Residual Quotient and Annihilator of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets of Ring and Module

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International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017


P.K. Sharma1 and Gagandeep Kaur2
P.G. Department of Mathematics, D.A.V. College, Jalandhar City, Punjab, India
Research Scholar, IKG PT University, Jalandhar , Punjab

In this paper, we introduce the concept of residual quotient of intuitionistic fuzzy subsets of ring and
module and then define the notion of residual quotient intuitionistic fuzzy submodules , residual quotient
intuitionistic fuzzy ideals. We study many properties of residual quotient relating to union, intersection,
sum of intuitionistic fuzzy submodules (ideals). Using the concept of residual quotient, we investigate some
important characterization of intuitionistic fuzzy annihilator of subsets of ring and module. We also study
intuitionistic fuzzy prime submodules with the help of intuitionistic fuzzy annihilators. Many related
properties are defined and discussed.

Intuitionistic fuzzy (prime) submodule (ideal), residual quotient intuitionistic fuzzy submodules (ideal),
intuitionistic fuzzy annihilator, semiprime ring.

The concept of intuitionistic fuzzy sets was introduced by Atanassov [1], [2] as a generalization
to the notion of fuzzy sets given by Zedah [16]. Biswas was the first to introduce the intuitionistic
fuzzification of the algebraic structure and developed the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup
of a group in [5]. Hur and others in [8] defined and studied intuitionistic fuzzy subrings and ideals
of a ring. In [7] Davvaz et al. introduced the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy submodules which was
further studied by many mathematicians (see [4], [9], [12], [13], [14]).
The correspondence between certain ideals and submodules arising from annihilation plays a vital
role in the decomposition theory and Goldie like structures (see [6]). A detailed study of the
fuzzification of this and related concepts can be found in [10], [11] and [15]. Intuitionistic
fuzzification of such crisp sets leads us to structures that can be termed as intuitionistic fuzzy
prime submodules. In this paper, we attempt to define annihilator of an intuitionistic fuzzy subset
of a module using the concept of residual quotients and investigate various characteristic of it.
This concept will help us to explore and investigate various facts about the intuitionistic fuzzy
aspects of associated primes, Godlie like structures and singular ideals.

Throughout this section, R is a commutative ring with unity 1, 1 0, M is a unitary R-module and
is the zero element of M. The class of intuitionistic fuzzy subsets of X is denoted by IFS(X).
Definition (2.1)[4]
Let R be a ring. Then A IFS(R) is called an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of R if for all x , y R it

DOI:10.5121/ijcsit.2017.9401 1
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

(i ) A ( x y ) A ( x) A ( y ) , A ( x y ) A ( x) A ( y );
(ii ) A ( xy ) A ( x) A ( y ) , A ( xy ) A ( x) A ( y ).
The class of intuitionistic fuzzy ideals of R is denoted by IFI(R).
Definition (2.2)[4]
An intuitionistic fuzzy set A of an R-module M is called an intuitionistic fuzzy submodule
(IFSM) if for all x , y M and r R , we have

(i ) A ( ) = 1 , A ( ) = 0;
(ii ) A ( x + y ) A ( x) A ( y ) , A ( x + y ) A ( x) A ( y );
(iii ) A (rx) A ( x) , A (rx) A ( x).

The class of intuitionistic fuzzy submodules of M is denoted by IFM(M).

Definition (2.3)[2, 12]

Let , [0, 1] with + 1. An intuitionistic fuzzy point, written as x(,), is defined to be an
intuitionistic fuzzy subset of X, given by

( , ) ; if y = x
x( , ) ( y ) = . We write x( , ) A if and only if x C( , ) ( A),
(0,1) ; if y x
where C( , ) ( A) = { x X : A (x) and A (x) } is the ( , ) cut set (crisp set )
of the intuitionistic fuzzy set A in X.

Definition (2.4)[9]
Let M be an R-module and let A, B IFM(M). Then the sum A + B of A and B is defined as

A (y) B (z) ; if x = y + z (y) B (z) ; if x = y + z

A+ B ( x) = and A+ B ( x) = A
0 ; otherwise 1 ; otherwise
Then, A + BIFM(M).

Definition (2.5)
Let M be an R-module and let A IFS(R) and BIFM(M). Then the product AB of A and B is
defined as

(r) B (m) ; if x = rm (r) B (m) ; if x = rm

AB ( x) = A and AB ( x) = A , r R, m M .
0 ; otherwise 1 ; otherwise
Clearly, ABIFM(M).

Definition (2.6) [9, 12]

Let M be an R-module and let A, B IFM(M). Then the product AB of A and B is defined as

( y) B (z) ; if x = yz ( y) B (z) ; if x = yz
AB (x) = A and AB (x) = A ,where y, z M.
0 ; otherwise 1 ; otherwise
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

Definition (2.7) [3]

An PIFI(R) is called an intuitionistic fuzzy prime ideal of R if for any A, B IFI(R) the
condition AB P implies that either A P or B P.
Definition (2.8)
Let X be a non empty set and A X. Then an intuitionistic fuzzy set A = A , A ( ) is called
an intuitionistic fuzzy characteristic function and is defined as
1 ; if x A 0 ; if x A
( x) = and A ( x) = .
0 ; if x A 1 ; if x A

Definition (2.9)
Let M be R-module and is an IFS on M defined as (x) = (x), (x) , ( )
1 ; if x = 0 ; if x =
where ( x) = and ( x) =
0 ; if x 1 ; if x
and 0 and R are IFSs on R defined by
0 (r ) = ( (r ), (r ) ) and R (r ) = ( (r ), (r ) ) ,where
0 0 R R

1 ; if r = 0 0 ; if r = 0
(r ) = ; 0 (r ) = and R ( r ) = 1 ; R ( r ) = 0, r R.
0 ; if r 0 1 ; if r 0

Theorem (2.10)

Let x R and , (0,1] with + 1. Then < x(,) > = (,)< x >,
( , ) ; if y < x >
where ( , )< x > ( y ) = is called the ( , ) level (or cut set ) intuitionistic
(0,1) ; if y < x >
fuzzy ideal corresponding to < x >.
Proof. Case(i) When y < x > and let y = xn , for some positive interget n, then
( , ) <x >
(y) = = x( , ) (x) x( , ) (xn ) = x( , ) ( y) and
( , )<x >
(y) = = x( , ) (x) x( , ) (xn ) = x( , ) ( y)
Case(ii) When y < x >, then
( , ) <x >
(y) = 0 = x( , ) ( y) and ( , )< x > (y) = 1 = x( , ) ( y).
Thus in both the cases we find that ( , )< x > x( , ) .
Now < x( , ) > = { A : A IFI (R) such that x( , ) A} implies that ( , )< x > = < x( , ) > .

3. Residual quotient of intuitionistic fuzzy sets of ring and module

Throughout the paper, R is a commutative ring with unity 1, 1 0, M is a unitary R-module and
is the zero element of M. For a subset X of M, recall that < X > denotes the submodules of M
generated by X. For any x X, we let < x > denote the submodule of M generated by {x}.
For any submodule N of M we have (N : M) = { r | rR, rM N }.
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

In this section, we introduce and study the notion of residual quotient of intuitionistic fuzzy
subsets of ring and module.

Definition (3.1)
For A, B IFS(M) and CIFS(R), define the residual quotient (A: B) and (A: C) as

( A : B) = U {D : D IF S ( R ) su ch th at D B A } an d
( A : C ) = U {E : E IF S ( M ) su ch th at C E A }
Clearly, (A: B) IFS(R) and (A: C) IFS(M).
Theorem (3.2)
For A, B IFS(M) and CIFS(R). Then we have

(i) (A : B) = U{r( , ) : r R, , [0,1] with + 1 such that r( , ) B A} and

(ii) (A : C ) = U{ x( , ) : x M , , [0,1] with + 1 such that C x( , ) A} .
P ro o f. (i) W e k n o w th at
{r ( , ) : r R , , [0,1] w ith + 1 su ch th at r( , ) B A } IF S (R )
{r ( , ) : r R , , [0,1] w ith + 1 su ch th at r( , ) B A }
{D : D IF S ( R ) su ch th at D B A }
U {r ( , ) : r R , , [0,1] w ith + 1 su ch th at r( , ) B A }
U {D : D IF S ( R ) su ch th at D B A } = ( A : B ).
Let D IFS(R) such that D B A.
Let r R and D(r ) = ( , ) , i.e., D ( r ) = and D ( r ) = .
Now , (r ( , ) ( )
B ) ( x ) = r( , ) B ( x ), r( , ) B ( x ) , where

( , )
r B ( x ) = r ( s ) B ( y ) : s R , y M , sy = x
( , )
{ D ( r ) B ( y ) : y M , ry = x} [ Q r( , ) ( s ) D ( r ) = ]
= { D ( s ) B ( y ) : s R , y M , sy = x}
= DB ( x )
A ( x)
i.e., r( , ) B ( x ) A ( x ), x M .
Similarly, we can show that r( , ) B ( x ) A ( x ), x M . Thus, r( , ) B A.
So, (A:B) U {r( , ) : r R , , [0,1] with + 1 such that r( , ) B A}
Hence (A:B) = U {r ( , ) : r R , , [0,1] with + 1 such that r( , ) B A}.
(ii) The proof is similar to (i).

International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

Theorem (3.3) For A, B IFS(M) and CIFS(R). Then we have

(i) (A : B) B A;
(ii) C (A : C) A;
(iii) C B A C (A : B) B (A : C).
Proof. (i) Now, ( (A : B) B) ( x) = ( (A:B)B ( x), (A:B)B ( x) ) , where
(A:B)B ( x) = {(A:B) (r ) B ( y ) | r R, y M , ry = x}
= { { D (r ) | D IFS (R), D B A} B ( y ) | r R, y M , ry = x}
= { D (r ) B ( y ) | D IFS (R), D B A, y M , ry = x}
{ DB (ry ) | D IFS (R), D B A, y M , ry = x}
{ A (ry ) | y M , ry = x}
= A ( x).
Thus, (A:B)B ( x) A ( x), x M .
Similarly, we can show that (A:B)B ( x) A ( x), x M .
Hence (A : B) B A.
(ii) The proof is similar to (i)
(iii) This is an immediate consequences of (i) and (ii).

Theorem (3.4)
For Ai (i J) , BIFS(M) and CIFS(R). Then we have

(i) I Ai : B = I ( Ai : B) (ii) I Ai : C = I ( Ai : C ).
iJ iJ iJ iJ

Proof .(i) I Ai : B = U D : D IFS ( R) such that D B I Ai
iJ iJ
= U {D : D IFS ( R) such that D B Ai , i J }
= U {D : D IFS ( R) such that D ( Ai : B) , i J }

= U D : D IFS ( R ) such that D I ( Ai : B)
I ( Ai : B).

Thus I Ai : B I ( Ai : B).
iJ iJ

By previous theorem, we have

I (A i : B) B ( x) = I (Ai :B)B ( x), I (Ai :B)B ( x) , where
iJ iJ iJ

International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

( x ) = I (A i :B) ( r ) B ( y ) | r R , y M , ry = x
I (A i :B)B iJ

{ ( )
(A i :B) ( r ) B ( y ) | r R, y M , ry = x
{ ( ( ry ) ) | r R , y M , ry = x}
(A i :B)

{ ( ry ) | r R, y M , ry = x}

= ( x)
I Ai

i.e., ( x) ( x ), x M .
I (Ai :B)B I Ai
iJ iJ

Similarly, we can show that ( x) ( x ), x M .

I (A i :B)B I Ai
iJ iJ

Thus , I (A i : B) B I A i and so I (A
: B) I A i : B .......(2) i
iJ iJ iJ iJ

From (1) and (2) we get I (A i : B) = I A i : B.
iJ iJ
(ii) The proof is similar to (i).

Theorem (3.5)
For A, B IFS(M) and C IFS(R)
( i ) If A IF M ( M ), th en ( A : B ) = U {D : D IF I ( R ) su ch th at D B A }
( ii ) If C IF I ( R ), th en ( A : C ) = U {E : E IF M (M ) su ch th at C E A }
Proof. (i) Clearly, U{D: DIFI (R) s.t D B A} U{D: DIFS(R) s.t D B A} = (A: B).
Let r R, , (0,1] with + 1 such that r( , ) B A.
Let D = < r( , ) > . Then < r( , ) > B = ( , )< r > B.
Again, ( , )< r > B ( x ) = ( , )< r > ( s ) B ( y ) | r R , y M , sy = x }
= { A ( y ) | s < r > , y M , sy = x}

r( , ) B ( ry ) | t R , y M , t(ry ) = x }
{ A ( ry ) | t R , y M , t(ry ) = x}
{ A (t( ry )) | t R , y M , t(ry ) = x}
= A ( x ).
Thus, ( , )<r> B ( x) A ( x).Similarly, we can show that ( , )<r > B ( x) A ( x), x M .
Therefore, we have ( , )< r > B A.
Hence U{D : D IFI ( R) such that D B A} ( A : B)
Hence ( A : B) = U {D : D IFI ( R) such that D B A}.
( ii ) The proof is similar to ( i ) .
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Theorem (3.6)
For AIFM(M), BIFS(M) and CIFI(R). Then
(i) (A:B)IFI(R) and (ii) (A:C)IFM(M).
Proof. (i) Since 0A A, so 0 (A: B). Let r1 , r2 , r, s R be any elements. Then,

( A:B ) (r1 ) ( A:B ) (r2 )

( { }) ( {
= A1 (r1 ) : A1 IFI ( R), A1 A B A2 (r2 ) : A2 IFI ( R), A2 A B })
= A1 (r1 ) A2 (r2 ) : A1 , A2 IFI ( R), A1 A B, A2 A B }
{ }
( A1 + A2 ) (r1 ) ( A1 + A2 ) (r2 ) : A1 , A2 IFI ( R), A1 A B, A2 A B

{( A1 + A2 )
(r1 r2 ) : A1 + A2 IFI ( R), A1 A + A2 A ( A1 + A2 ) A B + B = B }
{ D (r1 r2 ) : D IFI ( R), DA B}
= ( A:B ) (r1 r2 ).
Thus, ( A:B ) (r1 r2 ) ( A:B ) (r1 ) ( A:B ) (r2 ).
Similarly, we can show that ( A:B ) (r1 r2 ) ( A:B ) (r1 ) ( A:B ) (r2 ).
Again, ( A:B) (sr) = {D (sr): D IFI (R), DA B} {D (r): D IFI (R), DA B} = ( A:B) (r).
Thus, ( A:B) (sr) ( A:B) (r). Similarly, we can show that ( A:B) (sr) ( A:B) (r), r, s R.
Hence ( A : B) IFI (R).
(ii) The proof is similar to (i).

Let A, BIFM(M) and CIFI(R). Then (A:C) is called the residual quotient
intuitionistic fuzzy submodule of A and C and (A:B) is called the residual quotient
intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of A and B respectively.
Theorem (3.7)
For A , Bi IFS(M) and CiIFS(R) for i J. Then we have

(i) A: U Bi = I ( A : Bi ) (ii) A: U Ci = I ( A : Ci )
iJ iJ iJ iJ
Proof .(i) By definition (3.1)

A : U Bi = U D : D IFS ( R ) such that D U Bi A
iJ iJ

= U D : D IFS ( R ) such that U ( D : Bi ) A
U {D : D IFS ( R ) such that ( D : Bi ) A} , i J
= ( A: Bi ), i J .

Therefore, A : U Bi I ( A: Bi ).
iJ iJ
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

By T heorem (3.3)

I ( A: B i ) U B i =
i J i J
U I ( A: B ) B
i j U ( ( A: B j )Bj ) U A = A.
j J i J j J j J

T hus I ( A: B )
i J
i A : U B i . Hence A : U B i =
i J i J
I ( A: B ).
i J

Lemma (3.8)
Let M be a R-module, then ( : ) = R .

Proof . Since ( : ) = U {D : D IFS ( R ) such that D } R .

We claim that R ( : ). For this, we first show that R = .
Now, R ( x) = { R (r ) (m) : r R, m M , rm = x} and
( x) = { R (r ) (m) : r R, m M , rm = x} .
Now, R ( x) = { R (r ) (m) : r R, m M , rm = x}
= { (m) : r R, m M , rm = x}
1 ; if x = [ Q if x = one m = ]
0 ; if x [ Q if x m ]
Also, R ( x) = { R (r ) (m) : r R, m M , rm = x}
= { (m) : r R, m M , rm = x}
0 ; if x =
= .
1 ; if x
Thus, R ( x) = ( x).
So, R U {D : D IFS ( R), D } = ( : ).
Hence ( : ) = R .

Lemma (3.9)
Let M be a R-module, then 0 ( : A), A IFS ( M ).
P ro of. W e sh ow that 0 A A IF S ( M ).
N ow , 0 A ( x ) = { 0 ( r ) A ( m ) : r R , m M , rm = x }
W hen x r 0 ; r R , such that rm = x
0 ( r ) = 0 r R , such that rm = x . S o, 0 A ( x ) = 0 = ( x ).
W hen x = 0 A ( ) 1 = ( ). T hu s, 0 A ( x ) ( x ).
S im ilarly, w e can sho w th at 0 A ( x ) ( x ). T herefore, 0 A .
H en ce 0 U {D : D IF S ( R ) such th at D .A } = ( : A ).

International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

Lemma (3.10)
Let M be a R-module and A, BIFS(M). If A B, then ( : B ) ( : A).
Proof. Let A, B IFS (M), D IFS (R). Then DA( x ) = ( DA ( x ), DA ( x ) ) , where
DA ( x ) = { D ( r ) A ( m ) : r R , m M , rm = x} and
DA ( x ) = { D ( r ) A ( m ) : r R , m M , rm = x} .
Now, D ( r ) A ( m ) D ( r ) B ( m ).
Therefore, DA ( x ) = { D ( r ) A ( m ) : r R , m M , rm = x}
{ D ( r ) B ( m ) : r R , m M , rm = x}
= DB ( x ).
Similarly, we can show that DA ( x) DB ( x). Thus DA DB.
So, DB DA .
U{D : D IFS ( R) such that DB } U{D : D IFS ( R) such that DA }
( : B ) ( : A).

Theorem (3.11)
( : A + B) = ( : A) ( : B).
Let M is a R-module and A, B IFM(M), then

Proof. Since A, B IFM(M) A + B IFM(M), we have

A+ B ( x) = { A ( y) B ( z )} A ( x) B ( ) = A ( x) and
x= y+ z

A+ B ( x) = { A ( y ) B ( z )} A ( x) B ( ) = A ( x), x M .
x= y+ z

This implies that A A + B and B A + B.

So, ( : A + B) ( : A) and ( : A + B) ( : B)
( : A + B) ( : A) ( : B).
Now, ( : A) ( : B)
= ( { A1 | A1 IFI ( R), A1 A } ) ( { B1 | B1 IFI ( R), B1 B } )
= { A1 B1 | A1 , B1 IFI ( R), A1 A , B1 B }
{C | C = A1 B1 IFI ( R ), CA , C B }
{C | C = A1 B1 IFI ( R ), C ( A + B) CA + CB }
= {C | C IFI ( R ), C ( A + B) }
= ( : A + B).
Therefore, ( : A) ( : B) ( : A + B ).
Hence ( : A + B) = ( : A) ( : B).

International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

Theorem (3.12)

Let M is a R-module and Ai IFM(M), i J. Then : Ai = I ( : Ai ).
iJ iJ
Proof. The proof is similar to above theorem (3.11).

4. Annihilator of intuitionistic fuzzy subset of a ring and module

In this section we study annihilator of intuitionistic fuzzy subset of rings and modules in
term of residual quotient and investigate various characteristic of it.

Definition (4.1) Let M be a R-module and AIFS(M), then the annihilator of A is denoted by
ann(A) and is defined as: a n n ( A ) = U {B : B IF S ( R ) su ch th at B A }.

Note that ( : A) = ann(A).

Lemma (4.2) Let M be a R-module, then ann( ) = R .

Proof. The result follows from lemma (3.8) as ann( ) = ( : ) = R .

Lemma (4.3) Let M be a R-module and AIFS(M), then 0 ann( A).

Proof. The result follows from lemma (3.9) as 0 ( : A) = ann(A).

Lemma (4.4) Let M be a R-module and A, BIFS(M). If A B, then ann ( B ) ann ( A).
Proof. The result follows from lemma (3.10). If A B then

ann(B) = ( : B ) ( : A) = ann(A).

Theorem (4.5) Let M be a R-module and AIFS(M). Then

ann ( A) = U {r( , ) : r R, , [0,1] with + 1 such that r( , ) A }
Proof. The result follows from Theorem (3.2)

Theorem (4.6) Let M be a R-module and AIFS(M). Then ann(A) A .

Proof. Follows from Theorem (3.3) (i) by taking A = and B = A.

Corollary (4.7) If AIFS(M) be such that A() = 1 and A() = 0, then ann( A) A = .

Proof. By Lemma (4.3) we have 0 ann( A)

(0 ) a n n ( A ) (0 ) a n d
(0 ) a n n ( A ) (0 )

i.e ., 1 a n n ( A ) (0 ) a n d 0 ann ( A ) (0 )
a n n ( A ) (0 ) = 1 a n d a n n ( A ) (0 ) = 0 .

International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

Now, ann (A) A ( ) = {ann (A) (r ) A (m) : r R, m M , rm = }

ann (A) (0) A ( )
= 1 1 =1
i.e., ann (A) A ( ) = 1. Similarly, we can show that ann (A) A ( ) = 0.
Therefore, ann( A) A. Hence by Theorem (4.6) we get
ann(A) A = .

Note (4.8) If AIFM(M), then ann(A)A = .

Theorem (4.9) Let M is a R-module and B IFS(R), A IFS(M) such that BA if and only
if B ann(A).

Proof. By definition of annihilator BA B ann(A).

Conversely, let B ann(A) BA ann(A)A .

Corollary (4.10) If in the above theorem (3.10) B(0) = 1, B(0) = 0 and A() = 1, A() = 0,
then BA = if and only if B ann(A).

Theorem (4.11) Let M is a R-module and A, BIFS(M). Then the following conditions are

(i) ann( B) = ann( A), for all B A, B .

(ii ) CB implies CA , for all B A, B , C IFS ( R).

Proof. For (i) (ii) Let CB . Then by theorem (3.11) we have

C ann(B) = ann(A) (by (i)). Again by the same theorem we have CA .
For (ii) (i) By theorem (4.6) we have ann(B)B .
So (ii) implies ann(B)A where B A, B .
By theorem (4.8) ann(B) ann(A).
Also, B A ann(A) ann(B). Thus ann(A) = ann(B).

Corollary (4.12) If in the above theorem A() = 1, A() = 0 and B() = 1, B() = 0. Then
the above theorem can be stated as: The following conditions are

(i) ann(B) = ann( A), for all B A, B .

(ii) CB = implies CA = , for all B A, B , C IFS (R) with C (0) =1, C (0) =0.

Theorem (4.13) Let M is a R-module and AIFS(M). Then

ann( A) = U{B: B IFI (R) such that BA }, where IFI(R) is the set of intuitionistic fuzzy ideals of R.

Proof. It follows from Theorem (3.5)(i)

Theorem (4.14) Let M is a R-module and AIFS(M). Then ann(A) IFI(R).

Proof. It follows from Theorem (3.6)

International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

Theorem (4.15) Let M is a R-module and AiIFS(M), i . Then

ann U Ai = I ann( Ai ).
i i
Proof. It follows from Theorem (3.7)(i)

Theorem (4.16) Let M is a R-module and Ai IFM(M) for i J , then

ann Ai = I ann( Ai ).
iJ iJ

Proof. It follows from Theorem (3.12)

Definition (4.17) Let M be R-module. Then A IFS(M) is said to be faithful if ann(A) = 0.

Lemma (4.18) Let A IFS(M) be faithful, where M is R-module. If R is non-zero then A


Proof. Since A is faithful ann(A) = 0.

If A = then ann(A) = ann() = R. Thus we have 0 = R R = {0}, a contradiction.

Therefore, A .

Theorem (4.19) Let A IFS(R) with A(0) = 1, A(0) = 0. Then A ann(ann(A)) and
ann (ann(ann(A))) = ann(A).

Proof. Let A be an intuitionistic fuzzy subset of R-module R. Then by corollary (4.7), we have
ann(A)A = 0.

By theorem (4.9), we have A ann(ann(A)) ...............(1)

ann(ann(ann(A))) ann(A) [ using lemma (4.4) ]
Again using (1) : ann(A) ann(ann(ann(A))).
So, ann (ann(ann(A))) = ann(A).

Theorem(3.20) Let A IFS(M). Then

C( , ) ( ann( A)) ann(C( , ) ( A)), , (0,1] with + 1.

Proof. Let x C( , ) (ann( A)). Then ann ( A) ( x) > 0 and ann ( A) ( x) < 1
{ B ( x) : B IFI ( R), BA } and { B ( x) : B IFI ( R), BA }
B ( x) and B ( x) for some B IFI ( R) with BA .
If x ann(C( , ) ( A)) then 's some y C( , ) ( A) such that xy .
Now, BA ( xy ) B ( x) A ( y ) > 0 and BA ( xy ) B ( x) A ( y ) < 1,
which is a contradiction. Hence C( , ) (ann( A)) ann(C( , ) ( A)).

Definition (4.21) AIFI(R) is said to be an intuitionistic fuzzy dense ideal if ann(A) = 0 .

Definition (4.22) AIFI(R) is called intuitionistic fuzzy semiprime ideal of R if for any IFI B
of R such that B2 A implies that B A.
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

Theorem (4.23) If A is an IFI of a semi prime ring R, then A ann(A) = 0 and A + ann(A) is
an intuitionistic fuzzy dense ideal of R.

Proof. Since A ann(A) A , A ann(A) ann(A) so (A ann(A))2 A ann(A) 0.

Now R is a semiprime ring and it implies that 0 is a semiprime ideal of R so 0 is an intuitionistic
fuzzy semi prime ideal of R.
Also, (A ann(A))2 0 A ann(A) 0 and hence A ann(A) = 0 .
Hence ann(A + ann(A)) = ann(A) ann(ann(A)) = 0 proving thereby A+ ann(A) is an
intuitionistic fuzzy dense ideal of R.

Theorem (4.24) Let A be a non-zero intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a prime ring R with A(0) = 1,
A(0) = 0. Then A is an intuitionistic fuzzy dense ideal of R.
Proof. Now, A ann(A) = 0 ann(A) = 0 or A = 0. But A 0 so ann(A) = 0.
Hence A is an intuitionistic fuzzy dense ideal of R.

Definition (4.25) If A IFS(R). Then the intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of the form ann(A) is called
an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal. Thus if A is an intuitionistic fuzzy annihilator ideal if and only if A
= ann(B) for some B IFS(R) with with B(0) = 1, B(0) = 0.
Remark (4.26) In view of theorem (4.19) it follows that A is an annihilator ideal of R implies
ann(ann(A)) = A.

Theorem (4.27) The annihilator ideals in a semiprime ring form a complete Boolean algebra
with intersection as infimum and ann as complementation.

Proof. Since I ann( A ) = ann A , so any intersection of annihilator ideals is an

intuitionistic fuzzy annihilator ideal. Hence these ideals form a complete semi-lattice with
intersection as infimum. To show that they form a Boolean algebra it remain to show that:
A ann(B) = 0 if and only if A B, for any annihilator ideals A and B.
If A B then A ann(B) B ann(B) = 0 .
Conversary, let A ann(B) = 0 .
Now, A ann(B) A ann(B) = 0 A ann( ann(B)) = B.

Theorem (4.28) Let M be a non-zero R-module. Suppose that there exist no ideal A maximal
among the annihilators of non-zero intuitionistic fuzzy submodules (IFSMs) of M. Then A is an
intuitionistic fuzzy prime ideal of R.
Proof. Since A is maximal among the annihilators of non-zero intuitionistic fuzzy submodules
(IFSMs) of M. Therefore there is an IFSM B ( 0) of M such that A = ann(B).

Suppose P, Q IFI(R) properly containing A ( i.e., A P and A Q ) such that PQ A.

If QB = 0 then Q ann(B) = A, which is a contradiction to our supposition so QB 0.
Now, PQ A P(QB) AB = ann(B)B = QB = 0 . So Q ann(QB).

Hence A ann(QB). This is a contradiction of the maximality of A. So A is an intuitionistic

fuzzy prime ideal of R.

Remark (4.29) If AIFM(M) , A satisfying one (hence both) the condition of Theorem
(4.11) then A is called an intuitionistic fuzzy prime submodule of M.

International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

Theorem (4.30) If A is an intuitionistic fuzzy prime submodule of M then ann(A) is an

intuitionistic fuzzy prime ideal of R.

Proof. Let A be an intuitionistic fuzzy prime submodule of M and PQ ann(A) , where Q is not
contained in ann(A). Then QA A. Now PQ ann(A) (PQ)A ann(A)A = .
So, P ann(QA) = ann(A), as A is prime. Hence ann(A) is prime ideal of R.

In this paper we have developed the concept of residual quotient of intuitionistic fuzzy subset of
rings and modules and then study some results on annihilator of an intuitionistic fuzzy subset of a
R-module. Using this notion, we investigate some important characterization of intuitionistic
fuzzy annihilator of subsets of modules. The annihilator of union (sum) of intuitionistic fuzzy
submodules are obtained. Annihilator of intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of prime ring, semi prime ring
are also obtained. Using the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy annihilators, intuitionistic fuzzy prime
submodules and intuitionistic fuzzy ideals are defined and various related properties are

The second author would like to thank IKG PT University, Jalandhar for providing the
opportunity to do research work.

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International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 4, August 2017

Dr. P.K. Sharma, Ph.D. is Associate Professor in Mathematics at D.A.V. College,
Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Having a teaching experience of 24 years. His area of
research include Fuzzy Algebra, Fuzzy Topology, Fuzzy Graph Theory, Intuitionistic
fuzzy mathematics. Till date he has published 100 research papers in reputed National
and International Journals. He has written four post-Graduate books on Algebra,
Topology, Real Analysis and Discrete Mathematics.

Ms. Gagandeep Kaur, presently p ursing Ph.D from IKGPTU, Jalandhar, Punjab,
India. She has a teaching experience of 4 years in CT group of Institutes, Shahpur,
Jalandhar as Assistant professor in Mathematics.


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