menu. (A) He does net say ha-will foave for work. (C) There is n0 mantion of the man changing his work seneule, {D} The man is nat planning to go to the post office, 1A) The first woman says someone is coming fo ur atore far a book signing and lecture; s0 the event will probably take place at a bookstore. (6) It will nat take place ata restaurant {©} Thay mention advertising the event an television, ‘rat holding tata television station. {D) Thoy mention advertising the event in the ‘newspaper, not holding Ital a newspaper affice. {C) The first woman says Mariana Lambeck will come ‘for tha book signing and lecture nest week. ‘The event will not take place (A) today, (8) tamarraw ‘oF (D) naxt month, 46. (B) The first woman says let's create-a flyer and put it up around town. Posting means putting up, 50 they plan to promote the:evert by posting Ayers. (A) They decide not to advertise an talevision. (©) They do not talk about creating # Web sto. (0) Thay do not plan to advertise the event in @ pewspaper az. {B) The woman says the train does not stop at Baldwin Station because they are daing major repair workon the tracks there, s0 (B) is correct. (A) The station is not closed because it fate at night. Itoi ba closed all the time for the next five woeks, (©). The station is na Jonger used is incorrect because it wil probabty reopen in tive weeks, (0) There is. no mention of a pubic event (A) The woman says the man can board the shuttle: ‘bus int front of the main entrance to the terminal, 80 (A) is the correct answer. (B) The bus stops at the sie entrance during peak fours, not at night. She does not say the man can board the shuttle bus (C) across the street or(D)} inside te station. (©) The woman says the next one leaves in about {fitleen minutes, meaning the next bus, 80 (G) is ‘correct. “The nest bus wil not leave (A) in five mirates, 4B} in fen minutes, or (0) in twenty minutes. {C) The woman says the general contractor called to spe if he can visit the Luriding and they talk about the timing of the visit. (A) The contractor may want to check some of the ‘exterior locations, but they are not discussing the location of a business. (B) They do not mention a presentation (0) They are not discussing # proposed product design. (8) The contractor suggested visiting the building at {00 and the man wha is speaking says nine o'clock is fine, 80 the visitor wil arrive at 8:00 ase ‘The vator wil not arrive (A) at 8:90 4, (Bhat $:50..1. or (0) at 10:00 am, ‘The man says he has another meeting at 1:00 tnd he can aniy stay withthe visitor fr thirty minutes, so he lt concerned because he has a busy schedule. 1A) He does not say he is locked out of a building, {B) The man does not need driving crecton= (C) The man is concerned that the could miss an appoiniment at 10200. not because ne i mised an appointment. (0) The man says he thinks he will order mare T-shirts, which are merchandive, and they talk aibout the ideo, so they are discussing ordering more merchandise. 48) They are not talking ebout cutting business cost. (8) They are not cseusting designing anew product. {0} The speakers may be in a store, but they are not etscussing decorating a store. Practice Test 2: Answer Key 5. sr. 52 {D] The man refers to the annual fall sale sterting next month. Annual means yearly, so (D) is correct. “The yoarly fal salo wil not begin (Aj roday, {8} tomarrow, or (C) naxt weak. (8) The man says business should be on the rise, which means going up, and the woman says ‘sales are up this month, so-they suggest that ‘sales are inereasing. ‘They do not suggest that (A) the business just ‘opened recently, (0) its employees are satisfied, or (D)dt owns a factory (©) The woman asks to take @ few hours off work ‘next Friday andthe man talks dbbout next week's work, sothey are discussing a work schedule. (A) The woman says she has to go to the aimort, but ‘ney are net dscussing construction ofa naw aipon. ‘There is na mention of (B}.an employee award! banquet, oF 1D) a contarance agenda. (©) The man says they need to start planning the company picnis naxt waek, 80 (C) ls comect. (A), Tha woman says that her parants ave coming to \isither next week, not tht cients wil arrive for a vst, (B) ‘The man says they nged to form a constuction commie, nat thet construction project will ond. (0) ‘Thay do net talk about a package (A) The woman says she will be happy to work late ‘on Thursday, 50 she offers to work later than usual She does not otter to (B) pick up clients from the airport, (0) lead & committee meeting, oF (O)nest a company dinner (A) The man calls the woman doctor and the ‘woman talks about the man's health, #0 they: are at-a doctor's affice, (B) The woman recommends more-exercise, but they aro nat at. finess canter noe. (C) A pharmacy solls medicines, but they ara not at @ pharmscy. (P) They are giseussing the man’s health, but they ane ot at a heaith food stove, (A) The woman tells the man he profisbly should be getting more exercise, 30 (A) is: correct (B) She does not say anything about eating healthier fous. (C) She does nat recommend getting @ new job. (D) Se taiks about tests that have been done. She ls ‘not recommending conducting laboratory tests in the futur, Practice Test 2: Anewer Key (€) The woman mentions the man's next appointment and says see you in six months, 30 the man will probably return in aix manths. There is thing in the conversation ta indicate that he il return (A) tae wen, (B) in one manth, or (0) in one yes ‘The woman says to the man we'd like to offer you the job, 20 (A) is correct. ‘She does not mention company benefits ‘The woman dows not request time off She is not the man’s employee, No party is mentioned. ‘The woman says that tomorrow is Friday and the man says he will see her tomorrow. Also the woman asks the man to came in Friday. Tuesday ts not mentioned. The interview was last Thurselay. ‘The man will tarton Mondiay after completing paperwork on Friday. Tomorrow is Friday and the woman asks. the man to come in thanto complete same paperwork, which could mean forms. ‘Tomorrow ne does not need to (B) send the worman an e-mail, (C) contact anoiher staff member, of (D) candtct an interview. ‘The first man talks about 2 machine he bought at Bob's showroom which increased roduictivity, 86 iti industrial equipment. They also talk about safety equinment the man needs. Bob has & showroom, They are not ciscussing opening 2 new showroom They da not talk about (8) changing employes benefits (G) decreasing factory production: The first man relere to my factory and then mentions that my workors need some now safety equinment, so he mentions factary workers. (A Accountants, (B} sscunty guards, snot (C) product designers are net mentioned, Bob says next week is when our annual ‘discount safo starts, 50 (A) is the correct Bob has @ showroom. They do not say 2 show wil ba performed next week Safety equipment is mentioned, but they ¢o not say 8 security inspection wil be-held next week. (0) They do not say 2 business wil close down next week a oO 6 Oo 8 ° 68, (0) The man says want to make sure / understand exactly what you want me fo do, £0 he wants to clarify some instructions. (Ay. He does not ask about paymere. (B} A.baok is.going to he reariited. but the man does rot mention a printing problem. (C) The man does not ask the woman fo review: a document. (0) The woman asks the man to review a book and mark chaniges that need to be made, which is editing a book. The man confirms that ha will be editing it. He will ot be (A) writing an essay or (B) publishing: a magazine. He's asked ta mark places where changes nead to be made in the textbook, not (6) market a textbook. {€) The woman says she needs ity the end of the day tomorrow, s0 he needs to tnish it tomorrow. He is nat askod to finish (in two hours (8) by the end of today, cr () in-a few days, PART 4 n 7 {D) The main topic of the report Is alternate driving: routes along Valley Road ar Perry Road that should be used while construction work is beng done. (A) The report is about trafic delays, nat cy trafic ows. (B) Aphone number is given for up-to-date taffic information, but the main tapi i not onine news updates or (C) downtown entertainment. (C) The report says that traffic controlfors will help direct drivers, 66 (C) is the correct answer. tis not (A) construction workers, (B) shop owners, or {} bus drivers: who will provide assistance to the public. (A) Drivers can telephone:to get the most up-to- date trattic information, in other words, traffic updates. ‘The tavk does not say that information about (B) store hours, (C) weather reports, ar (D) sates promotions is avaiable by telephone, (0) Trevor Davis is calling about a teleconferencing migeting and gives information about the time of ‘the meating and arrangements for the agenda. (A Hie does rot request a telenhane number, he gives one. (81 Ho fs not cating to reschedule Une meeting. {C)_ He does not wish to:confim a fax number (A) Me. MeDutfoa is asked to e-mail by 4 nas. ihe hhas anything fo add to the agenda, so he should ‘Send comments about the agenda by then. (8) He ie not asked to finish wnting the contract before dow. {6) He should e-mail Trevor Davis, not the Kenner ‘company, betone 4 9. {D) The meeting is ekeady scheduled, se (Dis incorrect, (8) This bx teleconferencing meeting, which is condicted by telephone, and the caller says Me. McDuffee will be called at his home number, 20 {B) is correct. Mr MeDuttee wil not be (A) on an airplane, {G) nan offce, oF (D} in a relevision studio when the: ‘group moots. ‘The main purpose is fo Introduce a new ‘employoe, Ryoko Hashimoto, to the audience. ‘The speaker says they have ben searching far 2 new public relations direetor, but ahe does not announce a job opening. ‘The speaker does not describe a department's function. (0) This és an advertising company, but the purpose of the talk is not to arts quéation about eovertsing. {B) Ms. Hashimoto is referred to in the:talk as our new public relations director. (A) She isnot a development afficer. {C) Ms. Hashimoto was previously @ manager at = ‘marketing agency, but this is not her new position. (0) She isnot a production manager: {C) Other employees are asked to answer Ms. Hashimoto’: questions about the Yocal area because she is new fo the region, #0 (C} is sorrect. ‘They ane not asked to assist her by (A) aroviding technical training, (B} setting ups her office, or (D) giving her a tour af the buicting. {D) The speaker addresses passengers waiting to board flight 1425 who are told your plarve has been delayed, so this is heard at an airport, (A) The speaker is not addressing passengers om a four bus. (8) The announcement is not heard on a ship, (0) The: speaker says your plane has been delayed, not your Wai, 0 this «nok ina train station, (A) The spoakor says the flight has been detayed due to snow, oF in other words because weather conditions are bac, (8) Mechanical prablems have not-caused the detay. (0) Theda is not because trafic fs heey. (0) The speaker does nat tae about liagape. ” c Practice Test 2:AnsworKey 53 (A) The speaker says the plane will arrive late er. because of the bad weather conditions in Paris, 40 the delay sceurred in Paris. {8} The announcement is made in New York, but the delay was nat in Now York. (G) The delayed tight is going ta Maicow, so the delay did not ocour in Moscow. (D) Chicago is nat mentioned. {D) Tho man is talking sbout the Sedonar Company 88. and says our quarterly results, so he is probably 4 representative of the Sedonar Company. (A) A business news reporter waulté not say cur quarterly rocuits when talking about a company’s. Pertormancse. (8) The man talks about the Tucker Firm, but he is not Its president IG) The speaker is not a performance artist, which is someone wha gives performances. (A) The phrases our production plants and to \Broctuce ane of aur top-selling safes tell us that Sedonar i @ fumiture manufacturer, (8) The man refers to the acquisition of the Tucker Fan 9 an investment, but Sedonar is not a7 investment fier, Sedonar is not (Ga film production company or (D)a flower ston. {6) The man says that by streamfining their ‘production pients the company was able to ‘cut the time it takes to produce one of our ‘top-selling sofas, sa they increased efticioncy, ‘which saved money. (Ay Sedenar di not sel the Tucker Fim, they bought it (B) Thay die nat clase pracuctin pists, they ‘streamined them, or made the production process: more efficient. (0) The man coss not tak about liming expanses. (B) The talk is. about a rido-sharing program tor employees. This is a service that enables ‘omiployees to travel together to work in a van, ‘$0 it is service for commuters. Its not about (A) charges to emotoyte salaries oF 4) rac problems in the city. (0) The wornsn calls a group of people who travel ‘ogatner in a vehicle a ear-pooiing ovaus. She is not taking about anew community goa) which ‘would mean a seiering pook 1 Practice Test 2: Answer Key: {D) The women mentions the recent acquisition of five additional vans, which are vahicfes far ‘commuting, 80 {D) is correct. (A) ‘Sha says the company pays for insurance of he vehicles, butshe dees not say a mew insurance pier ia available for employees, ‘There is no mention of iB) a fitness center or (0) ademtional office space, (C) Employees contribute to 8 turd for girs, 80 ‘they are responsible tor contributions for gas, meaning fuel for the vehicles, (A) The woenen says the company pays for ‘maintenance, 30 (A le incorrect (8) The company also pays for insurance, (0) Reguier enect-ups would mean health check-ins {or the employees, which are not mentioned. (A) The speaker gives her name as Mary Harding trom Essentials Beauty Shop and refers to the salon manager, s0 (A) is correct. (8) The speaker says that Kim has made a doctor's appointment, Dut the speaker cioes not work ata doctor's office. “The speaker does not work (Ghat a fitness center 9 (Dat an auto repsir shop. (C) The speaker wants to reschedule the ‘Appointment because Kim, the stylist, is unveil, orsstok, (A) Ms, Cho is offered an appointment at the same ‘ime with another stylist, 60 the shop will be closact lanot correct, (B} The appointment was.not with @ doctor, 80 (6) cannot he the reason for rescheduling the ‘appointment (D)} The appointment is for @ heicut, not to have 2 car repaired, 50 (0) is incorrect. (C) The speaker says the salon manager is offering ‘Ms. Cho a discaunt on any future service. (A) She does not mention a gift certificate {B) The discount offered ie 2 way of apologizing, but the speaker does nat say Ms. Cho wil receive & fate of apology. (0) A gift basket is nat mentioned. {C) The talk is probably being givan in 2 museum because the speaker begins by saying Welcome to Horanza Natural History Museum. (A) The information is part of a museum four, not sous tour ‘The speaker isinot (8). at a conterence center or (D) ina university eoture hal {D) The tour focuses on the history of Native ‘Americans, 80 listeners will learn about Native American history. (A) Famous explorers are not mentioned in the tak. (B) Native and American handicrafts and artifacts are mentioned, but not Asian art, (©) White dinosaurs and tools are mentioned, there is Ro reterence to prehistoric tools (A) The speaker tolls the listeners they will have the opportunity to watch movies, meaning view movies. (B) They wil 386 movies of food being prepared, but {ty will Not sip food. (©) They wit not meet artists. (D) They may see Native American costumes, but they Will nat nave:the opportunity to try on costumes. (6) The report is-sbout a company which has been recognized for its commitment to employes health and fitness, in other words its haath program. (A) The report isnot about construction of a fitness ‘center, though the: company's fitness taciities are mentioned. (6) The mmport is about the company Wynd Laboratories, not about the opening of new Iaboratories (0) The appointment of a naw company director ks not mantioned, (D) The special acknowledgment given to the company was from the magazine, At Work, so (Dhis the best answer, Special acknawiedgment was not given to the company by (Ala sports association oF {8} 8 government commission. (0) The company receiving the speriat ‘acknowindgment isa pharmacutica organization, not the compary giving the acknowledgment (@) The speaker talks about the company’s on-alte ‘Riness room and swimming poot. On-site means Inthe workplace, so it offers opportunities to exercise at work. (A) The report does not say Waynard Laboratories has secess to new medica treatments, nce dows it ‘mention that It (6) tas modem inboratares. (©) The company’s taining center is: mentioned, but not thatthe company pays emyployses to take works related efasses ‘98. (0) The man thanks listeners far coming in-on their weekend so (DJis correct because Saturday isa weekend day. (A) Monday and (8) Wednesday are not days of the weekend, (©) The man says he got a phone call on Friday, so the tak cannot take place on Fria. 90, (8) The spesker says what Julus liked was that the GT lage was prominently displayed throughout the Web sit, in other words that the loge appears frequently. (A) Thi ie not mentioned as something Jutus ikea. (©) Tho cpecher saya the Web ste does not have this tacit (©) The speaker dows not say whether the Web ste contains the company’s sdaress. 100. (B) The speaker says they should set up a way for ‘customers to manage their accounts through the Web site, so this will be added, ‘The speaker does not say (A) mare pictures of GT Products, (C) photos of.a celetnty spokesperson, or XD] product reviews will be acided. PARTS 101. {C) A travel agency makos travel reservations for its customers and sends aut tickets, 60 (C) is correct. (A) Travel release is not an acceptable noun ‘combination, 30 (A) is incarroct. (8) A travel agency makes trvel reservations, not travel expenonces, (0) We do not tall about a travel alagram. 102, {€) An adjective is needed to describe the noun contributions. Significant, meaning important, is an adjective. (4) Signi is & verb. (B) significance is a noun, and (Dp significantly is an adverb, so none of these choices is correct, 103, (A) The subject pronoun he is needed to refer to: Mir. Kim. Ho isthe subject of the verb could leave, (8) The masculine pronoun him cannot be used because itis an object pranaun. (6) Hiresatt is a reflexive pronoun, which ts not required here, (D) The possessive pronoun his is incomroct. 104. (C) Require, the simple present tense of the verb, ‘eaded in this conditional clause. (A) To require is the infiniuve, not a verb tense, (B) Requiring is the gerund, not a verb tense, (D) squires is simple present, but it is third person singular, 50 cannot be used with the subject you, Practice Test 2: AnsworKay 55 105. 198, 107, 108, 109, 110. 1A) The adjective warm is used ta describe the ows welcome. A warm welcome is a friencily welcome. 1B) Warmth is a noun, 20 tis meorrect. (©) Wanmiy is an adverb, {B} Warmed can be an adjective, Buti cannot describe welcome, 1A) The conjunction or is correct because ‘ithor .. oF is 4 double conjunction used to menttion two alternative actions. (8) The combination either... but is not grammatical (C) The combination either... and is not grammatical (D) Nor is used with neither, not either (8) A noun meaning jobs is: needed. Positions are jobs. (A) People: aro interviewed for positions, not for occupation, Performance does not mean jabe, but whan somebody nas a job we can talk about their performance in thai job, (0) Talents are a person's special abaities, They are not jabs. ‘The gerund of the verb (verb + -ing) is needed after a preposition. On is a preposition, so (C) is correct. Stay ts tho basa form of the verb, not the gerund. To stay isthe inftive with fo, 30 incorect ‘The simple past tense stayed is incorrect. ‘A wert ineaning tell or inform should be weed. Notify has this moaning and is used with a person as its object To have a similar meaning to fel the form at the ver requred hore sta announce something to someboy. Bipress cannot be used with your supervigay as its objet ‘Declare cannot be weed here because it cannot have supervisor as its drect abject. We declare ‘sometning to samsbady ‘The preposition for is used after designed to Introduce the purpose or person that a desion fs aimed at ‘The prepositions (B} of. (] among, and 10) from are not used ia thes way after designed, (B) Negotiating completes the present continuous tense are negotiating used for an activity currentty in progress. (A) Are and negotiate do not form a verb tense, (C) Part of a vert tens is needed, not the noun negotiation. (0) Are negotiated is the present simple passive. Avert in the active voice is needed here. © 4) 8 o Practice Test 2: Answer Key 112. (A) In spite of is appropriate here because it can be followed by a vert gerund (verb + -ing), in this case having. (8) Uniess must be followed by a verb clause, which is Dot the case hare (C) Regaratess ef could be used nere, but not ‘rogardiess on its Onn, (D} Eve 405 not used in this sentence position before a gerund, {C) We use the time preposition for with a tength of time, #0 for is correct here. (A) From is used with a point in time ta incicate when 113, sorting began (8). Beto used with a paint n tne, no a length of time. (2) Aforis not used withthe past twenty years 144, (0) The relative pronoun who is needed to refer to students and to introduce present a valid identification card. The pronoun whoever, meaning any persan ar ‘people who cannot be used after students, ‘The possessive relative pronoun whose is incomect ‘her, Wine is an object pronoun. The subject pronoun who is needed as the subject of the verb present. The countable noun garment, meaning 2 plece of clothing, is correct here. (B) The uncountable noun clathing cannot he used ahera Fabrication isthe process of making something, not @ piace af efoehing, Drying instructions would not be given for ftung. ‘The verb infinitive assist is used with to. To ‘assist expresses the purpose of the action of biting more employees. ‘The third persan present simple assists cannot be used with fo. The gerund assisting is sometimes used ater to, but an infinaive is needed here. The simple past assistod is incorrect after to. Flexible is correct. Flexible work-hour programs means that people start and finish ‘work atsdifferent times, which can ease trattic congestion. Submissive describes peopie, not things Inclusive is nat correct here bacause there fs no indication of what is included. Tangible cannot describe work-hour programs, but wa Say a job has fangible benef, that is benefits ‘that can be clearly fat, 115, BS 568s 25 116, w 6 Co 418, 110, 120. a2. 12. 123, 134, (8) Many is correct bocause it fs used with plural Roun. (A) We-could say after ai his wars, but at is incomract without is (0) Much cannot be used with the plural years. (0) Every must be used with a singular noun and also oes nat fit is glad to be warking. (8) Account is correct with for. Aecaunt for mea represent here. ‘Assign isnot used with for. A pallet charges somebody for goods. Charpe Cannot have the subject diy experts. Gontritute is followed by io, not for or by 90 preposition, 90 itis not conect here. ‘A noun is needed which means. place used for 4 particular purpose, in this case manufacturing. ‘A manufacturing faclty is @ plant or factory. Anounis needed, not the ver focitate or (6) the vers gerund fcitatng. (©) The noun feciftation means making a process passibie and does nat rete to a place. (C} The advert recentty-can be used here to mean 2 short tine ago. (A) Mighty cannot bs used betore acquire! (©) Usuaty cannot be used wih acquired a tak about «single occasion when a printer was scquired (D) Entinaly cannot be use! betore acquired, (8) The adjective representative should be used with of here. Representative of means an example of. An adjectiveis noaded, not (A) the verbs reprasante, (G) the ver gerund representing, 0° (D} the noun representation. Celebration is an appropriate noun to use with holidey to deseribe something which can te scheduled and which people can be invited to, (A) management, (B) attendance, and (0) circumstance ae nat things: which can ba sichociuled nd which peopie can be invited 0, Yet can be used with mast inventive stage Production to mean until new. (B) Asan adjective, onfy comes betore 2 noun, #0 i is ot comect after produetian. (Once means an one eceasion oF at wore tine in the past, 50 is incorrect here When can introduce a verb clause, but Mt cannot be Used here, a © oO © a © © 125, 128. wer. 128, 490. 194, 132. {B) The preposition in should be used after effective. Effective in means successful in. (A) Between, [C} fo, and (D) around are incorrect here, ‘The present continuous tense are completing can be used to talk about the future. ‘A verb tense which can refer to the future should ber ‘used, not (completed, B) hac! completed, o (D) ware completing, which al refer to past time, Included in means part of, 20 itis correct here Shipping is sometimes included in the total price ‘of an item, 80 customers do nat need to pay extra for it (AL Shipping is not sant, 90 earned is incorrect. (B) Batanced means made equa, which is nat the correct mearing her. (2) A shipment is checked, nat shinsing. (C) The article @ betore the adjective wider indicates that a noun is needed. Selection is a noun and wider can be used to describe it (A) The verb or adjective seiect,(B) the aciective Solectad, and (0) tha adjective selective: cannat be used after wiser ‘The conjunction wile is needed to link the two clauses describing things that wll happen atthe ame time, Boning is used with a noun, not a verb clause. As far as is not used to refer to time, Now cannot introduce a clause with a verb in the PPrasant simple tere, in this ease repea ‘The possessive pronoun your is used to mean the repart belonging fo you. You dos not show possession and cannot be used ‘before the noun report ‘The reflexive pronoun yourselfis nck correct before report Yours is a possessive pronoun, butt ts not used before a noun it mocifies, (B) Provided is appropriate to deseribe figures here, It means given or shown. (AY Disposed is not used to tak about figures. (6) Equations or problems are satved, not figures, (0) Hancec in means given to somebody. & document is nanded ia, not the figures themselves. (0) The adverb af frequency, periodicaiy, is used to say how often the requests are received. Periodieatty means fram time to time. {A The noun period, 8} the adjective perioacal, ad (C) the adjostive periodic cannot be used with recelve here (e) (©) a B (c ® a ce) ( Practice Test 2:AnsworKey $7 133. 134, 1235, 190, 197, 138. 430, (0) The adjective phenomenal, which means. very great, can be used to describe the: noun success. The singular noun pitenomenon and (B) the plural oun phenomena cannot be used with success. Phenomenal is incorent here because tis ae adverb. ‘The verb expand, meaning make bigger, describes something a firm may do te one of its divisions. ‘A firm ces not discover its awe division, Excel is intransitive, se cannot have an abject, aivision. ‘Afar does not devise a division which it sready has. ‘Tha noun supporters should be used here with the acjective strang. The adjective supportive and (C} the pantoipla supporting cannot be used after strong. Support isa noun, but it refers toa thing, not people who support something. ‘The adverb frequently, meaning aften, canbe: used to modify the verb change. Te adverts (8) incidentally, (C) hanestly, and (0) relatively ae not generally usad to mockty change The present participle linking can be used to describe what the bridge does, /Avetb tense cannot be used here, se was fo ok is at correct, present participle needed, not the past participle lived. Linkaal could be the simple past tenge, but a varb tanse is incoerect here, $0 (0) willbe tnked ig ales incorroct Otherwise can be used here to mean under ditterent conditions, That Is to say, the company offers a relocation allowance to attract applicants who might not be interested i they idl not offer this, (B} Except comes before a noun, not a verb clause, XO) The conjunction whether is incorect in this ‘sentence postion {D) As a prepasition, besides cannot occur betare a verb clause, (A) Over is used with the next six years aa a time reposition meaning during. {8} Down and (C) along generally describe location, ot time, (D} About means approximately when used as an adverb, but. time preposition is needed here. About is also incorrect H used 23:8 preposition because it does not mean during. a co Practioe Test 2: Answer Key 10, 1) Since can be used before the noun phrase his arrival in Tokyo ta say when the teaching began. [B) At can be atime preposition, butt has tobe used vith specific tim {C) As. time preposition, to means unt, would nat be gical with his arial n Tokyo (1D) When is incomect because it needs to be usedt with aver clause PART6 vat. 142, 148. 144, 145. {B) The pronoun this is needed to-refer back to the information in the previous sentence that ail indoor parking areas will be closed. (A) Any is incorrect because it generally has a noun after it and the meaning does not ft with af. (C) She reters to a person, but no one person is mentioned here (0) What goss not reterto something thet comes betore it (B) This serence tells employees when vehicles ‘will not be allowed to enter the parking garage. Access is correct because it means entry. (A) isnot acceptable because permission needs to ang a verb after it, as in permission ta enter, (6) Opening and (D)inciusion are not correct because the noun used here should describe something & vahicle does (6) This paragraph is about where parking otter ‘than in the garage can be found, so alternative is the bost choice. (A) Cansaquent is not used to describe parking. (B) The parking in Lots B and Creplaces the \vsual parking, so it would not be described as ‘replaceable, which means cen be repisced. (D) Capable is used to describe people, not parking. (B) A verb tense is needed for an action that was in progress around two weeks ago, 90 the past ‘continuous was starting is correct, Staris is a present tense, 0 iis incorect, “The future wil start cannot be used. regent pertect have started is not correct with twa weeks ago. It also requires a plural subject, and helmet is singular The conjunction as can be used to introduce the reason why the writers sure the damage happened prior to purchase, which means betore she received the helmet, (8) Although introduces a contasting idea, not a reason, {C) So introduces the result of an action describadt salar, not the reason (0) But shows contrast, 30 itis not correct. a o 48, 17, 148, 449, 150. 151 A) Inthe previous sentence, the writer mentions the policy to replace a defective helmet, so here ‘she is asking for @ replacement. {8) She is not asking for a contract. {C) Sho is not writing about a prize {0} She thas already looked at the guarantee, so she is Not asking for one to be sant to her {C) This sentence introduces the topic of the e-mall, which is a Job opening. The adjective following ‘can be used with job opening and means the ‘one described later in the e-mail, (A) Destined dees not maan mentioned ister (8) atcating cannot describe job opening. (0) A deadiine can be exianded, but not a job opening. (A) The noun recruitment, which means finding ‘new staff, rofers to a task that might be done by ‘somebody working in human resources. (8) The noun recruiter refers to & person, not a task (C) As a noun, recruits means new employees, not a task, 60 It is incorrect. Kt could be a verb, which ts Incorrect here, (©) Similarly. recruit coud be a noun or a verb ane ig Incorrect in either case, (C) The adverb accurately should be used to. describe how the databases should be maintained, (A) The achective accurate eannet mocity maintained. (8) Accuracy i a noun, soit is incorrect (0) The comparative adjective mare accurate is nat correct here, (A) The word however shows that an advert is needed in this sentence with a contrasting ‘meaning tojin the past, so recently ‘appropriate, (B) Locally cioas not contrast within the past. (C). Historically has a similar mening to inthe past, not a eentrasting meaning. (©) Occasionaly dows not contrast with in the past and ‘not correct with the present perfect continuous have boon entering. {C] The present participle having, which means: she has, can be used after describes herself as. 1A) A participle is needed, net the simple present terse he. (6) Have had is the present pertect tense, 20 it is Incorrect, {D) The verb infinitive fo have cannot be used 2 no. ‘comparison is being mace. 152, {D) The preposition of location at is correct with Pan Asian, the name of the company whare Ms. ‘Tokahashi works. 1A) OF cannot be used with the company name alone, though we Gould say inher sich year of work wih Pan Asian, [B) nto should be used with a verb of movernent. 16) Byis not used wth a company name to say where ‘someane works, PART7 183, 154, 155, 158, 4187. 158. (0) James! name appears for the tims pariod 1:00. to 3:00 paw. in the column headed Kitchens, and flosr 3 is in brackets after his name, 20 (0) is correct. He is not responsible for cleaning (A) the second ‘Noor break rooms, (B} the first flocr meeting rooms, ‘or (C} the fourth floor haiiways at this time. ‘The schedule states that breaks must be approved by a team leader or staf! supervisor. ‘The list under the schedule shows that Craig, Morgan is 3 cleaning team member, $0 he is NOT authorized to approvea break. 14) Vircent Warren, (G) Amy Harn, and (D} Dean Jones are authorized to approve a break. ‘At the beginning of the e-mail, Marta, whe is Mts. Jacobsen, asks Fina, Ms. Evans, to make 9 copy of the customer's information and put it in tho customer's file, so (A) is correct. Ms, dacobsen does not ask Ms, Evans-to de any ot ‘tha tasks in (B). (C), oF (0), ‘The information about the car is in Mr. Willams” ‘message, but he dees NOT give the price ot his car, £0 (C) is the correct anewer, He gives information about (A) ts calor, which ie back, (6) Hs teense plate number, 28 ONT? and (0) ts purchase dare, which is Atay 7, ‘The original owner, which means the first owner, was (0), John Weldon, Fe-was not (A) Rina Evans or (B) Maris Jacobson, avi Was isthe current over of the ca, nat the anginal owner The article states that a drama committee ‘is accepting applications for committee membership, gives details of the work of the Committee and its members, and says how to. apply to join, so (0) is the purpose. The article mentions: ani award won by the Committee, but its purpose is not fo aninounce an awards contest. (8) The purpose is not to advertise aucitians or (C) fo publicize a theater event ww Co i) © a“ 159. 180. (Ay 161. (C) a e o 162. (Dy 163. (Ay 164. (0) ‘The article states that applications ean be ‘obtained by contacting Yolanda Wang and gives her telephone number, so (B) is correct. ‘The artile does not mention (A) visiting tho mayors office, (C) e-mnaiing the Ramonvite Tires, or (Dhattencing an August meeting aa waya of ‘obtaining more information about FOC. Mi Simmons exptains the problem with the \yacutim cleaner she purchased from the ‘company and says she is disappointed with 3, 30 the purpose of the letter is fo make a campliint. She ig nat writing to Inquire abet @ discount. ‘She wants a refund, not repair services. ‘The purpose ofthe letters nat to onder 2 product. tcon NOT be inferred trom the letter that Martha Simmons used ta work or Seivac. ‘This can be inferred because Ms. Simmons says her Selvac model 12 barely absarts dust and Jeaves the carpet encean Sine probably expects quick response because she says please Contact ma.as e000 as possible 884 says she locks Forward to hearing hom Seivac Martha Sinenons says tht she had sean the _Brocict aqversed on tlevsion A copy of the invoice is enclosed, which shows how much she paid for the vacuum cleaner, #0 itis a proof of purchase. 1A) A product order form, (B) a copy af the ‘warranty. 80d (C) a retum ermelope are NOT ‘enclosed with the letter ‘The evaluator, the person who completed the evaluation form, put a cross in the not helpful column for this seminar and rated the other Seminars more highly, so (Ais correct. ‘The evaluator found Winning News Photos very hetiodul, ‘nd (D) ae incomect because theve two seminars ‘were both rated somewhat heft, which means averagely hoipha ‘The evaluator comments tht tho photography ‘seminar was fantastic and Mark Stephens really knows his job, 80 Mark Stophans is mast lkaly a photographer. Mark Stepnans’ occupation isnot likely to be (A history teacher, (8) politician, or (2) noted manager, 165, 160, Practice Tost 2: Answer Key 168, 170, 168. (C) According to the information, serious amateurs are invited te foin the lessons in photography, 80 (C) is the correct answer, 4A) The instruction is in taking photographs, sa it is ot intended for people wh want fo have their photogractis taken, B) This ig not correct because the instruction is for amateur photographers, nat professianals, ID) Modes do not atiend lessons in photograty to expand their portfolios. {B) In the section headed Fashion Session, the: Information says we typically work through four differant scenes, 50 (B) is correct. ‘The number of scenes included in fashion session isnot (A) 1. (G} 6, er 4D) 10, (0) Camera selection is NOT mentioned as a topic in the advertising session, 30 (0) is the correct answer. Product presentation is mentioned The principles of advertising design, o¢ design rineipies, aro mentioned. ‘The text mentions positioning of the preduct, maaning model placement. ‘At the beginning, the information refers to ‘Steve Garinello as the studio-owner and the ‘section about advertising states that shots will bbe based on actual advertisements created by Steve Garinetio, so (C) is correct, ‘Tha information dows not mention that Steve Gerinello's work is used in (A) partart, () fashion, oF (D)ai-cay sessions (C) Hiram Kay end Associates is responsible for making the payment because their name is ‘shown sfter Bil To: on the invoice. (A) Specdy Way Thansport detvered the goods, 0 4 {088 not pay forthe goods. {8} The Furnture Connection ithe supple, 30 # does not pay for the goods. {) The Corporate Accounts Office is pant ofthe Fumiture Connection, so it oes net pay forthe goods, (8) The cost of shipping the merchandise ia $75.00, ‘shown next to Shipping & Handling It is ot (4) $34.25, (C) $250.00, or (Dj $68.00. a) ® rl ™. 172, 73, im 175. {D) If there are questions abaut the invoice, the ‘customer is told to contact the Corporate Accounts Office and ask to speak to a finance: ‘epresentative and a phone number is given, 60 (0) is correct. ‘Customers are not told-to e-mail the seller within 90 days. The customer-support affice should be centacted i the shipment is damaged, not with questions about ‘ine invoiog, {G) Customers are:not toto fax the seer @ copy of the invoice. BE 8) A the end of the first paragraph, the article stzies that Yanco Builders has been working with council mambers on the project, 14) The council nas not voted to approve the tunel projec; it wl hal @ meeting to discuss the project 16) The article dons not say the councl is going to built more shops and restaurants, ‘The article mentions that RTS has requested meeting withthe council, sa the meeting has not yet happened Mr. Young was positive about the project and s2id that downtown shops and restaurants will -s0e 9 growth in business, 80 {0) is correct. Nec Young ci not say (A) that the tunnel project it be completed tater than expected, (B} that twa Create jobs in the suburbs, or (6) that It wil r9piace the exlsting bicge. {C) According to the article, RTS wants a delay in the atart of the project so that further studies can be conducted, or in other words because it wants more studies to be dona. The article does not mention that PTS (A) wants -otaens to vote an the project, (8) wants to extone! the funnel, or {D} wants a cifferent company fo bud the turn 0 Tho article rofers to the struggling downtown shops and restaurants; it dows NOT state thst the shops have recently seen a growth in business. “The fst paragraph mentions iafic congestion -on the roacs tat fi cowntown Cianan ana the suburbs. FITS belioves the city's shortage of puke transportation should be adaressed, which means sits pute transport system is neuficont, ‘The ATS spokesperson reerred to the ttle gree sabe the ety has, 50 green space is very mite. 6 1G oy 176. 180. 181. (D) The article does NOT mention publicizing the harmful effects of using plastic bags a3.a method of reducing the use of plastic bags. Introducing extra charges for plastic-bags, (8) providing custamers with ather kinds of bags and (C) offering # afscount for not using plastic bags are al mentioned in the frst paragraph, In the first paragraph, the article states that paper bags are expensive to make, so they are Toss viable than even low-quality plastic bags. in ‘this-case, viable means practical, so they are not 8 good alternative to plastic. ‘The article does not mention that (A) itis kficutt to recycle paper bags, (B) they contain harmful supstences, ar (D) they are generally of tow quay (B) According to the articte, marketing experts think cloth bags would be mone successful if they Were more fashionable, so their appearance is ‘the disadvantage. The article does not imply thal either (A) their ‘luratity, (2) their Cast, or (D) these sive ie disadvantage. ‘The article states that Ipanerra removed the logos from its bags, which means it stopped printing them on the bags. According to the article, Ipanerra bags feature (A (C) and (Dj, whic means thay all appear on panera bags, 30 these choloes are incorrect. ‘The last sentence mentions designing bags for younger customers, which means children, a 9 Togical next step for Ipanerra, 80 (A) is what they plan te da next. Reducing the price of is cloth bags is not mentioned as-a plan of Ipanesra. ‘Tho tags attract attention inthe street, which acts 98 tee advertising, but Iparerra does not plan advertise ia the meats nest. Ipanerra does not plan te increase tho size ofits ‘loth bage, ‘The notice gives all the necessary details tor ‘obtaining vital records, which is indieated in the title Obtaining Certified Vital Records. Vital records are official records, 50 (C) is the correct answer, ‘There i no-mention of UA) a price increase, (B) directions to an office, oF (D}a new government facilty, so none of these is the purpose of the notice: wy © Practice Test 2:AnswerKey 61 182. (A) The bullet points in the notice detail the 1a, 187, es S&B 5B = 3 o a 8) Information people must provide with their request, meaning that It must accompany the ‘request. The last bullet point gives forms of photo identification that are needed, $0:(A} is correct. Copies of racent tax ratums ara not mentioned. “The notice does not state that the apeticant’s telephone number should bbe Included. ‘The notice incicates that a stamped, business sed envelope should be Sent, Not 2 etter writtan on business stationery. In the section of the notice entitied in Parson, it States that The Vital Records Office is open 8:00 4.u. fo 5:50 mu. on Thursday, 20 It closes at 5:30 pat ‘The information states that the office is open B00 4.1 to 4:30 pa Monday to Wadnesday, 20 (4), (B), and (G)are incorrect In his letter, John Heinrich requests. a copy of a marriage license, 30 (B} is correct. Ho dios not request (A) & bith certificate, {G) 2 passport, or {0} # health record. Referring back from John Heinrichs letter to the notice, we can see that $25 ia the charge {or.an expedited request and that the expedited service should be requested f you require faster service, so (0) is correct. He asks for one copy, not two, “The record is from last mont, 20 it a not very ol Hs does not ask fr the resard to-be sant overseas, ‘which means to anather county. Inhis artic, Mr. Daly mentions aggressive pricing from small, discount competitors, which ‘means they offer very low prices, #0 (B) ie correct. (Operating costs have not gans dawn, Mr. Daly {aks about high fuel casts snd says that fuel costs are 40 percent of anines' operating costs. ‘The frst article states that Cozanta is reaucing ticketing fees, na eliminating thee ‘Mc Daly mentions marketing strategies, but bee ‘does nat say aiines have increasad the amount spent on advertising. ‘According to the first articie, Gezanta is planning to upcfete its airplanes’ interors, which means modemize the inside of its aircraft. NNaitnerarticis specticaly mentions. Cazanta's Intemational fights. Cezanta will eliminate servioe on inss- traveled routos. not expand it ‘Tho price ofa first-class ticket is given in tha fst article, 90 Cazanta daee-nat plan to eliminate usiness-class and first-cfass seating Practice Test 2: Answer Key 188, (A) Referring to Cezanta Air's price cut, Me. Daly says that most of the other large airlines will ‘probably cut their prices to follow suit. To follow ‘Suit means to do the same thing, 50 (A) ts correct, 18) He does not suagest that smaller altines will be ‘bought by larger ones. (©) He suggests that Cezanta’s price cut will nat ‘result fo 9 major increase in profits, not that their Fevenes wil increase right away 0} He does not mention passengers’ gpinions about -skcraft design (B) Mr Daly reports that analysts sre expecting Cezenta’s revenues to fail and rising fuel ‘costs are given as the reason for this because ‘they represent nearly 40 percent of sirtines* operating expenses, so (6) Is correct. Analysts have not incicated that either (A) outdated ‘equipment, (G) customer satisfaction, o (0) improving safety is the alr industry's grestest challenge. (D) The first article mentions that Cezanta is eliminating some of its routes and Mr. Daly writes that after December, consumors fying out of Bufoed Valey will no longer be able to ‘ake advantage of Cazanta’s price cuts, 90 it can be inferred that Cezanta will not fly to Butord Valley next year. 1A) Cazanta is basedin Atlanta, but it cannot be infarrod from this that Buford Vaiey is close to Avena. Itoannot be inferred that (B) there will be. ren aiqport in Buford Valley or (C) that Cezarta wi ‘move Its neaelquarters to Burd Vailey. (8) According to the article, expensive advertising ‘campaigns were unnecessary and ail the water (park neaded was word of mouth for business to take off, implying that the opening day was not advertised on television, 1A) Thisis incorrect bacause the article says the water park had generated a tat of pute interest, {G) The article does not imply that the opening was postponed, (0) ‘The article mentions that celebrities often recommend such a facility on television, but {does not imply that the oparig was aitonded by -colebrities, 192, 193, 104, 195. 106, 197, (A) Tho article mentions that the owners had ‘worried that the poo! might be situated too cloxe ta the Basch, #0 people were concerned about ‘tho water park's location. ‘Concems about (B) the cost of eanstruction, (O}the Buiter design, and (D} the safety coxe are not mentioned, [D) December is described as # record-breaking ‘month nt half-hour lines to enter the water Park are mentioned, 80 December is when it feceived the most visitors. ‘May ia when the water park was inaugurated, which means openact ‘The article states that the water park received fewer visitors i August. (October was when construction began, not when the water park received the mos! visitors. The Misty Baths is described as an open-air pool, which means itis outdoors, ‘The Vertigo Falls and (B) the: Lagoon Spesh are two indoor pools The Bermuda Tide is glass-roofed, so itis not ‘autstoors. ‘The article states that the sauna area costs ar adaltional $5, which is an extra.charge, and the ‘able shows that the-sauna rooms are in the Surr Section, 80 (D) is the correct answer, General admission tickets can be used for all ‘sections excep! the sauna area, go there is na extra charge tor the sections giver in (A), (B) oF (C). ‘The first sentence of Ms. Young's letter states why she wrote the latter. Her account wars charged a $30 service fee and she wrote to ask about this, so (G) is correct, She does not inquire about an unexplained deposit, Which means money going into her account. Sho does not ask to close an account. She did not write to transfer money iato-an account. ‘When talking about a bank account, the terms of tho account are the conaitions which apply to the account. (2) Tevms does not mean expressions here. (€) We talk about the tarme of an agreement, bust terms 08s not mean agreements (0) Ina school context, the terms are the time peviocs ‘when classes are held, but that ig not the meaning ere. w ® Co} wa (o a 198. (8) 199. (6) 6 0 200, (0) ‘The letter from the bank states that ail accounts: with betances below $1000 were automatically charged a service fee and that the new ‘minienum batonce requirement is now $1000, 20 customers must keep a minimum sum of money in their account to avoid a service charge. The bank's lattr does nat indicate that customers can avoig.a service charge by (A) making less than thirty withdrewals @ yee, (C) maintaining the account for at east five years, or (D) having more than one account atthe bank: ‘The bank says it will ssue-9 credit for the amount Ms. Young was charged, which Ms. Young states in her letter vas $30, 50 $30 will be credited to her account, which means put back into her account, $1000 is the-new minimum batance requirement, ‘not the amount that wil be crecited fo Ws. Young's account, $500 was previously the minimum balance requirement, not the amnount that willbe credited to Ms. Young's account. ‘The bank will not credit $75 to har account Mark Aubrey states in his letter to Ms. Young ‘that he will waive the fee on her account, which ‘means cancel a charge, 20 (D} is correct. Ha dll nat ask a supervisar for assistance, which ‘would be unlikely because hes Assistant Vice ‘President of Customer Relations. ‘He dle not 1B) request & masting or (C} close an account. Practice Test 2: Answer Key

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