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Teste de Portugus 9.


Nome: _______________________________________________ Data: ___ / ___ / ___

Classificao: _______________________ Professor: _____________________________

Read the text very carefully.

Family Fortune

Scientists and psychologists agree that although many factors contribute to forming your
personality, for example, your sex, class, culture, or lifestyle, one of the most important is
your position in the family. So how have you been affected?

Are you a first child, a middle child, the youngest, or an only child?

First-born children. If you are a firstborn child, you are probably self-confident and a good leader
- you came first after all. You may also be bossy and even aggressive if you don't get what you
want. You are ambitious, and good at communicating, because you learned to speak from your
parents, not from brothers and sisters. On the other hand, if you are the oldest and so you have to
be the most responsible, and this can make you the kind of person who worries a lot.

Middle children are usually

independent and competitive. You
had to fight with your brothers and
sisters to get what you wanted.
You are also co-operative as you
always had to negotiate with either
your older or your younger
brothers and sisters. You are
sociable, as you always had
someone to play with. On the other
hand, you may be jealous and
insecure or moody if you felt that
your parents preferred your older
brother or sister

Youngest children are often very charming. You learned very quickly that you could get exactly
what you want by being charming - and this can make you manipulative. You are usually
affectionate and relaxed because when you arrived your parents were more relaxed themselves.
But you are often not very independent as you always had so many people to help Vou. This makes
it hard for you to take decisions. And you may be lazy, because your parents probably pushed you
less and were less strict with you than with your older brothers and sisters.
Only children are often quite selfish. You had the wonderful luxury of not having to share your
parents' attention with anybody else. In fact, you received so much attention as a child that you
find it difficult to be interested in other people. On the other hand, you are usually organized and
responsible, and often imaginative. But you may find it difficult to communicate with others, and
are very 55 sensitive to criticism.

Article taken from English File Intermediate

1 Now write True (T) or False (F) according to the text. Correct the false ones.

a) Scientists believe that many factors affect peoples personality. [ ]

b) The parents are not so strict with the oldest children [ ]

c) The first-born children are better at communicating. [ ]

d) The middle children are always very unstable. [ ]

e) The children are sometimes spoiled of they dont have siblings. [ ]

f) A lot of help from people around you can be lazy. [ ]





2 Find words in the text which means

a) The sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of _____________
an individual.

b) Overly authoritative. ____________________

c) The person who likes being with other people. ____________________

d) Temperamental. _______________________

e) Clever at controlling people to get what you want. ___________________

f) Characteristic of a person who expects people to obey rules or to do what ________________

he/she says.

1. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Present Perfect.
Example: I __________________ my fathers car. (wash)
I have washed my fathers car.

a) Karen __________________ me as e-mail. (send)

b) Dave and Pate __________________ the museum. (visit)

c) I __________________ at the pet shop. (be)

d) They __________________ already __________________ their bags. (pack)

e) Marcus __________________ an accident. (have)

2 - Complete the text with the verbs in the box.

Can cant couldnt m allowed were allowed werent allowed

Ive just finished a two-week course at United Football Academy. It was good fun, but it was strict!
Here at home, I ________________ to go to bed at eleven and twelve oclock at weekends, but at
UFA ______________ we __________________ go to bed later than ten thirty. At home, we
________________ text or phone our mates at any time, but we __________________ to use our
mobiles at UFA except in emergencies. But it was worth it, because we _________________ to
play football every day at UFA!

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb (Present Simple / Present

a) Every Monday, Sally _____________ (drive) her kids to football practice.

b) Usually, I ______________ (work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I __________ (study)
French at a language school in Paris.

c) Shhhh! Be quiet. John is ________________ (sleep).

d) Dont forget to take your umbrella. It ___________________ (rain).

e) I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) __________________.

f) Im sorry, I cant hear what you _______________ (say) because everybody ______________
(talk) so loudly-

h) Justin ___________________ (write currently) a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he
can find a good publisher when he is finished.

i) Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

Denise: Oh, Im sorry. I cant. I _______________ (go) to a movie tonight with some friends.

j) The business cards ________________ (be normally) printed by a company in NY. Their prices
___________ (be) inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good.

k) This delicious chocolate ____________ (be) made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb (Past Simple / Past Continuous)

a) What _____________ (do) when I _______________ (call) you last night?

b) I ____________ (sit) in a caf when you _______________ (call).

c) When you ____________ (arrive) at the party, who ____________ (be) there?

d) Susie _________________ (watch) a film when she _________________ (hear) the noise.

e) Yesterday, I ______________ (go) to the library, next I ______________ (have) a swim, later I
____________ (meet) Julie for a coffee.

f) We ______________ (play) tennis when John _______________ (hurt) his ankle.

g) What _____________ (they/do) at 10pm last night?

h) He _______________ (take) a shower when the telephone ______________ (ring).

i) He _______________ (be) in the shower when the telephone _____________ (ring).

k) When I ___________ (walk) into the room, everyone ______________ (work).

5 - Write what Sarah said, making the necessary changes.

a) Im living in New York.

She said ___________________________________________________________________

b) My mother isnt very well.

She said ___________________________________________________________________

c) Janet and Paul are going to visit Italy next month.

She said ___________________________________________________________________

d) My brother had an accident.

She said ___________________________________________________________________

e) I havent seen Diana last night.

She said ___________________________________________________________________

f) Jack and Jill were waiting for the bus.

She said ___________________________________________________________________
4 - Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) She showed them the new baby.


b) Someone asked him a very difficult question.


c) We must look into the matter.


d) People speak well of him.


e) They told her to be quickly


f) Someone told them to wait outside


g) Someone promised me a bicycle if I passed my examination.


Write a text (80 to 125 words) about your family. Use the topics:
Whats your position in the family? Are you the oldest, the youngest, in the middle, or an
only child?
Do you like your position? Why? Why not?
What are the advantages/ disadvantages of having a lot of brothers and sisters/ being the
only child/ having a younger brother?
Do you think your position in the family affects your personality? Why?




















Prof. Lcia Rocha

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