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sults. Notably, a COF of 0.19 was obtained, which is similar [29] L. Rapoport, Y. Feldman, M. Homyonfer, H. Cohen, J. Sloan, J. L.
Hutchison, R. Tenne, Wear 1999, 229, 975.
to the COF obtained for IFs/tetradecane, reflecting the [30] Powder Diffraction File (Inorganic Volume) No. 8-237, JCPDS-Inter-
dominant role of the WS2 transfer layers formed in situ national Center for Diffraction Data.
during sliding in this system. [31] U. Landman, W. D. Luedtke, J. Gao, Langmuir 1996, 12, 4514.
[32] U. Landman, Solid State Commun. 1998, 107, 693.
In conclusion, we have used the surface forces apparatus [33] A. M. Homola, J. Israelachvili, M. L. Gee, P. M. McGuiggan, J. Tribol-
to characterize the normal and lateral forces of WS2 IFs ogy 1989, 111, 675.
[34] G. Luengo, F.-J. Schmitt, R. Hill, J. Israelachvili, Macromolecules 1997,
dispersed in tetradecane and confined between mica sur-
30, 2482.
faces. The IFs particles were found to be present between [35] In several irreproducible experiments, COF values in the milli-range
the surfaces even at very high pressures, to minimize adhe- were obtained for IF/tetradecane.
[36] Detailed structural, chemical and tribological characterization will be
sion, and to decrease the friction coefficient of mica sur- published elsewhere: Y. Golan, C. Drummond, R. Tenne, J. Israelach-
faces lubricated with tetradecane by at least 35 %. The vili, Wear, in press; C. Drummon et al., unpublished.
mechanism of friction and wear reduction was shown to in-
volve in situ deposition of highly oriented, ultrathin WS2
layers without exposure to the ambient air. While further Fabrication and Characterization of Carbon
studies are required to investigate the relevance to more Nanotube/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Composites**
general metal and ceramic surfaces, the results of this work
point out potential advantages of friction-induced material By Milo S. P. Shaffer and Alan H. Windle*
transfer from IF additives as an efficient method for spe-
cific and localized deposition of oriented solid lubricant There is considerable interest in fabricating composite
films in shearing contacts. materials containing carbon nanotubes, both from the point
Received: February 15, 1999 of view of fundamental property determination and the de-
Final version: April 15, 1999 velopment of applications.[1] While one might expect the ax-
ial elastic modulus of carbon nanotubes to approach that of

[1] L. Rapoport, Y. Bilik, M. Homyonfer, S. R. Cohen, R. Tenne, Nature the basal plane of graphite crystals (1 TPa), some theoretical
1997, 387, 791. predictions have suggested that nanotube stiffness may be
[2] S. E. Campbell, G. Luengo, V. I. Srdanov, F. Wudl, J. Israelachvili, Na-
even higher.[2,3] Initial experiments performed on micro-
ture 1996, 382, 520.
[3] G. Luengo, S. E. Campbell, V. I. Srdanov, F. Wudl, J. Israelachvili, scopic samples broadly support these suggestions;[4] how-
Chem. Mater. 1997, 9, 1166. ever, due to the difficulties of manipulating nanoscaled ob-
[4] W. Zhao, J. Tang., A. Puri, A. U. Falster, W. B. Simmons Jr, Mater. Res.
Soc. Symp. Proc. 1995, 383, 313.
jects, the experimental measurements have been made
[5] W. Zhao, J. Tang., A. Puri, R. L. Sweany, Y. Li, L. Chen, J. Mater. Res. indirectly or do not represent the loading conditions that
1996, 11, 2749. would be experienced in a practical composite material.
[6] B. Bhushan, B. K. Gupta, G. W. Van Cleef, C. Capp, J. V. Coe, Appl.
Phys. Lett. 1993, 62, 3253. Manipulations of individual nanotubes indicate a high
[7] B. K. Gupta, B. Bhushan, C. Capp, J. V. Coe, J. Mater. Res. 1994, 9, strength,[5] but again it is unclear whether or not this prop-
erty could be exploited in a macroscopic composite. More
[8] W. Zhao, J. Tang., Y. Li, L. Chen, Wear 1996, 198, 165.
[9] P. J. Blau, C. E. Haberlin, Thin Solid Films 1992, 219, 129. immediate applications may arise from the electrical proper-
[10] R. S. Bhattacharya, A. K. Rai, J. S. Zabinski, N. T. McDevitt, J. Mater. ties of nanotubes, for example in flat screen displays.[6] This
Res. 1994, 9, 1615.
[11] B. Bhushan, B. K. Gupta, J. Appl. Phys. 1994, 75, 6156.
work describes the fabrication of nanotube composite films,
[12] B. K. Gupta, B. Bhushan, Lubrication Eng. 1994, 50, 524. and the resulting thermo-mechanical and electrical proper-
[13] H. Waghray, T.-S. Lee, B. J. Tatarchuk, Surf. Coat. Technol. 1995, 77, ties are discussed. Successful fabrication depended crucially
[14] H. Dimigen, H. Hubsch, Philips Technical Review 19831984, 41, 186. on maintaining stable colloidal mixtures of nanotubes and
[15] A. Schumacher, N. Kruse, R. Prins, E. Meyer, R. Lthi, L. Howald, polymer. The stiffness of the composites measured at room
H.-J. Gntherodt, L. Scandella, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1996, 14, 1264.
temperature was relatively low and was interpreted using
[16] C. Donnet, Condensed Matter News 1995, 4, 9.
[17] S. V. Prasad, J. S. Zabinski, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 1993, 12, 1413. short-fiber composite theory; however, the high temperature
[18] E. A. Dukhovskoi, A. N. Ponomarev, A. A. Silin, V. L. Tal'roze, properties showed considerable promise. The electrical con-
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 1974, 219, 379.
[19] I. L. Singer, MRS Bull. 1998, 23, 37.
ductivity of these composites shows the type of percolation
[20] I. L. Singer, Langmuir 1996, 12, 4486. behavior observed in other fiber-filled systems.
[21] K. J. Wahl, D. N. Dunn, I. L. Singer, Wear, in press. Arc-grown nanotubes, although preferred for micro-
[22] D. N. Dunn, K. J. Wahl, I. L. Singer, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.
1998, 522, 451. scopic studies due to their relatively high perfection, are
[23] C. Grossiord, J.-M. Martin, T. Le Mogne, T. Palermo, Surf. Coat. not readily available in large quantities. Therefore, in this
Technol. 1998, 109, 352.
[24] C. Grossiord, K. Varlot, J.-M. Martin, T. Le Mogne, C. Esnouf, K. In-

oue, Tribology Int., in press.
[25] R. Tenne, L. Margulis, M. Genut, G. Hodes, Nature 1992, 360, 444. [*] Prof. A. H. Windle, M. S. P. Shaffer
[26] Y. Feldman, E. Waserman, D. J. Srolovitz, R. Tenne, Science 1995, 267, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
222. University of Cambridge
[27] R. Tenne, Adv. Mater. 1995, 7, 965. Pembroke Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QZ (UK)
[28] Y. Feldman, G. L. Frey, M. Homyonfer, V. Lyakhovitskaya, L. Margu- [**] Grateful thanks to Dr. George Z. Chen for assistance with the impe-
lis, H. Cohen, G. Hodes, J. L. Hutchison, R. Tenne, J. Am. Chem. Soc. dance spectroscopy and to Hyperion Catalysis International for the
1996, 117, 5362. supply of material.

Adv. Mater. 1999, 11, No. 11 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim, 1999 0935-9648/99/1108-0937 $ 17.50+.50/0 937

work, catalytically grown nanotubes have been used as a The composites were examined in a scanning electron
starting material, despite a higher defect concentration. microscope (SEM) in order to determine the quality of the
The starting material was long and entangled, although free structure. Unfortunately, the samples with less than about
from contaminating nanoparticles. A chemical treatment 20 wt.-% nanotubes were insufficiently conductive to pre-
described elsewhere[7] was used to produce an electrostati- vent charging, and could not be imaged directly. Imaging
cally stabilized dispersion of nanotubes in water, with an composites with higher loading was possible, although hin-
average length of 1.1 mm. dered by the low contrast between nanotubes and matrix,
Composite films with a wide range of nanotube loadings and the sensitivity of the matrix to beam damage. In the
were made by careful mixing of aqueous poly(vinyl alcohol) samples examined, the nanotubes were found to be evenly
solutions, [CH2CH(OH)]n (PVOH), with carbon nanotube dispersed (see Fig. 2) and voids were only observed in the
dispersions followed by subsequent casting, and controlled 60 wt.-% composites. After coating with chromium, there
water evaporation. Equal concentrations for the two solu- was no significant contrast on the surfaces of the films, but
tions ensured that the overall volumes of each sample as- nanotubes could be readily observed on the fracture sur-
mixed were identical, regardless of the nanotube loading. faces, confirming the uniform quality of the dispersion.
Since gelling of both nanotube and polymer solutions oc- Pull-out lengths of around 100 nm suggested fracture of
curred at around the same concentration (~5 vol.-%), all the individual nanotubes.
composite films should have experienced equal contraction
on drying and hence have a similar degree of nanotube align-
ment to the plane of the film. This conclusion was confirmed
by an analysis of transmission X-ray diffraction patterns.
Careful mixing of the components was required in order
to prevent aggregation. To form a stable mixture each nano-
tube must become covered with an adsorbed layer of poly-
mer before it is able to interact with a significant number of
other nanotubes. In colloidal terms, the adsorbed polymer
then sterically stabilizes the nanotube dispersion, and pro-
tects it against bridging flocculation and depletion aggrega-
tion caused by the free polymer.[8] A similar effect can be
observed during the preparation of pigment suspensions for
paper-marking when the aggregation is termed shock.[9]
The thickness of the dry films varied from 53 mm down Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrograph of a 50 wt.-% PVOH/nanotube com-
to 44 mm, following the trend with increasing nanotube
loading. This behavior was to be expected since all the
films had approximately the same mass of material, whilst In order to obtain additional confirmation of both the
the density of nanotubes (~1.75 g cm3) is higher than that nanotube content and of the structure of the material, as
of PVOH (~1.3 g cm3). The densities of both the compo- well as to investigate the effects of the nanotubes on the
sites and the pure materials were measured by a liquid im- thermal stability of the matrix, thermo-gravimetric analysis
mersion technique,[10] and found to obey a linear law of (TGA) was performed on composites at all concentrations.
mixtures; the results are shown in Figure 1. The TGA was carried out under a nitrogen atmosphere
which minimized the mass loss due to nanotube oxidation,
whilst allowing the PVOH to thermally decompose almost
completely. The resulting curves are shown in Figure 3.
The masses remaining at 700 C are almost entirely due to
the remaining nanotubes, and are consistent with initial
nanotube loading. On observation under the SEM, all the
films appeared indistinguishable, regardless of the original
nanotube loadings, and no evidence of any non-uniformity
of the nanotube distribution was observed. The final thick-
ness of the residue films was proportional to the nanotube
content, and thus the densities of all the films were equal to
1.3 g cm3. Since the nanotubes are relatively well-isolated
by the matrix, they do not form a stable structure once the
matrix is burnt-out, but collapse to form a layered film,
similar to those formed by simple drying of nanotube dis-
Fig. 1. Plot of the densities of pure PVOH, pure individual nanotubes, and persions.[7] Comparison of the curves in Figure 3 reveals
the intermediate composites, showing a linear interpolation. that although there is a retardation of the onset of PVOH

938 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim, 1999 0935-9648/99/1108-0938 $ 17.50+.50/0 Adv. Mater. 1999, 11, No. 11

decomposition for the composites with low nanotube load- The best fit to the experimental data for the in-plane
ings (peaking at around 20 wt.-%), there is no noticeable stiffness of the composite films, as a function of nanotube
effect on the subsequent progress of the degradation, which concentration, was obtained using values of 150 MPa for
was completed at the same temperature for all samples. the axial modulus and a reduced effective length of 35 nm.
The retardation is likely to be a result of absorption, by the This first determination of the stiffness of nanotubes in a
activated carbon surface, of free-radicals generated during macroscopic composite is well below values reported for
polymer decomposition.[11] At higher temperatures or load- isolated nanotubes. It is not yet clear whether this result is
ing the decomposition of the oxidized nanotube surface it- chiefly a consequence of the imperfections in the graphitic
self negates the stabilizing effect. layers within the catalytically grown nanotubes used, or
whether it relates to a fundamental difficulty of shear stress
transfer between the shells of multi-walled nanotubes. A
recent measurement of the individual stiffness of catalyti-
cally grown nanofibers in an atomic force microscope
(50 GPa) appears to be for much more defective nano-
tubes than those used in this study, but does highlight the
potential impact of defects.[14] On the other hand, theoreti-
cal predictions of stiffness are almost all for single-wall
nanotubes, whilst calculations based on experiment have
not yet addressed the possibility of relative slippage of the
shells of a multi-wall nanotube. Under tensile axial load, it
is possible that the inner shells carry little load; indeed,
telescopic rupture of nanotubes has been observed.[15] This
suggestion is further supported by a recent report on arc-
grown nanotubes embedded in epoxy resin in which nano-
tube strain was measured using Raman spectroscopy, and
shown to be much larger with the matrix under compres-
Fig. 3. TGA of PVOH, nanotubes and composites, in a nitrogen atmo- sion than under tension; the result was attributed to poor
load transfer in tension.[16] The low effective length of the
nanotubes required by the fitting to the Krenchel model, in
The tensile elastic modulus and damping properties of this study, is seen as a reflection of both the nanotube cur-
the composite films were assessed in a dynamic mechanical vature and the reduced efficiency of shear stress transfer.
thermal analyzer (DMTA) as a function of nanotube load- Although catalytically grown nanotubes are intrinsically
ing and temperature. Below the glass transition of the ma- curved, even arc-grown nanotubes have been shown to be
trix, there was an increase in modulus due to the carbon bent after being embedded in a matrix[17] and thus are like-
nanotubes, which can be analyzed using Krenchel's expres- ly to suffer a reduction in effectiveness.
sion for short-fiber composites (Eq. 1),[12] where Ef, Em are Above the glass transition temperature of the matrix, the
the moduli of the fiber and matrix, and Zo, Zl are efficiency nanotubes had a much more significant effect, resulting in
factors relating to fiber orientation and length, respectively. the retention of a large proportion of the stiffness seen be-
low the transition. The nanotubes themselves would not be
E = ZoZlVfEf + (1 Vf) Em (1) expected to soften if the temperature were raised further,
though of course, the matrix would begin to decompose.
The fiber length efficiency factor is given by Cox's equa- An even larger relative improvement would be expected if
tions, which are derived on the assumption of an elastic ma- an amorphous matrix were used in place of the semicrystal-
trix and a gradual stress transfer between fiber and matrix line PVOH; recent work on cellulose nanofibers in an
along the fiber length, according to the shearlag model.[13] amorphous latex rubber matrix revealed similar trends to
The value of Zo is calculated assuming strain continuity, those reported here, but with greater softening at low fiber
and taking only the axial stiffness of the fibers to be signifi- loading.[18] The tangent of the ratio of the complex to real
cant. The first assumption is reasonable for the intertwined modulus (tan d) is a measure of the damping, and in this
nanotubes in these composites; the second is more uncer- case, the peak in tan d corresponds to the glass transition
tain but since none of the elastic properties of catalytically (see Fig. 4). The presence of the nanotubes did not signifi-
grown tubes is well-established, it is an acceptable first ap- cantly affect the peak position, which lay at a temperature
proximation. The fiber orientation efficiency factor calcu- between 75 C and 80 C, for all samples. The decreasing
lated from Krenchel's equation, on the basis of the nano- peak height with increasing nanotube loading is to be ex-
tube distribution determined by X-ray analysis, was 0.33, pected due to the reducing fraction of polymer matrix. The
which is close, in any case, to that for a random planar ar- onset of the glass transition was not affected by the nano-
rangement (0.38).[12] tubes, but the higher temperature side was significantly

Adv. Mater. 1999, 11, No. 11 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim, 1999 0935-9648/99/1108-0939 $ 17.50+.50/0 939

broadened. It is likely that the unconstrained segments of on very low loading of nanotubes in epoxy resins.[22] This
the polymer molecules retained the glass transition temper- contrast is almost certainly a consequence of an adsorbed
ature of bulk PVOH but that those segments near to the layer of polymer which reduces the quality and quantity of
nanotube surface were less mobile and showed an in- electrical contacts between the nanotubes.
creased glass transition temperature. Similar effects have
been observed in other polymer systems filled with finely
divided materials.[19]

Fig. 5. Plot of the electrical conductivities of PVOH/nanotube composites.

The conductivity of the lowest loading fraction (5 wt.-%) represents the lim-
it of what was measurable on the equipment used, and the value plotted for
the pure matrix is taken from the literature [23]. Lines are visual aids.

This report describes a successful route for the fabrica-

tion of large composite films containing nanotubes, based
on the formation of a stable colloidal intermediate, which
should be broadly applicable to a range of nanotube mate-
rials and polymers. The densities of the composites follow a
linear law of mixtures, and the electrical conductivities
show typical percolation behavior. The presence of the
nanotubes stiffens the material, particularly at high temper-
ature, and in some cases retards the onset of thermal degra-
dation. The indications from this work are that nanotubes
may not ideally be suited to a straightforward reinforcing
role, but that they could find application as a modifier for
polymers, particularly as an improved matrix for conven-
tional fiber composites for service at high temperatures.

Fig. 4. Dynamic mechanical analysis of PVOH and composites. a) Log mod-

ulus with temperature. Note that the 60 wt.-% samples were brittle. The sam- Experimental
ple with the highest initial modulus is shown. b) tan d with temperature. Nano-
tube loadings increase in 10 wt.-% steps between 10 wt.-% and 60 wt.-%.
The PVOH which was supplied by Aldrich was 9899 % hydrolyzed with
a molecular weight between 85 000 and 146 000. Solutions of PVOH were
The electrical conductivity of the composites was mea- made by stirring appropriate quantities of polymer and distilled water at
sured using impedance spectroscopy, in a four-point config- >90 C for at least 4 h. The nanotube materials was supplied, under contract,
by Hyperion Catalysis International, and oxidized as described elsewhere.
uration, and is shown in Figure 5. The percolation threshold The nanotube dispersions were added dropwise to the PVOH solution, both
for these composites clearly lies between 5 and 10 wt.-%. at 1 wt.-%, whilst stirring continually at 480 rpm. After a further 20 min,
This behavior is typical of polymers filled with conductive the solutions were cast into 10 cm by 2 cm Teflon troughs. The thermogravi-
metric analysis (TGA) was performed under a nitrogen atmosphere using a
fibers and the results closely resemble those in the litera- heating rate of 10 C min1 from room temperature up to 700 C. The electri-
ture for polyethylene filled with carbon fiber.[20] The results cal conductivities were measured in a four-contact configuration using a So-
latron SI 1260 Impedance/Gain Phase Analyzer, with data collected by a PC
are also very similar to those obtained for smaller-scale running Z-60 software. The samples were all dried in a vacuum dessicator
composites based on nanotubes and conducting polymers, for 1 week before measurement, and then scanned in a frequency range of
studied primarily for their opto-electronic properties.[21] 1 MHz to 1 Hz, under voltage control with an amplitude of 2 V. DMTA, un-
der tensile loading was performed using Perkin Elmer equipment and sam-
For a given loading, all these sets of composites have a ples 1 cm by 50 mm, with a length of 2 cm between the clamps. A 5 N static
rather low conductivity in comparison to composites based tensile load and a displacement oscillation amplitude of 16 mm, frequency

940 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim, 1999 0935-9648/99/1108-0940 $ 17.50+.50/0 Adv. Mater. 1999, 11, No. 11

1 Hz, were applied. The temperature was ramped from 0 C to 120 C, at a ten observed in either isolated molecules or macroscopic
rate of 2 C min1. Films were dried in a vacuum dessicator for at least a
week before use, and dry nitrogen flowed through the DMTA oven to pre-
solids. The current approaches to nanomaterials include
vent water uptake. gas-phase synthesis,[1a] solution-phase synthesis,[1b,1c,24] sol-
Received: January 20, 1999 id-state preparation,[1b,1d] and template synthesis.[2,5] Sol-
Final version: April 30, 1999 vents, other chemicals (such as surfactants or templates),
complex process control, or high reaction temperatures
[1] T. W. Ebbesen, Carbon Nanotubes, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 1997. may be required for these approaches. Here we report a
[2] G. Overney, W. Zhong, D. Tomnek, Z. Phys. D 1993, 27, 93.
[3] B. I. Yakobson, C. J. Brabec, J. Bernholc, Phys. Rev. Lett. 1996, 76, 2511. general and effective approach based on one-step solid-
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[5] E. W. Wong, P. E. Sheehan, C. M. Lieber, Science 1997, 277, 1971. or hydroxides to yield nanocrystals of oxides, sulfides,
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[7] M. S. P. Shaffer, X. Fan, A. Windle, Carbon 1998, 36, 1603. (HOxin) compounds with uniform sizes and shapes in high
[8] D. H. Everett, Basic Principles of Colloid Science, Royal Society of
Chemistry, London 1988.
yields at ambient temperatures.[6]
[9] K. Tsunemitsu, Y. Murakami, in Polyvinyl Alcohol (Ed: C. A. Finch), Nanocrystals of oxides (CuO), sulfides (CuS, ZnS, CdS,
Wiley, Chichester, UK 1973. PbS), oxalates [M2(C2O4)3 3H2O (M = Nb, La);
[10] N. A. Pratten, J. Mater. Sci. 1981, 16, 1737.
[11] T. Kelen, Polymer Degradation, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York M(C2O4) 2H2O (M = Cu, Ni, Mn, Co, Zn)], carbonates
1983. (MCO3, M = Ca, Ba), and salts of 8-hydroxyquinoline
[12] H. Krenchel, Fibre Reinforcement, Akademisk Forlag, Copenhagen (HOxin) [M(Oxin)x (M = La, x = 3; M = Zn, x = 2)] are
[13] A. Kelly, Strong Solids, Clarendon, Oxford 1966. prepared at ambient temperatures through rapid (10 s to
[14] J.-P. Salvetat, A. J. Kulik, J.-M. Bonard, G. A. D. Briggs, T. Stckli, 30 min), self-propagating solid-state metathesis reactions
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of hydrated transition metal salts and NaOH, Na2S
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[17] O. Lourie, D. M. Cox, H. D. Wagner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 1998, 81, 1638. yields. Most reactions were found to proceed at room
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[19] G. Tsagaropoulos, A. Eisenberg, Macromolecules 1995, 28, 6067. rose to ca. 80 C. The results and analyses by inductively
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Table 1.
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worths, London 1971.

One-Step Solid-State Reactions at Ambient

TemperaturesA Novel Approach
to Nanocrystal Synthesis**

By Xiang R. Ye, Dian Z. Jia, Jian Q. Yu, Xin Q. Xin,* and

Ziling Xue*

The development of novel methods for producing mate-

rials at the nanometer scale is of intense current inter-
est.[13] The unique properties of nanomaterials are not of-

[*] Prof. X. Q. Xin, Dr. X. R. Ye

State Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, Nanjing University
Nanjing, 210093 (PR China)
Professor Z. Xue
Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996 (USA)
Professor D. Z. Jia, J. Q. Yu
Department of Chemistry, Xinjiang University
Wurumuqi, 840046 (PR China)
[**] The research was supported by the National Natural Science Founda- [a] acac = acetylacetonate; Ac = acetate. [b] The analyses were conducted by
tion of PR China, National Science Foundation of the USA, and the ICP. Impurities were as follows: Al < 10 ppm; Ca < 200 ppm; Na < 500 ppm,
Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation. except [c] Na = 2000 ppm.

Adv. Mater. 1999, 11, No. 11 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim, 1999 0935-9648/99/1108-0941 $ 17.50+.50/0 941

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