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Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science

Department of Computer Science

Available Book List - April 2016

Old Access New Author Name Title
No Access no

1 605 kerningham and ritchie the c programming language 12313

2 1094 R.D.Tennent principals of procramming 12461
3 3255 steven harrington computer graphics 12453
4 3755 r.g.s. asthana computer graphics for scientist engineers 12322
5 4347 r.g.s. asthana computer graphics for scientist engineers 12323
6 4386 Gents Hostel Staff An introduction to Database system 12476
7 4393 aho.hopcroft and ullman design and analysis of computer algorithms 12281
8 4528 patrick,henry winston artificialn intelligence lll edition 12219
9 4536 silber schatz and galvin database concepts 20929
10 5218 rober s. pressman software engineering 12336
11 5226 aho,ullman, john e hopcroft data structures and alogorothms 12226
12 5240 milan milenkovic operating systems concepts and design Old
13 5242 deitel h m operating system 12274
14 5303 steven harrington computer graphics 12212
15 5392 stern & stern structured cobol programmming 12349
16 5393 stern & stern structured cobol programmming 12368
17 5424 r.g.s. asthana computer graphics for scientist engineers 12321
18 5449 elmasri and navathe fundamental of data base systems 12314
19 5465 C.J.Date An introduction to Database system 12475
20 5477 patterson introduction to artificial intellegence and 12220
21 5607 rich and knight artificial intelligence 12225
22 5612 c.j. date data base system 12397
23 5625 hwang & briggs computer architecture and paraller processing 12175
24 5626 jeffrey cornell principlies of database 12459
25 5696 Jhon P.Hayes computer Architecture and Organization 12157
26 5959 aho, sethi and ullman compilers, principals techniques and tools 12306
27 5961 aho, sethi and ullman compilers, principals techniques and tools 12305
28 5985 aho,ullman, john e hopcroft data structures and alogorothms 12565
29 6184 sommer ville Software Engineering 12412
30 6185 sommer ville software engineeting 12413
31 6212 mathur introduction to microprocessors lll edition 12351
32 6213 mathur introduction to microprocessors lll edition 12350
33 6223 naughton schildt java 2 the complete reference 12633
34 6232 C.J.Date An introduction to Database system 12271
35 6260 aho,ullman, john e hopcroft data structures and alogorothms 12473
36 6262 aho, and ullman principales of compiler desing 12458
37 6263 aho, and ullman principales of compiler desing 12469
38 6286 elmasri and navathe fundamental of data base systems 12427
39 6295 Jhon P.Hayes computer Architecture and Organization 12582
40 6302 hwang & briggs computer architecture and paraller processing 12174
41 6315 m. morris mano Digital Logic and Computer Science 12410
42 6317 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12149
43 6318 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12145
44 6567 m. morris mano Digital Logic and Computer Science 12411
45 6574 elmasri and navathe fundamental of data base systems 12315
46 6585 aho,ullman, john e hopcroft data structures and alogorothms 12227
47 6608 pattrick smith client server 2 edition 12472
48 6642 m k roy and ghost dastidar cobal programming 12414
49 6643 m k roy and ghost dastidar cobal programming 12415
50 6657 geoffrey gordol simulation 2 edition 12409
51 6658 geoffrey gordol simulation 2 edition 12408
52 6670 kerningham and ritchie the c programming language 12312
53 6696 tremblay and manohar disrete mathe with application to cs 12423
54 6744 ellis horowitz fundamentals of programming languages 12466
55 6747 rich and knight artificial intelligence 12223
56 6750 rich and knight artificial intelligence 12224
57 6751 aho, and ullman principales of compiler desing 12597
58 6759 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12146
59 6762 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12148
60 6778 Jhon P.Hayes computer Architecture and Organization 12163
61 6779 Jhon P.Hayes computer Architecture and Organization 12153
62 6780 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12159
63 6781 hwang & briggs computer architecture and paraller processing 12176
64 6861 narsingh deo digital computer 12447
65 6862 narsingh deo digital computer 12468
66 6943 Averall m.lam & David Kelton Simulation Modelling and analysis 12434
67 6948 dennis robert randall intruduction to using siman 12292
68 6949 dennis robert randall intruduction to using siman 122291
69 6974 nillson artificial intelligence 12232
70 6986 C.J.Date An introduction to Database system 12272
71 7126 chapra and canale nemerical methods for engeneers 12435
72 7184 Noel Jerke The visual basic 6 the complete reference 12235
73 7185 noel jerke visual basic 6 the complete reference 12426
74 7188 pappas&murray visualc++6 12239
75 7189 pappas&murray visualc++6 12236
76 7202 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12151
77 7213 fred halsall data communicationsnetworks open system 12457
78 7217 dustin r. callaway inside servlets 12399
79 7220 banks,carson nelson discrete events simulation 12269
80 7222 banks,carson nelson discrete events simulation 12422
81 7223 banks,carson nelson discrete events simulation 12270
82 7241 karl moss Java Servelets 12285
83 7342 pappas&murray visualc++6 12237
84 7343 jerke visual basic 6 the complete reference 12479
85 7344 noel jerke visual basic 6 the complete reference 12238
86 7345 john f. koegel bufort visualc++5from the ground up 12393
87 7719 schalkoff artificial neural networks 12222
88 8549 bibin c. desai introduction to data base systems 12593
89 8657 john f. koegel bufort multimedia systems 12562
90 8717 bajaj and nag e- commerce the cutting edge of business 12463
91 8718 kamlesh k. bajaj debjanie nag e- commerce the cutting edge of business 12540
92 8720 kamlesh k. bajaj debjanie nag e- commerce the cutting edge of business 12451
93 8731 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (third edition) 12428
94 8738 ceri and pelagatti distributed database principals and systems 12347
95 8739 ceri and pelagatti distributed database principals and systems 12346
96 8758 ken, jemes david java programming 3 editions 12400
97 8759 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12161
98 8760 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12158
99 8762 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12155
100 8765 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12463
101 8767 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12150
102 8768 hall microprassess and interface ll edition 12433
103 8772 hall microprassess and interface ll edition 12432
104 8865 grogory.l.heileman data structure alogorithms and oop 12420
105 8872 grogory.l.heileman data structure alogorithms and oop 12564
106 8874 grogory.l.heileman data structure alogorithms and oop 12419
107 8905 richard, dan, brian mathew macro asp. 3.0 programmers reference 12256
108 8907 richard, dan, brian mathew macro asp. 3.0 programmers reference Old
109 8976 roger s. pressman software engineering 12579
110 8982 roger s. pressman software engineering 12462
111 8983 schildt c++ the complete reference 12251
112 8984 schildt c++ the complete reference 12244
113 8985 schildt c++ the complete reference 12246
114 8986 schildt c++ the complete reference 12241
115 8987 schildt c++ the complete reference 12249
116 8988 schildt c++ the complete reference 12247
117 8992 schildt c++ the complete reference 12242
118 8993 schildt c++ the complete reference 12248
119 8997 schildt c++ the complete reference 12250
120 9000 schildt c++ the complete reference 12243
121 9001 schildt c++ the complete reference 12245
122 9002 schildt c++ the complete reference 12550
123 9006 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12195
124 9007 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12191
125 9008 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12194
126 9009 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12192
127 9010 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12197
128 9012 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12189
129 9013 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12196
130 9014 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12198
131 9015 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12193
132 9017 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12190
133 9024 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12147
134 9025 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12151
135 9031 k. udaya kumar bs, uma shankar advanced micro processor 12403
136 9035 k. udaya kumar bs, uma shankar advanced micro processor 12320
137 9036 k. udaya kumar bs, uma shankar advanced micro processor 12319
138 9080 gilles brassard and paul bratley fundamentals of algorithms 12229
139 9081 gilles brassard and paul bratley fundamentals of algorithms 12231
140 9085 gilles brassard paul brately fundamentals pf algorithms 12230
141 9086 gilles brassard and paul bratley fundamentals of algorithms 12228
142 9092 silber schatz and galvin operating system 5 edition 12596
143 9103 silber schatz and galvin operating system 5 edition 12440
144 9119 ali bahrani object oriented systems development 12446
145 9123 tay vaughan multimedia making it work (fifth edition) 12467
146 9124 tay vaughan multimedia making it work (fifth edition) 12437
147 9125 tay vaughan multimedia making it work (fifth edition) 12556
148 9171 behrouz a. rerouzan data communicationsand networking 12557
149 9194 daiel and emma minoll web commerce technology handbook 12595
150 9198 daiel and emma minoll web commerce technology handbook 12464
151 9200 bajaj and nag e- commerce the cutting edge of business 12558
152 9227 neumann & sproull principales of interactive computer graphics 12352
153 9229 neumann & sproull principales of interactive computer graphics 12353
154 9295 ozsu and valduriez distributed database systems 12429
155 9300 ozsu and valduriez distributed database systems 12548
156 9304 kalakota and whinston frontiers of electranic commerce 12544
157 9305 kalakota and whinston frontires of electranic commece 12262
158 9307 kalakota frontiers of electronic commerce 12443
159 9308 kalakota frontiers of electronic commerce 12263
160 9312 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12333
161 9315 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12282
162 9316 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12164
163 9317 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12332
164 9318 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12165
165 9320 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12334
166 9321 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12284
167 9339 m.morris mano digital logic and computer design 12583
168 9344 m.morris mano digital logic and computer design 12559
169 9348 m. morris mano Digital Logic and Computer Science 12533
170 9364 ellis horowitz fundamentals data structures 12471
171 9367 ellis horowitz fundamentals data structures 12402
172 9400 hopcroft rajiv notwani, jeffry d, ullman intr authomate thery languages and computation 12405
173 9403 hopcroft rajiv notwani, jeffry d, ullman intr authomate thery languages and computation 12404
174 9408 hopcroft rajiv notwani, jeffry d, ullman intro authomate thery languages and computation 12594
175 9451 stein metz and nahrstedt multimedia computing communication 12585
176 9453 stein metz and nahrstedt multimedia computing communication 12551
177 9529 fred halsall data commcomputer networks open systems 12425
178 9539 horstmann cornell java 2 volume l fundamentals 12560
179 9541 horstmann cornell java 2 volume l fundamentals 12359
180 9542 horstmann cornell java 2 volume l fundamentals 12358
181 9543 horstmann cornell java 2 volume l fundamentals 12360
182 9601 efraim jaaelee david michael electranic communication 12450
183 9602 efraim jaaelee david michael electranic communication 12538
184 9608 ravi kalakota electranic comerce 12539
185 9609 ravi kalakota electranic comerce 12448
186 9615 ozsu and valduriez distributed database systems 12561
187 9848 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12160
188 9850 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12156
189 9856 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12154
190 9859 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12162
191 10309 hughes and cotterell software project management 12398
192 10317 walker royce software project management 12470
193 10319 walker royce software project management 12444
194 10320 walker royce software project management 12546
195 10325 gary cornell visual basic 6 from the group up 12338
196 10326 gary cornell visual basic 6 from the group up 12339
197 10336 jerke visual basic 6 12639
198 10554 aho hopcroft. Ullman computer algorithms 12280
199 10556 aho hopcroft. Ullman computer algorithms 12279
200 10581 Anderson, Homer Susma Watson ASP.NET 12255
201 10642 courter marquis office 2000 12452
202 11094 yashwant kanitkar unix shell program, ming 12571
203 11095 yashwant kanitkar unix shell program, ming 12277
204 11096 yashwant kanitkar unix shell program, ming 27642
205 11098 schalkoff artificial neural networks 12386
206 11100 schalkoff artificial neural networks 12221
207 11106 deitel operating systems 12273
208 11108 limin fu neural networks in computer intelligence 12391
209 11110 limin fu neural networks in computer intelligence 12536
210 11111 limin fu neural networks in computer intelligence 12392
211 11113 donald a waterman a guide to expert sstems 12445
212 11115 nillson principals of artificial intelligence 12235
213 11116 nillson principals of artificial intelligence 12234
214 11117 nillson principals of artificial intelligence 12233
215 11120 patrick, henry winston artificial intelligence 12218
216 11123 aho, sethi and ullman computers, principals techniques and tools 12307
217 11124 aho, sethi and ullman computers, principals techniques and tools 12309
218 13120 Computer Graphics C Version 2/ed Hearn D 12570
219 13121 Computer Graphics C Version 2/ed Hearn D 12324
220 13122 Computer Graphics C Version 2/ed Hearn D 12325
221 13123 Computer Graphics C Version 2/ed Hearn D 12567
222 13124 Computer Graphics:
Computer Graphics CPrinciples
Version 2/ed
& Hearn D 12395
223 13125 Practice
Computer Graphics: Principles & Foley 12179
224 13126 Practice
Computer Graphics: Principles & Foley 12572
225 13127 Practice
Computer Graphics: Principles & Foley 12178
226 13128 Practice,
Computer Graphics: Principles & Foley 12180
227 13129 Practice Foley 12177
228 13130 Core Java 2: Vol - II - Advance Features Horstmann 12258
229 13131 Core Java 2: Vol - II - Advance Features Horstmann 12260
230 13132 Core Java 2: Vol - II - Advance Features Horstmann 12257
231 13133 Core Java 2: Vol - II - Advance Features Horstmann 12261
232 13134 Core Java 2: Vol - II - Advance Features Horstmann 12259
233 13135 Cryptography and Network Security 4/e Stallings 12293
234 13136 Cryptography and Network Security 4/e Stallings 12295
235 13137 Digital Image Processing Gonzalez 12327
236 13138 Enterprise Java Beans Valesky 12424
237 13139 Enterprise Java Beans Valesky 12200
238 13140 Enterprise Java Beans Valesky 12201
239 13141 Enterprise Java Beans Valesky 12199
240 13142 Enterprise Java Beans Valesky 12202
241 13143 Mobile Communications 2/ed Schiller 12356
242 13144 Mobile Communications 2/ed Schiller 12357
243 13148 Principles of Interactive Computer Grap Newman 12216
244 13149 Principles of Interactive Computer Grap Newman 12214
245 13150 Principles of Interactive Computer Grap Newman 12217
246 13151 Principles of Interactive Computer Grap Newman 12215
247 13152 Principles of Interactive Computer Grap Newman 12213
248 13153 Principles of Wireless Networks 12288
249 13154 Principles of Wireless Networks 12286
250 13155 Principles of Wireless Networks Hansmann 12287
251 13156 Principles of Mobile Computing Hansmann 12543
252 13157 Principles of Mobile Computing Hansmann 12354
253 13158 Principles of Mobile Computing Hansmann 12355
254 13159 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12186
255 13160 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12185
256 13161 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12184
257 13162 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12183
258 13163 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12441
259 13164 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12188
260 13165 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12187
261 13166 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12180
262 13167 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12181
263 13168 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12182
264 13169 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12276
265 13170 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12278
266 13171 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12575
267 13172 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar Old
268 13173 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12417
269 13175 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12532
270 13176 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12275
271 13177 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12416
272 13178 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12574
273 13179 Wireless Communication & Networks 2 Stallings 12289
274 13180 Wireless Communication & Networks 2 Stallings 12290
275 13181 Wireless Communication & Networks 2 Stallings 12454
276 13182 Computer Graphics: A Programming Ap Harrington 12207
277 13183 Computer Graphics: A Programming Ap Harrington 12211
278 13184 Computer Graphics: A Programming Ap Harrington 12208
279 13185 Computer Graphics: A Programming Ap Harrington 12209
280 13186 Computer Graphics: A Programming Ap Harrington 12210
281 13187 Cryptography and Network Security 4/e Stallings 12439
282 13188 Cryptography and Network Security 4/e Stallings 12401
283 13189 Cryptography and Network Security 4/e Stallings 12294
284 13191 Digital Image Processing Gonzalez 12328
285 13194 Inside Servelets (with CD) Callaway 12203
286 13195 Inside Servelets (with CD) Callaway 12204
287 13196 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12172
288 13197 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12166
289 13198 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12170
290 13202 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12600
291 13203 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12167
292 13206 Molecular Biology of the Gene Waston 12265
293 13207 Molecular Biology of the Gene Waston 12266
294 13208 Molecular Biology of the Gene Waston 12267
295 13209 Molecular Biology of the Gene Waston 12268
296 13210 Molecular Biology of the Gene Waston 12264
297 13222 Bioinformatics of Modern Approach K.N.Srinivas 12303
298 13223 Bioinformatics of Modern Approach K.N.Srinivas 12304
299 13224 Bioinformatics of Modern Approach K.N.Srinivas 12455
300 13225 Bioinformatics of Modern Approach K.N.Srinivas 12301
301 13226 Bioinformatics of Modern Approach K.N.Srinivas 12302
302 13227 Developing Bioinformatics Computer SkGibas 12406
303 13228 Developing Bioinformatics Computer SkGibas 12407
304 13229 Inside Servelets (with CD) Callaway
305 12230 Inside Servelets (with CD) Callaway 12205
306 13231 Inside Servelets (with CD) Callaway 12206
307 13232 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12345
308 13233 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12300
309 13234 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12388
310 13235 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12344
311 13236 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12343
312 13237 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12389
313 13238 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12342
314 13239 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12390
315 13240 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12341
316 13241 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12299
317 13242 Bioinformatics Basics 2/ed Rashidi 12296
318 13243 Bioinformatics Basics 2/ed Rashidi 12297
319 13244 Bioinformatics Basics 2/ed Rashidi 12421
320 13246 Bioinformatics Basics 2/ed Rashidi 12298
321 13390 Prasad Software Testing Tools with CD 12541
322 13392 Prasad Software Testing Tools with CD 12555
323 13395 Pressman Software Engineering 6/e 12316
324 13396 Pressman Software Engineering 6/e 12317
325 13401 Beizer Software Testing Techniques 12535
326 13403 Beizer Software Testing Techniques 12456
327 13409 Balagrusamy Programming with Java A Primer 3rd Edition 12310
328 13410 Balagrusamy Programming with Java A Primer 3rd Edition 12640
329 13412 Balagrusamy Programming with Java A Primer 3rd Edition 12568
330 13420 Schildt C++ the Complete Reference 12252
331 13422 Schildt C++ the Complete Reference 12253
332 7201 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12144
333 7225 john f. koegel bufort 12474
334 7717 courter marquis office 2000 12581
335 8937 schaums series programming language 12580
336 13146 Mobile Communications 2/ed Schiller 12537
Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science
Department of Computer Science
Old Book List - April 2016 Old Access No Author Name Title Remarks
1 6584 roger s. pressman spftware engineering M-2006
2 6652 awad system anlysis and design M-2006
3 7219 dustin r. callaway inside servlets M-2006
4 9021 m. morris mano computer system architecture Old
5 9023 m. morris mano computer system architecture Old
6 9051 gerald v. post data base management Old
7 9052 ellis horowitz,sahni&rajasekaran fundamentals of computer algorithms Old
8 9054 ellis horowitz,sahni&rajasekaran fundamentals of computer algorithms Old
9 9059 ellis horowitz,sahni&rajasekaran fundamentals of computer algorithms Old
10 9115 ali bahrani object oriented systems development Old
11 11107 deitel operating systems
12 10337 jerke visual basic 6 (CL) Central Lib
13 9118 ali bahrani object oriented systems development
14 10622 ellis horowitz sartaj sahni & mehta fundamentals of data structures in c++
15 13204 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern
Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science
Department of Computer Science
Issue Book List - April 2016
New Access Author Name Title
Access no

1 5969 schaums series programming language 12531

2 6761 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12549
3 6790 Naughton and Schildt Java 2 Complete Reference 3rd 12549
4 6917 d.m. dhamdhere system programming and operating systems 12638
5 7717 courter marquis office 2000 12581
6 8726 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (third edition) 12563
7 8728 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (third edition) 12545
8 8733 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (third edition) 12480
9 8963 roger s. pressman software engineering 12335
10 9049 gerald v. post data base management 12436
11 9082 gilles brassard paul brately fundamentals of algorithms
12 9368 ellis horowitz fundamentals data structures
13 10324 gary cornell visual basic 6 from the group up 12337
14 10333 gary cornell visual basic 6 from the group up 12631
15 10547 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (fourth edition 12566
16 10567 kumar sanjeev shijeev magic of asp net with c++ 12240
17 10580 Anderson, Francis Howard Homer ASP.NET 12254
18 10604 herbert schildt the complete reference c 4 edition
19 10606 herbert schildt the complete reference c 4 edition 12460
20 10619 ellis horowitz sartaj sahni & mehta fundamentals of data structures in c++ 12418
21 11099 schalkoff artificial neural networks 12387
22 11104 deitel operating systems 12578
23 11127 aho, sethi and ullman computers, principals techniques and tools 12308
24 13145 Mobile Communications 2/ed Schiller 12630
25 13174 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12632
26 13199 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12169
27 13391 Prasad Software Testing Tools with CD 12554
28 13402 Beizer Software Testing Techniques 12534
29 13408 Balagrusamy Programming with Java A Primer 3rd Edition 12577
30 13411 Balagrusamy Programming with Java A Primer 3rd Edition 12311
31 13416 Curnell Visual Basic 6 from the ground up 12573
32 13417 Curnell Visual Basic 6 from the ground up 12340
33 13421 Schildt C++ the Complete Reference 12394
34 13193 Digital Image Processing Gonzalez 12330
35 13200 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12173
36 13205 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12168
37 13201 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12442
38 13192 Digital Image Processing Gonzalez 12329
39 13190 Digital Image Processing Gonzalez 12326
40 13147 Mobile Communications 2/ed Schiller 12553
41 10315 hughes and cotterell software project management 12552
42 9319 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12331
43 9314 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12283
44 9178 behrouz a. rerouzan data communicationsand networking 12638
45 8727 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (third edition) 12542
46 9087 silber schatz and galvin operating system 5 edition 12431
Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science
Department of Computer Science
Paid Book List - April 2010
Old New Access Author Name Title Access Remarks
No no

1 10564 kumar sanjeev shijeev magic of asp net with c++ Paid
2 5653 andrew s tannenbaum alberts oprating systems desing and impl Paid
3 9313 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) Paid
4 13245 Bioinformatics Basics 2/ed Rashidi - 12598 Paid
5 8742 Visual Basic Paid
Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science
Department of Computer Science
Issue Book List - April 2015
Old New Access Author Name Title Access Remarks
No no

1 7201 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12144 Hamza

2 13199 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12169 Anitha
3 10567 kumar sanjeev shijeev magic of asp net with c++ 12240 Narayana
4 10580 Anderson, Francis Howard Homer ASP.NET 12254 Stud
5 11127 aho, sethi and ullman computers, principals techniques and tools 12308 Stud
6 13411 Balagrusamy Programming with Java A Primer 3rd Edition 12311 Jinna
7 8963 roger s. pressman software engineering 12335 Stud
8 10324 gary cornell visual basic 6 from the group up 12337 Ubaidull
9 13417 Curnell Visual Basic 6 from the ground up 12340 Stud
10 11099 schalkoff artificial neural networks 12387 Jinna
11 13421 Schildt C++ the Complete Reference 12394 Sasikala
12 10619 ellis horowitz sartaj sahni & mehta fundamentals of data structures in c++ 12418 Sithik
13 9049 gerald v. post data base management 12436 Jinna
14 10606 herbert schildt the complete reference c 4 edition 12460 Rahima
15 7225 john f. koegel bufort 12474 Hamza
16 8733 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (third edition) 12480 Staf
17 5969 schaums series programming language 12531
18 13402 Beizer Software Testing Techniques 12534 Batcja
19 13146 Mobile Communications 2/ed Schiller 12537 Stud
20 8728 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (third edition) 12545 Stud
21 6761 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12549 Siraj
22 6790 Naughton and Schildt Java 2 Complete Reference 3rd 12549 Hari
23 13391 Prasad Software Testing Tools with CD 12554 Sumathi
24 8726 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (third edition) 12563 Stud
25 10547 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (fourth edition 12566 Jinna
26 13416 Curnell Visual Basic 6 from the ground up 12573 Imran
27 13408 Balagrusamy Programming with Java A Primer 3rd Edition 12577 Jinna
28 11104 deitel operating systems 12578 Sasikala
29 8937 schaums series programming language 12580 Hod
30 7717 courter marquis office 2000 12581 Sasikala
31 13145 Mobile Communications 2/ed Schiller 12630 Stud
32 10333 gary cornell visual basic 6 from the group up 12631 Jinna
33 13174 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12632 Sasikala
34 6917 d.m. dhamdhere system programming and operating systems 12638 Jinna
35 9082 gilles brassard paul brately fundamentals of algorithms Siraj
36 9368 ellis horowitz fundamentals data structures Siraj
37 10564 kumar sanjeev shijeev magic of asp net with c++ Paid
38 10604 herbert schildt the complete reference c 4 edition Stud
Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science
Department of Computer Science
Available Book List - April 2015
Old Access New Author Name Title
No Access no
1 6318 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12145
2 6759 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12146
3 9024 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12147
4 6762 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12148
5 6317 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12149
6 8767 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12150
7 7202 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12151
8 9025 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12151
9 6779 Jhon P.Hayes computer Architecture and Organization 12153
10 9856 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12154
11 8762 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12155
12 9850 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12156
13 5696 Jhon P.Hayes computer Architecture and Organization 12157
14 8760 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12158
15 6780 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12159
16 9848 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12160
17 8759 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12161
18 9859 john p. hayes computer architecture and organisation 12162
19 6778 Jhon P.Hayes computer Architecture and Organization 12163
20 9316 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12164
21 9318 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12165
22 13197 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12166
23 13203 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12167
24 13205 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12168
25 13198 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12170
26 13196 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12172
27 13200 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12173
28 6302 hwang & briggs computer architecture and paraller processing 12174
29 5625 hwang & briggs computer architecture and paraller processing 12175
30 6781 hwang
Computer& briggs
Graphics: Principles & computer architecture and paraller processing 12176
31 13129 Practice
Computer Graphics: Principles & Foley 12177
32 13127 Practice
Computer Graphics: Principles & Foley 12178
33 13125 Practice
Computer Graphics: Principles & Foley 12179
34 13128 Practice, Foley 12180
35 13166 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12180
36 13167 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12181
37 13168 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12182
38 13162 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12183
39 13161 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12184
40 13160 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12185
41 13159 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12186
42 13165 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12187
43 13164 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12188
44 9012 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12189
45 9017 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12190
46 9007 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12191
47 9009 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12192
48 9015 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12193
49 9008 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12194
50 9006 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12195
51 9013 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12196
52 9010 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12197
53 9014 cohoon, davidson c++ program design 12198
54 13141 Enterprise Java Beans Valesky 12199
55 13139 Enterprise Java Beans Valesky 12200
56 13140 Enterprise Java Beans Valesky 12201
57 13142 Enterprise Java Beans Valesky 12202
58 13194 Inside Servelets (with CD) Callaway 12203
59 13195 Inside Servelets (with CD) Callaway 12204
60 12230 Inside Servelets (with CD) Callaway 12205
61 13231 Inside Servelets (with CD) Callaway 12206
62 13182 Computer Graphics: A Programming Ap Harrington 12207
63 13184 Computer Graphics: A Programming Ap Harrington 12208
64 13185 Computer Graphics: A Programming Ap Harrington 12209
65 13186 Computer Graphics: A Programming Ap Harrington 12210
66 13183 Computer Graphics: A Programming Ap Harrington 12211
67 5303 steven harrington computer graphics 12212
68 13152 Principles of Interactive Computer Grap Newman 12213
69 13149 Principles of Interactive Computer Grap Newman 12214
70 13151 Principles of Interactive Computer Grap Newman 12215
71 13148 Principles of Interactive Computer Grap Newman 12216
72 13150 Principles of Interactive Computer Grap Newman 12217
73 11120 patrick, henry winston artificial intelligence 12218
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76 11100 schalkoff artificial neural networks 12221
77 7719 schalkoff artificial neural networks 12222
78 6747 rich and knight artificial intelligence 12223
79 6750 rich and knight artificial intelligence 12224
80 5607 rich and knight artificial intelligence 12225
81 5226 aho,ullman, john e hopcroft data structures and alogorothms 12226
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83 9086 gilles brassard and paul bratley fundamentals of algorithms 12228
84 9080 gilles brassard and paul bratley fundamentals of algorithms 12229
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86 9081 gilles brassard and paul bratley fundamentals of algorithms 12231
87 6974 nillson artificial intelligence 12232
88 11117 nillson principals of artificial intelligence 12233
89 11116 nillson principals of artificial intelligence 12234
90 7184 Noel Jerke The visual basic 6 the complete reference 12235
91 11115 nillson principals of artificial intelligence 12235
92 7189 pappas&murray visualc++6 12236
93 7342 pappas&murray visualc++6 12237
94 7344 noel jerke visual basic 6 the complete reference 12238
95 7188 pappas&murray visualc++6 12239
96 8986 schildt c++ the complete reference 12241
97 8992 schildt c++ the complete reference 12242
98 9000 schildt c++ the complete reference 12243
99 8984 schildt c++ the complete reference 12244
100 9001 schildt c++ the complete reference 12245
101 8985 schildt c++ the complete reference 12246
102 8988 schildt c++ the complete reference 12247
103 8993 schildt c++ the complete reference 12248
104 8987 schildt c++ the complete reference 12249
105 8997 schildt c++ the complete reference 12250
106 8983 schildt c++ the complete reference 12251
107 13420 Schildt C++ the Complete Reference 12252
108 13422 Schildt C++ the Complete Reference 12253
109 10581 Anderson, Homer Susma Watson ASP.NET 12255
110 8905 richard, dan, brian mathew macro asp. 3.0 programmers reference 12256
111 13132 Core Java 2: Vol - II - Advance Features Horstmann 12257
112 13130 Core Java 2: Vol - II - Advance Features Horstmann 12258
113 13134 Core Java 2: Vol - II - Advance Features Horstmann 12259
114 13131 Core Java 2: Vol - II - Advance Features Horstmann 12260
115 13133 Core Java 2: Vol - II - Advance Features Horstmann 12261
116 9305 kalakota and whinston frontires of electranic commece 12262
117 9308 kalakota frontiers of electronic commerce 12263
118 13210 Molecular Biology of the Gene Waston 12264
119 13206 Molecular Biology of the Gene Waston 12265
120 13207 Molecular Biology of the Gene Waston 12266
121 13208 Molecular Biology of the Gene Waston 12267
122 13209 Molecular Biology of the Gene Waston 12268
123 7220 banks,carson nelson discrete events simulation 12269
124 7223 banks,carson nelson discrete events simulation 12270
125 6232 C.J.Date An introduction to Database system 12271
126 6986 C.J.Date An introduction to Database system 12272
127 11106 deitel operating systems 12273
128 5242 deitel h m operating system 12274
129 13176 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12275
130 13169 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12276
131 11095 yashwant kanitkar unix shell program, ming 12277
132 13170 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12278
133 10556 aho hopcroft. Ullman computer algorithms 12279
134 10554 aho hopcroft. Ullman computer algorithms 12280
135 4393 aho.hopcroft and ullman design and analysis of computer algorithms 12281
136 9315 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12282
137 9314 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12283
138 9321 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12284
139 7241 karl moss Java Servelets 12285
140 13154 Principles of Wireless Networks 12286
141 13155 Principles of Wireless Networks Hansmann 12287
142 13153 Principles of Wireless Networks 12288
143 13179 Wireless Communication & Networks 2 Stallings 12289
144 13180 Wireless Communication & Networks 2 Stallings 12290
145 6948 dennis robert randall intruduction to using siman 12292
146 13135 Cryptography and Network Security 4/e Stallings 12293
147 13189 Cryptography and Network Security 4/e Stallings 12294
148 13136 Cryptography and Network Security 4/e Stallings 12295
149 13242 Bioinformatics Basics 2/ed Rashidi 12296
150 13243 Bioinformatics Basics 2/ed Rashidi 12297
151 13246 Bioinformatics Basics 2/ed Rashidi 12298
152 13241 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12299
153 13233 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12300
154 13225 Bioinformatics of Modern Approach K.N.Srinivas 12301
155 13226 Bioinformatics of Modern Approach K.N.Srinivas 12302
156 13222 Bioinformatics of Modern Approach K.N.Srinivas 12303
157 13223 Bioinformatics of Modern Approach K.N.Srinivas 12304
158 5961 aho, sethi and ullman compilers, principals techniques and tools 12305
159 5959 aho, sethi and ullman compilers, principals techniques and tools 12306
160 11123 aho, sethi and ullman computers, principals techniques and tools 12307
161 11124 aho, sethi and ullman computers, principals techniques and tools 12309
162 13409 Balagrusamy Programming with Java A Primer 3rd Edition 12310
163 6670 kerningham and ritchie the c programming language 12312
164 605 kerningham and ritchie the c programming language 12313
165 5449 elmasri and navathe fundamental of data base systems 12314
166 6574 elmasri and navathe fundamental of data base systems 12315
167 13395 Pressman Software Engineering 6/e 12316
168 13396 Pressman Software Engineering 6/e 12317
169 9036 k. udaya kumar bs, uma shankar advanced micro processor 12319
170 9035 k. udaya kumar bs, uma shankar advanced micro processor 12320
171 5424 r.g.s. asthana computer graphics for scientist engineers 12321
172 3755 r.g.s. asthana computer graphics for scientist engineers 12322
173 4347 r.g.s. asthana computer graphics for scientist engineers 12323
174 13121 Computer Graphics C Version 2/ed Hearn D 12324
175 13122 Computer Graphics C Version 2/ed Hearn D 12325
176 13190 Digital Image Processing Gonzalez 12326
177 13137 Digital Image Processing Gonzalez 12327
178 13191 Digital Image Processing Gonzalez 12328
179 13192 Digital Image Processing Gonzalez 12329
180 13193 Digital Image Processing Gonzalez 12330
181 9319 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12331
182 9317 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12332
183 9312 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12333
184 9320 karl moss java servlets ( second edition) 12334
185 5218 rober s. pressman software engineering 12336
186 10325 gary cornell visual basic 6 from the group up 12338
187 10326 gary cornell visual basic 6 from the group up 12339
188 13240 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12341
189 13238 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12342
190 13236 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12343
191 13235 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12344
192 13232 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12345
193 8739 ceri and pelagatti distributed database principals and systems 12346
194 8738 ceri and pelagatti distributed database principals and systems 12347
195 5392 stern & stern structured cobol programmming 12349
196 6213 mathur introduction to microprocessors lll edition 12350
197 6212 mathur introduction to microprocessors lll edition 12351
198 9227 neumann & sproull principales of interactive computer graphics 12352
199 9229 neumann & sproull principales of interactive computer graphics 12353
200 13157 Principles of Mobile Computing Hansmann 12354
201 13158 Principles of Mobile Computing Hansmann 12355
202 13143 Mobile Communications 2/ed Schiller 12356
203 13144 Mobile Communications 2/ed Schiller 12357
204 9542 horstmann cornell java 2 volume l fundamentals 12358
205 9541 horstmann cornell java 2 volume l fundamentals 12359
206 9543 horstmann cornell java 2 volume l fundamentals 12360
207 5393 stern & stern structured cobol programmming 12368
208 11098 schalkoff artificial neural networks 12386
209 13234 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12388
210 13237 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12389
211 13239 Mathematical Elments for comp Graph Rogers 12390
212 11108 limin fu neural networks in computer intelligence 12391
213 11111 limin fu neural networks in computer intelligence 12392
214 7345 john f. koegel bufort visualc++5from the ground up 12393
215 13124 Computer Graphics C Version 2/ed Hearn D 12395
216 5612 c.j. date data base system 12397
217 10309 hughes and cotterell software project management 12398
218 7217 dustin r. callaway inside servlets 12399
219 8758 ken, jemes david java programming 3 editions 12400
220 13188 Cryptography and Network Security 4/e Stallings 12401
221 9367 ellis horowitz fundamentals data structures 12402
222 9031 k. udaya kumar bs, uma shankar advanced micro processor 12403
223 9403 hopcroft rajiv notwani, jeffry d, ullman intr authomate thery languages and computation 12404
224 9400 hopcroft rajiv notwani, jeffry d, ullman intr authomate thery languages and computation 12405
225 13227 Developing Bioinformatics Computer SkGibas 12406
226 13228 Developing Bioinformatics Computer SkGibas 12407
227 6658 geoffrey gordol simulation 2 edition 12408
228 6657 geoffrey gordol simulation 2 edition 12409
229 6315 m. morris mano Digital Logic and Computer Science 12410
230 6567 m. morris mano Digital Logic and Computer Science 12411
231 6184 sommer ville Software Engineering 12412
232 6185 sommer ville software engineeting 12413
233 6642 m k roy and ghost dastidar cobal programming 12414
234 6643 m k roy and ghost dastidar cobal programming 12415
235 13177 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12416
236 13173 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12417
237 8874 grogory.l.heileman data structure alogorithms and oop 12419
238 8865 grogory.l.heileman data structure alogorithms and oop 12420
239 13244 Bioinformatics Basics 2/ed Rashidi 12421
240 7222 banks,carson nelson discrete events simulation 12422
241 6696 tremblay and manohar disrete mathe with application to cs 12423
242 13138 Enterprise Java Beans Valesky 12424
243 9529 fred halsall data commcomputer networks open systems 12425
244 7185 noel jerke visual basic 6 the complete reference 12426
245 6286 elmasri and navathe fundamental of data base systems 12427
246 8731 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (third edition) 12428
247 9295 ozsu and valduriez distributed database systems 12429
248 9087 silber schatz and galvin operating system 5 edition 12431
249 8772 hall microprassess and interface ll edition 12432
250 8768 hall microprassess and interface ll edition 12433
251 6943 Averall m.lam & David Kelton Simulation Modelling and analysis 12434
252 7126 chapra and canale nemerical methods for engeneers 12435
253 9124 tay vaughan multimedia making it work (fifth edition) 12437
254 13187 Cryptography and Network Security 4/e Stallings 12439
255 9103 silber schatz and galvin operating system 5 edition 12440
256 13163 Procedural Elements of Computer GraphRogers 12441
257 13201 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12442
258 9307 kalakota frontiers of electronic commerce 12443
259 10319 walker royce software project management 12444
260 11113 donald a waterman a guide to expert sstems 12445
261 9119 ali bahrani object oriented systems development 12446
262 6861 narsingh deo digital computer 12447
263 9609 ravi kalakota electranic comerce 12448
264 9601 efraim jaaelee david michael electranic communication 12450
265 8720 kamlesh k. bajaj debjanie nag e- commerce the cutting edge of business 12451
266 10642 courter marquis office 2000 12452
267 3255 steven harrington computer graphics 12453
268 13181 Wireless Communication & Networks 2 Stallings 12454
269 13224 Bioinformatics of Modern Approach K.N.Srinivas 12455
270 13403 Beizer Software Testing Techniques 12456
271 7213 fred halsall data communicationsnetworks open system 12457
272 6262 aho, and ullman principales of compiler desing 12458
273 5626 jeffrey cornell principlies of database 12459
274 1094 R.D.Tennent principals of procramming 12461
275 8982 roger s. pressman software engineering 12462
276 8717 bajaj and nag e- commerce the cutting edge of business 12463
277 8765 m. morris mano computer system architecture 12463
278 9198 daiel and emma minoll web commerce technology handbook 12464
279 6744 ellis horowitz fundamentals of programming languages 12466
280 9123 tay vaughan multimedia making it work (fifth edition) 12467
281 6862 narsingh deo digital computer 12468
282 6263 aho, and ullman principales of compiler desing 12469
283 10317 walker royce software project management 12470
284 9364 ellis horowitz fundamentals data structures 12471
285 6608 pattrick smith client server 2 edition 12472
286 6260 aho,ullman, john e hopcroft data structures and alogorothms 12473
287 5465 C.J.Date An introduction to Database system 12475
288 4386 C.J.Date An introduction to Database system 12476
289 7343 jerke visual basic 6 the complete reference 12479
290 13175 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12532
291 9348 m. morris mano Digital Logic and Computer Science 12533
292 13401 Beizer Software Testing Techniques 12535
293 11110 limin fu neural networks in computer intelligence 12536
294 9602 efraim jaaelee david michael electranic communication 12538
295 9608 ravi kalakota electranic comerce 12539
296 8718 kamlesh k. bajaj debjanie nag e- commerce the cutting edge of business 12540
297 13390 Prasad Software Testing Tools with CD 12541
298 8727 andrew s tannenbaum alberts computer networks (third edition) 12542
299 13156 Principles of Mobile Computing Hansmann 12543
300 9304 kalakota and whinston frontiers of electranic commerce 12544
301 10320 walker royce software project management 12546
302 9300 ozsu and valduriez distributed database systems 12548
303 9002 schildt c++ the complete reference 12550
304 9453 stein metz and nahrstedt multimedia computing communication 12551
305 10315 hughes and cotterell software project management 12552
306 13147 Mobile Communications 2/ed Schiller 12553
307 13392 Prasad Software Testing Tools with CD 12555
308 9125 tay vaughan multimedia making it work (fifth edition) 12556
309 9171 behrouz a. rerouzan data communicationsand networking 12557
310 9200 bajaj and nag e- commerce the cutting edge of business 12558
311 9344 m.morris mano digital logic and computer design 12559
312 9539 horstmann cornell java 2 volume l fundamentals 12560
313 9615 ozsu and valduriez distributed database systems 12561
314 8657 john f. koegel bufort multimedia systems 12562
315 8872 grogory.l.heileman data structure alogorithms and oop 12564
316 5985 aho,ullman, john e hopcroft data structures and alogorothms 12565
317 13123 Computer Graphics C Version 2/ed Hearn D 12567
318 13412 Balagrusamy Programming with Java A Primer 3rd Edition 12568
319 13120 Computer Graphics C Version 2/ed Hearn D 12570
320 11094 yashwant
Graphics: Principles & unix shell program, ming 12571
321 13126 Practice Foley 12572
322 13178 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12574
323 13171 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar 12575
324 8976 roger s. pressman software engineering 12579
325 6295 Jhon P.Hayes computer Architecture and Organization 12582
326 9339 m.morris mano digital logic and computer design 12583
327 9451 stein metz and nahrstedt multimedia computing communication 12585
328 8549 bibin c. desai introduction to data base systems 12593
329 9408 hopcroft rajiv notwani, jeffry d, ullman intro authomate thery languages and computation 12594
330 9194 daiel and emma minoll web commerce technology handbook 12595
331 9092 silber schatz and galvin operating system 5 edition 12596
332 6751 aho, and ullman principales of compiler desing 12597
333 13202 J2EE 1.4 BIBLE James Mcgovern 12600
334 6223 naughton schildt java 2 the complete reference 12633
335 9178 behrouz a. rerouzan data communicationsand networking 12638
336 10336 jerke visual basic 6 12639
337 13410 Balagrusamy Programming with Java A Primer 3rd Edition 12640
338 4536 silber schatz and galvin database concepts 20929
339 6949 dennis robert randall intruduction to using siman 122291
340 5240 milan milenkovic operating systems concepts and design Old
341 8907 richard, dan, brian mathew macro asp. 3.0 programmers reference Old
342 11096 yashwant kanitkar unix shell program, ming old
343 13172 Unix Shell Programming Kanethkar Old
344 13229 Inside Servelets (with CD) Callaway

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