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X. Yang, L.T. Fan and L.E. Erickson, Department of Chemical Engineering, Durland Hall,
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-5102

In-situ bioremediation is a process by which contaminants in subsurface environments
are biologically eliminated or mineralized; however, it is often difficult to implement.
Microbes sparsely distributed in deep soils are incapable of degrading a chemical rapidly;
furthermore, fine-pore structures of soils tend to retard the penetration and propagation
of these microbes and to hinder oxygen transfer. The latter is particularly detrimental to
the aerobic growth of microbes, which is often essential for bioremediation. Measures
intended to promote bioremediation, such as addition of surfactants for enhancing
dissolution and application of genetically-engineered microbes for accelerating the
biodegradation of the contaminants, are almost impossible to adopt. This is attributable
to the fact that various facets of the bioremediation process, e.g., the distribution of
dissolved contaminants, nutrients and oxygen, and the concentration of microbes, can
not be readily manipulated.

The present work proposes a novel technology, namely, bio-wall. This technology resorts
to an in-situ constructed medium with porosity and organic content greater than those of
the original soil for promoting the adsorption and retention of microbes and the
biodegradation of contaminants. Moreover, oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the bio-
wall to facilitate microbial growth. The results of a conceptual design study and simulation
have revealed that the technology is indeed feasible and, under certain environmental
conditions, cost-effective. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the bio-wall can prevent
contaminant migration through enhancement of the biodegradation rate and reduction of
the plume-distance, both by several orders of magnitude.

bio-wall, remediation, soil, biodegradation

INTRODUCTION nology (see, e.g., [1, 2]). In principle, it is

capable of permanently restoring or r e-
Manufacture, transportation and consum p- claiming a contaminated site with little env i-
tion of organic chemicals have frequently ronmental impact. It appears, however, that
caused soil to be contaminated, thus po s- successful implementation of strictly in-situ
ing serious environmental threats. Rem e- bioremediation has seldom been achieved
diation of organic-contaminated soils has [3]. Frequently, biodegradation is not sui t-
indeed become urgent; however, it can o f- able for local environments in subsurface
ten be costly. Conventional methods of soils because it does not proceed at a sa t-
remediation, such as pump-and-treat, soil isfactory rate. In general, the deeper the
excavation and incineration, have nume r- location in the soil, the smaller the microbial
ous drawbacks including high cost, risk of population. Moreover, fine-pore structures
exposure to contaminants, and difficulties of soils substantially retard the convection
of final disposal. On the other hand, in-situ and propagation of microorganisms as well
bioremediation has been demonstrated by as the transport of inorganic nutrients and
laboratory experiments and pilot field stu d- oxygen. Field investigations have revealed
ies to be a potentially cost-effective tec h- that compositions of oil deposits in some

312 Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research

Figure 1. Basic design of the bio-wall.

landfills did not change even after forty thermore, the pores of the media are larger
years [4]. Above-ground as well as unde r- than those of the soil, thereby substantially
ground constructions, including buildings, elevating the packed trench's hydraulic
highways, buried cables and sewer pipes, conductivity or permeability. Hence, the
are serious barriers to implementation of in- bio-wall does not significantly affect the
situ bioremediation. This paper introduces ground water flow pattern including the d i-
a novel technology, namely the bio-wall rection and velocity of flow. The packings
technology, to lessen the difficulties i n- provide surfaces for cells to attach the m-
volved in the remediation of contaminated selves and to form colonies. Immobilized
ground water and subsurface soils. cells on solid surfaces are protected from
washout; moreover, they grow to higher
Bio-wall refers to an in-situ constructed densities than those in suspension cultures.
trench packed with materials that effectively The packings also serve as sources of
promote biodegradation; it is schematically natural carbon for sustaining the microbial
represented in Figure 1. At a contaminated populations. Air is pumped through a layer
site, the trench is placed downstream of the or several layers of horizontally-installed
contamination and cuts across the potential pipelines to supply oxygen and to strip the
trajectory of any contaminant plume. The volatile organic compounds. Since oxygen
contaminated site can also be surrounded is steadily transferred from the air to water,
by the bio-wall if the ground water flow is its concentration can be maintained at a
irregular or when there is no prevailing flow reasonable level in the bio-wall. Generally,
pattern. soil has an abundance of nutrients and
minerals; nonetheless, additional nutrients
CONCEPTUAL DESIGN can be supplied through the pipelines if
needed. Temperature and pH can be co n-
To construct a bio-wall, soil is excavated to trolled by supplying heat and buffer sol u-
create a trench. This trench is then packed tions, respectively. Thus, the physical and
with a mixture of sand, rocks, wood chips, biochemical conditions can be readily m a-
sewage sludge and other materials, e.g., nipulated to promote biodegradation of
controlled-release devices containing nutr i- contaminants in the bio-wall. A microbial
ents (see, e.g., [5]), that facilitate microbial control screen is optional at the outlet of the
growth. Naturally, the organic contents of bio-wall. The screen can be a grid of small
the media packed in the trench tend to be perforated pipes through which disinfectant
higher than those of the original soil. Fu r-

Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research 313

such as chlorine or ozone can be injected tion and eventually the required amounts of
into the ground water. The screen may also oxygen and nutrients, all of which are e s-
be substituted by a thin bed of triiodide- sential for designing and operating the bio-
disinfection resin beads [6]. The function of wall.
the screen is to sanitize out-flow water and
to prevent pathogens from propagating out Basic design
of the bio-wall downstream.
The assumption of uniform physico-
chemical and microbial properties in a bio-
Design equations
wall can substantially simplify the design
A quantitative description of biodegradation equations. This assumption is justifiable in
in the bio-wall is obtained through mass the light of the fact that the air bubbles rise
balances for participating species in a co n- through the porous media, thereby inducing
trol volume. Both oxygen and nutrients are vertical pore-water flow and effective mi x-
supplied at sufficient rates; thus, it is re a- ing. For simplicity, a system with one co n-
sonable to assume that the rate of biod e- taminant, i.e., a one-component system, is
gradation is not limited by their concentr a- considered here. For designing this system,
tions, but depends only on the concentr a- the following additional assumptions are
tions of substrates, i.e., the contaminants, imposed: a. steady-state biotransformation;
Csi's, and biomass, C b. This gives rise to b. uniform biomass distribution; c. equili b-
the following set of performance equations rium adsorption-desorption; d. one-
for the bio-wall [7]. dimensional ground water flow; and e. ne g-
ligible axial dispersion. Under these a s-
C si k a q sumptions, Equation 1 becomes
( )
= E si C si - (u Csi ) + si si - Csi
d (uCs ) Cs (4)
= - m Rb C b
mi C si (1) dx Ys K s + Cs
- Rb Cb
Y si K si + Csi
To integrate this equation, let the position
q si q (2) of inlet flow be x = 0 where C s = C0; then,
= - ak si si - C si
t K dsi
Cs R b Cb (5)
K s ln + ( C s - C 0 ) = - m x
C0 Ys u
( R b C b )
( )
= E b Cb - u Cb +( ) (3)

mi Rb Cb K C+siC - k d Rb C b Suppose that the inlet concentration, C 0,
i si si equals 1000 mg/L, and the acceptable level
of the contaminant's concentration, C s, is 1
The notations in these and other equations mg/L. The maximum specific growth rate,
are fully elaborated in the nomenclature m, the saturation constant, K s, and the
section. yield factor, Y s, are estimated to be 5 d -1,
50 mg/L, and 1 g cell/g substrate, respe c-
A bio-wall constructed in soil creates se v- tively [8]. The flow rate of water, u, is taken
eral distinct interfaces whose boundary to be 1x10 -2 cm/s. Typically, the biomass
conditions need to be derived from the concentration in surface soils is 10 8 cells/g
continuity of concentrations and that of soil corresponding to C b = 2x10 -4 g/cm3.
mass fluxes [7]. Equations 1 through 3 can The retardation factor, R b, is assumed to be
be solved, subject to these boundary co n- 10. According to Equation 5, the width of
ditions and the appropriate initial cond i- the bio-wall required to reduce C s from
tions. This determines the concentration 1000 mg/L to 1 mg/L is 1.16 m. The exit
profiles and local organic carbon consum p- concentration as well as the residence time

314 Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research

marized in Table 2.

Alternative designs
The basic design of the bio-wall can be
adapted for various situations. Some mod i-
fied designs are outlined below.

Dual-trench system
If the pore structures of a soil provide su r-
faces and spaces sufficient for microbial
growth, the soil itself serves as the packing
of the bio-wall, thus giving rise to a dual-
trench system, as illustrated in Figure 3.
The pipes in the first trench, i.e., the inlet-
flow trench, supply the main body of the
Figure 2. Contaminant concentration profile in the system, i.e., the soil sandwiched between
bio-wall. the two trenches, with oxygen, nutrients,
genetically engineered microorganisms,
of flow in terms of the width of the bio-wall and/or substrates for co-metabolic degr a-
are tabulated in Table 1; the corresponding dation. Excess biomass at the inlet of the
concentration profile is plotted in Figure 2. main body may block transport of oxygen
A bio-wall, 2 m in width, can reduce C s to and nutrients by completely consuming
4x10-9 mg/L, thereby indicating that the them. It has been reported that injection of
contaminant is essentially completely d e- hydrogen peroxide is capable of removing
stroyed within the bio-wall. this inlet microbial barrier and maintaining
adequate biomass distribution [2].
As an example, each individual component
of BETX (benzene, ethyl-benzene, toluene Trickling filter system
and xylene, which are common constit u- Trickling filters are widely found in facilities
ents of petroleum fuels) is considered for biological waste water treatment. Each
separately as a contaminant. The widths of trickling filter consists of a highly permeable
the bio-wall necessary to reduce the co n- medium, usually rocks of sizes ranging
taminant concentration to various exit le v- from 25 to 100 mm in diameter, to which
els have been computed by considering microorganisms are attached and through
that the inlet concentration is at the sat u- which waste water is trickled or percolated.
rated aqueous concentration of the respe c- Figure 4 illustrates the bio-wall in which a
tive compound and that the other param e- trickling filter is incorporated. Water near
ters remain invariant. The results are su m-

Table 1. Effect of the width of the bio-wall on the exit contaminant concentration for an inlet concentration of 1000

Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research 315

Figure 3. Dual-trench system.

the outlet of the bio-wall is extracted by a wall as illustrated in Figure 5. The effluent
pump, conveyed to the top and sprayed; is transported to the contaminated spot and
then, it trickles downward over the packings spread onto an infiltration gallery to di s-
in the bio-wall. It is expected that the effe c- solve the contaminants. The hydraulic head
tiveness of the technology will be greatly created by the flushing will increase or
enhanced through incorporation of the even induce ground water flow that moves
trickling filter. Consequently, the width of the contaminants into the bio-wall for
the bio-wall can be substantially shortened, transformation and detoxification.
which, in turn, would reduce the constru c-
tion cost under some circumstances. DISCUSSION
Soil-flushing system The rate of biodegradation depends directly
on the biomass concentration. Commonly,
To accelerate the remediation, the bio-wall the biomass concentration, C b, in soils
can be provided with soil-flushing capabi l- deeper than 1 m is less than 10 4 cells/g soil
ity. In this scenario, a pumping system is (see, e.g., [9]). With this value and the p a-
installed to recycle the effluent from the bio- rameter values given in Table 1, Equation 5

Table 2. Widths of the bio-wall necessary for treating BETX to various exit concentrations.

316 Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research

renders it possible to circumvent the
aboveground and underground structures
or barriers.

Surfactants and genetically

engineered microorganisms
Soils often form heterogeneous substru c-
tures such as aggregates and strata of di f-
ferent permeabilities. Heterogeneities fr e-
quently bring about uneven distribution of
contaminants, which severely retards inte r-
phase mass transfer. Another factor that
profoundly retards mass exchanges b e-
Figure 4. Bio-wall incorporated with a trickling filter. tween phases is the exceedingly low sol u-
bilities of the contaminants. Mass transfer
limitations prolong the time of remediation.
yields x = 11.62 km, thereby indicating that Certain reactive agents, e.g., cosolvents or
the contaminant can migrate 11.62 km in surfactants, have proved to be capable of
ground water without a bio-wall. Neverth e- enhancing mass transfer when injected into
less, this is too optimistic a value because the contaminated soil [11]. Surfactants are
some of the rate-limiting factors, such as highly regulated by EPA since no affor d-
the availability of oxygen and nutrients, able technology is available which eff i-
have not been considered in the calcul a- ciently contains or collects all the surfa c-
tion. By taking into account the majority of tant-mobilized contaminants. As discussed
the important rate-limiting factors, we o b- above, a properly designed bio-wall can
tain [10] confine the contamination by destroying the
contaminants that travel through it. Thus,
mi C si Cj the bio-wall is capable of preventing the
- ri = Rb Cb (6)
Y si K si + C si j K sj + C j migration of surfactant-mobilized contam i-
nants and to make the application of su r-
If the effects of all rate-limiting factors e x- factants beneficial.
cept the concentrations of biomass and
contaminant are lumped into a factor a s- To effectively biodegrade contaminants r e-
sumed to be 0.5, the distance the contam i- quires genetically-robust microorganisms.
nant travels without the bio-wall can be e s- Genetically-engineered microorganisms
timated to be 23.24 km, which is 20,000 (GEM's) may possess the capability of i m-
times larger than the width of the bio-wall. proving or even inducing biodegradation of
some recalcitrant compounds. Currently,
A bio-wall is constructed so that the most various GEM's are patented [12]; however,
favorable environment for biodegradation is seeding GEM's is not encouraged by EPA
created and the concentrations of contam i- because of possible micro-ecological cata s-
nants in the outlet stream are reduced to trophes if GEM's are freely released into
acceptable levels. The soil excavated to the environment. In contrast, a bio-wall is
create a trench to accommodate the bio- capable of manipulating and controlling m i-
wall is substantially less than the total crobial population and propagation. Water
amount of contaminated soil. The exc a- leaving the bio-wall is disinfected with the
vated soil is uncontaminated; therefore, it microbial control screen. The bio-wall,
does not pose much difficulty for disposal. therefore, provides a controlled enviro n-
Moreover, a properly designed bio-wall ment for GEM application.

Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research 317

Figure 5. Soil-flushing system.

Emission control pends on both the plant species and the

contaminants to be treated.
Volatile organic contaminants (VOCs) will
disperse into the air phase in a bio-wall and Prefabricated compartments
be transported out by air. To meet the air
emission standards, air from the bio-wall and standardization
must be collected for further treatment The optimum packing for specific contam i-
above ground. This can be accomplished nants remains a subject for further r e-
by a system consisting of an impermeable search. Once the optimum packing and a r-
cover spread over the bio-wall and a sto r- rangement of pipes are designed, the bio-
age tank. The above-ground treatment of wall can be prefabricated off-site in se c-
VOCs usually involves adsorption with tions or compartments. Obviously, the d e-
granular activated carbon (GAC), chemical sign and construction of these compar t-
oxidation or incineration. ments can be standardized for specific
types of contaminants for cost reduction
Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is a well- and convenience. After screening and
developed technology to treat VOC co n- characterizing a contaminated site, prefa b-
tamination in vadose zones. To maximize ricated compartments can be placed into
the extent of remediation, the bio-wall the trench with ease.
technology can be applied in conjunction
with SVE. Since the vacuum in SVE cr e- Disposal
ates a negative pressure head for the air
phase, pumping air into the bio-wall may A bio-wall may be removed when the site is
not be needed in this scenario. Air will be remediated. The normal procedure is to: (1)
drawn into the bio-wall when one end of terminate the oxygen and nutrient supplies;
each oxygen-supply pipe is exposed to the (2) remove the pipes and microbe-control
atmosphere. screen for reuse (or they may be simply left
in place); and (3) recover or dispose of the
A rhizosphere may also be created by packing without treatment since it is not
vegetation on the top of the bio-wall. The hazardous. If GEM's are seeded, the bio-
rhizosphere has the potential of playing the wall must be disinfected before disposal.
role of an in-situ bioreactor in the vadose This can be accomplished by injecting a
zone to transform VOC's that pass through disinfectant through the oxygen and nutr i-
it [13]. The efficacy of vegetation to rem e- ent supply pipes.
diate an organically-contaminated site d e-

318 Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research

CONCLUDING REMARKS Cj concentration or intensity of rate-
limiting substance except biomass
An innovative technology, i.e., the bio-wall and contaminant, M/L 3
technology, is introduced for enhancing
biodegradation in subsurface soils. This Cs aqueous concentration of the co n-
technology should enable us to confine taminant, M/L 3
spatial propagation of contaminants as well Csi aqueous concentration of the i-th
as microorganisms, and also to manipulate contaminant compound, M/L 3
the physico-chemical conditions for acce l-
erating bio-transformation. Various co n- C0 aqueous concentratio n of contami-
cepts, principles of design, and alternative nant at the inlet, M/L 3
designs of the bio-wall system have been
elucidated. Through simulation, the system Esi dispersive coefficient tensor for the
has been demonstrated to be effective; it i-th contaminant compound, L 2/t
can potentially reduce the contaminant
plume-distance by several orders of magn i- Eb dispersive coefficient tensor for
tude. Further studies, especially laboratory biomass, L /t
experimentation and field demonstration, kd decay rate constant, t -1
are required to determine the optimal d e-
Kdsi partition coefficient of the i-th co n-
sign and to gather additional data for o p-
taminant compound
Ks saturation constant of the contam i-
Although the research described in this a r- Ksi saturation constant of the i-th co n-
ticle has been funded in part by the United taminant compound, M/L 3
States Environmental Protection Agency ksi mass transfer coefficient of the i-th
under assistance agreements R-815709 contaminant compound
and R-819653 to the Great Plains-Rocky
Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Ksj saturation constant of other rate-
Center for U.S. EPA Regions 7 and 8 with limiting substances, M/L 3
headquarters at Kansas State University, it qsi concentration of contaminant in the
has not been subjected to the Agency's solid phase, M/L 3
peer and administrative review and, ther e-
fore, may not necessarily reflect the views Rb retardation factor of biomass
of the Agency. No official endorsement ri reaction rate, M/(L 3/t)
should be inferred. This research was pa r-
t time, t
tially supported by the Kansas State Un i-
versity Center for Hazardous Substance u mean pore-water velocity, L/t
Research. _
u pore-water velocity vector, L/t
NOMENCLATURE x distance from the inlet in the bio-
a interfacial area of the aqueous and wall, L
solid phases per unit volume of the Ys yield factor, M/M
soil, L2/L3
Ysi yield factor of the i-th contaminant
Cb concentration of biomass, M/L 3 compound, M/M
void fraction
m maximum specific growth rate, t

Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research 319

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density, M/L 3 10. L.T. Fan, R.P. Krishnan and S.H. Lin,
Mathematical Modeling of Aquatic Sy s-
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320 Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research

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